
Selection Mode Problem

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[ Azu-chan ]
Yea so, I tried to make my own skin, having fun editing. Then I decided to make my own Selection Mod
I spent some time making it, with a hecc ton of problems though LOL. Then I thought it was done and ready to put in the skin folder. So I put it in the skin folder, added the @2 thingy. And the problem said Hi.!NyJQ1SYB!BxNNbYdUU_o5ccyjoQTGri0HmIVhCZ0h-cA6e9uZvTA



(I didn't know how to put images here)
Magnus Cosmos
You should follow a skinning template (or use another skin as reference) for the correct sizes/positions, the game will not auto-adjust elements for you - for selection-mode alignment/size
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[ Azu-chan ]
Ooohh okie okie.
I also followed a certain template earlier!EvBEQYhB!nzqmLrrPm_wOJ7bPQWUXwVW4P2mXFAwBgr-ibAneHr4

Can you check if it's correct?
Magnus Cosmos
Your space/box for the profile is a bit too much to the right
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[ Azu-chan ]
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