
Music Visualizer powered by Osu?

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Hi everyone!

I've always done music visualization in After Effects but because its very slow to render I've wanted to code my own real-time music visualization program. My problem with that however was it is extremely complicated to get a decent beat detection result.

The best solution I've seen so far is discussed here:

But since I'm neither a coding god nor a mathematician, I've thought to myself: What if I could extract the data from osu! maps that have been created by real humans? That would result in a really natural way to visualize songs.

Osu itself displays the beats really good like on the sides in the main menu
or the logo bouncing animation.

So I have looked and searched in a random beatmap file but I don't get it which data is being used and how it's calculated. I think it could be either the [TimingPoints] section or the [HitObjects] section responsible for the side flashing and bouncing animation in osu.

Could someone help me please and explain how I could calculated at which timestamp in a song a beat should happen?
This is a better question to ask in the osu! dev discord server:
If you want to show realtime (audio) visualizer,please see here,
If you want to make a new realtime visualizer when osu! is playing . I think you could implement them with these step:

Osu! play event -> Get .osu file -> Parse timing/hitsound data -> Get audio data -> Convert to FFT by library (for example BASS_ChannelGetData()) -> (timing/hitobj + fft data) weighted calculation -> Render data what you like
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