Lower diff guidelines are normally used to help people learn how to map low diffs and should reflect how people actually talk about low diffs. These re-wordings aim to keep the original purposes intent with more focus on what would actually cause issues for players at this level.
should benormal diff rc wrote:
Avoid 1/2 hit objects after sliders which appear underneath the previous slider's path. Players at this level fully follow sliders’ paths, so placing a hit object directly after the slider is more intuitive. This also includes stacks underneath slider ends.
andproposed normal diff rc wrote:
Avoid 1/2 hit objects after sliders which appear completely hidden underneath the previous slider's path. Players at this level fully follow sliders’ paths, so placing a hit object directly after the slider is more intuitive. This also includes stacks underneath slider ends.
should behard diff rc wrote:
Avoid mixing 1/2 and 1/4 rhythms in the same stack. Different rhythms of this density without spacing indication can cause reading issues.
proposed hard diff rc wrote:
Avoid using the same spacing for 1/2 and 1/4 rhythms. Different rhythms of this density without spacing differentiation can cause reading issues.