
Take or leave the offer by the previous poster

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ERA Puzzle
Take it. Even if the headache sucks enough that I cant do much thata productive that's still five hours a day where I can get things done. Five extra hours! Every day. That's 1825 hours a year. Do you know how much I could do in 1825 hours?

The ability to hear much higher pitches than the average human can hear.
of course, for reasons previously listed for a similar offer. great for music production.

- - -

how about a huge load of music recommendations?

Achromalia wrote:

how about a huge load

OT: i like my music though. :pensive:

how about a free nitro boost?
hecj, that'd be nice. makes for hilarious conversations with freedom of emotes, as well as the ability to easily upload my damn music files to friends, as they can get rather large. somewhat frustrating.

i would like that.

a huge load.
- - -

back-to-back conversations that don't necessarily go anywhere but are interesting nonetheless! >:O
ERA Puzzle

A pleasant looking purple rock.
nah, I am not a collector so it would just take up some space for nothing.

A cloning machine.
Tad Fibonacci
Considering those costs a fortune, I'll take it. And then maybe sell it back.


The power to take photographs with your eyes and store them into your brain indefinitely.
Take it: exam prep be like...
A raw potato
Potato is one of the food that I eat the most so why not.

A tree seedling.
ERA Puzzle
Unfortunately theres not really a good place to plant it near where I live so I'll have to leave it.

A hedgehog
My mother had a dog before I was born, and she had a hard time. I don't think she would like me to keep a pet.

Ethanoic acid
I don't know what that is sadly

A wish for anything you want in the world, but at the cost of never wearing underwear again
Based on what I've learnt about less developed countries, health is a major public concern in most of them. I don't think it would be wise to give up wearing underwear as a result.

Ethanoic acid, by the way, is a mild acid with the formula CH3COOH which is found in vinegar.

Potassium manganate (VII), which has the formula KMnO4
I'm smooth

Sand paper for butts
I feel like that will give me rashes before removing a lipoma that I might have. (I don't actually, but I have one on my left arm I won't remove for now since it isn't doing any harm)

Potassium dichromate(VI), which has the chemical formula K2Cr2O7
I traded chemestry for programming so no thanks.

A non-lewd body pillow of your waifu.
It turns out I already have one (of Kotori, obviously). I wouldn't mind getting one more, I'll do Tohka.

A pill that makes you 6 feet tall, or 7 feet tall if you're taller than that
ERA Puzzle
I'm happy with my height. I don't really care to take it. I'd rather keep myself, myself.

A set of weights to exercise with.

world's tastiest butter but the unhealthiest one
ERA Puzzle
I'll take it. Normally I'm pretty concerned with my health but I stay healthy enough that just trying a bit of the *tastiest* butter in the world would definitely be fine. And I'm curious how it would taste.

Same question
I don't know why but I absolutely hate butter even if I don't really do anything to improve my health so I am gonna leave it.

An empty land in the middle of nowhere.
ERA Puzzle

samX500 wrote:

I don't know why but I absolutely hate butter even if I don't really do anything to improve my health so I am gonna leave it.

An empty land in the middle of nowhere.

Oh gosh. This is a tough one.

Well, I'll probably take it as an investment. At the very least I can sell off the land later.

A pair of glasses that make you look very silly (we're talking the sillest, most ridiculous look you can possibly imagine) but when you wear them they will prevent you from contracting any disease, any sickness, or anything like a sunburn. Putting the glasses on will not cure any sickness or disease. The glasses will only prevent you from getting them if worn. If you contract something with the glasses off, you can only use normal methods to deal with it. In other words, you have to be constantly wearing the glasses to make them effective.
I'd like to ask if, wearing those over the forehead and like a pendant (given that I have something to wear them like it) count in the "can be protected" section.
But either way, I think I'll take them.

Kiwi jam.
I'm fine with the kiwi fruit itself, so turning it into a paste I could spread over a loaf of bread would be interesting.

The ability to singletap 300+ BPM. I've said this before but I'm too lazy to find that post and quote myself lol.
I guess I would take it if there is no drawback.

The ability to teleport but using it take twice as much energy as running to your destination.
ERA Puzzle
That sounds like it could be very useful. And dangerous. But useful.

I'll freakin' take it.

A slinky.

double-edged sword

Sorry, I don't speak Korean or Spanish.
So no.

A reminder to check out the Warframe TennoCon stream for a free Nekros Prime.
You can't refuse it now.
I don't know what you are refering to so it's not really a reminder, I guess I can leave it.

A cure for every types of cancer that was found by conducting inhumane experiment on insanely poor people in remote countries.
Tad Fibonacci
I'll take it.
I can save a lot of people with it.
It is a bad thing that it was developed by inhumane methods but what's done is done and with their research, we can save many others.
Of course, those who did and/or approved the inhumane methods will still have to face consequences for their actions.


Aurora borealis
Got ninja'ed, but you didn't ask any question, so I'm also answering samX500's question.

No, it won't make any difference for the general population. If it would better the world, then I'd maybe say yes, but at this rate, I don't think it would, not with how the world is atm. There are way too many problems that need to be solved first.

Achieving permanent world peace, humans being united as a race and stopping all infighting for good, now fully cooperating and working together, at the cost of killing off 9/10 of the current world population.
ERA Puzzle
I'll take it.

I'm the kind of person who thinks things for the greater good are most important.

We're headed down a path that I personally see as disastrous. I've believed for a few years now that we're going to more or less kill ourselves off here in the next 60-70 years. Not completely, we won't go extinct, but we will cause so much damage and harm to the enviornment that I think we will either lock ourselves on Earth with no way of fixing the damage done while being stuck to a maximum population limit due to the nature of the Earth's enviornment - the resources to grow past a population of say a few million people will no longer exist - or a less permanent but still very lengthy situation where we are stuck in that same predicament for thousands and thousands of years.

Permanent world peace and cooperation is the most important thing that we need. I think humans are capable of solving all of the problems facing us in the modern era. We don't, because we don't really see the bigger pictuere and it's unrealistic to expect us to work together. We don't understand that we're in that position and the people in power tend to not even care. I think this is a natural thing, but unfortunately, it's leading us down this very, very dangerous path. The question to me is will we manage to pull things together before we've caused more destructive harm than we already have? And the answer is not looking like a yes.

We really need to get our shit together. Your trade off, to me, is near total extinction with irreperable harm to the planet with the best-case scenario being a very bleak future for literally thousands of years, locking us into a reality where we can no longer grow beyond our borders, and not just for humanity but for nearly all life on the planet - or a potentially very bright future at the cost of immediate life. In the long term, I think it's the right choice.

Tad Fibonacci
I've already answered so I'll give some more of my opinion.

In my opinion, permanent world peace and cooperation is unrealistic since conflict is one of the trait of being human.
Of course, no one actually wants a war to happen and no one wants to die in a war. We've learned from history that war is horrible. It kills off human resources, destroys infrastructure and directly threatens the existence of a country, or even civilization itself.
And so, everyone would agree that war is horrible, but no one knows that if it's going to happen or not.

Nobody wants a war. That is why countries manufacture weapons, spend money on their military and train soldiers in case a war does happens.
But not every country is equal in their military capabilities. Some countries, that are regarded as global superpowers often has incredible military prowess.
They're sharpening their blades in case they'll have to use them to defend themselves. But ironically, they did not see how frighteningly sharp their blades have become in the eyes of others.
It's rather ironic. Because of their desire for peace, humans are willing to throw themselves into deadly battles. And this contradicting cycle will keep repeating for as long as humanity exist.
Bequeath onto the shoals of the Great Barrier Reef and experience the beauty of the corals
Yes but pls no jelly fish
no thanks, I ain't the greatest fan of kPop. It's not bad, it's just that there are a many much better song out there.

A slave clone.

a random 900m*900m orange thing that appears 900m from where you are

A quiet evening, followed by the most refreshing sleep of your entire life, at the cost of requiring 30 minutes to fall asleep, during which your mind keeps remembering and thinking about unpleasant memories, worries and regrets.
Of course. We shouldn't ever try to forget bad memories,worries and regret because those are what makes us evolve, far more than any good memories or success we might get.

That's pretty much my life right now.

i wouldn't give a shit. if i'm falling alseep and actually feeling fucking decent for once in my life then fine.

i think about my miserable existence all day anyways.

Nope. I already take an hour to sleep but I don't want to look back at my past.

A pencil
Tad Fibonacci
That's nostalgic. I haven't held a pencil in a very long time.
Guess I'll take it.


A nice bowl of Pho
I am not too sure what pho is, I googled it and it looks like some kind of ramen. I'll take it, experimenting with new food is never a bad thing.

Euphonium lesson.
That’s the manliest instrument I have ever seen. Take

A clone of yourself
Finally someone to talk about music with! :)

Screw it I'll offer the same.
A clone of yourself
Yes please

This is pretty hard to answer since we lack a lot of information on how the clone will behave. Let's think of many way this clone might behave and give answer depending on this behaviour.

1: The clone do not have the ability to think and just does anything it's told to literally without thinking about it.
In this case I would take it, it could just become some free labor and I wouldn't have moral issue about making it my slave since it doesn't have feelings.

2: The clone can think by itself and the only similarities it has with me is the apearence.
In this case I would probably leave it, this clone would just be some other stranger to me so I don't care about it.

3: The clone can think by itself and it has similar taste and values as me.
In this case I would take it. Since it would be similar to me, it would make a great person to talk with and I feel as though I'd have a much easier time sharing myself with him since we are both so similar. I would leave him free choice over his own life however byt our similaries are sure to bring us together.

4: The clone is literally just me.
In this case I wouldn't take it. If it is exactly the same person as me any discussion with him would be impossible and I would have no use for him.

I think this covers most of the behavior the clone of me might have.

Absolute knowledge of everything in the universe, meaning you won't be able to grow anymore.

A penny every time you took a piss
Is the hassle worth the time? Nooooo.....

A one-way trip to a typical magic and sword isekai world with you being a typical isekai protagonist
I am the strongest and gets all girls in it right? Then yes

Choo choo train
Tad Fibonacci
Yes please.
And then I'll conquer India and maybe put some trains there too.


A nuclear vault.
I am not too concerned about nuclear warfare but I'll take it and just use it as an extension to my home.

Hell no.

I'll offer the same
Hell yes


Ability to see the future, thus knowing everything that will happen to you in your life.
To me, the ability to see the future would be that when I want to make a decision, I can simulate the outcome of this decision in my head and then decide if I actually do take the decision. Based on that I'd say absolutely yes, it would assure me to always take good decision and relieve me of my gigantic anxiety concerning my future.

SQ since there are many way to interpret what "seing the future" means.
sure, i suppose, as far as foreseeing various possibilities at will.

tons of damaged but functional headphones.
Tad Fibonacci
I have like 3 that are like that so I'll have to refuse.

A cat.
I'm kind of afraid of animals, but ok

Yes plz

A keyboard with one letter key not functioning
No, it would be extremely anoying and keyboard can be found quite cheap anyway.

A company on the decline
no, managing it would be hard

a ball of nothing

a clone of yourself but in opposite gender

Who? No.

Be friends with the 2016 version of Meah.
Liquefied diamond?
Is that even a thing? Sure I guess...

A harem
Give me all of them cute anime girls

A cockroach harem
Ok then, satan

A harem, but all the members are the same sex as you
That's just a "sausage fest".

Just Monika, because I don' give a cent about her.
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̪̜͉ͬͭ̂͋́͟͞M̡̢͚̱͎̜͖̊̾͆͆O̯͚͎̯̾͐ͬ̉̈́ͪ̔ͤ͢N̷̙͔̺̫̜̯͎͙ͣ͑͑̀̈́̈̓̅̾I͕̙̲̳͔̹̼͊ͬ̇̃̎ͧ̈̏̌ͅK͕͇̘͕͊ͩ̅͛ͣ̒͟͟ͅḀ̝̞͚̥̾̐̽̐ͫ̅́́ ̨͎͍͓̖̑̐̂͑ͭ͛ͪ͡J̛ͬ̈́ͮ̓ͮ̚͏͈͕͙͈Ȕ̵̧̧̫̗͍͔̳͚͇̻̌̄S̴͔̣͙͉͆̏͌͋ͤ̃͡T͈̞́̎̉́ͬͩͭ͢͡ ̟ͯͬͤ̕M͊̌ͤ͏͎̜̻̙͙̻̙̕ͅOͨͬ̽͏̫̱͙̰̠̭N̥̦͚̻̜͚̘̰͌I̶͇̖͖ͤ̍̆̓ͅK̶̷̲̮͔̬͉͒͌̾̽̓̐ͩ̍̆A̅ͫ҉̹̻̭̲͓̣ͅ ̷̡̩̥͎̹͙͈̞ͮͮ̓̄͜J̣̳͔͖͗Ų̶̭̬̻̓̊ͬ̑̐ͣS̯̱͕̝̙͍̬͍̆̆T̫̗̭̣̥̳͇̺̟̿̐͂̆͡ ̵͈͖̜̪͖̜ͮ͒͑̓̉̍̐M̨̟͚̗̺̺ͨ̌ͩ̐̑O̝͚̟̜ͨ̓̊ͯͧ̏̀́͟N͓ͨ̌ͤ͛̈̿͝Ì̈̑̃ͥͮ̄͏͎̬̗̩̰͍͔̫͡ͅK̴̷̻̤͔̣͔̖̹ͥͮ̌ͩ͗̾A̵̙̺̲͚̜̘̺͙ͨ͊͛̿ͧ̀ ̬̙̯̻̲ͭ̑̅ͪ̍ͯ̽͜J̗͍̍͊̓ͭͪ̓̎ͨ̕͡Ǔ̠̦͔̤̖͘͟S͇̘̻͛̄̆͗̑T̗̭͇̹͇͚ͬ́͊͆ͅͅͅ ̬͈̝̙̻̺͉̿͒̀̚M̞̼̪̗͚͚̎͛̃̏̂̇̀͜O̠̙̠̙̗ͭ̋ͭͫͭ̽̚͢͡͞N̷̖̯̮̜̥̣̈͊̀̃̕Î̵̬̦͕̼͗̊̾̌̆K̿ͯͨ̍ͨͯ̾ͤ҉̲̟͙ͅĄ̯̙ͤ̂ͩ̄̏̍ͥ̓́ ̴͖͇ͦ̾ͪ́͘J̯̤̹̱ͫ̂̃͐̉̊́̂͊́̕Ȗ̬͉̾̑͂ͥ̔͗̂͠S̵̘ͤ̊̋̀T̔̓ͨ̑̈́͂́ͭͫ҉͍̣̣̯͚̮ ̮̻̺͍̤̐ͫ̿̀M̷͙͉̫̗̩̌ͦ͆̏ͦ͜O̬̘̭ͬ̔̽̅̌N̙͙̺̖͈̘ͤ̅ͮͧ̏̈́ͨ̅̃̕͡I̴̶̩̹̥ͥͭͥ̿̾̓͗K̸͓̭̲̓̅̄͜A̵̬͖ͥ̃̓ ͔͕̼̫̳̲̯̗̅̒̿ͮ̋̂J̧̣ͨͧ̏ͬ͑̚͝U̯̺͑͛̕͞S̶̝̩̦̻̟̜̼̎͠ͅT̶ͮ͆̊̎̑ͭ͑҉̬̱͉̦ ̶̧͓͈̥͍͙͕͍̳̈̑̉ͣ͘M̜͚̦̊͛͌ͭ͠ͅŌ̦̩̮̺̖̜͇̭̮̾ͦ̒͛N̛͓̗̤̩̘̣͉̥̄͋̿̚I̪̝̤̝̘̮̒̒ͦ̍͐̎̆ͪ͢K̗͓̯͊͒͌̂Ą̱̗̟̈́ͬͤ̃ ̧̽̒̓̂̇́͏̸̘̘͙J̛̟̲̩̬̱̱̠̇͢͞U̴̱̣͈̞ͧ̋́͠Ş̷̮̳͔̫̰͎ͫͣ̌͋͐͋ͤ̒͘T̷̪͉̥͍̠̺̪̜ͦ̾͒̄͒ͣ͒̃̚ ̶͕̇͝͠M̌͛̓̓̉̓͏͏͉̘͎̣̪͓̫̯Õ̤̥̤̰͙̱̩̏ͮ́͒̀̀͠N̛̹̙̪̪̙̠ͯ̓ͧ̀ͪ̍I̔̔͊ͦͬͮ̕҉̮͙̗̯̬K͕͓͙͔̻͍̗̖ͫͧ̃̏̚͟͜ͅÀ͍̮͓̙͉̉ ͔̼̮̳̘͍̂̽̈ͪ̄J̸̜̟͇̠͙͚̤͊̋͆́̕U̓͑̑͌͏̧̜̙̖̯̲̼͚̙̟Š̷̢͇̻̣̜̠̠̲ͤ̃̈́ͦͅT̴ͭ́́̃͢҉̮ ̴̵̠͍̪͙̉ͬ͗̈́ͬM͉̬͈͈͍̖̜̬̔ͦO͙̫̤̔͑͋͋͟ͅN̦̻͓̍͋͟I̗̤̊ͬ̌ͣ͒ͧͯ͢ͅK̯͈͍̠͙͉ͩͤ̾̿͐̃̌͜A̺̹͖͉̗̳͕͂̃ͫ͞ ̷̵̼̱͍̰̾̾̃͐ͅJ͉̪̳̰̘͕̜͊͗̚Ụ͔̠̙̄͗̀̉̅̒̂͗͘͝S̤̤͇͍̈̄ͭ͐̐͒͛͠Ṯ̐̓͗̄̿ͤͬ͘͢ ̴͚̳̪̀̂̏̅͜͝M̶͍̳͚̜̠̟̿ͮ̃͊̈̀̚͡ͅO̺̺̙̦͖̘͂̕N̻͈̬̣̹͈͇͈̎͝Ȉ̝̲̱̘͕̱͔̣̈́̾͂̔ͬ̓K̵̡̰̠̙̻̙͍ͪͤͯ̐̈ͪ̆A̺͉̞ͦ̚͜ ̴̙͕̻̙̣̮͎̐ͦ̒̀ͥ̇̓͐J̴͖̫ͩ̑͒͑ͬͧ̀͠Ṷ̬̼̪ͧͤͩͣ̔ͭ̎ͥ́S̢͙̮̺̎̅͗̉ͦͥ̒T̪̲̖̯͙͛̔̚ ̴̵̘̼͙̜̯̍̉ͣͧͥͦM̛̠͔̗ͧ̋̾̈́̇̍͢Ȏ̘͔̱̯̘͓͙ͪ̑ͫ͘͡ͅN̸̏͞͏̖̜͕̙I̵̪̣͍͙̜͈̲͔̋̆͌ͧK̵̨̛̬̲̟͙͉̆ͭ̓͑͌͗A̡̛͚̗̻̻͍͔̳̐̿̋ͤͬ̅ͅ ̰̟̺̩͖̗̙̼͂̇̍J̷̼̰͕̫̥̳͍͔ͦ͋̀͟U̵͔̣̫̮̪͔͊͐ͫ̐͝S̝̲̞̃́͢T̽͝͏̗͍̭͇̣̭͔͟ ͉͓̼̊ͪṂ̴̭̽͐O͈͔͉̮̫̦̝͋̔ͣ̿͋͘ͅN̢͍̣̜͚̮͕̂ͧ̒̃̈͊̀͜Ĭ̵̖̙̘̙ͧͯ͌̉͒͡ͅK̖̜͒͒ͮ͐̚Ą̸̛͓̝̻̙̣̜̤̥̲ͫ͗̄̏ͬ̔̆̋ ̣̼̎̓̑̆ͭ̈͡


Natsuki best girl figth me.

The whole steam library but you can't play any other game ever again.
I wouldn't have any use for Steam games. I need my Osu!, Tetris and cards.

A puppy
I would love a puppy. It is nice, fun to play with, delicious, and help me cope with my depression

A cat

Eternal happiness but you can't feel anything else.
I'd prefer to keep to my wide variety of feelings.


I like cheese

Cheese is good

I'd like to try

A Nightwish CD
i dont know wth that is but the name sounds cool so yea
a discord server named "discord"
I don't really want to own and administrate a discord server, I only use discord with 2 other friend of mine to be honest.

You can eat for free in every fast food chain but can't eat anything else for the rest of your life.
Yes, food problem solved

taking this offer would be kind of bothersome. i'm not that fond of fast food as it can get boring quick if it's all i eat. not necessarily the healthiest of things either. even if the food is free, we're still spending money getting there, and if i were to walk, it'd be a pretty inconveniently lengthy journey.

no thanks.

- - -

Ensign (my skeleton character) becomes real, and appears next to you.
I'd have a bloody heart attack before I could start chatting.

Is he hostile? If yes then no thx but if not, sure. Would be cool to have a friendly skeleton to talk with
Nothing to offer, nothing to take

My leftover pizza
a tesla car
Ehh sure why not

A set of keyboard but every key is from another keyboard and no 2 keys are from the same keyboard
idk wth that is but having extras are not bad so,yes
an apple
(the fruit idiot)
Apples are good so why not.

A super computer with the all of the best part of 2019 but it can't run game.
Tad Fibonacci
Sure, I'll just salvage it's parts and then build it into a new PC that can run games.
Ez money.


I’m in for anything raw

Same offer
teenage mutant ninja turtle ooze
ERA Puzzle
What the fuck is TMNT ooze?

Ew. No, I'm okay.


A half empty bottle of Kilman soy sauce.
Why not, soy sauce can be used in a lot of recipe, I might need some one day if I decide to properly cook recipe.

You can watch any channel on tv for free but you can't watch shows anywhere on the internet.
I don't even watch TV anymore. Pass

You will never need to take a shower/bath anymore with a price of never be able to take them again
I'd take it. More time to do other stuff, and there's other ways to relax.


Of course, onions are the best.

A farm.
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