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ERA Puzzle
I've learned about a billion things. The two things that really stand out to me are what I've learned about hard work and the fact that I've finally grown independent and gotten over my fear of moving into the 'real' world. I kind of coasted on the help of others for a long time, sans a short 6 month stint where I lived in California when I was 20. Now I've got my own job, my own apartment. I make a good living and work hard everyday on the things I want to accomplish. I'm less of my own person than I used to be, however, and that's a discouraging regression that I'm busy trying to fix.

What things are you focusing on improving and how do you plan on moving forward as a person for the next 5 years?
Some work related things, I still need a lot of things to learn to be promoted and get paid higher

Problems you're facing right now
the lack of a bank account (inability to receive money from commissions or donations, as well as inability to support the artists/producers that need it).

potentially failing school, maintaining grades.

dad's issues with money not being received for child support, among a multitude of other compounding financial issues.

flat car tire on the driver's side. gotta buy two more, one to replace, and one as a spare. not helpful for financial issues.

creative atrophy & creative blocks, my productivity is absolute dogshit, the best example being the damn speech that i've failed to make progress with.

fatigue. my quality of sleep is shitty and i can't seem to stay up as long as i used to. i pass out at midnight or earlier, then sometimes wake up in the middle of the night, only to fall asleep and wake up a few hours later. it's been affecting my ability to really do anything.

still have to go to court so that we can get shit fixed.

among a plethora of other shit, but this is what immediately comes to mind.

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your dream career?
honestly, im not exactly sure.

here’s what i know: i want to create. i want to make something, and give it to others in hope that others will appreciate it the same way i do. whether it be thru music, filmmaking, art, writing, etc.

i would have to explore each medium a little more to be able to really decide, but the happiest i could be would be living to create.


same question
heh, pretty much the same here, though i'm a bit more certain of what i'm looking to do.

i already have decent skills at things related to music and art. a pianist, traditional artist, digital artist (and wannabe animator), poet, producer, and writer, are the main things i do in relation to creative occupations.

i really want to create, and share my thoughts and experiences with others through my work. that's partially why i include poems in my song descriptions and write poetry in general.

i hope to create something enjoyable that others can immerse themselves in to escape from the tough shit they put up with in life. that's why i plan to make an animation series someday.

in terms of a career, i know i'll be producing music and art, but as a job, i might try and become an indie game composer, or possibly even a film composer. alternatively, i could be an artist for an indie game.

there's a lot more to it all, but that's the general overview of what i've got in mind.

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I’d prefer a mix of careers to keep me constantly moving, but investigative journalist is the first choice
What are some misconceptions people have about you?
ERA Puzzle
Nearly the same answer. I want to create things. I want to bring meaning and expression into the world. I also want to be good at things. I dont know why, I just always have. I suppose it leads to an interesting way of life if nothing else. So, combining those two, art is the obvious answer. It's something I enjoy doing, not just the results of it. It has an unimaginably vast depth of skill expression. And I can create things that are meaningful. It really ticks all the boxes for me. Everything else short of maybe being a singer is just lackluster. Doesnt tick all the boxes that I need to feel happy with what I'm doing.

Specifically responding to Chara; I think you should get some practice with something. It seems like you havent made a choice yet. That's fine, but I'll suggest experimenting with different stuff (when you can) because I think theres a lot of things that you could enjoy. You're missing out if you're not enjoying stuff.

Q: You can go back in time to one point in your life and change a decision that you made. Which decision do you change and what do you do differently?

Edit: Well, I got ninja'd.

Ah, I don't really know. I don't know if people even have misconceptions of me. Maybe my outward appearance versus my inner feelings. They don't match up very well in an odd way. I'm trying to fix that but it's kind of hard.

Q: You can go back in time to one point in your life and change a decision that you made. Which decision do you change and what do you do differently?
I'd go back 8 years and choose to not reveal too much of myself to certain people

Journal wrote:

What are some misconceptions people have about you?
Usually that I'm gay or way more extroverted than I actually am.

I suppose I am pretty happy-go-lucky and act like myself, and I'm not too hung up on acting masculine, so in a sense, I get it? My conference persona is also pretty excitable and interested in people and their opinions. But when I'm done, I usually retreat into a hoodie and chill alone for a while.

What's your best advice?
Turn to your seniors for advice (basically asking for help when you need it). It's really common advice, but I've heard of a lot of people having problems in school which could all be solved by going to the teachers, their parents, the counselor etc. So for me at least, this is something that's so simple that people don't really consider it.

What was the most painfully boring time you had to sit through, and was it worth the wait?

I'm not sure.

I think I might be able to refer to my state of inertia a couple years ago, the repetitive cyclical nature of how i lived during the summer, wasting my life away as i listened to music and consumed Youtube and osu! all day. Luckily for me, I had the instant gratification of having found so much new music that I now cherish, but overall, the whole cycle in itself was tiresome and painful to have to acknowledge. it was real boredom in my eyes. it felt like i had been doing nothing with my life.

but it doesn't really fit in this context.

so egh.

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Have you at some point found yourself in a loop of something that only ruins your life? What happened?
a good chunk of my life, honestly.

since i got into middle school, and all the way up to even now, ive just kinda isolated myself in my room and haven’t done too much in the way of productivity.

i’ve been getting better about fixing my isolation, but not much about being a person.

ERA Puzzle
A few times. I'm not sure which ones to mention in specifics so I'll just talk generalities.

It's always been a mentality thing. I find those loops to be something cyclical which feeds off itself. Because of that, taking the first step is always the hardest and it's also always terrifying in some way. It often involves breaking some kind of preconceptions. Preconceptions are realities, so you have to destroy the things that you know. Because of it, breaking those loops is often something I can never rationalize as being complex. It's always a very simple action. But conversely, always very painful. It's never easy, but it must be done, so I try to just do it and not think about it. The more I think about it the more inertia I build and the more terrifying the thought of the action becomes.

What's your peaceful place? As in the thing, or place, or person that brings you inner balance.
Tad Fibonacci
My house whenever I was home alone.

Same question.
Same but alone or not

I feel at rest when I go to this one old abandoned marble quarry. It's like entering another world. There, I can listen to music and gather my thoughts

My bedroom

Introvert or extravert?
Tad Fibonacci
I'm introverted.


What was the best cup of coffe/tea you've ever had.
Every cup was the best cause I said, "Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone I'll be waiting, all that's left to do is run. You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess. It's a love story, baby just say yes

How to reject someone without hurting them?
ERA Puzzle
You kind of can't. You can be gentle about it, and you can make it not hurt as much, but the more someone cares, the more it's gonna hurt. There's not too much you can do.

Pick one thing you're passionate about. When did you first discover that passion? What's the story behind it?
I am passionate about science, specifically biology and psychology (for mental illness). I've discovered the passion for biology when I was very young, and psychology a few months ago. While I don't remember about biology, I remember that I've had a video about a mental illness recommended to me, and I was very interested, and decided to do more research.

Same question.
Anime, I mean it's pretty obvious for the most part based on how I always talk around here LOL

well uhh

I'm especially attached to Date A Live as it was one of my first anime (unless you count stuff like Pokémon as anime), and it got me to delve further into the harem genre. Then I expanded outwards to other genres, and I guess I'm a huge fucking weeb now. It wouldn't be such a huge issue if I wasn't overly intelligent, but now I have to balance between anime and studies.

If you could go back to any point in your past, where would you go and what would you do differently?
was already done just recently, but i'll say just about the same thing.

i'd like to return to the moment everything started falling apart, beginning with my parents' relationship with each other. i think there's a fair chance to have prevented all this if i had said something and helped each of them through it. i have a few obstacles, but i think i know what to do if i could.

and i likely wont be able to meet you guys very easily. its all a matter of probability and timing.

what do you imagine life would be like for you this year if you suddenly reverted 5 years with your current knowledge and memories intact?

I'd get kicked from BNG lmao

How do you know osu?

Tyistiana wrote:

I'd get kicked from BNG lmao

How do you know osu?

I was in geometry dash community and some good players also played osu so I decided to check it out, started playing actively a year later

What's your favorite mod and why?
ERA Puzzle
HDHR. HR, technically, if I have to choose one, but I was an HDHR player. It's a really unique playstyle that suited me. I used to have impeccable timing and good stamina, I was also very good at streams. Had a lot of plays under 70UR. It just suited me well.

Dream vacation spot.

to be frank, i dont have any places in mind that i actually would put in the effort or even care to go to, even if provided the means.

i really only want to be somewhere where i can be comfortable and feel at home, and be at my best.

anything you know of that you normally wouldn't do that you can imagine doing in the future?
Tons of things. Socialising more in real life, getting more into playing instruments (don't currently have the time), being decent at art..
quite possibly being more interactive, becoming a multi talented musician,Maybe grasping a better concept in graphic designing and developing closer relationship with close friends possibly my closest one that we consider ourselves as brother and sister
i'll answer my own question then.


well, put basically, i'd be able to do things for myself. taking care of the house and whatnot out of necessity. getting to choose which groceries to buy for what meals at what time. i can most effectively plan and budget given the independence to decide what to do for myself provided the resources and the knowledge.

as far as things are now, i merely put up with school and work through the rest of the day with whatever the hell my creative reserves allow.

things suck, but i only imagine it getting worse in coming years. i should be able to bounce back if things don't go too badly, though.

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what thoughts do you have on OT and how things are over there?
ERA Puzzle
I dunno. I've never really been a huge fan of OT. Seems like a lot of shitposting (which to be fair so is this) but I find FG's shitposting to be a lot more entertaining so I don't ever really visit OT anymore. I was lurking there when I first came back to FG but now, nah.

I just come here when I'm bored and nothing's going on in the Discord servers I'm in. I mostly spend my time shitposting in those places as well so it's about the same feeling. For OT, it's not going anywhere, mostly because it's OT and nothing makes any sense or has any relevance. I don't go around either of these as often though nowadays due to studies, but I'll have a month without school in June so I could come back to these places.

What people/places/things/etc remind you of your bad experiences?

Puzzle wrote:

Had a lot of plays under 70UR.

ERA Puzzle

KotoriIsMyWaifu wrote:

I just come here when I'm bored and nothing's going on in the Discord servers I'm in. I mostly spend my time shitposting in those places as well so it's about the same feeling. For OT, it's not going anywhere, mostly because it's OT and nothing makes any sense or has any relevance. I don't go around either of these as often though nowadays due to studies, but I'll have a month without school in June so I could come back to these places.

What people/places/things/etc remind you of your bad experiences?

Puzzle wrote:

Had a lot of plays under 70UR.


Yeah. I can post vids if you want with me scrolling over my UR. My top play is, I believe, a 4 minute long map with some streams with 68~ UR. I'm also #2 globally on the map. My lowest ever was 62, but I dont have that one recorded. Three or four of me at around 68 UR though are recorded.

Heights. I have a fear of heights because when I was 6 I almost got thrown off a spinny-ocotopus thing. I was hanging on the bars that are supposed to lock you in place by your waist. I distinctly remember at one point having my head where my butt should have been on the seat, hanging onto the waist bar with my hands with my feet dangling off the edge and being thrown into the air because of the centrifugal force. They had to stop the rid midway and call the fire department to come and save me. I honestly dont know how I managed to hang on for as long as I did. Anyway, heights make me really nervous still.

Apparently there's an actual reason why I hate swimming that I hadn't been aware of for the longest time.

I was knocked over into a pool when I was 4, and was nearly at the brink of drowning. Or so I heard.

Interesting to know. I never learned to swim until a few years ago, at 13 years old.

Even then, I will almost always decline anything relative to swimming in large bodies of water, especially pools.

Judge me as a person. What would you see as shortcomings or negative aspects in who I am?
Probably your prolonged durability in debates. It'd be rather hard to argue against something if someone who were arguing against you were like me, so I'd say that could be a benefit or a deficiency.
Why was there no question above? Theorise.
People tends to forget
Right Imma get a random question

How many fingers can you successfully snap?

how many skeletons does it take to finish a speech?
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