After some initial discussion in the QAT discord, we confirmed from a dev that there is actually no hard cap in background resolution (you can perfectly upload higher resolution backgrounds, it won't break anything).
Currently the maximum resolution for storyboard elements is 4k anyways (this was intended to help scrolling backgrounds).
However, this means that currently, you are not allowed to set a 4k background, but if you make it a storyboard element, and set it over top of your map, you can "technically" have a 4k background anyways.
So this is obviously kind of pointless; Why not just raise the cap of background images to 4k?
4k monitors are getting more and more popular, in fact right now the ideal gaming monitor should be 2k (1440p) and 144hz.
In fact; I, myself own a 2k monitor, while I don't play full screen, there are definitely people out there who do, and would end up having their 1080p background being upscale.
Tldr; We should raise the bg resolution cap to 4k, if not, 2k
Currently the maximum resolution for storyboard elements is 4k anyways (this was intended to help scrolling backgrounds).
However, this means that currently, you are not allowed to set a 4k background, but if you make it a storyboard element, and set it over top of your map, you can "technically" have a 4k background anyways.
So this is obviously kind of pointless; Why not just raise the cap of background images to 4k?
4k monitors are getting more and more popular, in fact right now the ideal gaming monitor should be 2k (1440p) and 144hz.
In fact; I, myself own a 2k monitor, while I don't play full screen, there are definitely people out there who do, and would end up having their 1080p background being upscale.
Tldr; We should raise the bg resolution cap to 4k, if not, 2k