
Been playing for a while, just now using the forum! :D

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Hi, my internet alias is Ninty, and I guess I play osu! `:D

I don’t know much of what to put here, I guess I’m just saying hi, since I haven’t formally introduced myself to the osu! forum community.

I’m 14 years old, and have been playing osu! since January of 2018. I love this game, and don’t see a reason to stop playing any time soon.

I hope this is considered a good enough introduction, because I’m always scared my post will get taken down when I talk in new forums. See ya around though! `:D
Hello! Welcome to the forums, don't worry I'm probably worse at introducing myself. I've been playing since December of 2015.
Welcome to the forums! As long as your posts don't break the rules and stay on topic of the forum you are posting in, you won't get your post taken down, so please don't feel afraid to talk here!

What are some of your hobbies?
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