
[resolved] New tutorial

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +562
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I think change the 2008 tutorial can be a good idea because like we are on 2015 we can try doing a better tutorial with new storyboard object...Or just doing a Tutorial options in the main menu (as osu!stream)
Pretty sure a newer tutorial will be done around the next months (including osu!next).

Stefan wrote:

Pretty sure a newer tutorial will be done around the next months (including osu!next).
I hope it will be multi-language
We need a streaming tutorial.
This? t/360477
neko cookies

Stefan wrote:

Pretty sure a newer tutorial will be done around the next months (including osu!next).
oh god i hope so
Topic Starter

Remyria wrote:

Stefan wrote:

Pretty sure a newer tutorial will be done around the next months (including osu!next).
I hope it will be multi-language
Yep Like on osu!stream that can be cool for the players who don't understand english
as Stefan said: i think the new tutorial comes with osu!next hope it will be this year
but a new tutorial is needed

Remyria wrote:

Stefan wrote:

Pretty sure a newer tutorial will be done around the next months (including osu!next).
I hope it will be multi-language
There are plenty of people to ask to translate that (me included). I don't think that's a problem after all...

ynot01 wrote:

We need a streaming tutorial.
Check this video
Nice to hear!
Why not SUPPORT!!!! :)
This. So much this.
- Marco -

Stefan wrote:

Pretty sure a newer tutorial will be done around the next months (including osu!next).
Hype \°3°/
I think, its a really good idea to have a new version of the tutorial,
Scarlet Evans
After watching different stuff in #osu over the time, I concluded that we need a new tutorial, which will also explain some social stuff, like short rules about how to behave, to not give cheaters attention, what is #lobby for and that you shouldn't spam #osu for multi games, etc.

Now that it's osu!lazer coming "soon", I think it's a great time to think about that, as we could have had a real build-in tutorial. Or at least a more complex one, if it was to be still in form of normal beatmap.

I've posted an own thread about this, but as it looks it was a duplicate, I am copy pasting below what I wrote there. I believe it can be useful and I support the request for a new tutorial!


Many games have few minutes long tutorials, introductory missions etc., which tells you about the game and include some basics. osu! have an old tutorial map, but it's very basic and don't cover most of the stuff. Many people mention that we need a new tutorial, both to say more about the game and introduce new players to the things that old tutorial don't even mention, but there's also another aspect of it.

osu! keeps growing, along with its community and I think that it should be somehow brought up in new tutorial, if the one will come to live. Many people that join the game don't know how to behave in public chats. We have things like : , but many people have no idea about their existence for a long time.

After seeing dramas in #osu about someone seeing break-the-lawner, over and over, which is hard to put into control before putting lashes on the person in guilt, as dozens or random users just keep mentioning him in channel over the time, I think that all users should know better that they shouldn't mention such things and drop the topic. It doesn't need to be said explicitly, but "by the way", in the new tutorial (if we will have one), along with some other rules, as one of the most recurring warnings are not to talk in other languages in #osu.

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My idea: there could be a build-in tutorial. When the new version of the game will be out, then the first time you open the game, you will have a choice:

# to watch tutorial,
# to skip it, or
# to remind a player next time he opens the game (optional).

Tutorial would be present somewhere in the game all the time, with easy access to it, so it can be watched or played at any time.

It could be few minutes long (or few minutes short ;) ) introduction to the game, including a need to click some circles by yourself and a quick summary of how to behave in public, like
> "use #lobby to look for a people to play multiplayer game with",
> "don't use other language that English in public game channels (short list here), go to your language channel instead"
> don't spam and do some other stuff that is definitely unwanted, keep an eye on how many lines you take, while writing
> "If you see that other player is doing something illegal or there's a chance that he's cheating, don't bring attention to what he does. Instead, [just report him [in the background video showing how to report someone]].

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What do you think about this?
I know that it's maybe not top priority thing, but having a new, build in tutorial, which not only brings up and explains things about the game, but also introduces people to rules we all try to uphold here, would be a very nice thing to have!
There can be few levels of tutorial, about different game related stuff, like mapping, adjusting some preferences, more advanced gameplay, explanation about how to play for every game mode, etc.
Also, the most basic one, introductory one, would include some of the social rules, which would be definitely helpful and made the work of Moderators much more pleasurable, as they, hopefully, wouldn't need as many iterations of the things they unfortunately have to repeat over and over again, as now =)
...or in short probably a tutorial that covers every mode. Searching around the forums is helpful but not everyone goes there when they first play osu!
There is osu!academy, but to be honest, it took me 4 months to figure out that the channel existed.

Tutorials about the editor and other features of osu! can be shown off at osu!academy instead. Better yet, give it attention so new players can watch away YouTube videos.
Although I think a new tutorial is a good idea I feel we should avoid overwhelming new players with a long tutorial listing all the rules. I think maybe a tutorial that gives the basic gameplay elements for each of the gamemodes and then at the end links to the OsuAcademy or something to explain everything else.

Edit: Just as an edit to my original thoughts I think the tutorial should be as obvious a location as possible. I think it being beatmap is a little less obvious especially for people who decide to start playing in multi. I think it should be on the main menu under solo, multiplayer, tutorial, & back. Then once you click on the tutorial button there would be 4 options which would be standard, taiko, CTB, & mania. I think the other items if we had more tutorials could be under a sub-category "advanced" so that new players wouldn't be overwhelmed with too much info.
Indeed a tutorial on every gamemode is very helpful and needed and should already be downloaded and accessable ingame when selecting songs

We do have tutorials on many stuff, but I would suggest making things easier to access

example - you should see something like this when you open the osu chat for the first time

(I know, there's alot of debatable content in this box of text, but remember, this is just a concept)

example on how to make it easier for new people to access downloading new beatmaps (clicking it links you to download page on the osu! website)

(quick design obviously)

So many other small things like a pop-up when you first open the editor with a message that links you to the osu! academy could also be helpful, but that's arguably unnecessary
I put so many votes into this because the tutorial as it currently is, is likely turning some new players away from the game. The somewhat new upgraded look of osu! is being bottlenecked by the dated tutorial.

also I never use the forums and just noticed how many votes I have lol
Tanomoshii Nekojou
This will be a great one... Hopefully this will be implemented as soon as possible... :D
Tanomoshii Nekojou
Well for those who want an update on my progress... I'm reconsidering the idea of reviving it. Though I'd like to focus on lazer (how the finished product will be) since making a tutorial beatmapset for the soon depreciated stable client would be counter-intuitive.
They should scrap the tutorial they have now a start over from scratch. The new one had potential, but was ruined when it didn't start with 'Hello There'.

MLisDreaming wrote:

The current one had potential, but was ruined when it didn't start with 'Hello There'.

are you actually kidding me

also here's the new tutorial for anyone who hasn't seen it:
agree, new players might not know that you can use keyboard. also I think it should say something linking to the wiki or a place with further info.
^^ I didn't know you could use keyboard until my friend told me I could 4 months after I started playing
They should make a tutorial for other game modes too-
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