
post the time & what you're thinking

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4:05 PM
1:45 PM Saturday

That moment when it's almost the end of the year and the rain is still pouring down, three years in a row. :|

12:43 AM PST.

Two projects to finish. About a day to do them.

Refills wrote:

which artist? i feel bad for them
oc: youtube's copyright system is fucked
This other one.

I tried to look for a song which was (supposed to be) available on YT, on the owner's channel itself and when I couldn't find the "right" one, I got so mad.
Even more after learning the bad news, when I only wanted to see if there were any new song out.
6:12 AM Monday; End of 2018.
I still hope I can get back home before 2019.
I don't want to pass the year alone :(
3:39 PM PST

I need to get more shit done.

but for now, I'll be taking a quick break.

I'm keeping on forgetting... What happens in this PC.
Thankfully, I... Ugh, nah, that's too many times, now. No way in any world I'm going to get out of this home safe.
But then it's been quite a long time in silence, I could see anything bad happening now. Murphy's Law.
Let's leave this message here, so I can improve my... Er...
Precautiousness Cautiousness.
6:23 PM PST.

tired. a little bored, and still heavily disappointed in myself.

scraping the bottom to find some ideas as to where i'll be going with my next projects, really damn confused with what i want to do.

gotta figure this out, somehow.

What the...?

Murphy's Law strikes once more...
Tad Fibonacci

Really sleepy and tired.
2:42 PM

fuck up the trap, i did it
2:33 PM PST.


Still figuring things out, and I've yet to do anything productive.
Myke Madeline

A nice person I've met on Facebook.
12:55 AM

I hope I'm not retarded tomorrow like I was last time.
Tad Fibonacci
On my way to my part time job.
8:13 pm
Trying to keep up my positivity, but my chest just feels heavy.

I got assignment hanging around, including a play I need to do and requirements. The other members in my group are doing nothing, so I am off alone for now. I am extremely worried for my grades. If I were to get just one low score, the teachers will start to question me.

I don't like what I am feeling. I already snapped in class all because of one of the most disrespectful guy in my class, and I don't want to feel even more negativity.
5.38pm, I get my phone back tomorrow. Finally.
14.12 going home atm
Tad Fibonacci

Just got home and had dinner. Don't know if I should be glad because today's over or should be depressed since I haven't gotten anything done yet.
I feel like I don't have time to go anywhere in life, yet everything around me is moving so fast .
1:29 PM PST

still in school.

not making progress in TN. I think tad's going fuck me over this round. oh well.
7:19 PM

Procrastinating is great until you realize how much time you've wasted and consider all the things you could have been doing instead.
Tad Fibonacci
Just went to school and realized Achro is gonna pass me in TN soon.
Shit, I need to act fast.
Execute rule 34.
10:58 PM PST.

I've started sharing my WIP comic for Existence of a Void. I hope people enjoy it as it's being posted. I'm kinda proud of it as I hadn't really done any sort comic before. There's a lot I feel like I've got to learn with this sort of format.

Also, regarding TN. I'm making progress. I don't think I'll be able pass tad anytime soon as it seems he'll be catching up on points when I'm not around. It might go back to the 400-point standstill, so I'm preparing for the worst. If that happens, then I suppose I just need to stay determined.

I have to stay determined. I'm committed to this.

I'm not usually one to be ambitious, but I wonder if I can make a 3-month streak happen. Heh, I haven't even finished this month.

...I doubt it, but I'm sure as hell going to try.

Even if things fuck me over, at least I'd know any mishaps would be due to unfortunate timing, and not out of laziness. I can say that I pushed forward with a solid effort.

Endurance. It's gotten me through shit before. It'll likely get me through things now. And it likely will so long as I have the will and make the efforts to do so.

Let's do this, tad.
13:22 GMT

I should start studying now.

Westonini wrote:

7:19 PM

Procrastinating is great until you realize how much time you've wasted and consider all the things you could have been doing instead.

You good doom right. (*SmH*)x6870645
5:49 PM PST.

I'm pretty excited, seeing TeeArctic1 back.

As for life right now, I'm pretty tired.

I still wonder if I should announce a hiatus, after the shit that's happened with the laptop and all.

I mean, I'm not able to make music anymore. I probably wont be able to for a while.

I'm still thinking about how things've gone, and just wished I knew what the hell I had been doing. Now, all I've got going for me is the EoaV comic.

So yeah. Things are relatively uneventful now.
Ender Lain

Local58 :thinking:
gonna check that later
22:49 PM

I kinda forgot how fun it is being on the forums amidst all the chaos in my life. I actually really appreciate everyone and the community we have here. Brings a smile to my face, even if just for a while. I guess the saying "Once a denizen, always a denizen" really is true. You always return here, and I don't mind wasting time here at all.
13:54 - 1:54 PM

holy shit welcome back tee
9:57 PM PST.


just tired.

i'm confused.

i don't know what to do with my time.

i don't know why i did all this, over these years.

i don't know how i got through this, over these years.

i don't know.

I'm having a bit of a mental breakdown, but...

is it really? I'm really only questioning myself, who I am.

But the problem is, I don't know. Who am I?


I may never know.

I may never grow.

...all this, because I felt tired. I felt tired, and felt tired of being tired. Being tired of being tired had been tiring, which tired me further. I wanted to change something. Did I change something?

...then what have I changed?

...if I keep coming back to this train of thought, what have I changed?
[A bit before] 8:20AM

I forgot about what they call "Miku Day", again.
I mean, come on, it's just a reference to a song and what "March 9th" could actually sound like, but still.
10:32 AM PST.

I'm hopeful.

I now have the means to make music and art once again, but...

Now the problem is actually producing anything.

I have to do something.

...I should probably eat now.
7:18 PM.

I've been in pixiv searching for images all day. Now i have so many cute images that i don't know which avatar to use.

Plini wrote:

7:18 PM.

I've been in pixiv searching for images all day. Now i have so many cute images that i don't know which avatar to use.

*Applauding in his head*
In my case, it's about backgrounds.
4:19 PM

I woke up at 3 PM but hey, it was supposed to be 2 PM so that sounds slightly better.

anxiety is still stupid i hate it
10:25 AM:
Sleep. No sleep.
Doesn't really matter if there's not enough hours in the day to get any sufficient amounts.
I'm tired. Always am.
Why can't we go around the sun slower?
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