I think it would be really cool to see maps in osu!std similar to SV maps in osu!mania. That is, maps where the AR/SV of small sections of the song can change.
This isn't the same as individual notes being able to have different AR though, because with that scenario the AR of an individual note doesn't change as the note gets closer, while with SV in mania it does.
I think this could especially be interesting in tournaments, just like in mania.
How it might work:
In my opinion it should be a seperate thing from BPM/SV, unlike in mania. Having it as a seperate thing means you can have changing BPM without having to worry about the AR changing, and normal maps will therefore be unaffected by this change.
This isn't the same as individual notes being able to have different AR though, because with that scenario the AR of an individual note doesn't change as the note gets closer, while with SV in mania it does.
I think this could especially be interesting in tournaments, just like in mania.
How it might work:
In my opinion it should be a seperate thing from BPM/SV, unlike in mania. Having it as a seperate thing means you can have changing BPM without having to worry about the AR changing, and normal maps will therefore be unaffected by this change.