
What is the worst gaming community (in your opinion)?

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Geometry Dash of course
Probably the Call of Duty community.
Quitted Minecraft for 2 years because of the community.
1.) CS.
2.) LoL.
Every community that has immature children in it.
def undertale, fnaf is also close, no horror game is safe from kids these days, just look at baldi's basics, the only horror game that hasnt been infected is ddlc probably
League of legends community
- MAKS -
Any game that has no soul within aquires the cancer of worst community.
Roblox and Minecraft

Edit: Fortnite with randoms is pretty toxic too, and don't forget streamers and nerds with in their name
Maybe Undertale I guess...
League of Legends and CS:GO, some of them are toxic.
cs:go is really toxic, wherever you go even on high ranks, servers, or faceit there's always this one guy who spreads toxicity to others playing in the match.
DotA 2 + SEA Region = Depression
I honestly dislike the Roblox community, They never have been helpful and they just throw immature stupid insults like "ODERRR!!!!" or "NOOOBBY TROLLER F U" or "HAIL A COWCOW". I know most of them are little kids but come on dude why can't I feel welcomed to the platform! heck I don't even know why most of them spend "Robux" on a robot body pillow.

CatzerTM wrote:

The Geometry Dash community. Despite me not being very active in it I've heard numerous complaints and dramas happening inside of it

robtop left the chicken inside the oven to burn
fortnite. Too many spoiled children who think they are superior, but really are playing a terrible game. (my opinion)
CS:GO( nowadays)
Overwatch (always)
League of Legends (always)
csgo for sure
All MOBA type are the worst tbh.
The Blakery
For me it has been League of Legends, Overwatch and Fortnite Battle Royal.

Most games that have competitive/elitist aspects to it have die hard, try hard players that take it too seriously which ruins the experience for those there to just have fun. Granted there are good players in those communities but they're unfortunately overshadowed.
Gmod DarkRP I used to love going on different servers and just grief them together with friends destroying other kids days.
Geometry Dash.
They bash the game Creator because he takes a while to make updates when he is a lone developper
they go insane when you call their fav level bad
and steal other people's clips and make stupîd montages about upcoming levels for views
the gd community tbh, its just full of toxic people and stuff, so yeah.
Definitely League, or Undertale. Love both of those games, but, man people are mean lmao.
fortnite, LoL, dota 2, csgo

country wise, i guess it will be ph and nearby countries
Garry's Mod can be pretty bad. It's either full of kids or grown men who want to play like it's real life.
Rust, from what I've seen of my brother's experiences. Yikes...
A bit of a long post, but I feel that this opinion is extremely controversial and requires a full explanation.

I used to be a huge fan of Roblox, and it wasn't until I quit when I've realised how bad the community is. I was largely a victim of the toxicity, but I guess I didn't mind too much, because toxicity is normal on Roblox, and I thought that all online communities suffered with this, as Roblox was the only game I played much of at the time, and gamers have a terrible reputation.

Hatred of different opinions
People will throw tantrums and give threats if you simply have a different opinion to them. For example, I never believed that Boho Salon (a group on Roblox which is massively hated) uses bots to boost their popularity, but everyone else claims that the group does. I tend to not trust large claims, and I don't jump on bandwagons just to be 'cool'. There was this forum post saying that Boho Salon needs to be removed from Roblox for using bots and therefore breaking the Roblox rules. I didn't like the group, but this was for a different reason - One of the HRs faked the group being hacked and made people go onto another group which was 'a replacement for Boho Salon'. I politely asked for proof of the group using bots, because I didn't understand why everyone thought this, and just got tons of threats and one reply I remember clearly being sent towards me is that I need to be in a mental assylum. Simply for saying 'I'm not sure of how legit this claim is, can someone please give me some proof of this? I'm also pretty sure that Roblox would need proof. They wouldn't want to ban a group which turned out to be innocent.' Yeah, making people think does cause a lot of heat. I'm glad that the Roblox forums are banned. There were some nice people, and I've had some nice conversations and even met friends, but much of the forums were sour.

Bad losers and herd mentality
Sometimes people just argue out of the blue because they're frustrated from losing on a game. People are always calling others names for beating them. I've never experienced this much, as I was never a pro player, but sometimes, seeing the chat is dreadful, and I usually minimised the chat box while playing competitive games. The worst is when there are people playing in a group of friends and beating one of these friends in the game makes the entire group bully you relentlessly, similar to when you hit a wolf on Minecraft.

Arrogance of currency
People with Robux (the currency used on Roblox) act as though they're much better than people without, and vice versa. I used no gamepass on a game, I've been bullied for being poor. I used a gamepass on a game, I've been bullied for being a noob who needs to use gamepasses to be good. That usually wasn't the case, and I've proved it by not using the gamepass (sometimes using it is optional, such as in Prison Life), and I get called a hacker, or I get claims of me having 'no life'.

Talking about hackers and exploiters, Roblox used to be stuffed with them. I haven't seen them much towards the end of me playing the game, though. I'm not one of those people who claim that everyone is a hacker, for beating me on a game, but I've often been on radio simulator games and found some rather crude things, such as Nazi imagery, swears, etc. Things not suited for children. I'm personally not bothered by them, but things like this give Roblox a bad name, and cause parents to type bad reviews on the game for not being child friendly. This hurts Roblox.

'Being a rebel is sooo cool'... although it ultimately hurts Roblox.
I've come across many people who have thought, and perhaps still do think, that swearing on Roblox is cool. Roblox has a tough censorship system, which used to not even allow users to type numbers. So, beating this system was always seen as cool. These people just make the censorship system more broken, as Roblox needs to censor more! Once, I met a French player on Roblox, and I couldn't even type 'Comment ça va?' ('How are you?') to them! I dread to think of how strict and broken the Roblox censorship system will be in the future!

But all of this may actually be helping the community in a way
Kindness and simple respect feels much stronger. People simply greeting each other and being polite never fails to really warm my heart. I've always felt over joyed when I find a server which hasn't been exploited, and when someone is acting towards me in a non-hostile way, and didn't care that my name was 'furry'. I've had a great friend and felt on top of the world when they were by my side. If you play Roblox, even if the community has become much better since I've left, I still have this advice for you. When you see a diamond, take it, and treasure it forever.
I've played only "TF2", "Osu!" and "100%OJ"...
(Wait, there's also "Dragon Saga", "Spiral Knights" and "CS", but they can't even count, since I'm "interrupting" on those.)

"TF2", hands down '-'
(Take it whatever way you want, I just wanted to lay down some frustration from Sunday...
Them rude Spies. Yet some people dare say they need to be boosted.)
I know it’s a really lesser known game, but growtopia has been real s*** for the last few years. Honestly people only farm nowadays, no more social interaction like the old days. And plus, the interactions now are toxic, like people get angry and start a fight over some small things. It has honestly become one of the worse communities I’ve seen.
CS:GO and LoL are hella toxic.
also fortnite.
i guess cs:go
Shooter games like CoD and games like GTA. A lot of trash talking 12 year olds.
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