
Rita - dorchadas

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ignorethis wrote:

more than 3 insanes is unrankable ...Well, help us improve our map please...This is a game for fun...not a game for rule..

-5 to second offset Second Offset changed to 50,242 and resnaped.

jumps in DRS's Sliders are mostly unreadable, and WHY IS IT SNAPPED TO 1/3??? DDD: Fixed =w=

decrease volume for all difficulties ...after a few tries, I won't change volume in my diff

double BPM ftw Sigh, this would make the first part too slow, or...make second part extreme difficult if you do this in hard diffs, because the rhythm is more complex than 1st part.
I came

Selee wrote:

ignorethis wrote:

more than 3 insanes is unrankable ...Well, help us improve our map please...This is a game for fun...not a game for rule
Even though I didn't find Sliders and The M that insane, they do are kinda easy insanes. Maybe tunig down DRS's sliders would be a good idea to make the diff spread curve improve.

/me leaves

Selee wrote:

ignorethis wrote:

more than 3 insanes is unrankable ...Well, help us improve our map please...This is a game for fun...not a game for rule..

-5 to second offset Second Offset changed to 50,242 and resnaped.

jumps in DRS's Sliders are mostly unreadable, and WHY IS IT SNAPPED TO 1/3??? DDD: Fixed =w=

decrease volume for all difficulties ...after a few tries, I won't change volume in my diff

double BPM ftw Sigh, this would make the first part too slow, or...make second part extreme difficult if you do this in hard diffs, because the rhythm is more complex than 1st part.
Er, the double bpm was probably saying how cool that the song has two BPMs in it. :V

As for the difficulty spread, I still think sliders is more of a hard, mostly because is hard to die. You can screw up all over the place and still recover health quite easily. If any toning is really necessary, maaaybe a circle size increase would do it, but I don't know if that'd break the spirit in which it was mapped.

Selee wrote:

ignorethis wrote:

more than 3 insanes is unrankable ...Well, help us improve our map please...This is a game for fun...not a game for rule..

rules are rules, even if I bubble your map, it will soon be popped

double BPM ftw Sigh, this would make the first part too slow, or...make second part extreme difficult if you do this in hard diffs, because the rhythm is more complex than 1st part.
Topic Starter
/me diu face T_T

Thanks for your explaination...(Vocab+1, lol)

ignorethis wrote:

rules are rules, even if I bubble your map, it will soon be popped

Although the star rate said it's an Insane, I don't think I mapped The M that I...

Sigh, I'll ask DRS if he can cut down the star rate.

Seems impossible for DRS to reduce star rate to 4.45... 4.89---4.73 :cry:
First of all, don't go off star rating please. This is all about interpretation of how the map plays. That being said, please restore difficulty settings to at least this:

I lowered AR by one - it felt really fast for a hard difficulty (if that's what we're aiming for) at it's old setting.

I think the hardest part of this difficulty are going to be the big jumps.

00:23:747 (5,6) - This one is iffy, but almost fine just because of the huge slider circle IF you keep this circle size.
00:37:152 (3,4) - This is kind of a bit much
00:44:652 (1) - I didn't really like this slider much - think you can do a .5 slider and make it less... fat? It's end is also snapped to 1/6 - I don't know if that was intentional after all the weird fixes from before.
00:51:246 (2,4) - I think moving these two to a 1.8 distance snap would work a lot better (right now the 2 slider is further out than the 4 slider anyway)
The slider trains... might still push it beyond hard, but honestly, that's the coolest part of this map, so I would object to removing these anyway. I don't know if maybe you could try to arrange these so they read a little bit better though?
00:53:246 (1) - New combo here would at least maybe alert the player that something different is coming up
(and maybe get some better-timed combo changes in here while I'm looking)
01:00:247 (8) - New combo here
01:01:497 (1) - Remove new combo
01:02:497 (4) - New combo
01:09:997 (4) - New combo here or on next note
01:16:247 (1,2,3,4) - Even up the spacing amongst these (3 and 4 are closer)
01:27:747 (4,5,6) - Maybe put the 5 in the center between these two. The jump spacing here is just weird.
01:41:997 (5) - Hrm, maybe new combo to signify final part of song while staying in the pattern?

Anyway, just a couple suggestions to maybe tone down the difficulty a little bit without ruining too much of the map's style.

Garven wrote:

First of all, don't go off star rating please. This is all about interpretation of how the map plays. That being said, please restore difficulty settings to at least this:

I lowered AR by one - it felt really fast for a hard difficulty (if that's what we're aiming for) at it's old setting.

I think the hardest part of this difficulty are going to be the big jumps.

00:23:747 (5,6) - This one is iffy, but almost fine just because of the huge slider circle IF you keep this circle size.
00:37:152 (3,4) - This is kind of a bit much
00:44:652 (1) - I didn't really like this slider much - think you can do a .5 slider and make it less... fat? It's end is also snapped to 1/6 - I don't know if that was intentional after all the weird fixes from before.
00:51:246 (2,4) - I think moving these two to a 1.8 distance snap would work a lot better (right now the 2 slider is further out than the 4 slider anyway)
The slider trains... might still push it beyond hard, but honestly, that's the coolest part of this map, so I would object to removing these anyway. I don't know if maybe you could try to arrange these so they read a little bit better though?
00:53:246 (1) - New combo here would at least maybe alert the player that something different is coming up
(and maybe get some better-timed combo changes in here while I'm looking)
01:00:247 (8) - New combo here
01:01:497 (1) - Remove new combo
01:02:497 (4) - New combo
01:09:997 (4) - New combo here or on next note
01:16:247 (1,2,3,4) - Even up the spacing amongst these (3 and 4 are closer)
01:27:747 (4,5,6) - Maybe put the 5 in the center between these two. The jump spacing here is just weird.
01:41:997 (5) - Hrm, maybe new combo to signify final part of song while staying in the pattern?

Anyway, just a couple suggestions to maybe tone down the difficulty a little bit without ruining too much of the map's style.
Just noticed something on Kotori's Insane and my Easy:

01:42:242 (1) - Check to make sure this inherited timing section in on the beat exactly (or better, move it before the slider) since the reduction to 1x/1.5x seems to be a little late on this slider. :P

Don't kudosu.
Topic Starter
Thanks ^ ^

Too busy these days...

Asked a few more MAT to mod...Sigh
乘着还没rank丢星 8-)

Remember these are just suggestions you can always ignore :P

~All Diffs~
- I see you added the old names of the guest mappers, maybe you'd like to add "tq04t46" to tags since it's KanbeKotori's old name...
- While the timing is right, when you hear the song you can clearly expect a higher velocity on the second timing section part, but you actually have a lower BPM on the second section, so this makes the part feel much slower than it should be. You can do 2 things to fix this, either use inherited timing sections like Garven and KanbeKotori did on their diffs (so they wouldn't have to do anything on them) or doubling the BPM on the second offset, making it 240. Personally I would use the first one to keep the other diffs like they are...

~Garven's Easy~
No problems here!

00:20:875 (2) - What is this random spacing? D:

~Crab's Hard~
- I don't really like all those jumps and spacing changes for a Hard, they make the difficulty gap between normal and this huge...

~DRS's Sliders~
00:24:386 (6) - Fix spacing here? The spacing is already high imo =x
00:37:790 (4) - ^
00:40:343 (4) - ^
00:43:694 (3,4,5,6) - This is so, so unexpected. While (3) is a bit hard to notice as another slider, (4) makes it even harder because it's a jump, and (5) is totally unexpected as a slowdown (without saying that its startpoint doesn't follow anything on the lyrics), with (6) being another jump... Maybe you should remap this entire combo... :/
01:11:247 (3) - Maybe movve this closer to the previous slider?

~Kotori's Insane~
00:34:120 (2,3) - I think maybe the spacing here it's a bit too extreme..
00:37:152 (5) - New Combo here for the spacing change.
01:00:184 (2,3) - Unsnapped notes!!
01:08:184 (2,3) - Unsnapped notes!!
01:43:242 (2,3) - Make these two symmetrical to make the pattern nicer? x3

~The M~
- Does the name of the diff have something related with the source? I would call it just Insane...

00:10:024 (5) - Why don't you make something like this?
00:18:003 (5) - New Combo here for consistency with jumps.
00:25:662 (4) - ^
00:37:152 (6) - ^
01:23:742 (1) - Flip horizontally? Don't try to make a jump everytime you can, it's just making a map harder for the sake of doing it.

Hmm... I would like to see a standard Hard here, Crab's hard is pushing it because of the jumps and huge spacing...
Good luck~
Topic Starter

Beuchi-chan wrote:

00:20:875 (2) - What is this random spacing? D: oops...Fixed

~The M~
- Does the name of the diff have something related with the source? I would call it just Insane...

00:10:024 (5) - Why don't you make something like this? Because of the rhythm told me to make a jump >_>
00:18:003 (5) - New Combo here for consistency with jumps. Follow the vocal @.@, so...nope
00:25:662 (4) - ^ ^
00:37:152 (6) - ^ ^
01:23:742 (1) - Flip horizontally? Don't try to make a jump everytime you can, it's just making a map harder for the sake of doing it. Fixed :oops:

Hmm... I would like to see a standard Hard here, Crab's hard is pushing it because of the jumps and huge spacing...
Good luck~
Thanks your modding >_<

Edit: Add tq04t46 in tags
nice :)
Oh man. That's a lot of difficulties. :o
Like someone said above me, If you're aiming to get this ranked, you'll have trouble getting a 6 diff map with 3 insanes ranked. Doesn't bother me personally, but eh.

  1. Timing sounds about right to me.
  2. After reading the other posts here I can see you want to keep the Double BPM for the first part. I won't get you to change it since you clearly don't want to, but personally I think having the normal BPM for the first part would work very well with making the calm part feel calm, and the exciting part feel exciting. Right now they feel similar in most difficulties.

Lookin' good. the only issue I have is like a lot of easies, it stuck to white ticks most of the time, which gets dull after a while, while you could have done some 1/3 here and there to map to the lyrics a bit more. It had some nice patterns in the voice that could be mapped nicely.


By the looks of it, the Slider Velocity for the 2nd half is actually slower than that of the 1st half. It doesn't destroy the map, since it's a nice map, but it's still pretty odd. It could of used at least a little speed increase, not necessarily 2xBPM, just to make it feel faster. You can do non-0.5/2xBPM slider velocities in the editor now, if you're not aware yet.

00:10:343 (1,1,1) - I think this would be a great place to put a break, instead of having single beats here. That, and all the other difficulties except The M have one here. If you do this, you'll want to delete that New Combo at 00:08:428 (1).


This one feels fairly clean. The 1st part is nice. It fits in and is pretty fun to play, but the 2nd part, even though it still plays alright, doesn't quite fit to the lyrics right (which is what you were going for I guess). For it to map to the lyrics properly you should use the blue 1/4 ticks on the timeline. since you didn't it didn't quite work. Try using them. It should help out.

Nothing specific I could pick on though. Nothing impacted how it played.


Another one that's pretty fun. Some of that spacing is dodgy though. small jumps that don't quite make sense.

00:44:652 (5) - I'm not sure about this slider. First up
[*]that slowdown is sudden, and on a slider that looks exactly like the one before, and that was normal speed, so I thought it was at normal speed.
[*]Also, I can't see what it's mapped to. unless it's a really long note, slowdowns don't work well for them in most cases. It doesn't quite fit in.
[*]It comes in 1/2 earlier than the lyrics it's supposed to be mapped to. I guess you did this to make it look good with the other slider, but making it come in too early makes it play badly, to put it bluntly.
01:09:997 - 01:41:247 - There is a lot on uneven spacing going on here. It could be intentional small jumps, but it doesn't look like it. stuff like 01:09:997, where (1) and (2) have small spacing, while (2) and (3) have big spacing. It doesn't have to be all distance snapped, but it still has to make sense. I'd go through this part with Distance Snap on to even out the spacing here. It gets pretty confusing.


This is a map of two halves. The 1st half is nice apart from those ludicrous jumps that come out of nowhere (like 00:29:492, 00:33:322 etc). I wouldn't mind jumps much, but those ones are too much. Could you make them smaller perhaps? It would help making them less jarring. the 2nd half though, is awesome. fits in very well and is damn fun to boot. If you make the jumps in the 1st half smaller, this would be a very nice map.

01:00:184 (2,3) - These are unsnapped :|. I guess the 1/8 caused that. you have to resnap them manually (move them away, then move them back) since Resnap All Notes doesn't fit them. (Not sure why you used 1/8 in this anyway).
01:08:184 (2,3) - ^


00:42:896 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I'm not keen on how the spacing gets pretty wide here. The little spacing change just before it is alright though, but this one is a bit much. Maybe making the spacing here the same as the spacing just before it? (Or maybe just a little wider, just not as much as it is now).
00:57:617 (7,8) - Stacks in the middle of streams like this doesn't play too good. Having to stop in the middle of a fast stream breaks flow, as well as being nigh impossible for most people to stop and then carry on without missing. Could you rearrange it so it doesn't stack like this?
01:05:617 (7,8) - ^

Overall, this is a nice 'n' fun map. It's rough around the edges, but it's pretty fun to play. It could just use some cleaning up (some bigger than others).

Here's a reluctant star
Topic Starter
Oh man. That's a lot of mod :)

I'm really grateful for your mod

Second part of Normal remaped :P

Fixed some spacing in The M
Ibuki Suika
:o 尼玛都这么多星了还没rank啊

Doomsday wrote:

Oh man. That's a lot of difficulties. :o
Like someone said above me, If you're aiming to get this ranked, you'll have trouble getting a 6 diff map with 3 insanes ranked. Doesn't bother me personally, but eh.

I still feel it's more of a ENHHII, but ah well. Everyone else seems to think III for some reason...


Lookin' good. the only issue I have is like a lot of easies, it stuck to white ticks most of the time, which gets dull after a while, while you could have done some 1/3 here and there to map to the lyrics a bit more. It had some nice patterns in the voice that could be mapped nicely.

I'm assuming you meant the second half of the difficulty. I wanted to focus on longer sliders due to the increased velocity from the BPM change, but maybe I can spruce it up a bit. I think I was focusing too much on ease of play, hehe.
Another thing: I found that video offset +64 ms looks a lot better (line up the three scene changes before the title splash with the drums)

Download: Rita - Dorchadas (Selee) [Garven's Easy].osu
Topic Starter
video offset fixed :)
Offset: 769

Set timing signatures to 3/4.

- Garven's Easy -
00:16:088 (1) - remove hitfinish

- Normal -
00:06:513 (2) - add hitfinish at the end
00:07:790 (3,4) - add hitfinish
00:15:449 (2,3) - ^
00:16:088 (1) - remove hitfinish
00:19:918 (1) - ^
00:48:641 (1,2,3,4) - add hitfinish
01:45:242 (4,5) - use soft-hitsounds, remove hitfinish

- Crab's Hard -
00:07:471 (1,2,3) - add hitfinish
00:15:769 (1) - remove clap, add hitfinish
00:17:045 (4) - add clap
00:20:875 (3) - ^
00:22:790 (3) - ^
00:23:428 (5) - remove clap
00:24:386 (2) - add clap at the end
00:26:301 (2) - ^
00:27:258 (4) - remove clap
00:28:535 (2) - add clap
00:30:449 (2) - ^
00:30:449 (2,3,4) - add hitfinish
00:31:088 (4) - remove clap
00:32:045 (3) - ^
00:32:364 (4) - add clap
00:34:279 (3) - ^
00:34:918 (5) - remove clap
00:36:194 (4) - add clap
00:38:109 (5) - ^
00:38:747 (7) - remove clap
00:40:024 (5) - add clap
00:41:939 (5) - ^
00:42:577 (7) - remove clap
00:43:854 (2) - add clap
00:44:492 (4) - remove clap
00:45:769 (2) - add clap
00:46:407 (4) - remove clap

- DRS's Sliders -
00:07:471 (1,2,3) - use normal-hitsound with hitfinish on white ticks
00:23:747 (5) - new combo
00:28:215 (2) - move 1/2 left
00:40:343 (4) - new combo
00:44:332 (5) - add clap at the end
00:44:652 (6) - new combo, start on white tick, end on red tick
00:46:726 (9) - silence the sliderticks

- The M -
00:03:960 (3) - move left 1 grid (Lv3)
00:07:471 (1) - add hitfinish
00:08:428 (1) - ^
00:15:130 (5) - add hitfinish at middle and last notes
00:48:641 (1,2,4) - add hitfinish
01:12:867 - add note
01:25:742 (6) - move a bit left

- Kotori's Insane -
Intense 0.0
00:07:471 (1,2,3) - add hitfinish
00:48:641 (1,3) - ^

Topic Starter
Offset: 769 hmm, Crab's Hard has a note at 450...
Set timing signatures to 3/4. timing signatures already is 3/4 in all diff...Green line timing signature does not affect anything...
Fixed some hitsound >_>

Thank you~ :)
Perfect! ^^

Selee wrote:

Offset: 769 hmm, Crab's Hard has a note at 450...
Set timing signatures to 3/4. timing signatures already is 3/4 in all diff...Green line timing signature does not affect anything...
The notes before the offset won't matter since it'll all be the same BPM before and after the first red timing section. This it just to line up the metronome, which although doesn't affect gameplay, it it nice to have on the correct beat for those that mod/check the map in edit mode after it's ranked.

Go ahead and remove that finish (00:16:088 (1) - ) and update the offset for me, Selee. :3
00:18:003 (3) - spacing :<

seems good

00:40:981 (1) - 我建议把这拿远一些和(6)(7)间距一致

AudioLeadIn: 1996 make sure all diffs have the same leadin.
01:20:622 (2) - spacing
01:01:497 (6,7,8) - 1 grid up

-The M-
00:04:598 (1,2) - 这里间距不好
00:14:971 (4,5) - 左移一格按DS走比较好 放这有点蛋疼
00:13:056 (4) - 这个也是 我是建议按DS来放 嫌间距小的话完全可以再远一些 这个小跳(?)完全没有必要
00:50:242 - 这开始明明是快了嘛 为啥要用比之前还要慢的bpm D: slider比前面还慢 作为I难度我无法接受啊

00:19:279 (1) - spacing seems bad. it's fine for me ,but i'm not sure if it's fine for all players.
that's all.
anyway,very nice diff. i like it :D

Topic Starter
After a few more test, I feel 774 is better, so...

First offset change to 774 in all diff
love the mapp

xierbaliti wrote:

00:18:003 (3) - spacing :< *headdesk* orz, can't believe I did that. Thanks! o/
Download: Rita - Dorchadas (Selee) [Garven's Easy].osu
Topic Starter
All fixed ._.
Waiting for a recheck..
CSY the corrupt
star~ :)

Download: Rita - Dorchadas (Selee) [Kotori's Insane].osu
bub.. wait

-The M-
some notes in the same time D: and there're 2 notes unsnaped.
*unsnaped notes*
*notes in same time*
00:54:492 (2)
00:56:492 (2)
00:58:492 (2)
01:00:242 (1)
01:02:492 (2)
01:04:492 (2)
01:06:492 (2)
01:18:492 (4)
01:20:492 (4)

EDIT:good now. bubbled~
2nd offset on DRS's Sliders 50,247

Rest of the difficulties 50,242

I guess call me back later and I will check for rebubble?
Topic Starter

James2250 wrote:

2nd offset on DRS's Sliders 50,247

Rest of the difficulties 50,242

I guess call me back later and I will check for rebubble?
oops...fixed ;)
Sorry I took a minor break from modding but after PMs from you and Garven I should stop being lazy :P

Garven's Easy:
00:52:242 - Was going to say add break here but it makes no difference

Looks good

Crab's Hard:
Why such low stats for a Hard. I would at least expect OD/AR/HP to be as high as Normal
Some spacing changes but they all make sense

DRS's Sliders:
For something that is all sliders why such low HP?
00:37:156 (3,4,5) - don't like spacing here, its confusing to play
00:42:901 (1,2) - ^
00:59:242 (4,5,6,7,1) - doesn't look too nice close to hp bar
Some slightly confusing parts but its all sliders so kind of expect it

The M:
Looks fine

Katori's Insane:
Pretty hard...hp -1?

In general just try and make HP/OD/AR go up as each difficulty gets harder (it seems kind of mixed at the moment)
Call me back after
Topic Starter

james2250 wrote:

Katori's Insane:
Pretty hard...hp -1? o.o sorry, he said no before, also I think it's fine to have a really hard diff since the song isn't very long...

Crab's Hard:
Why such low stats for a Hard. I would at least expect OD/AR/HP to be as high as Normal
Some spacing changes but they all make sense Won't change this either, sorry. :?
Thanks a lot. ^_^

DRS's updated~

Actually we just try to use setting to spread points evenly for players. :)
Easy: 0.3M
Normal: 0.7M
Hard: 1.3M
Slider: 2.1M
M: 3.4M
Insane: 4.3M

Edit: Title change to "dorchadas"
Waiting for recheck >_<

Selee wrote:

Actually we just try to use setting to spread points evenly for players. :)
Easy: 0.3M
Normal: 0.7M
Hard: 1.3M
Slider: 2.1M
M: 3.4M
Insane: 4.3M
Ok well at least you have a reason for it I suppose
Everything looks rankable
(sorry for being late btw)

I get a corrupted file when downloading this map...

Full submit again?

EDIT: Everything seems on order so...

Ibuki Suika

Topic Starter
Thank you all so much!!
Congrats !! :3
Congrats on rank!
congrats Selee :D
Lovely Crab
Very cool song, love it so much :3
Ibuki Suika

Lovely Crab wrote:

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