
OT!Haxball [ Over ] | Winner: Comfy Slippers

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Hello OT Champions! Now is your time to shine because we are going to start up our own world cup! This super tournament will be carried out in a web browser game, haxball. For those unfamiliar with it, go check it out here:

but here is my shitty explanation if you can't be bothered to
Game is soccer and you move around like the little spaceship in the game asteroids that can kick a ball instead of shooting killer space rocks. Oh yea and there is the opposing team and your teamates that can also kick the ball into the wrong goal because the gods will it so.

Familiar with Haxball? Great!

Signups will run for two weeks and the games will start in three weeks on the weekend (07/21 & 07/22).
OT!Haxball has been rescheduled to 7/28 due to wrong calculation in time. Signups have been extended until 7/19. When signing up by posting below, make sure to also include the times when you are available to play. I'll try to put you in teams based on the times you are available. Let's have fun!

Flanster - 08:00 to 20:00 (UTC+0)
Zozimoto - 09:00 to 11:00, 11:30 to 19:00 (UTC+0)
Comfy Slippers - 0:00 to 23:59 (UTC+0)
Nanachii - 13:00 - 22:00 (UTC+0)


Updated info for 7/28 and 7/29:

All games will have the following settings:
  • Score limit: 10
    Stadium: Classic
The time table for the matches is as follows:
  • Match 1: 7/28 16:30 UTC; 11:30 AM EST
    Match 2: 7/28 17:00 UTC; 12:00 PM EST
    Match 3: 7/28 17:30 UTC; 12:30 PM EST

    Match 6: 7/29 16:00 UTC; 11:00 AM EST
    Match 4: 7/29 16:30 UTC; 11:30 AM EST
    Match 5: 7/29 17:00 UTC; 12:00 PM EST
    Match 7: 7/29 17:30 UTC; 12:30 PM EST
    Match 8: 7/29 18:00 UTC; 1:00 PM EST
Update 1: The days for Matches 4 and 6 will be swapped to give a no-show a chance to redeem themselves in the loser bracket the following day. The match time table has been changed accordingly!

Update 2: Match 6 (semifinal) will be moved to tomorrow 16:00 UTC; 11:00 AM EST. The match time table has been changed accordingly!

The bracket:
  • The match number can be found on the left side of each match displayed
Match replays:
Old info

The schedule for 7/21: (RESCHEDULED)

Congratulation to Comfy Slippers for winning the OT!Haxball Tournament!!!

Available from 11:00 to 23:00 (GMT +3)

sign me the FUCK up 👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀 good shit go౦ԁ sHit👌 thats ✔ some good👌👌shit right👌👌th 👌 ere👌👌👌 right✔there ✔✔if i do ƽaү so my self 💯 i say so 💯 thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷМ💯 👌👌 👌НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ👌 👌👌 👌 💯 👌 👀 👀 👀 👌👌Good shit
Available from 10:00 - 12:00 and 12:30 - 20:00 (CET, UTC+1)
Available from 8.00 to 10.00 pm( +8 gmt)
Green Platinum
Not interested in this game but would like to see more OT tourneys like this.
I was actually planning something like this in another community. Damn.

Mara wrote:

I was actually planning something like this in another community. Damn.

I had ideas for some games/tourneys to liven up the place, this was one. Abraker is hosting it since I have osu!idol to handle now.
Comfy Slippers
Sign me up. I 1v2'd some of you fuckers already, so this should be ez pz.

I pop up at random times, so I guess I'm always available.

Comfy Slippers wrote:

Sign me up. I 1v2'd some of you fuckers already, so this should be ez pz.

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I have updated the post with those who have registered. If you thought you registered and are not on the list then tell me and include the time you are available
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don't forget this is a thing
When people prefer to post garbage text on a subforum waiting to be nuked instead of having some actual fun.
And i think i cant made it on that day. My work scehdule have gone haywire (yes i work on weekend too).
Sry just drop me out .
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levesterz wrote:

And i think i cant made it on that day. My work scehdule have gone haywire (yes i work on weekend too).
Sry just drop me out .
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Since I think the small roster will make the traditional bracket rather boring, I have decided to mix this up a bit. There will be two round. First round will be used to balance the teams of two for the second round, where the losers will be paired up with the winners. The game will start on Saturday, 7/21

The game settings for the rounds:

Round 1: 1v1
  • Score limit: 5
    Stadium: Classic
Round 2: 2v2
  • Score limit: 5
    Stadium: Big

The schedule:

Best of luck to the participating players!!!


im available 3pm-12am gmt+2 sign me up
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Alright people I got some good new and bad news!

Bad news: I am an incompetent fool who messed up 24h time UTC and 12h time UTC
Good news: I am rescheduling for Saturday next week, so this allows some extra time for people to sign up

I will put out the new schedule in a couple days, and update the bracket as more people join

Your Royal OT Fool
join this you apocalyptic dingleberries
If anyone can ship me equipment during vacation, I'm in
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Apologies for the late info about the tournament >.<). With the addition of one more player, we can now do a proper bracket. It will be a 1v1 double elimination tournament and split up into two days. The tournament will take place on Saturday 7/28 and Sunday 7/29

All games will have the following settings:
  • Score limit: 10
    Stadium: Classic
The time table for the matches is as follows:
  • Match 1: 7/28 16:30 UTC; 11:30 AM EST
    Match 2: 7/28 17:00 UTC; 12:00 PM EST
    Match 3: 7/28 17:30 UTC; 12:30 PM EST
    Match 4: 7/28 18:00 UTC; 1:00 PM EST

    Match 5: 7/29 16:30 UTC; 11:30 AM EST
    Match 6: 7/29 17:00 UTC; 12:00 PM EST
    Match 7: 7/29 17:30 UTC; 12:30 PM EST
    Match 8: 7/29 18:00 UTC; 1:00 PM EST

The bracket:
  • The match number can be found on the left side of each match displayed

Good luck to all players!!!

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Match 1: abraker vs nanachii has ended with 10-6 in favor to abraker

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Update: The days for Matches 4 and 6 will be swapped to give a no-show a chance to redeem themselves in the loser bracket the following day. The match time table has been changed accordingly!
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Match 2: Zozimoto vs Nanachii has ended with Nanachii winning by default
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Match 3: abraker vs flanster has ended with 8-10 in favor to Flanster

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Update: Match 6 (semifinal) will be moved to tomorrow 16:00 UTC; 11:00 AM EST. The match time table has been changed accordingly!
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Match 6: Flanster vs Comfy Slippers ended with 0-10 in favor of Comfy Slippers

Match replay:

abraker wrote:

Match 6: Flanster vs Comfy Slippers ended with 0-10 in favor of Comfy Slippers
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Match 4: Zozimoto vs Nanachii ended with 10-9 in favor of Zozimoto

Match replay: ... SXYoyVDmvk
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Match 5: Zozimoto vs abraker ended with 4-10 in favor of abraker

Match replay: ... htxYtKfhgU
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Match 7: Flanster vs abraker ended with 10-1 in favor of flanster

Match replay: ... ONKz16A5RQ
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Match 8: Flanster vs Comfy Slippers ended with 10-2 in favor of Comfy Slippers

Match Replay:

Congratulation to Comfy Slippers for winning the OT!Haxball Tournament!!!

Nice job!
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