
Silver Forest - overflow

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Thanks for Vhy udh mod beatmapku. Sesuai janjiku "I will mod you beatmap back... ;)"

Relaxing :
- 01:01:413 mungkin perlu d'ubah bentuknya, code :
- *Kenapa 01:25:580 beda sama 02:42:913 ? 02:42:913 ada reversenya kalo 01:25:580 nggak ada? Adain.
# 01:25:580

# 02:42:913

*Atau sangat aku saranin spinner 01:25:747 tarik ke 01:25:580
hapus reverse 02:42:913 dan tarik juga spinner 02:43:080 ke 02:42:913 ini bertujuan supaya nggak tanggung kalo dimainin di mode osu!mania / taiko.




- 01:43:080 dan 01:43:747 maybe sound look good if you delete the claps

Lunaties :
Hitsounds + desain sudah cukub bagus menurutku. Cuma ya ada saran yang sama kayak di Relaxing di 01:25:580 sama 02:42:913 hapus reversenya terus tarik spinnernya.
Well this is my mod. Sorry if this not helped anything for you.

Hmhmhmhm memang bener kalo cuma ada 2 diff, normal ama insane aja maka kemungkinan kecil ni beatmap bisa ranked. Gimana kalo aku buat hard diffnya? Ntar kamu bisa ubah lagi sesuai keinginanmu...
Hi lunaties~
Try to change the normal type hit hitsounds to the default normal hit hitsounds, maybe it looks more suitable than the hitsound you used?

i'm new to modding, so i can't find something more to improved.
Anyway, Good luck. :)
Aku nggak tau maunya orang yang nulis "mungkin kamu adalah orang yang murah hati……tapi……tolak IadzXenon!dia hanya pembuat map baru sekarang" itu apa?

Emang aku ini pertama kali bikin beatmap dan pertamakali modding dan nggak punya pengalaman. Tapi bukan berarti aku nggak tau apa2! Aku tau aturan2 beatmap yang ranked itu kayak gimana aja. Namanya juga belajar emangnya salah?! Seenaknya ngerendahin orang!

Lunaties maaf ya kalo modku nggak membantumu tapi itu udah semampuku sebagai orang yang nggak berpengalaman modding...
Topic Starter

Komeiji Hatsu wrote:

i like this
count for little


~~i love your rhythm,perfect!thank you ~

~~add a colour replace coloure,according to Koishi‘s clothing yeah why not

~~03:47:080 (1) - add a ❤ to replace the boring spinner↓↓↓ boring u said? .__. but hey i love that love shape'd slider. can you give me an example code? i might replace it

~~03:24:247 (3,1) - ^……↓↓↓ i want the code 1st :3

~~00:17:747 (5,6,1,2,3) -considering other parts of your map……i think ↓↓↓better oh yea seems better. k fixed

~~00:09:247 (4,5,6) - make parallel or like your 03:36:581 (4,5,6) - 03:41:913 (4,5,6) - ok moved the tail 1 grid up

~~00:06:414 (3) - (87.167)meh idk if it's still not prefectly stacked. fixed

~~00:29:080 (4,5) - ……↓↓↓…… i prefer the current since both it's head and tail has clap on it so i keep better on straight slider

~~00:06:580 (4,5) - bend 00:06:580 (4) - or move 00:07:080 (5) - like ↑↑↑……pay attention to others that same nothing change on this. i'll keep mine

~~00:34:414 (4,5) - 00:34:080 (2,3) - exchange position it's better not to make a jump. i guess

~~01:24:080 (2,3,4,5,6) - inaccurate……make a note in Y axis,ctrl+shift+R……72°……can be perfect flows bad from (2) to (3). so i'll keep mine

~~01:36:414 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^ same reason as ^

~~00:40:080 (1,2) - it's better not to stack them,Music no pause,use stack when 00:26:414 (6,7) - i stack these notes based on something whatever da "dug dug" drum sound here. so i think it's okay

~~00:53:247 (1,2,3) - angle too big……plz steady↓↓↓ i testplayed with some of my friend and they said not a big matter here. should no problem

~~00:54:580 (4,5,6) - ^ same reason as ^

~~03:39:747 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - not beautiful…… i won't change this. yeah really won't change this

~~your normal diff …… a lot of it is detail is done bad,like 01:21:080 (2,3,4,1) - ,distance……keep distance snap open in normal&easy,what‘more,your can break 3.25 star if bat think it's no problem i want to remake this diffff so badddd ;w;

~~maybe your are generous man……but……turn IadzXenon down!he just a newmapper now hey2 no need to saying rude to other people. basically i am a new mapper too :P
and yeah thanks again for the mod and stars.
really appreciate it

IadzXenon wrote:

Thanks for Vhy udh mod beatmapku. Sesuai janjiku "I will mod you beatmap back... ;)" loh? .__.

Relaxing :
- 01:01:413 mungkin perlu d'ubah bentuknya, code :
- *Kenapa 01:25:580 beda sama 02:42:913 ? 02:42:913 ada reversenya kalo 01:25:580 nggak ada? Adain. oh keliru yang di 02:42:580 (4) emang harusnya ga pake reverse :3
# 01:25:580

# 02:42:913

*Atau sangat aku saranin spinner 01:25:747 tarik ke 01:25:580
hapus reverse 02:42:913 dan tarik juga spinner 02:43:080 ke 02:42:913 ini bertujuan supaya nggak tanggung kalo dimainin di mode osu!mania / taiko.




- 01:43:080 dan 01:43:747 maybe sound look good if you delete the claps ty for pointing this out

Lunaties :
Hitsounds + desain sudah cukub bagus menurutku. Cuma ya ada saran yang sama kayak di Relaxing di 01:25:580 sama 02:42:913 hapus reversenya terus tarik spinnernya.
Well this is my mod. Sorry if this not helped anything for you.

Hmhmhmhm memang bener kalo cuma ada 2 diff, normal ama insane aja maka kemungkinan kecil ni beatmap bisa ranked. Gimana kalo aku buat hard diffnya? Ntar kamu bisa ubah lagi sesuai keinginanmu... btw itu hard lho
thanks for checking :)
aaandddddddddd ~

IadzXenon wrote:

Aku nggak tau maunya orang yang nulis "mungkin kamu adalah orang yang murah hati……tapi……tolak IadzXenon!dia hanya pembuat map baru sekarang" itu apa? jangan tanya saya .___.

Emang aku ini pertama kali bikin beatmap dan pertamakali modding dan nggak punya pengalaman. Tapi bukan berarti aku nggak tau apa2! Aku tau aturan2 beatmap yang ranked itu kayak gimana aja. Namanya juga belajar emangnya salah?! Seenaknya ngerendahin orang! kalo saya pribadi sih, mod bagus ato jelek ya ngga pedul2 amat.cuma bisa menghargai aja :)

Lunaties maaf ya kalo modku nggak membantumu tapi itu udah semampuku sebagai orang yang nggak berpengalaman modding...
Topic Starter

cirnocon wrote:

Hi lunaties~
Try to change the normal type hit hitsounds to the default normal hit hitsounds, maybe it looks more suitable than the hitsound you used?

i'm new to modding, so i can't find something more to improved.
Anyway, Good luck. :)
well but im not even using any normal hitsound here.
but if what you meant is soft-hitnormal, then i might change it if some further modder mentioned this too
Kalo Star difficultynya 4,99 itu udh trmasuk insane...
"The mapset must have a well-designed spread of difficulties, containing at least an Easy or a Normal difficulty (based on how the map feels): this is so that players of all levels of experience are able to enjoy maps of the songs they love. It's really hard to define how a specific spread could work in a specific song beforehand, but here's a list of things to consider: the difficulties in the mapset must be in a consecutive order and/or with a reasonable gap between them; there should be at least one difficulty around ~2.5/3 star difficulty level; if your mapset has two difficulties, one of them cannot be insane (this basically means that it's highly recommended to have 3 difficulties unless the song itself doesn't allow much variety); if your mapset has three difficulties, one of them should be about ~2.5/3 star difficulty level, and the second should not be Insane; if your map has four or more difficulties, at least two should be something other than Insane. The difficulty level of Taiko-specific difficulties must also follow a well-designed spread with no jumps in between difficulties, hence if you may include Normal/Hard/Insane, or Normal/Hard or Hard/Insane (only if it also has standard difficulties)"
keep this in mind
ahahaha kan uda dibilangin itu diff uda kek sejenis insane, disuruh bikin diff lagi ngeyel ga mau :3
tak bikin in yang hard ta?

RIP 2nd map lelelelelel

Vhy wrote:

ahahaha kan uda dibilangin itu diff uda kek sejenis insane, disuruh bikin diff lagi ngeyel ga mau :3
tak bikin in yang hard ta?

RIP 2nd map lelelelelel
yes but that was a month ago and the issue is still not resolved
Komeiji Hatsu
about ❤,replace the last spinner,sv*0.5


make a ❤ too hard ……so only one


❤~~01:24:080 (2,3,4,5,6) - ,maybe a misunderstanding,your Five-pointed star…… inaccurate……let……ahh……↓↓↓

comprehend?,move and type ……after the completion of Five-pointed star……let it go at that……

01:24:247 (3) - (130.165)01:24:413 (4) - (198.258)01:24:580 (5) - (198.143)01:24:747 (6) - (130.236)……

if you understand……01:36:414 (1,2,3,4,5) - ……fix it too……okay……i have ocd……

good luck
Topic Starter

IadzXenon wrote:

Kalo Star difficultynya 4,99 itu udh trmasuk insane...
itu star 4.99 ngaco ah. jgn percaya ama star rating mah, toh ini diff pas dimainin ya setara kok sama hard.
makanya ini mau cari BAT biar dinilai dulu. kalo semisal BAT nganggep ini insane ya tar saya tinggal bikin hard nya aja .__.

Vhy wrote:

ahahaha kan uda dibilangin itu diff uda kek sejenis insane, disuruh bikin diff lagi ngeyel ga mau :3
tak bikin in yang hard ta?

RIP 2nd map lelelelelel
anjrit. yauda bikin aja sono. sekalian pulsa 50k ya :P

LexiaLovesU wrote:

"The mapset must have a well-designed spread of difficulties, containing at least an Easy or a Normal difficulty (based on how the map feels): this is so that players of all levels of experience are able to enjoy maps of the songs they love. It's really hard to define how a specific spread could work in a specific song beforehand, but here's a list of things to consider: the difficulties in the mapset must be in a consecutive order and/or with a reasonable gap between them; there should be at least one difficulty around ~2.5/3 star difficulty level; if your mapset has two difficulties, one of them cannot be insane (this basically means that it's highly recommended to have 3 difficulties unless the song itself doesn't allow much variety); if your mapset has three difficulties, one of them should be about ~2.5/3 star difficulty level, and the second should not be Insane; if your map has four or more difficulties, at least two should be something other than Insane. The difficulty level of Taiko-specific difficulties must also follow a well-designed spread with no jumps in between difficulties, hence if you may include Normal/Hard/Insane, or Normal/Hard or Hard/Insane (only if it also has standard difficulties)"
keep this in mind
1stly, i gonna find a BAT and let's see what he/she think about this mapset

Komeiji Hatsu wrote:

about ❤,replace the last spinner,sv*0.5


make a ❤ too hard ……so only one


❤~~01:24:080 (2,3,4,5,6) - ,maybe a misunderstanding,your Five-pointed star…… inaccurate……let……ahh……↓↓↓

comprehend?,move and type ……after the completion of Five-pointed star……let it go at that……

01:24:247 (3) - (130.165)01:24:413 (4) - (198.258)01:24:580 (5) - (198.143)01:24:747 (6) - (130.236)……

if you understand……01:36:414 (1,2,3,4,5) - ……fix it too……okay……i have ocd…… i adjust it on my own, should be more okay now

good luck
thank you. will update tomorrow
i'm very sleepy right now :3
Topic Starter
updated :3

changed the diffs name to normal and hard :P
Hello, from CatsR'Us Modding team. first mod of the team :)

Normal I really do like this diff, but I'll just put out a few suggestions
00:28:747 (2) - this slider here feels a tab bit awkward. just a small suggestion but placing a circle here at 00:29:080 ( x:276 y:180) would be much more reasonable for it sounds much like this part 00:16:413 (1,2,3) - from before.
00:36:080 - move your break here. (not too big of a change but it would end with the vocals)
00:56:080 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1) - this doesn't really go with the vocals.
Your old one

My suggested one

01:04:413 (5) - NC
01:53:080 - A finish?
01:55:413 (1) - imo you could move the spinner to the blue tick closest to the slider, spinners have no beginning so that end slider hitsound serve as that hit for the long vocal note
02:09:747 (3) - remove NC
02:10:747 (1) - ^
02:11:080 (2) - NC also straighten this slider up a little
02:13:413 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,1) - similar to the one at 00:56:080 - I rather you take my pattern for it sounds much nicer to the vocals
02:53:747 (1,2) - please separate~I see your Idea but for normal and it being kinda slow I wouldn't recommend it.
03:25:413 (1) - move spinner to the blue tick nearest to end of last slider

I seem to find this map agreeable but I might just be a bit fatigued from modding Normal :cry:
If you doubt anything just reply and I'll see to it.

Well anyway~ Good luck!


As noted above from LexiaLovesU, The diff spread of this map set is too high, as Hard should rather be considered as an Insane. As stated with the rules, a mapset of two can't have one as an Insane.

Lunaties wrote:

Vhy wrote:

ahahaha kan uda dibilangin itu diff uda kek sejenis insane, disuruh bikin diff lagi ngeyel ga mau :3
tak bikin in yang hard ta?

RIP 2nd map lelelelelel
anjrit. yauda bikin aja sono. sekalian pulsa 50k ya :P
tak benerin typo nya hehe /runs
eh deng mending nunggu BAT aja de kayaknya ;)
Topic Starter

Vainslay wrote:

Hello, from CatsR'Us Modding team. first mod of the team :)

Normal I really do like this diff, but I'll just put out a few suggestions
00:28:747 (2) - this slider here feels a tab bit awkward. just a small suggestion but placing a circle here at 00:29:080 ( x:276 y:180) would be much more reasonable for it sounds much like this part 00:16:413 (1,2,3) - from before. not gonna change this
00:36:080 - move your break here. (not too big of a change but it would end with the vocals) okay
00:56:080 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1) - this doesn't really go with the vocals. changed in other way. simply like the current 02:13:413 (1,2,3,4,5)
Your old one

My suggested one

01:04:413 (5) - NC oops added
01:53:080 - A finish? no need to add finish here. would be unnecessary
01:55:413 (1) - imo you could move the spinner to the blue tick closest to the slider, spinners have no beginning so that end slider hitsound serve as that hit for the long vocal note im not sure. will think about this later
02:09:747 (3) - remove NC idk why i NC'ed this :o
02:10:747 (1) - ^ this too
02:11:080 (2) - NC also straighten this slider up a little nah NC should be at here
02:13:413 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,1) - similar to the one at 00:56:080 - I rather you take my pattern for it sounds much nicer to the vocals do changes on my own same as 00:56:080
02:53:747 (1,2) - please separate~I see your Idea but for normal and it being kinda slow I wouldn't recommend it. let's see if any further modder mentioned this too
03:25:413 (1) - move spinner to the blue tick nearest to end of last slider

I seem to find this map agreeable but I might just be a bit fatigued from modding Normal :cry:
If you doubt anything just reply and I'll see to it.

Well anyway~ Good luck!


As noted above from LexiaLovesU, The diff spread of this map set is too high, as Hard should rather be considered as an Insane. As stated with the rules, a mapset of two can't have one as an Insane.
thanks for modding :)
Fun: 7/10
Design: 8.5/10
- The spinner and slider @ 03:24:247 doesn't play very well. I suggest you remove the slider and replace that with the spinner so that it starts @ 03:24:247 and ends @ 03:27:080
- Replace the slider @ 01:54:747 so that the spinner starts at that spot and ends @ 01:57:413
Fundamentals: 10/10

Fun: 9/10
Design: 9.5/10
- The area @ 03:22:747 - end of spinner need some polishing. The spinner and slider @ 03:24:247 doesn't play very well. I suggest you remove the slider and replace that with the spinner so that it starts @ 03:24:247 and ends @ 03:27:080
- Change 00:32:080 (1,2) so that it's like:


Fundamentals: 10/10
Topic Starter

Swayzo wrote:

Fun: 7/10
Design: 8.5/10
- The spinner and slider @ 03:24:247 doesn't play very well. I suggest you remove the slider and replace that with the spinner so that it starts @ 03:24:247 and ends @ 03:27:080
- Replace the slider @ 01:54:747 so that the spinner starts at that spot and ends @ 01:57:413
Fundamentals: 10/10

Fun: 9/10
Design: 9.5/10
- The area @ 03:22:747 - end of spinner need some polishing. The spinner and slider @ 03:24:247 doesn't play very well. I suggest you remove the slider and replace that with the spinner so that it starts @ 03:24:247 and ends @ 03:27:080
- Change 00:32:080 (1,2) so that it's like:


Fundamentals: 10/10
sorry no single change
all of these slider if i replace it with spinner, it will seriously break the rhythm. i've tested it
but thanks for checking anyway
Hi Lunaties here its your ticket from my lucky round in queue

Mod Info:
  1. Unrankable or very questionable stuff
  2. Highly suggestion
  3. Coment or opinions about some
  4. nazi stuff or normal suggestions

  1. In first place I dont agree with the spread the jump from normal to hard its to big the hard is kinda a soft insane I suggest tou you to map a diff between them to fix it, and yeah after modding the hard that its an insane diff so you have a normal - Insane spread you need a diff between them
  2. Your soft clap dont fit the song really nice imo better try to get another one to be more suitable with the song

  1. OD -1, OD 6 its mainstream on hard diffs also take in consideration u have a borderline spread reduce the od it will help a little
  2. The consistency with the distance its a very important think when you map and I really cant see what its your main distance since it make the map play kinda odd in alot of parts like here 00:05:747 (1,2) - since that spacing its to small for the gap the obejects have on timeline thats why I suggest you to recheck this diff and try to make it more consistent with spacing and put jumps when they fit the song
  3. Unsnapped inherited (green) sections at: 03:24:014 - snap to 03:23:997
  4. 00:06:080 (2) - Im really not a fan of extended slider when them dont fit like this case all the empathize of the song is on previous upbeat here 00:06:247 and yeah you should finish the slider there to represent the music better and maybe if you really want to map the spot on the offbeat here 00:06:330 add a circle them but with your actually way i feel it dont follow the song properly
  5. 00:07:080 (5) - maybe a mistake? the clap in the tail really dont fit with the song the clap should be on the head of the next slider here 00:07:414 to keep the hitsounds pattern and the fit with the music
  6. 00:08:414 (1,2) - really awkard spacing here try to increasy it cuz nothing suggest the player this will be an almost antijump here for example this when the gap in timeline its alot more big u use 0.50 distance making this really hard to read but here 00:09:080 (3,4) - when the gap its short in the timeline you increasy it to 1.0 that its a inconsistency and make the gameplay really unconfortable
  7. 00:08:747 (2) - same as 00:06:080 (2)
  8. 00:09:747 (5) - same with the clap in previous case I think you did a mistake the clap have to be on next slider head
  9. 00:11:580 should be a circle here the empathize its bigger than the next offbeat also take in consideration this is a Hard diff your current rhythm its really difficult for a hard diff a triplet will be more easy and confortable to play than the double circle o.o also your spacing there dont follow very well the tempos
  10. 00:12:747 (6,7) - kinda nazi but this blanket its not perfect use the aproach circle of 6 to improve it
  11. 00:14:330 (2,3) - same with 00:11:580
  12. 00:15:080 (5,6,7,8) - this jumps are to much and make your spread look not suitable since this hard have to be more easyy but this sections make it look like a soft insane diff
  13. 00:16:330 you need to add a circle here since you are losing alot of empathize without it
  14. 00:17:414 (4,5,6) - this look like the same distance in the grid but the time its alot different making the gameplay pretty bad im sure alot of non experience players or the less experienced ones will have alot of troubles with it
  15. 00:18:914 (2,3) - distance error? or a jump? if its a error fix it to a properly distance if its a jump its not readabl and unexpected in this part better keep consistentcy with the distance
  16. 00:19:997 why its this beat here? when 00:19:913 - and 00:20:080 - have alot more empathize? also your current rhythm its not suitable for a hard diff
  17. 00:21:413 (1,2) - Fix the blanket
  18. 00:23:747 (6,1) - stack them for consistency with what u did here 00:24:080 (7,2) - also stack the last one perfect hue
  19. 00:28:080 finishing sliders on stanzas its not nice cuz it broke the rhythm and main beats of the song i mean the big white tick in 00:28:413 should be a slider head or a circle to give to this par the empathize of this song deserve hope you considerd this
  20. 00:29:080 (3,4,5) - same problem this look like the have the same distance on the playfield but the gap in time line its different use a properly distance
  21. 00:40:080 (1,2) - bad stack but that its a tiny issue the main issue its the rhyhm try to finish the sliders on downbeats cuz it dont follow the music nicely try this rhythm instead:
  22. 00:41:080 (4,5,6) - try to make the spacing in jump patterns the same if not this will cause the player missread the map tempo and click too soon or to late
  23. 00:44:914 (6,7,8) - try to reduce the spacing to 0.50 its a hard 1/4 with big spacing its not suitable for a hard diff
  24. 00:45:747 (1,2,3,4,5) - to much for a hard diff reduce the distance a bit usually this jumps are nice for a hard but not for this hard cuz your diff spread its really bad imo try to reduce the distance to make the spread more suitable
  25. 00:47:080 (5,2) - very questionable hidden objects in to the slider body its not good imo maybe try another way for it
  26. 00:48:414 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - same this jump pattern its not suitable for a hard diff try another one this its to much
  27. 00:50:747 what are u following with the 1/4 repeat? nothing in the music suggest or support this remove it and map it properly
  28. 00:53:247 (1,2,3) - use a consistent dstance here plz
  29. 00:53:747 dont ignore the main beats of the song this have to be mapped properly and no ticks dont represent the music also the slider have to end here 00:54:080 when the empathize of the music its
  30. 00:53:580 (3,6) - stack this properly
  31. 00:54:580 (4,5,6) - same distance issue
  32. 00:55:080 same as 00:53:747
  33. 00:54:914 (6,1) - this need more distance like you did on the previous 00:53:580 (3,4) -
  34. 00:56:247 (3) - dont end the sliders on the main beats of the song like II explain you before
  35. 00:56:247 (3,4) - this jump its pretty unexpected and then you reduce the distance drastical here 00:56:580 (4,5) - try to be more consistent with the distance
  36. 00:58:914 - same as 00:56:247
  37. 00:59:247 (4,5,6) - this jumps are for an Insane diff them dont play good in hards diffs hope you reduce it
  38. 01:01:747 you should dont ignore the main beats of the song cuz it break the rhythm
  39. 01:02:080 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - those overlaps play really nice for an insane diff but not for a hard i mean the lvl of the players its not the same a guy who play hards diffs will not be able to play this also when you do a map take more in consideration the spread since right now alot of thinks like this one make this spread like normal - Insane
  40. 01:04:414 (1,2,1,2,3) - also this other stream its not ok for a hard diff imo
  41. 01:07:080 (1,2,3,4,5) - make the spacing between the consistent so the player can read this well in other case this play bad thought
  42. 01:08:080 (5,7) - for better map desing stack this better?
  43. 01:10:747 (6) - If you ctrl G this slider it will play alot more intuitive than the current way
  44. 01:11:080 (7,9) - when you do this overlaps try to make then the more perfect you can actually it look pretty bad
  45. 01:12:080 dont end sliders on the main beats of the song all the empathize its here 01:12:413 it should be mapped with a circle or slider head to make more sense with the music also this 01:12:413 its the place when the NC should be and remove it from 01:12:914
  46. 01:12:580 this repeat dont follow nothing in the music map this part properly
  47. 01:14:080 (6,7,8,9) - use a consistent spacing this jumps dont have consistent with the previous beats on the same combo
  48. 01:15:747 (1,2,3) - this its not perfect stacked
  49. 01:15:080 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - also this patterns are not ok for a hard diff
  50. 01:17:747 (1,2) - broken flow the conecction in the 2 beats its not natural and when you play it you feel that momevent really forzed im sure u can improve this alot
  51. 01:18:747 (5,6) - In my opinion I cant accept this for a hard diff reduce the distance alot plz
  52. 01:19:914 (7,8,9,1) - the distance have to be consistent here you make a mistake from 9 to 1
  53. 01:21:414 (6) - ctrl G will be better flow
  54. 01:22:747 (9) - same here ending sliders on downbeats dont follow the song in nothing the main beats need to be mapped properly a circle or a slider head will work and will represent the music better
  55. 01:23:247 not following nothing in the music
  56. 01:25:747 maybe add a circle and start the spinner in 01:25:830 u will follow the music better
  57. 01:40:080 why you ignore this beat but u map the previous one in 01:39:997 since the one at 01:40:080 make alot more sense to the music also your current rhythm with 01:39:997 make a bad gameplay its to hard to notice u will map the vocal but not the cymbal
  58. 01:41:414 (1,3) - stack this perfect
  59. 01:41:580 (2,4) - ^
  60. 01:42:747 same as 01:22:747
  61. 01:50:080 (3,4,5,6,7) - this patterns are patterns for insane diffs not for hard
  62. 01:53:747 here too idk why you ignore those beats with such an important sound in that part
  63. 01:57:414 same as 01:22:747
  64. 02:08:081 nothing in the music suppot this 1/4 reapeat map it properly to the music
  65. 02:10:581 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - same as 00:53:747
  66. 02:13:581 (3) - same as 01:22:747
  67. 02:14:914 same as above
  68. 02:19:414 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - yeah this its not apropiated for a hard diff
  69. 02:21:748 (1,2,1,2,3,4) - ^
  70. 02:31:414 (6,7,8,9) - ^
  71. 02:32:414 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - ^
  72. 02:40:081 (9) - dont finish sliders on importants part of music
  73. 02:40:580 this dont follow nothing in the music and its overmapped
  74. 02:42:080 (6) - you map this one with a slider but u map this one 01:24:747 with a circle in the same part of the song try to make them consistent
  75. 02:43:080 (1) - same suggestion as the other spinner in the end of the kiai
  76. 02:53:747 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - this its not some like you do in a hard diff thought
  77. 02:56:413 (1,3) - If its posible avoid the overlap
  78. 03:05:080 (1,1) - you can make this blanket alot better
  79. 03:06:414 (4,6) - they are almost touching themselves try to move them a bit
  80. 03:10:580 (8,9) - stack this properly
  81. 03:13:747 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - not suitable for a hard diff
  82. 03:22:247 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3) - ^
  83. 03:43:080 (7,1) - swap NC for consistency with your patterns

    Well this diff its an insane not a hard in my opinion and yeah the spacing ts not consistent some sliders end on the main beats of the song and yeah you should reduce alot the diff here or map a true hard the gap with the normal diff its to big and I dont think its acceptable spread for rank thought :/

  1. Just saying this diff will play alot better with AR5 OD4 HP4 since the spread will be fixed a bit also the form you map this normal make more sense with the settings Im suggesting you
  2. 00:05:747 this slider have to finish in 00:06:080 since here its the empathize and the strong song in your actually way you just will confuse newbies extending the slider take in consideration this diff its the supossed easy diff of the set so I preffer if you keep a simple rhythm on it
  3. 00:06:747 same with this one 00:07:080 the main sound on the music its 00:07:080 so why you ignore it? it dont make so much sense thought
  4. 00:08:413 (1) - same as 00:05:747
  5. 00:09:413 same as 00:06:747
  6. 00:12:580 what are you following with this one? o.o it sound really weird in this part to map it properly I suggest you to use this rhythm instead:
  7. 00:14:247 exactly the same as above
    00:14:747 same as 00:06:747
  8. 00:18:747 maybe add a circle here since the vocals sound pretty nice also a new player will expect to have some to click here
  9. 00:21:413 same as above
  10. 00:24:747 (1,2,3) - this is why I told you your current clap sound pretty bad and dont follow the melody of the song
  11. 00:33:080 this rhythm sound pretty bad when you play and dont follow the music really nice try this one will improve alot the rhythm:
  12. 00:35:080 a slider will follow better the vocals here yes symilar to the one you use on your hard and yeah consistent between your diff its very important when you map
  13. 00:40:413 (1,2,3,4) - really naxi but stack the tails properly
  14. 00:51:080 (1,2) - Fix the distance
  15. 00:56:413 (2,3) - ^
  16. 00:58:747 dont finish sliders on the main beats of the music yes this is symilar case of your hard diff you usually end the sliders on the downbeats and yeah that its not good since the importants sounds on the music are supposed to be clickeables on the maps thats why
  17. 01:00:080 (3,4) - fix the distance
  18. 01:03:080 imo you should not ignore this kinds of beats they are really important in the music
  19. 01:06:080 (4,1) -
  20. fix the distance
  21. 01:15:080 NC its supposed to be here following your patterns so yeah its better if you remove it from 01:15:413 and you add it on 01:15:080
  22. 01:17:747 (1,2,3) - distance error little but noticeable
  23. 01:25:247 just wonder what its following this NC? its not better if you remove it feel unnecesary for me
  24. 01:41:747 yeah same rhythm problem as 00:33:080 try to use the same rhythm as I suggest you there
  25. 01:45:747 (3,4) - convert both of them in a slider will follow better the music actually the 3 circles sound really bad also the music dont have nothing cuz really need them here
  26. 01:47:080 (1,2) - Fix the distance
  27. 01:48:413 (3,4) - ^
  28. 01:49:747 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - all this part have some distance problems be sure to make them the same
  29. 01:53:080 exactly the same as 00:33:080
  30. 02:09:413 (2,3,4,1) - Fix the distance
  31. 02:11:080 (1,2) - lol I really dont like to post this stuff but yeah this blanket can be alot better
  32. 02:13:413 (1,2,3,4,5) - distance be sure to use 1.0 like you did on all your diff little distance changes can be really confuse for new players
  33. 02:21:080 - 02:20:413 - you should map this spots since sound really empty and I dont get what are you trying to follow here
  34. 02:32:413 (5,1) - swap NC its the symilar as the previous one :l
  35. 02:40:413 same as 00:05:747
  36. 02:53:747 (1,2,1) - this its not ok for a normal diff new players cant read antijumps use a properly distance here
  37. 03:00:080 this spot should be mapped the guitar suggest you to do and need to be mapped to follow the rhythm properly
  38. 03:01:747 (1,2,3,4) - dont use stacks on the easy diff of your map newbies cant read it
  39. 03:07:080 (3,4) - Fix the distance
  40. 03:11:080 (1,2) - ^
  41. 03:13:747 (5,1) - swap NC symilar to the others ones
  42. 03:35:747 (1,2) - same as 00:05:747
  43. 03:38:413 (1,2) - ^
  44. 03:41:080 (1,2) - ^
  45. 03:43:747 (1,2) - ^

    Generally this diff its fine if you fix some rhythms/distance/and some stacks and the antijump but yeah u need a diff between the hard and this normal.. :/

you need to work alot on this spread and yes the better solution its map a real hard diff
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will check the mod tomorrow as possible :3
daywork at everyday is such a pain ;w;
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