
Wada Kouji - Butterfly

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Fixed what you said, rearranged those two clusters and a couple others, changed the incorrect 1/4 spacing I found, and a couple other spacing issues (just those that were messed up because I changed things and didn't adjust spacing =P) I'll work on the whistle spam after I get home from school, same with the clusters in Hard that I never unclustered.


EDIT: Fixed spacing issue I had. Whee. Reuploaded, also fixed where it seems I left 'Whistle' on near the end.
I think the grid placements are such that the map is playable now. I don't believe I see more technical problems.
Ze bubble poppin' patrol has arrived.

Insane: Clusterfucky. Some of these spots are entirely too confusing.
00:19:03 (6,7,8,9) - The 1/4th note (7) is near impossible to read that as a 1/4th. Spacing is similar to 1/2 and even identical in some places. I'd reccomend ditching it, extending #6 slider 1/4th beat longer, and maybe replacing 8 with a hitcircle but it works as a slider I guess, just sounds a bit odd.

00:28:85 (7,2,3,4) - Ick. I don't even know what to suggest for this. Just fix it pls.

Theres some spacing inconsistancies in general that confuse me with this map. 00:33:76 (6,7,8,9) - this stream being spaced as is, and then the stream a bit afterwards @ 00:35:76 (4,5,6,7). It'd be really helpful if you made some consistancy with enforcing distance snap at maybe .9 (looks like what you used for a good chunk of the map)

00:41:58 (4,5,6,7,8) - All those sliders are begging for a slider drop. If you just ditch 7 and rearrange them it won't bother me as much.

00:47:40 (4,5,6,7,8) - This is a little better than the last stream, but it still looks a bit sloppy. I don't like the whole slider starting 1/4th after another slider.

00:50:58 (3,4) - closer to the tail of the 2 slider if you want them as 1/4ths

00:53:22 (12) - I know you're going with the 1/4th theme here but it sounds so much better if pushed 1/4th further and shortened.

00:57:94 (6,7) - Broken. The start of the 7 is at the same spot as the 6.

01:03:03 (3,5,6,7) - clusterfuckish

01:06:49 (1) - space further so i dont think it's a 1/4th

01:12:67 (5) - Turn this into a stack of 1/4ths? Short slider is gross

01:33:58 (1,2,3,4) - The whole 1/4th rant again.

01:41:58 (7,8,9,10,11,1,2,3,4,5,6) - oh my god mindfuck. cluttered.

I could keep going with some more 1/4th stuff. A lot of the problem would be solved with enforcing spacing throughout the entire map. With so much 1/4ths it is very important that it is easy to distinguish them from 1/2 notes. Also avoid slider streams 1/4th apart in general, it makes a map messy an unorganized.


Download: Bernstein & Ruegger - Freakazoid! (Nicogeta) [Footix's Normal].osu
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Fixed, I think.

EDIT: NOW it's 'fixed, I think'.

EDIT2: Scratch that.
EDIT3: THERE. Ready for judgement.
Okay, here cometh post. I must say that my modding hasn't been too in depth, but I'll nazimod this soon.

-Fixed combo numbering.
Download: Wada Kouji - Butterfly (Ekaru) [Easy].osu

-Fixed combo numbering.
Download: Wada Kouji - Butterfly (Ekaru) [Hard].osu
Keep in mind that these following changes were made after my combo numbering fixes.
-00:51:572 (7, 1) - First off, get rid of 1. Next, extend 7 to where 1 was in the timeline. Now, there shouldn't be a new combo where what 1 would've been, since it's still a part of that phrase.
-00:55:481 (5) - I feel like this shouldn't be here, but maybe it's just the fact that I haven't listened to the track as much.
-01:13:572 (8) - Nudge back on the timeline in the 1/2 divisor.
-01:38:481 (4) - I say that this is spaced too close to 3.
-02:10:845 (7, 1) - See 00:51:572 (7, 1).

-00:45:401 (1) - Remove the new combo mark from this. This is still a part of that last phrase.
-00:55:038 (13) - Make this the start of a new combo. I feel as though this should be its own isolated little phrase.
-01:04:674 (8) - Make this the start of a new combo.
-01:06:492 (1) - Remove the new combo mark.
-01:07:765 (formerly 5) - Make this the start of a new combo.
-01:10:129 (1) - Remove the new combo mark.
-01:16:311 - Move this over to the white tick on the right.
-01:17:947 - Extend this to the beginning of the next spinner.
-02:12:856 (11) - Make this the start of a new combo.
-02:17:401 (6) - ^
-02:26:856 (10) - ^
-02:27:583 (1) - Remove the new combo mark.
-02:29:220 - Extend this to the beginning of the next spinner.
-02:32:038 - Nudge this forward in 1/4 and shorten it by one tick in 1/4. Then...
-02:30:674 - ...make this spinner end where the next one starts.

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Fixed. I need to learn how to 'new combo'. Reuploaded.
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^Fixed for the most part. Tried to uncluster Hard the best I can, also. Hard has a lot of 1/2s in the beginning because it goes to the background, in case you were wondering. Hmm, I should remap the first 15 seconds or so of that, actually... and figure out something to do with a few parts. I'll see about doing that... after watching 4 volumes of Gundam Seed. =P

EDIT: I found out about the magic of 1/2 repeat sliders. By using them, and by changing some placement, I managed to reduce the amount of clusterfuckness on Hard quite a bit. Now that I think about it, it was more clusterfucky than Insane, to me at least.
Here's my difficulty. Extended, for her (his?) pleasure. ;3

Insane needs to be cleaned up, and that's about it. Cleaned up as in snapping notes to the grid (00:25:76 (6,7,8)) and making nicer use of hitsounds (see whistle abuse at 00:49:94 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)).

Hard needs to either use 1/4 notes more, or get rid of them entirely. 00:54:93 (1,2) is the only place they're found, and it's sort of awkward.

Download: Wada Kouji - Butterfly (Ekaru) [CW's Extended Normal].osu
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[Extended Normal]

00:25:02 (3,4) - doesnt seem to fit the music at all, its confusing
00:33:75 (7) - same, i think its a bit early, perhaps 1/8 beat
01:02:84 (2,3,4) - spacing is confusing - its a triplet where you only move for the last note?
01:37:75 (3,4,5,1) - same problem as 00:25:02
03:24:48 (1) - ends ~1/2 too late to snap to vocals
03:25:93 (2) - ditto, or this one could end 1/2 later

00:25:57 (4,5,6) - this doubling back spacing may be a little confusing, but i dont think it necessarily needs to be fixed, just saying...
00:52:11 (7) - slider overlaps itself in possibly confusing manner
01:16:48 (1) - hard to tell direction of slider, or would be if there wasnt a giant reverse sign.

00:56:84 (3) - partially hidden behind 1
01:03:20 (4,5) - nice jump.
01:39:20 (7) - partly hidden behind 3
02:00:84 (6,7) - slightly early, maybe 1/8 early?
02:29:20 (1) - D: can you make the pwetty heart pwetty?

00:50:12 (2,3,4) - cant tell what this snaps to in the music.
01:16:49 (1,1,1) - can you make the spinners not start on top of each other?
02:29:22 (1,1,1) - ditto
Here's a new version, with some of SFG's changes taken into account. But note: there is NO need for 1/8 here, on any difficulty.

Download: Wada Kouji - Butterfly (Ekaru) [CW's Extended Normal].osu
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I already made the appropiate changes on my difficulties last night, so I updated yours and uploaded the new versions. And yes, I didn't bother with 1/8. No reason to use them here.
Well I had no major issues with this map, hard is just a lot of notes and same with insane. CW's extended longmap is long.

Only real suggestion is to clean up the heart shaped sliders. Not sure about how to do this for the one in easy, but I think it'd be better if you could get the start of the slider somewhere near the middle? Actually I'm not sure about that at all.

For hard,
02:29:20 (1) - change the return to be on 02:32:11 - instead of @ 02:31:93 -
And clean up the other heart slider

More nitpicking soon~

[edit]: here's my attempt at slider art, not quite happy with it, but what's your opinion?
Download: Wada Kouji - Butterfly (Ekaru) [Hard].osu
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Used it, thanks. ^_^; I also moved a few notes on Insane, so you can actually see them.

EDIT: Got rid of Insane, remapped Hard because it was made of so much fail.
This is what i saw just at a first look.

00:26:66 (6) - shorten 1 beat.
00:38:30 (5) - ^
01:00:11 (1,2,3) - If you care, that's quite the crooked line of notes.
00:52:30 (9) - ugly
01:04:66 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Really? Well there needs to be another notes before you start a slider at any case.
01:16:30 (1) - Shorten 1 repeat. Move forward 1/2 beat.
01:39:39 (6) - You pointed it out to me, so you know what to do.
01:51:20 (6) - Shouldn't even be a slider.
02:05:02 (8) - ugly
02:07:75 (1,2,3,4,5) - Move all this 1/2 beat back, then add a note 1/2 beat after it.
02:29:20 (1,1,1) - Are these legal?
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Fixed. And yeah, those spinners were, in fact, legal (Either that or Mogs is evil). But I shortened the first two by 1/2 anyways, because they deserve to be that way.
I think I might be the latter. Anyways, time for modding~

-01:04:633 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) - I felt this part was done wrong. First, there should be a 9 at 01:06:118. Second, I feel like the pattern should be sorta like this:
1 4 5 8 9
2 3 6 7
That might be just me, but eh.
-01:07:754 (1, 2, 3) - Remove the Finishes, they sound stupid here.
-01:10:481 (7) - Place a Finish here.
-01:16:481 (1, 2, 3) - Finishes here.
-01:31:027 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) - Remove the finishes.

CW's Normal:
Nothing to really critique here that I saw.

-00:25:027 (2) - This beat feels awkward for some reason. Try nudging it over to the right in the 1/2 divisor, then respace.

I have to leave for now, but I'll take another look at easy. Still Starred.
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Fixed. thanks for modding
Okay, nothing I really saw worth changing. Bubbled.
An offset of 18,312 sounds best to me. Or use Cyclone's, but 18,300 is definitely early.

  1. 00:22:31 (4,1) - Spacing. Move further apart.
  2. 00:42:85 (5,1) - Spacing. Move further apart.
  3. 01:16:49 (1) - The rebound time for this slider sounds awkward. Lengthening by a 1/2 works much better IMO. Just grow the whole heart by a little bit. This also nicely puts a slidertick right at the cusp at the top of the heart.
  1. It's kind of strange and untidy how some 1/2s are spaced differently than others. They're within the margin to qualify as proper spacing, but some overlap while others don't, and I find this untidy. :P
  2. 01:59:20 (4,5) - Where are the claps on these notes? :D Every other 1/2 double (outside the riff section) has them.
  1. 00:27:39 (1,1) - Hate how close this note is to the spinner. >=[ Don't change.
  2. 01:04:66 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Every note in this stream should be spaced closer by 1 grid unit.</nitpick>
So pretty much just me nitpicking except for a couple spacing errors on easy. :P
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