I just randomly decided that I needed to make a skin customized to what I like visually as well as a skin that fits what I like for general performance.
This skin is a mix of all those things. It is a skin I made for my preferences. (If you can't tell I like the color green as well).
If you would like to see how much of an improvement in quality this skin has over my old one, here is the link to the old MSPaint skin I made last year ( p/5853170/ ).
It sure has been a while since that masterpiece. I didn't bust this skin out in 2 sittings like that one though, I spent much more time on this one. I hope you think Verdant has turned out better, because I sure do think that it did.
I hope u liek it c:
[Made in paint.net]
Screenshots Below
Version 2: Changed some minor sounds (applause [more in extras], some menu sounds, failsound, section fail sound).
Cleaned up ugly cursor and back button because their edges were noticeably bad.
Thank you to users FroxXyyy and Vaeporeons for pointing these out because I didn't notice/forgot about fixing them on upload.
Cleaned up ugly cursor and back button because their edges were noticeably bad.
Thank you to users FroxXyyy and Vaeporeons for pointing these out because I didn't notice/forgot about fixing them on upload.
Version 1 (17.54MB): https://puu.sh/zTTmZ/d396da8f5e.osk
Version 2 (29.96MB): https://puu.sh/zXGBB/f2fdee6386.osk
Version 2 (29.96MB): https://puu.sh/zXGBB/f2fdee6386.osk
Notes: I screenshotted at lower res so the green bar doesn't actually cover the osu! logo in song selection.