Sounds fine to me.Chibi_Fox wrote:
I've tried to make another mod icons, but think I'll let them be, because I don't have enough different pictures. And I have a new PC, so most of my pictures are lost.
Thanks for the nice comments
Ehm.. It's not my first skin. It's my 4th skin xD-Kamui- wrote:
not bad for a first skin :p
I won't make new ones, I've said that before^^Jacob wrote:
good except for the mod buttons.
they're all the same D:<
I will try to fix it soon^^iMercurial wrote:
Not good =/
YOu need to download the skin, Unzip it, then you got a folder with the elements in it and you open your Osu! Folder at Programs? And you got a folder called ''Skins'' , there you drag this unziped folder in and you can change ingame at Options then ^^Cecebe wrote:
Hey, ich find den Skin echt super mega mäßig Klasse ^-^ Will ihn gerne benutzen aber ich weiß nich wie ich das in Osu "einfügen" soll bzw. Dowloaden kann ichs aber wies weiter geht leider nicht :/ Und Google sagt auch nichts wie es geht..