
Display time left in multiplayer rooms [Denied]

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +0
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I wasn't exactly sure how to phrase the title..but anyway

Requesting a feature so that if you join a multiplayer room mid-game, theres a timer that shows how long left until the song ends that they are playing

also have it displayed when you hover over a game in the multiplayer lobby

sorry if this has already been requested, im allergic to search bars :P
Support, genuinely useful.
Could do some good.
I actually don't recall this being a duplicate of another thread. On that note, this is one of those "why didn't we think of this before?" requests that could be very useful.


*Progress bar in MP room: Put a progress bar in the Multiplayer room so you can see how much of the song/map is left before it ends. (that way people who are looking for a fast game can wait/leave if it would take a long time for the song to finish)

Gabi wrote:

Every time I think to check that thread I don't find what I'm looking for. I didn't check this time, thus we have irony at its finest.

Damn you, Gabi. :I
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