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As I said, my diff is bad. :|
Topic Starter

MyAngelHelen wrote:

[From quueueue]
  1. 00:19:391 (1) - Sliders in easy difficulties should generally point towards the next object. Fixed
  2. 00:22:134 (1) - ^ Fixed
  3. 00:37:219 (3) - ^ Here especially. Sliders facing completely away from the next object are really just too gimmicky for Easy difficulties. Fixed
  4. 00:42:705 (3,1,2,3) - I find this bad for the same reasons. Fixed
  5. 00:46:819 (1,2) - These sliders don't align which looks aesthetically displeasing. Fixed
  6. 00:46:819 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,3) - Having a whole section with just sliders is quite fatiguing to new players since they aren't as simple as just clicking and have different properties like SV and tick rate etc. Fixed
  7. 00:58:819 (3,1) - Things like this are really too complicated for Easies in my opinion, due to the above reasons. Fixed
  8. 01:46:476 (4) - This slider doesn't follow the implied curve from 01:44:419 (1,2,3) - . *picture* Fixed
  9. 01:54:705 (3,1) - Same kind of angles thing Fixed
  10. 02:00:876 (1) - The slight drop in angle looks ugly. *picture* Fixed
  11. 02:09:105 (1) - This looks asymmetrical. Fixed
  12. 02:25:562 (1,2,3,4) - Looks kinda like a failed square. *picture* Fixed
  13. 02:36:534 (1) - This isn't distance snapped which makes the rhythmical gap between this and 02:34:819 (2) - look a lot smaller than it actually is. Fixed
  14. 02:40:305 (3,1,2,3) - Also looks ugly for angles reasons. Fixed
  1. 00:13:905 (1,2,3) - 2 should be moved up to fit with the curve made by the sliders. *picture* Fixed
  2. 00:14:762 (2,3) - 00:15:619 (1,2) - 00:16:134 (3,4) - The constant changes from stacking 1/2 to spacing 1/2 is quite gimmicky and honestly awkward to play. (I do realise you stack them for circle+circle and space them for circle+slider, but this makes it quite hard to sightread for Normal players) Fixed
  3. 00:23:505 (1) - It would be better if the end of the slider was more circular. *picture* Fixed
  4. 00:39:619 - There's quite a prominent sound here which you ignored. Fixed
  5. 00:46:819 (1,2) - 00:49:562 (1,2) - etc - These are kind of fast imo. Maybe I'll change it.
  6. 00:54:362 (2) - The short repeat will most likely confuse players at this level. Replaced by a slider 1/1
  7. 01:08:076 (2) - Preferably use a 3 point slider for "perfect" curves. Holy I just tried to use a 3 point slider in your map and nvm.
  8. 01:19:734 (1,2,3) - 3 doesn't follow the implied curve made by 1&2. *picture* Fixed
  9. 01:25:562 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - This stops following the hitsound pattern you had before. (It's quite noticable imo) I did it that way to emphasize the strongest 2/1 beats in the 00:19:739 - 00:23:162 , 01:25:562 - 01:28:991 , 02:31:391 - 02:34:819
  10. 01:35:505 (2) - This slidershape looks quite ugly. Maybe curve it in more? *slider with anchors* Replaced
  11. 01:46:476 (2) - This slider is very different, in terms of design, to the one you used at 01:35:505 (2) - but it's the same sound. Replaced
  12. 02:03:276 (4,1) - A stack like this might be quite hard to read. Fixed
  13. 02:07:734 (1) - Not perfectly stacked with the tail of 02:05:848 (3) - . *picture* Fixed
  14. 02:56:762 (4) - This slidershape could definitely be neater. Changed
  1. 00:09:962 (1,2,3,4,1) - These jumps are on the same sounds as 00:04:476 (1,2,3,4,5) - these but they (the first jumps that I linked) are at acute angles whilst the second group of jumps that I linked are at obtuse angles. Changed
  2. 00:37:734 - It would be worth it adding an object here for filler rhythm. (Like you did here 00:38:762 (2) - ) Added
  3. 00:52:305 (1,2,3) - These don't match the rhythm. Fixed
  4. 00:55:219 (2,3) - Using sliders here means that the important sounds are misemphasised (not sure if that's a word but w/e). Using sliders means that the important sounds (00:55:562 - and 00:56:076 - ) aren't clicked, since they are mapped to slidertails. Changed
  5. 01:05:505 (3) - This should be a 1/2 slider, not a repeating 1/4 slider. Changed
  6. 01:21:447 (1,2) - This rhythm is unexpected since you are essentially repeating this pattern 01:19:734 (1,2,3) - , but with a slight alteration (01:21:447 (1) - ). Changed
  7. 01:24:705 (4) - This is fundamentally impossible to read since the repeats are too fast and players expect 1 repeat (the same amount as was used here 01:19:734 (1) - ) Changed
  8. 01:25:562 (1,2,3,4) - Switching between 2 different ways of representing 1/2 rhythms is kind of a bad idea in Hards, especially considering that Hards are the difficulty to introduce 1/4 rhythms (which are often stacked). Changed
  9. 01:35:676 (4) - In my opinion, using just a normal curved slider doesn't really represent this slider properly, since curved sliders were also used for lots of other non-important sounds (01:33:448 (1,3,5,3,3,5) - ). Changed
  10. 01:59:505 (1) - This is spaced less than these (01:58:819 (3,4,5,6) - ) but it's an important sound so it should be spaced more. Fixed
  11. 02:08:419 (4) - A completely different slider for essentially the same sound. (Other instances of the same sound: 02:00:362 (4) - 02:05:848 (4) - ). Fixed
  12. 02:10:476 (1,2) - Stacks in this map mean that it is a 1/2 rhythm. Using a 1/1 stack towards the end of the map will be unreadable to players. Fixed
  13. 02:29:162 (2,3,4,1) - Players will expect 2 stacks of 2 rather than 2 back and forth jumps. Stack (2+3) and (4+1). Fixed
  14. 02:34:648 (3,4,5) - Spacing out 3 but stacking 4&5 looks unaesthetic. Space them all out? Changed
  15. 02:48:191 (3,3) - These aren't stacked properly. Fixed
  1. 00:04:734 (2) - I'd stack this on the tail of 00:03:448 (2) - and move the rest of 00:04:477 (1,2,3,4,5) - accordingly. Fixed
  2. 00:04:991 (3,4,5) - Switching flow direction here doesn't make much sense. Fixed
  3. 00:05:677 (1,2) - This looks ugly. *picture* Fixed
  4. 00:16:905 (2,3,4) - 4 should be on the right of the stack in order to break flow. Replaced
  5. 00:34:991 (4) - 00:35:505 (9) - Personally, would add NCs here. Added
  6. 00:38:934 (3,4) - Ctrl+G-ing this would make this pattern more predictable and also add emphasis on 00:39:277 (5) - . Changed
  7. From 00:48:191 - to 00:55:048 - :
    +00:48:362 (2,3,4) - 00:51:105 (2,3,4) - 00:53:848 (2,3,4) - : Keep spacing the same. Fixed
    +00:48:705 (5,6,7) - 00:51:448 (5,6,7) - 00:54:191 (5,6,7) - : Space out a bit. Fixed
    +00:49:048 (8,9,10) - 00:51:791 (8,9,10) - 00:54:534 (8,9,10) - : Space out a lot. Fixed
  8. 01:08:420 (6) - Rotate by 15 degrees (clockwise, selection centre) for aesthetics. Fixed
  9. 01:19:734 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Flow here is very much random. Fixed
  10. 01:34:991 (1,2,3,4) - Use sharp angles like 01:32:248 (1,2,3,4) - . (Suggestion: If you Ctrl+G 01:35:162 (2,3) - and ignore the next suggestion, this could look quite nice.) Changed
  11. 01:35:505 (4) - Should be closer to 01:34:991 (1,2,3) - . Fixed
  12. 01:40:305 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - This doesn't properly represent the rhythm that it's mapped to. *More accurate rhythm* The notes are representing the accelerated beats before the next section. The pattern you showed seemed a little strange and confusing, I had already tested other patterns in this part, but they did not look so good. I decided to leave it because there are identical sounds in these sections: 00: 34: 477 (1) - 00: 56: 420 (1) - 02: 46: 305 (1)
  13. 01:46:134 (2,3) - Ctrl+G for same reasons as 01:35:162 (2,3) - . Changed
  14. 02:08:420 (4) - Doesn't really represent the song properly. Fixed
  15. 02:10:991 (3,4) - Ctrl+G for same reasons as 01:46:134 (2,3) - 01:35:162 (2,3) - etc. Changed
  16. 02:39:277 (1,2,3,4,5) - Star is uneven. Fixed
  17. 02:47:505 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Hexagon is uneven. Fixed
  18. 02:51:277 (7) - Looks kinda weird and is uneven as far as I can tell. It's just a symmetric slider
Daynight core day?
  1. 00:05:420 (3,4) - No reason to stack.
  2. 00:05:934 (5,6,7) - Same sounds as 00:02:934 (1,2,3,4) - but mapped differently for no apparent reason.
  3. 00:05:934 (5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6) - This whole section is essentially just the same as 00:02:934 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,1,2,3,4) - in terms of rhythm and intensity but it's mapped much less intensely than 00:02:934 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,1,2,3,4) - .
  4. 00:16:905 (2,3) - Stacking this stack with 00:16:134 (7) - looks really bad. Move down-left a bit to make it look like they are all stacked in the same stack. *picture*
  5. 00:18:362 (2,3,4,5) - This is honestly quite weird/random.
  6. 00:19:905 (3,4,5,6) - ^
  7. 00:23:505 (1) - There is literally no way for players to be able to tell that this slider is slower. Also, the slider isn't designed in a way to help reduce sliderbreaks on it.
  8. 00:27:620 (2,3,4) - Quite wide angled jumps
  9. 00:30:877 (3,1,2) - Looks pretty much the same as 00:19:905 (3,4,5) - which was constant 1/2.
  10. 00:34:991 (5,6) - Please space these less, they look like 1/2 jumps. The song doesn't support that kind of spacing.
  11. 00:38:077 (1,2,3,4,5) - No
  12. 00:39:877 (9,1,3) - Move up-left a bit to make it look like they are all stacked in the same stack.
  13. 00:40:991 (1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - In my opinion, Slider Velocity changes aren't handled properly here and most likely, players will break here.
  14. 01:08:334 (4,5) - No reason to stack these.
  15. 01:12:448 (5,6) - 1/4 stack Keep
  16. 01:12:877 (1,2) - 1/2 stack stacking
  17. 01:13:820 (1,2) - 1/4 stack consistent
  18. 01:43:048 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - Literally the only part of the map I like.

    This diff is generally just a mess of jumps and badly done gimmicks. If you want to get this difficulty ranked, it needs to be remapped.
Thanks for the mod! :)
Topic Starter
Daycore's Night diff removed, R.I.P. :cry:

Insane diff name changed back to "Mega".
so lets see here

00:05:248 (4,5) - the spacing between these two should be the same from the notes before it
00:07:991 (4,5) - same
00:25:391 (3,4) - same
00:26:763 (4,5) - same
00:28:305 (5,6)- same
00:28:305 (5,6) - same
00:30:020 (5,6) - same
00:32:077 (3,4) - same
00:32:420 (4,5) - same
00:41:848 (3,4) - same
00:43:048 (3,4) - same
00:44:762 (4,5) - same
00:49:562 (1,2) - same
01:11:934 (3,4) - same
01:47:848 (4) - same
well just make sure that the spacing is consistant
00:30:36 - 00:35:848 - the spacing seems to increase even though there is no change in the music
00:35:848 - 00:46:134 - although a change in spacing here would be a better representation of the music
00:39:105 (4,5) - there no need for the large jump
00:45:620 (2,3) - same
00:52:648 (2,3) - same
00:53:848 (2,3,4) (5,6,7) - these tripelits has a space (timing not spacing) in between but...
00:54:191 (5,6,7) (8,9,10) - these don't, either fill in the space or join 00:54:191 (5,6,7) (8,9,10) together
01:02:077 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - same
01:04:820 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - same also it should have the same notes as the previous time this rhythm has shown up
01:00:534 (1) - there is no need for the repeat
01:48:534 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - using the sliders make this part wierd
02:36:534 (1) - 02:37:562 (4) it would be cool if these would overlap and then you did the same for the other time this rhythm shows up

This was actually very nitpicky but hey...
the map is fairly decent
I hope this was helpful
( ^∇^)
Topic Starter

oskargames wrote:

so lets see here

00:05:248 (4,5) - the spacing between these two should be the same from the notes before it
00:07:991 (4,5) - same
00:25:391 (3,4) - same
00:26:763 (4,5) - same
00:28:305 (5,6)- same
00:28:305 (5,6) - same
00:30:020 (5,6) - same
00:32:077 (3,4) - same
00:32:420 (4,5) - same
00:41:848 (3,4) - same
00:43:048 (3,4) - same
00:44:762 (4,5) - same
00:49:562 (1,2) - same
01:11:934 (3,4) - same
01:47:848 (4) - same
well just make sure that the spacing is consistant
This is an insane difficulty, can not have so many constant notes, only in some sections, the notes you cited are to emphasize.

00:30:36 - 00:35:848 - the spacing seems to increase even though there is no change in the music
If you notice, the vocal in 00:24:877 (1) until 00:35:162 (3) is gradually getting stronger, this also happens in 00:35:848 (1) - 00:46:134 6) and 02:14:591 (1) - 02:30:362 (4) , 02:30:705 (5) - 02:36:020 (1)

00:35:848 - 00:46:134 - although a change in spacing here would be a better representation of the music
Explained above

00:39:105 (4,5) - there no need for the large jump
00:45:620 (2,3) - same
00:52:648 (2,3) - same
00:53:848 (2,3,4) (5,6,7) - these tripelits has a space (timing not spacing) in between but...

00:54:191 (5,6,7) (8,9,10) - these don't, either fill in the space or join 00:54:191 (5,6,7) (8,9,10) together
I already tried this pattern, it did not work very well

01:02:077 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - same
01:04:820 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - same also it should have the same notes as the previous time this rhythm has shown up
01:00:534 (1) - there is no need for the repeat
01:48:534 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - using the sliders make this part wierd
No changes here

02:36:534 (1) - 02:37:562 (4) it would be cool if these would overlap and then you did the same for the other time this rhythm shows up
I have lined them in parallel, maybe it is not very good to stack them, because they do not represent the same sound

This was actually very nitpicky but hey...
the map is fairly decent
I hope this was helpful
( ^∇^)
Thank you very much, I know you've tried to help, but I think you'd better get a little more experience, especially with spacing and emphasis, I hope you understand.
Lab Aesthetics Mod!
Results given in [x, y] formats
01:23:504 - should be placed at: [24, 321] (currently at: [25, 322]) to move in line with slider at time 01:22:476 -
Nothing Detected!
00:54:191 - should be placed at: [249, 265] (currently at: [248, 266]) to move in line with slider at time 00:54:362 -
01:11:677 - should be placed at: [173, 261] (currently at: [172, 260]) to move in line with slider at time 01:11:162 -
02:30:019 - should be placed at: [183, 151] (currently at: [180, 152]) to blanket slider body at time 02:30:705 -
02:30:191 - should be placed at: [183, 151] (currently at: [180, 152]) to blanket slider body at time 02:30:705 -
02:37:562 - should be placed at: [317, 98] (currently at: [318, 99]) to move in line with slider at time 02:37:048 -
02:38:076 - should be placed at: [292, 242] (currently at: [293, 243]) to move in line with slider at time 02:38:248 -
02:43:562 - should be placed at: [303, 15] (currently at: [304, 16]) to move in line with slider at time 02:43:734 -
Stacked objects won't work correctly often, so take those with salt.
Topic Starter

Arphimigon wrote:

Lab Aesthetics Mod!
Results given in [x, y] formats
01:23:504 - should be placed at: [24, 321] (currently at: [25, 322]) to move in line with slider at time 01:22:476 -
Nothing Detected!
00:54:191 - should be placed at: [249, 265] (currently at: [248, 266]) to move in line with slider at time 00:54:362 -
01:11:677 - should be placed at: [173, 261] (currently at: [172, 260]) to move in line with slider at time 01:11:162 -
02:30:019 - should be placed at: [183, 151] (currently at: [180, 152]) to blanket slider body at time 02:30:705 -
02:30:191 - should be placed at: [183, 151] (currently at: [180, 152]) to blanket slider body at time 02:30:705 -
02:37:562 - should be placed at: [317, 98] (currently at: [318, 99]) to move in line with slider at time 02:37:048 -
02:38:076 - should be placed at: [292, 242] (currently at: [293, 243]) to move in line with slider at time 02:38:248 -
02:43:562 - should be placed at: [303, 15] (currently at: [304, 16]) to move in line with slider at time 02:43:734 -
Stacked objects won't work correctly often, so take those with salt.
mm not bad for a first beatmap but like you picked a song that's not really easy to map lol


  1. 00:05:248 (4,5,1) - 00:07:991 (4,5,1) - 00:13:477 (3,4,1) - Things like these won't play well when you spaced 3/4 stuff visually the same with 1/2 or 1/1. Normally when you space things more for emphasis you do it in a way that it's obvious for players to see intuitively that the beat spacings are different, something like 00:10:734 (4,5,1) - would do
  2. 00:28:305 (5) - should be treated with more emphasis from 00:27:620 (1,2,3,4) - cuz it's more prominent, when you’re spamming circles try to map different sounds differently. The most common way to differentiate sounds with circles would be spacing, other than that can be comboing, patterning, etc too but that’s more complicated so I’ll leave them there.
  3. 00:28:477 (6) - Could've been a 1/1 slider?
  4. 00:33:962 (5,6) - And you're giving a different emphasis from the slider I pointed out above, if you fix above then you can change these into a 1/1 slider too for consistency.
  5. 00:29:334 (3,4) - 2 1/2 sliders instead?
  6. 00:34:991 (1,2,3,4,5) - For this case you know the thing 00:35:162 (3) - is the most prominent but it's in the middle of the stream so it's not really emphasized, try a 1/4 slider instead of 00:34:991 (1,2) - so you can make a little jump on 00:35:162 (3) - . This also applies at 00:56:934 (4,5,6,7,8) -
  7. 00:47:335 (3,4) - 00:50:077 (3,4) - 00:52:820 (3,4) - 00:55:563 (3,4) - These are spaced differently despite being the same thing. You know the song’s rhythm is repeating like 4 times so you have to check whether what you did between these loops are consistent. Because if the song stays the same then your mapping should be the same too for consistency
  8. 01:08:762 (1,2,3,4,5) - Something like plays much better, a pattern like what you have currently would only work if all sounds are the same (in this case it's not)
  9. 01:11:505 (1,2,3,4,5) - 01:14:420 (2,3,4,5) - etc could apply as mentioned above too
also pay attention that stuff like 00:46:820 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1) - could be super boring cuz you're using the same circular flow over and over. Most of the time you don't really need to intend on how your flow will be in each section but at least try not to make it visibly repetitive.

your main problem is aesthetics:

  1. 00:25:562 (4,5) - 00:26:934 (5,6) - etc would look cleaner if these are the exact same sliders, knowing when to copy-paste sliders is important.
  2. 00:30:362 (1,2,3) - So this looks more like a pattern than everything else in that section (which is more or less ok) but like try to group up objects in the same musical parts and make them visually a pattern (aka what this timestamp does) consistently throughout the map, for example:
    1. 00:32:077 (3,4,5) - These are the same sound so you link them visually by making them in a single pattern like would work, there are other ideas you can play with too but this is just an example
    2. 02:14:591 (1,2,3,4) - 4 1/2 sliders with the same sound, 02:14:934 (2,3,4) - are placed in entirely different degrees from 02:14:591 (1) - which isn't supposed to happen cuz [same sound = similar/same idea of placements] while this one is not (cuz the degrees/angles between 02:14:591 (1) - 02:14:934 (2,3,4) - aren’t the same)
note that the most important thing from these things I mentioned is to get the general idea of what I'm trying to say rather than just fixing them

so for the lower diffs, try thinking on what you did in each part in the highest diff: what kind of idea did you use, what patterns/rhythms are used in each section. Then try to simplify the ideas you used in the highest diff into lower ones
there's also a rough guideline on each diffs I guess so I'll link it here in case you're not aware of it!
with that you can simplify your ideas into lower diffs according to the guideline

if I explained anything unclear or whatever you can PM me back with questions, good luck!
Topic Starter
I just got back from the trip, I'll fix everything soon.
Topic Starter

Electoz wrote:

mm not bad for a first beatmap but like you picked a song that's not really easy to map lol


  1. 00:05:248 (4,5,1) - 00:07:991 (4,5,1) - 00:13:477 (3,4,1) - Things like these won't play well when you spaced 3/4 stuff visually the same with 1/2 or 1/1. Normally when you space things more for emphasis you do it in a way that it's obvious for players to see intuitively that the beat spacings are different, something like 00:10:734 (4,5,1) - would do
  2. 00:28:305 (5) - should be treated with more emphasis from 00:27:620 (1,2,3,4) - cuz it's more prominent, when you’re spamming circles try to map different sounds differently. The most common way to differentiate sounds with circles would be spacing, other than that can be comboing, patterning, etc too but that’s more complicated so I’ll leave them there.
  3. 00:28:477 (6) - Could've been a 1/1 slider?
  4. 00:33:962 (5,6) - And you're giving a different emphasis from the slider I pointed out above, if you fix above then you can change these into a 1/1 slider too for consistency.
  5. 00:29:334 (3,4) - 2 1/2 sliders instead?
  6. 00:34:991 (1,2,3,4,5) - For this case you know the thing 00:35:162 (3) - is the most prominent but it's in the middle of the stream so it's not really emphasized, try a 1/4 slider instead of 00:34:991 (1,2) - so you can make a little jump on 00:35:162 (3) - . This also applies at 00:56:934 (4,5,6,7,8) -
  7. 00:47:335 (3,4) - 00:50:077 (3,4) - 00:52:820 (3,4) - 00:55:563 (3,4) - These are spaced differently despite being the same thing. You know the song’s rhythm is repeating like 4 times so you have to check whether what you did between these loops are consistent. Because if the song stays the same then your mapping should be the same too for consistency
  8. 01:08:762 (1,2,3,4,5) - Something like plays much better, a pattern like what you have currently would only work if all sounds are the same (in this case it's not)
  9. 01:11:505 (1,2,3,4,5) - 01:14:420 (2,3,4,5) - etc could apply as mentioned above too
also pay attention that stuff like 00:46:820 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1) - could be super boring cuz you're using the same circular flow over and over. Most of the time you don't really need to intend on how your flow will be in each section but at least try not to make it visibly repetitive.

your main problem is aesthetics:

  1. 00:25:562 (4,5) - 00:26:934 (5,6) - etc would look cleaner if these are the exact same sliders, knowing when to copy-paste sliders is important.
  2. 00:30:362 (1,2,3) - So this looks more like a pattern than everything else in that section (which is more or less ok) but like try to group up objects in the same musical parts and make them visually a pattern (aka what this timestamp does) consistently throughout the map, for example:
    1. 00:32:077 (3,4,5) - These are the same sound so you link them visually by making them in a single pattern like would work, there are other ideas you can play with too but this is just an example
    2. 02:14:591 (1,2,3,4) - 4 1/2 sliders with the same sound, 02:14:934 (2,3,4) - are placed in entirely different degrees from 02:14:591 (1) - which isn't supposed to happen cuz [same sound = similar/same idea of placements] while this one is not (cuz the degrees/angles between 02:14:591 (1) - 02:14:934 (2,3,4) - aren’t the same)
note that the most important thing from these things I mentioned is to get the general idea of what I'm trying to say rather than just fixing them

so for the lower diffs, try thinking on what you did in each part in the highest diff: what kind of idea did you use, what patterns/rhythms are used in each section. Then try to simplify the ideas you used in the highest diff into lower ones
there's also a rough guideline on each diffs I guess so I'll link it here in case you're not aware of it!
with that you can simplify your ideas into lower diffs according to the guideline

if I explained anything unclear or whatever you can PM me back with questions, good luck!
Fixed all the problems mentioned.

I remapped some patterns in Mega and Hard diffs, mostly following a certain rhythm of the music in each section but without ignoring the beats, making them more consistent.
I decided to keep the patterns in Normal and Easy diffs, because as you said, this is not an easy song to map, having several sounds and beats played at the same time, so in the lower diffs I gave priority mainly to the beats.
I correct all the blankets possible in all the difficulties, and fixed the flow problem.
All the difficulties already follow all the criteria for ranking, I guess.

I think it's just that, thanks a lot for the mod. :)
from my queue


- 01:19:047 (4) - Unsnapped object

- 00:02:934 - 00:23:334 - reduce the volume of this section?

- 00:08:420 (1,2) - buff the spacing, it is way too small currently

- 00:39:105 (4,5) - this jump makes the pattern look weird imo. consider revamping 00:38:591 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - these 6 notes. a symmetrical pattern is quite nice here imo:

- 00:45:448 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - rearrange the spacing or it looks quite random

- 01:05:162 (4,5,6) - spacing

- 01:05:334 (6,7,8) - also i think the spacing between 7&8 should be increased, or that will be strange compared with 6&7 as 678 share same instrument with equal strength

- 01:08:420 (5) - weird slider lol. try something like this? (I adjusted 01:07:048 (6,7,8,1) - in the screenshot as well)

- 01:47:334 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - seems that they are randomly placed and thus not good-looking imo

- 01:50:420 (2,3,4,5) - also i can't get your idea about spacing here

- 02:18:877 (2,3) - spacing

- not bad as a new mapper. the issues i'm mainly concerned about are the following two:
- pattern choices. being both visually enjoyable and interesting for playing is what makes a pattern outstanding. thus try varying and polishing your patterns if possible (the more you map and look into others' map, the more ideas you'll get about how to do that). currently your circular patterns are too many and it makes some sections boring to play
- spacing. spacing varies when different rhythms/melodies/strengthes/etc are represented. try keeping a general logic about your spacingthroughout the beatmap (e,g, 00:14:677 - 00:24:191 - this section is good while 01:47:334 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - this makes little sense). also try to stay consistent with your spacing. things such as 00:45:448 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - and 01:50:420 (2,3,4,5) - is just weird and random in my opinion (and bad spacing choice makes ugly patterns. pay attention to this in the future!)

good luck with your map!
Topic Starter

pw384 wrote:

from my queue


- 01:19:047 (4) - Unsnapped object

- 00:02:934 - 00:23:334 - reduce the volume of this section?

- 00:08:420 (1,2) - buff the spacing, it is way too small currently

- 00:39:105 (4,5) - this jump makes the pattern look weird imo. consider revamping 00:38:591 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - these 6 notes. a symmetrical pattern is quite nice here imo:

- 00:45:448 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - rearrange the spacing or it looks quite random

- 01:05:162 (4,5,6) - spacing

- 01:05:334 (6,7,8) - also i think the spacing between 7&8 should be increased, or that will be strange compared with 6&7 as 678 share same instrument with equal strength

- 01:08:420 (5) - weird slider lol. try something like this? (I adjusted 01:07:048 (6,7,8,1) - in the screenshot as well)

- 01:47:334 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - seems that they are randomly placed and thus not good-looking imo

- 01:50:420 (2,3,4,5) - also i can't get your idea about spacing here

- 02:18:877 (2,3) - spacing

- not bad as a new mapper. the issues i'm mainly concerned about are the following two:
- pattern choices. being both visually enjoyable and interesting for playing is what makes a pattern outstanding. thus try varying and polishing your patterns if possible (the more you map and look into others' map, the more ideas you'll get about how to do that). currently your circular patterns are too many and it makes some sections boring to play
- spacing. spacing varies when different rhythms/melodies/strengthes/etc are represented. try keeping a general logic about your spacingthroughout the beatmap (e,g, 00:14:677 - 00:24:191 - this section is good while 01:47:334 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - this makes little sense). also try to stay consistent with your spacing. things such as 00:45:448 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - and 01:50:420 (2,3,4,5) - is just weird and random in my opinion (and bad spacing choice makes ugly patterns. pay attention to this in the future!)

good luck with your map!
All fixed, changed and polished.
Several sections were remapped again.
Thanks for the mod!
  1. Remover Widescreen Support das diffs.
  1. 00:09:791 (1) - Remover NC, em toda essa sessão você colocou NC de dois em dois sliders, não vejo motivos para mudar aqui.

  2. 00:56:419 (2,3,4,1) - Aqui seria melhor usar dois sliders 1/1 e um circle no final pois você mappeou toda a diff de um modo em que esta sessão parece ser um tanto intensa se comparada as outras, no caso, você acostumou os players iniciantes a esperarem apenas coisas como nessa sessão 00:35:847 - no seu mapa inteiro e mudar a intensidade assim é algo bem inesperado.

  3. 01:27:962 (1) - Não vejo porque mudar o ritmo aqui sendo que o instrumental continua o mesmo, sugiro continuar com isto 01:24:876 (4,1,2) - para manter a consistência e a coerência pelo mapa. 01:28:990 - aqui deveria ter um clap também, está no instrumental.

  4. 01:40:305 (3) - Não é nada aconselhável usar whistle no meio de sliders, é um som considerado irritante pelos players, aconselho você a tira-los.

  5. 02:52:991 (1,2,3) - Porque essa é a unica sessão no kiai que muda? Não vejo motivo para fazer algo assim tão repentinamente, aconselho usar a mesma pattern do resto da sessão para arrumar esta inconsistência.
  1. 00:44:762 (1) - Não vejo motivo para um spinner tão aleatório, por assim dizer, essa é a unica diff que tem este spinner, é algo inconsistente, além de que o break entre o spinner e o circle é algo unrankeble já que o bpm é de 175, o break deveria ser de no mínimo três ticks brancos, ou seja 00:46:133 - até 00:48:190 -

  2. 00:53:333 (3,1) - Você deveria manter a consistência com as anteriores 00:47:847 (3,1) -

  3. O gap entre o Easy e o Normal é meio prejudicial ao mapset, o easy não tem literalmente nenhum 1/2, já no Normal os 1/2 são muitos e até onde não tem 1/2 audível como aqui 01:33:447 (4,5) - poderia ser facilmente substituído por um slider 2/1, aconselho a dar uma nivelada na diff normal pra que ela fique mais coerente com o Easy.
Topic Starter

Marianna wrote:

  1. Remover Widescreen Support das diffs. Consertado
  1. 00:09:791 (1) - Remover NC, em toda essa sessão você colocou NC de dois em dois sliders, não vejo motivos para mudar aqui. Removido

  2. 00:56:419 (2,3,4,1) - Aqui seria melhor usar dois sliders 1/1 e um circle no final pois você mappeou toda a diff de um modo em que esta sessão parece ser um tanto intensa se comparada as outras, no caso, você acostumou os players iniciantes a esperarem apenas coisas como nessa sessão 00:35:847 - no seu mapa inteiro e mudar a intensidade assim é algo bem inesperado. Consertado

  3. 01:27:962 (1) - Não vejo porque mudar o ritmo aqui sendo que o instrumental continua o mesmo, sugiro continuar com isto 01:24:876 (4,1,2) - para manter a consistência e a coerência pelo mapa. 01:28:990 - aqui deveria ter um clap também, está no instrumental. Consertado

  4. 01:40:305 (3) - Não é nada aconselhável usar whistle no meio de sliders, é um som considerado irritante pelos players, aconselho você a tira-los. Todos foram removidos dos sliders

  5. 02:52:991 (1,2,3) - Porque essa é a unica sessão no kiai que muda? Não vejo motivo para fazer algo assim tão repentinamente, aconselho usar a mesma pattern do resto da sessão para arrumar esta inconsistência. Consertado
  1. 00:44:762 (1) - Não vejo motivo para um spinner tão aleatório, por assim dizer, essa é a unica diff que tem este spinner, é algo inconsistente, além de que o break entre o spinner e o circle é algo unrankeble já que o bpm é de 175, o break deveria ser de no mínimo três ticks brancos, ou seja 00:46:133 - até 00:48:190 - Removido

  2. 00:53:333 (3,1) - Você deveria manter a consistência com as anteriores 00:47:847 (3,1) - Consertado

  3. O gap entre o Easy e o Normal é meio prejudicial ao mapset, o easy não tem literalmente nenhum 1/2, já no Normal os 1/2 são muitos e até onde não tem 1/2 audível como aqui 01:33:447 (4,5) - poderia ser facilmente substituído por um slider 2/1, aconselho a dar uma nivelada na diff normal pra que ela fique mais coerente com o Easy. Remapeei algumas patterns que senti que não precisava de 1/2, mas mantive em algumas seções da música porque acho que já está bom, qualquer coisa eu altero novamente.
Obrigado pelo mod!
Cute Eevee avatar

I try to mod low difficulty


  • About your NC , I think it can lower some because frequently transform new conbo that may cause new players Visual fatigue. For example: 00:37:219 (1) - delete this NC and 00:40:304 (1) - delete this NC and so on

    Many 1/2 Rhythm :o

    00:20:419 (3) - the silder Expand to 00:20:762 - , because 00:16:304 (3) - and 00:19:047 (3) - has use 1/1 silder. I know you want to end on heavy voice but I think rhythm must be Consistency on Normal diff.

    00:21:790 (3) - ^

    00:24:876 - I think the break shortener here doesn't make sense... it's too short

    00:40:990 (2,1) - blanket not perfect

    00:44:762 (3,4) - How about try this?

    I think it can use some 1/1 silder back like this 01:02:247 (1,2,3) - and this 01:04:990 (1,2,3) - for the new players , too many circle is a little hard. Personally I would think use silder better than use circle


  • 00:22:647 (2,3,4,5) - because I'm mouse player. Personally I would think the flow angle is a little uncomfortable

    00:24:876 - the same with Normal

    01:44:419 (1,5) - stack them :(

    01:48:019 (4,5) - blanlet

    01:49:219 (3,4) - this part's silder. I think it is a little misleading because it's too close. Maybe can added some spacing

    01:54:876 (4) - this silder is not good because it have some heavy voice on 01:54:962 - and 01:55:219 - . Maybe can use another method

    02:00:362 (4) - ^

    02:05:847 (4) - ^

Overall, not bad

but need to focus on how to flow more fluent

Good luck with this map~ :)
Topic Starter

leo16834 wrote:

Cute Eevee avatar

I try to mod low difficulty


  • About your NC , I think it can lower some because frequently transform new conbo that may cause new players Visual fatigue. For example: 00:37:219 (1) - delete this NC and 00:40:304 (1) - delete this NC and so on Fixed

    Many 1/2 Rhythm :o

    00:20:419 (3) - the silder Expand to 00:20:762 - , because 00:16:304 (3) - and 00:19:047 (3) - has use 1/1 silder. I know you want to end on heavy voice but I think rhythm must be Consistency on Normal diff. Remapped

    00:21:790 (3) - ^

    00:24:876 - I think the break shortener here doesn't make sense... it's too short Mapped

    00:40:990 (2,1) - blanket not perfect Fixed

    00:44:762 (3,4) - How about try this? Changed

    I think it can use some 1/1 silder back like this 01:02:247 (1,2,3) - and this 01:04:990 (1,2,3) - for the new players , too many circle is a little hard. Personally I would think use silder better than use circle I will consider this and try to change something.


  • 00:22:647 (2,3,4,5) - because I'm mouse player. Personally I would think the flow angle is a little uncomfortable Changed

    00:24:876 - the same with Normal Mapped

    01:44:419 (1,5) - stack them :( Fixed

    01:48:019 (4,5) - blanlet Fixed

    01:49:219 (3,4) - this part's silder. I think it is a little misleading because it's too close. Maybe can added some spacing Fixed

    01:54:876 (4) - this silder is not good because it have some heavy voice on 01:54:962 - and 01:55:219 - . Maybe can use another method Changed

    02:00:362 (4) - ^

    02:05:847 (4) - ^

Overall, not bad

but need to focus on how to flow more fluent

Good luck with this map~ :)
Thanks! :3

00:24:876 - to 00:35:847 - why break here ? xd
there is a build up just before, you should map this part xd

00:42:705 (3,1) - this blanket can be improved


00:41:333 (1) - fix blanket

00:48:533 (4) - 00:51:276 (4) - 01:04:304 (3) - 01:08:076 (5) - 01:33:447 (1) - all these blankets can be improved


00:10:219 (2,1) - should be stacked

00:37:733 (4,1) - should be stacked too
Topic Starter

Mitsuna- wrote:


00:24:876 - to 00:35:847 - why break here ? xd
there is a build up just before, you should map this part xd Mapped

00:42:705 (3,1) - this blanket can be improved Fixed


00:41:333 (1) - fix blanket Fixed

00:48:533 (4) - 00:51:276 (4) - 01:04:304 (3) - 01:08:076 (5) - 01:33:447 (1) - all these blankets can be improved All fixed


00:10:219 (2,1) - should be stacked Fixed

00:37:733 (4,1) - should be stacked too Fixed
Thanks for the mod! :3
[MTF] Wolfette
General: You shouldn't use grid snap


01:32:247 (1,2,3,4) - This pattern is a little questionable for hard difficulty. The flow feels a little complex.
01:33:447 (1,2,3,4,5) - This looks wrong aesthetically
02:10:819 (2,3) - Inconsistency. There's a stack here, but there isn't a stack for similar sounds previously in this diff
02:36:533 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,1,2,3,4) - This kiai section could use some SV changes to make it a little less boring to play. At present, it feels pretty underwhelming considering that kiai time is supposed to be a more intense part of the music, yet in this diff, the kiai section is way less energetic.
Topic Starter

AsrielDr33murr wrote:

General: You shouldn't use grid snap


01:32:247 (1,2,3,4) - This pattern is a little questionable for hard difficulty. The flow feels a little complex. Flow changed
01:33:447 (1,2,3,4,5) - This looks wrong aesthetically Changed
02:10:819 (2,3) - Inconsistency. There's a stack here, but there isn't a stack for similar sounds previously in this diff Fixed
02:36:533 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,1,2,3,4) - This kiai section could use some SV changes to make it a little less boring to play. At present, it feels pretty underwhelming considering that kiai time is supposed to be a more intense part of the music, yet in this diff, the kiai section is way less energetic. SV changed
[MTF] Wolfette
No problem. Call me again if you need another mod or a GD
Topic Starter

AsrielDr33murr wrote:

No problem. Call me again if you need another mod or a GD
Okay, thanks! ^^
Topic Starter
Omg, I've been working on this for two years, I do not know if I should continue trying to push this mapset or let it die. :?
[MTF] Wolfette

RanthFox wrote:

Omg, I've been working on this for two years, I do not know if I should continue trying to push this mapset or let it die. :?

Maybe try to give the map more attention so maybe it gets loved, or call a BN over to nominate it
Oi tudo bem?
Eu recebi um request de mod nesse mapa mas antes de moddar especificamente o mapa acho válido alguns conselhos pontuais.
->No momento o mapa funciona muito bem no quesito ritmo/flow. O mapa realmente está seguindo bem o ritmo da música, embora na minha opinião os hitsounds não estejam a altura do ritmo usado. No quesito flow o mapa é bem confortável de jogar e simples. O que realmente falta nesse mapa é uma maior distinção entre os patterns que deixe claro e evidente as diferentes intensidades da música comparando diferentes seções da música. A intensidade de várias partes que supostamente são importantes 01:30:704 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - não diferem muito das menos importantes na música 00:42:704 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - e o mapa fica muito constante. Devido a esse aspecto que está ocorrendo durante toda a dificuldade o mapa pode ser prejudicado no que tange a ser levado para rank.
Se você mesmo escutando isso ainda quiser prosseguir/tiver alguma dúvida pode entrar em contato comigo no discord no servidor de mapping BR ou me mandar p.m
Boa sorte com seu mapa o/
Topic Starter

Net0 wrote:

Oi tudo bem?
Eu recebi um request de mod nesse mapa mas antes de moddar especificamente o mapa acho válido alguns conselhos pontuais.
->No momento o mapa funciona muito bem no quesito ritmo/flow. O mapa realmente está seguindo bem o ritmo da música, embora na minha opinião os hitsounds não estejam a altura do ritmo usado. No quesito flow o mapa é bem confortável de jogar e simples. O que realmente falta nesse mapa é uma maior distinção entre os patterns que deixe claro e evidente as diferentes intensidades da música comparando diferentes seções da música. A intensidade de várias partes que supostamente são importantes 01:30:704 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - não diferem muito das menos importantes na música 00:42:704 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - e o mapa fica muito constante. Devido a esse aspecto que está ocorrendo durante toda a dificuldade o mapa pode ser prejudicado no que tange a ser levado para rank.
Se você mesmo escutando isso ainda quiser prosseguir/tiver alguma dúvida pode entrar em contato comigo no discord no servidor de mapping BR ou me mandar p.m
Boa sorte com seu mapa o/
Certo, talvez eu mude o SV em algumas seções para dar essa diferença e talvez eu precise remapear algumas partes (dnv). :cry:
Obrigado por olhar o mapa, vou levar em consideração o que você disse.
Já me falaram sobre este servidor no discord, gostaria de entrar para tirar algumas dúvidas de vez em quando e conhecer o pessoal, se puder mandar o link do server por PM eu adoraria.
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