
Can someone help me with skinning???

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I cant seem to change the color of the circles in the skin ive customized
This is my skin settings
and my skin

Name: NotSimple
Version: latest
SliderBallFlip: 0
CursorRotate: 0
CursorExpand: 1
CursorCentre: 1
SliderBallFrames: 1
HitCircleOverlayAboveNumer: 1
SliderStyle: 2
CursorTrailRotate: 0
SpinnerNoBlink: 1
SpinnerFadePlayfield: 0
AllowSliderBallTint: 0

HitCirclePrefix: default
HitCircleOverlap: 5
ScorePrefix: score
ScoreOverlap: 3
ComboPrefix: mn

Combo 1: 255,51,51
Combo 2: 255,153,51
Combo 3: 255,255,51
SongSelectActiveText: 204,255,255
SongSelectInactiveText: 255,255,255

SliderBorder: 225,225,225
SliderTrackOverride: 0,0,0
SpinnerApproachCircle: 255,255,255
ApproachCircle: 255,255,255
SongSelectActiveText: 255,255,255
SongSelectInactiveText: 230,230,230
InputOverlayText: 230,230,230

Keys: 4
//Mania skin config
ColumnStart: 300
HitPosition: 466
SpecialStyle: 0
UpsideDown: 0
JudgementLine: 1
ScorePosition: 265
ComboPosition: 215
LightFramePerSecond: 120
ColumnWidth: 64,64,64,64
KeysUnderNotes: 1
Colour1: 0,0,0
Colour2: 0,0,0
Colour3: 0,0,0
Colour4: 0,0,0
ColourBarline: 0,0,0
KeyImage0: arrows\key_left
KeyImage0D: arrows\key_leftD
KeyImage1: arrows\key_up
KeyImage1D: arrows\key_upD
KeyImage2: arrows\key_down
KeyImage2D: arrows\key_downD
KeyImage3: arrows\key_right
KeyImage3D: arrows\key_rightD

NoteImage0: Arrownote\left
NoteImage0H: Arrownote\left
NoteImage0L: Arrownote\holdbody
NoteImage0T: Arrownote\holdcap

NoteImage1: Arrownote\up
NoteImage1H: Arrownote\up
NoteImage1L: Arrownote\holdbody
NoteImage1T: Arrownote\holdcap

NoteImage2: Arrownote\down
NoteImage2H: Arrownote\down
NoteImage2L: Arrownote\holdbody
NoteImage2T: Arrownote\holdcap

NoteImage3: Arrownote\right
NoteImage3H: Arrownote\right
NoteImage3L: Arrownote\holdbody
NoteImage3T: Arrownote\holdcap
ColumnLineWidth: 0,0,0,0,0
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i have tried changing the [Colors]
Have you forgot enable this option under skin "Ignore all beatmap skins"? ;)
Combo Space One
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