
Panda Eyes - Euphoria

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Thursday, April 26, 2018 at 11:56:44 PM

Artist: Panda Eyes
Title: Euphoria
Tags: dnb Drum and Bass Melodic Happy ailv Lasse Mir Bacwux Mao Squilly Logic Agent sdafsf Realazy
BPM: 174
Filesize: 3070kb
Play Time: 02:05
Difficulties Available:
  1. ailv's Extra (5.28 stars, 471 notes)
  2. Bac's Insane (5.03 stars, 476 notes)
  3. Delight (5.75 stars, 493 notes)
  4. Lasse's Insane (4.7 stars, 411 notes)
  5. Light Insane (3.94 stars, 389 notes)
  6. Logic's Insane (4.79 stars, 417 notes)
  7. Mao's Easy (1.81 stars, 129 notes)
  8. Mir's Extra (5.45 stars, 461 notes)
  9. Normal (2.48 stars, 234 notes)
  10. Real's Hard (3.31 stars, 305 notes)
  11. sdafsf's Extra (5.22 stars, 443 notes)
  12. Squilly's Insane (4.92 stars, 375 notes)
Download: Panda Eyes - Euphoria
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
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Hope y'all enjoy.
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