
Osu HP Drain slider

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Feature Request: Make an easily accessible slider for the HP drain which happens when you miss a beat in Osu!

In regular Osu! I'm tired of playing maps where you miss 2 notes and its a loss, then you have to go through the intro of the song again to reach the point you failed at to fail again and its just annoying when the map doesn't give you the chance to improve. I'm sure others are annoyed too. Also it would suck to go in and edit the map to get a decent HP drain for every map I want to practice on. I'm referring to the HP drain you get when you miss a beat, not the constant drain. As a player and not a creator, I feel like I should have control over the difficulty of the map beyond just selecting a lower star, which would change the, circle's amount, approach rate, and circle size, or alternatively selecting the easy mod which also changes the circle size and approach rate.

I want to improve but with most maps above 4 stars having ridiculous drain rates, its more irritating than fun.

I feel like this would be a great addition to Osu! The slider could disqualify you from obtaining a score, or just use it as a multiplier for the score; 1.00 being the default map HP drain or a slider value of 0.10 being 10% drain and 10% score received or something. You could even put it on the flip side where you can increase the drain of the map to increase the score so if you miss one note you lose, though that would destroy the current scoreboards so maybe not. But, a 2 would be 200% of the default map's HP drain, but also 200% score received. Either way, I just want to be able to practice on a map without effecting approach rate, circle amount, and circle size. I realize there's the "no fail" option, but I still want to be able to fail because that helps progress, its just "unreasonably punishing" maps are ridiculous for people who do not have the skill to climb the wall to the next star.

Maybe not having an easily accessible HP drain slider was a design decision to make the game more unforgiving, but I thought I'd make the suggestion. I know the language here seems like its a selfish request, but I feel like a lot of casual players would look at the slider and find it game play enhancing rather than not. Thanks for the read.
Sandy Hoey
You could just play with NF to practice if you cant complete a part of the map

Or you can create a new difficulty of the map that has a lower hp
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