
My Ramen bowl blew up.

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Seriously, it did. That was back in the day though, like...September.

Anyway, what's up? I joined in like...August, I think, so I'm a bit behind in posting. I figured I would put...something, for lack of not posting earlier.

Kinda making a map, but it was because I didn't have the internet and couldn't play for score. I didn't really know what the heck was going on, so it's probably really bad. I won't post until I know it at least follows all the rules. Might be a while. I get busy.

I like a lot of beatmaps, and absolutely love gold that comes from Cyclone, Rolled, awp, kioukiou, James...and many, many more (If I missed you, I probably still love your maps). Saw Rolled's replay of that tough flight of the bee or whatever today and was seriously stunned. That is beyond skill. Kinda depressing to see everyone so much better than me but meh. They've got tons of time on me.

I'm pretty boring myself, so I won't bother saying much about me. Perhaps, to whoever is reading this now, I shall meet you on the battlefield of rythms and beats. Ciao!
Don't cook ramen in the microwave.
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Don't worry, you have potential to become great. I abandoned mine, so I'm going to stick with "above mediocre" and just go about my own business. If you need a bit of extra potential I can loan you some of mine, because I'm not using it.
Are we still talking about ramen?


WinterVines wrote:

I like a lot of beatmaps, and absolutely love gold that comes from Cyclone, Rolled, awp, kioukiou, James...and many, many more (If I missed you, I probably still love your maps).
Wow, i usually don't get people complimenting my beatmaps. :)

Welcome to osu!
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Thanks! Your beatmaps are really awesome. I'm surprised more don't say so.

Yeah, I'm a bit lazy and happen to be like the Microwave Cooking Queen, so I rarely make it on the stove. I'm usually about fast and easy food, being slightly poor and all (college life man...;()That and I don't have a pan now that I've moved. Besides, it wasn't me that blew it up XD. My stepmother used it to make ricearoni (or however it's spelled) and it killed the microwave. I almost cried.
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I don't hate you, just so you know :) I'd even cook ramen for you in my new ramen bowl.

WinterVines wrote:

I'm usually about fast and easy food, being slightly poor and all (college life man...;()
I am the exact same way minus the slightly poor part. I just prefer fast and easy food. I like the taste more.

Ramen today didn't go so well. Was too lazy to use a meat base, had no cheese to give it was mostly just sliced onions, and various spices. Those chilis were too hot D=

I got this handy little kettle thing. It's got a removeable strainer lid. It's awesome when it comes to cooking KD and/or Ramen.
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Yeah, I'm not exactly poor either, but I will be when my loans need to be paid on. Seriously, why does studying to be a game designer cost so much? Figures.

I want that kettle thing. I like chilies too. And putting cheese in it. And other stuff to put in it. I even have a ramen cookbook with like 200 some recipies in it. Pretty nifty. It's sad. My diet probably sucks, but at least it tastes good.

WinterVines wrote:

Seriously, why does studying to be a game designer cost so much? Figures.
Are you on crack? Oh gawd the competition for jobs in the video gaming industry is cutthroat. I hope for your sake that you're A - overqualified, B - driven beyond all hope, and C - capable of starting your own business.

Unless you live not where I live (oh, I'm not telling where~) and the market competition isn't shittier than Rolled's beatmapping song choice.
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Last time I checked I was crack-free (but does sugar count?). True, the market is pretty serious. Doesn't mean it has to cost and arm and a leg. I did eventually want to make my own business if I could, but it's not necessary. I do have a slight advantage being a woman in the technology feild, but I'm not banking on that. I'll just have to be the best there is. That's all. :)

Market's pretty decent here anyway. If not, I'll go out to the west coast or something, provided they're not still in a slump.
Well, here's to hoping. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I imagine it'd be a pretty fucking sweet job. But as much as I enjoy coding videogame engines, I hate having to code for other people (this might be a property of WHAT I have to code for other people) so without any first-hand experience I can't be sure.
Mostly, I do maruchan and add pork and stuff, since I don't know how to make real ramen :( .

Maybe someday I will be cool enough to actually make real ramen...
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True. I'll hope and try for the best, I guess. (Ha, a rhyme x.x) You have to like what you do, I suppose. Would it be better if you coded your own stuff? Maybe you should make a company. I'd probably support it.
I think it'd be easier for me to just sponge off peppy, Inc.
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True enough. I won't argue with that.
Hell not even experience and qualifications will get you anywhere.(anywhere worth being)

You have to be amazing at selling yourself and your work too. Then some people are just flat out more creative than others.
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Yeah, I'll probably need all the luck in the world to even get noticed. It's all about who you know anyway, and judging from my popularity meter...I'm pretty much doomed. I'll keep at it though, seeing how that's all I can do anyway. I suppose all the sales training from my job might come in handy actually.
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Probably. I don't know many people though. I'll figure something out. The sooner the better. If I stand out in class, maybe some of my teachers will tell people they know.
random hi
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Well hello. Somehow we got from starting out, to ramen, to college. How I love the randomness.
Actually if you take a look at the intermediary trains of thought, it really wasn't random until James popped in. But let's not worry about that; I'm sleepy and have to get back to work.
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
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It just alerts my email when I get a reply. Since I'm sitting at my computer 98.2% of the time...yeah. I get stuff fast. Since I was going to sleep soon, I responded right away. :)
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