
SHISHAMO - Ashita mo

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on viernes, 19 de enero de 2018 at 20:30:56

Title: Ashita mo
Tags: ashitamo Asako Miyazaki 宮崎朝子 Misaki Yoshikawa 吉川美冴貴 Aya Matsuoka 松岡彩 indie rock jrock
BPM: 179
Filesize: 9588kb
Play Time: 06:02
Difficulties Available:
  1. Tomorrow (5,09 stars, 1305 notes)
Download: SHISHAMO - Ashita mo
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

Nominated by Chromoxx & Chaoslitz
buen dia compatriota

20:32 pkhg: oye po
20:32 pkhg: que queriar que revisara
20:32 iYiyo: 03:52:664 -
20:32 iYiyo: la parte donde aparece la trompeta
20:32 iYiyo: no estoy seguro
20:33 iYiyo: (el timing está un poco off en algunas partes)
20:33 pkhg: la parte donde aparece la trompeta
20:33 pkhg: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
20:33 iYiyo: xdddd
20:34 pkhg: ignora la trompeta noma
20:34 iYiyo: uso unos 1/3 locos por ahí
20:34 iYiyo: pero no sé
20:35 iYiyo: 04:08:418 (5,1,2,3,4,1,2,3) -
20:35 pkhg: :thinking:
20:36 iYiyo: es dificil no seguir la trompeta en esa parte
20:36 iYiyo: y no sé si los 1/3 quedan bien xd
20:37 pkhg: hm
20:37 pkhg: tru
20:37 pkhg: no sabe tocar la trompeta el weon
20:38 iYiyo: xdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
20:38 iYiyo: aklklasd
20:38 iYiyo: si, la wea está off
20:38 pkhg: yo cacho que ni con 1/16 le vai a achuntar a los snaps
20:38 pkhg: no sabria bien que hacer aca
20:38 iYiyo: 04:09:424 (3,4) -
20:39 iYiyo: cambié esta wea por un 1/2 y luego empecé el reverse de 1/3 04:09:759 - acá
20:39 iYiyo: quedan mejor creo
20:39 pkhg: aer
20:40 pkhg: harta razon tienes
20:40 pkhg: suena sarcastico cierto
20:40 pkhg: no se hablar
20:40 iYiyo: xddd
20:40 iYiyo: no sonaba sarcastico
20:40 pkhg: pero si, asi como lo hiciste ahora quedo bien
20:41 iYiyo: hablaste como yoda nomás
20:41 pkhg: entonces estoy cagao
20:41 pkhg: si tampoco la wea tiene que ser 100% precisa
20:41 iYiyo: 04:07:916 (4) -
20:41 iYiyo: y esta wea? xd
20:41 pkhg: esta bien cerca de como es la trompeta
20:41 iYiyo: uff
20:41 iYiyo: cerca de trompeta
20:41 pkhg: se pega
20:41 iYiyo: no me gusta esa nota, pero creo que no hay otra forma
20:42 pkhg: viste
20:42 pkhg: el weon no sabe tocarla
20:42 iYiyo: xdddd
20:42 pkhg: suena como triple
20:43 pkhg: lo que si te puedo decir
20:43 iYiyo: puede ser
20:43 pkhg: es que no me gusta la forma del slider
20:44 iYiyo: tru
20:44 pkhg:
20:44 pkhg: podrias hacer eso
20:44 pkhg: no se
20:44 iYiyo: :o
20:44 iYiyo: si eso podría ser
20:44 iYiyo: me molestaba ese espacio vacio
20:44 pkhg: same
20:48 iYiyo: subió un poquito el sr
20:48 iYiyo: :S
Buen dia no compatriota
2017-04-19 19:43 iYiyo: me testearias un mapa de 5min?
2017-04-19 19:43 Atsuro: oki
2017-04-19 19:43 Atsuro: nepeamelo
2017-04-19 19:43 iYiyo: ACTION is listening to [ SHISHAMO - Ashita mo]
2017-04-19 19:44 iYiyo: enepeado
2017-04-19 19:44 iYiyo: no está terminado, pero ya son 5 minutos xd
2017-04-19 19:45 Atsuro: a ber
2017-04-19 19:45 Atsuro: nice diff name
2017-04-19 19:45 iYiyo: más que nada para revisar el timing
2017-04-19 19:45 iYiyo: xdd
2017-04-19 19:45 iYiyo: wip
2017-04-19 19:51 iYiyo: creo que quedo conforme con el timing ahora
2017-04-19 19:51 Atsuro: la parte en la que sigues esa trompeta
2017-04-19 19:51 Atsuro: es lo unico que no me encanto :p
2017-04-19 19:51 iYiyo: si.. ayer lo conversé con el pkk
2017-04-19 19:51 iYiyo: y como que seguir la trompeta no queda bien
2017-04-19 19:52 iYiyo: además que está un poco off
2017-04-19 19:52 Atsuro: 04:06:407 (2) - aqui el sonido fuerte lo mappeaste con slider end
2017-04-19 19:52 Atsuro: se puede
2017-04-19 19:53 Atsuro: 04:12:441 (1,2) - este estuvo dificil de predecir por los anteriores
2017-04-19 19:53 Atsuro: pero puede que sea porque estaba jugando ar 10.3 antes lul
2017-04-19 19:53 iYiyo: si me fijé xD
2017-04-19 19:54 iYiyo: además que no conocías la cación
2017-04-19 19:54 iYiyo: :p
2017-04-19 19:55 Atsuro: yep
2017-04-19 19:55 iYiyo: 05:52:700 -
2017-04-19 19:56 iYiyo: como encuentras esas líneas rojas ahí?
2017-04-19 19:57 iYiyo: 00:50:628 - y esa :s
2017-04-19 19:59 Atsuro: la ultima tiene varios beats medio desfasados en los primeros dos measures
2017-04-19 19:59 Atsuro: eh nadie se va a dar cuenta
2017-04-19 19:59 Atsuro: :ok_hand:
2017-04-19 19:59 iYiyo: dónde exactamente?
2017-04-19 19:59 Atsuro: 05:53:370 -
2017-04-19 20:00 Atsuro: pon notas ahi, suenan antes que el beat en la cancion
2017-04-19 20:00 iYiyo: si eso acabo de hacer
2017-04-19 20:00 iYiyo: pero casi ni se notan
2017-04-19 20:01 Atsuro: pero es una diferencia pequeña y despues se vuelve a arreglar lol
2017-04-19 20:01 iYiyo: el más notorio es 05:52:700 -
2017-04-19 20:02 Atsuro: la otra esa del seg. 50 ta bn
2017-04-19 20:02 Atsuro: y como empieza con slider pues aun mejor (hasta que llegue score v2)
2017-04-19 20:02 iYiyo: prueba usando triples en vez de slider reverse
2017-04-19 20:03 iYiyo: según yo igual se nota que no está bien snapeado xd
2017-04-19 20:03 Atsuro: pues
2017-04-19 20:03 Atsuro: les saque 300
2017-04-19 20:03 Atsuro: :^)
2017-04-19 20:03 iYiyo: xDD
2017-04-19 20:03 Atsuro: quizas con hr no
2017-04-19 20:04 iYiyo: digamos que estoy 90% seguro de esa parte
2017-04-19 20:04 iYiyo: pero me queda algo de duda
2017-04-19 20:04 iYiyo: pero con los sliders digamos que pasa desapercibido (?
2017-04-19 20:04 Atsuro: me gusta como la cancion en realidad hace algo asi
2017-04-19 20:05 iYiyo: si
2017-04-19 20:05 iYiyo: algo así hace xd
2017-04-19 20:05 iYiyo: pero... nadie le daría perfecto xd
2017-04-19 20:05 Atsuro: hold my beer
2017-04-19 20:06 Atsuro: dejale los sliders diria yo
2017-04-19 20:06 iYiyo: yup
2017-04-19 20:09 Atsuro: 01:04:061 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - aqui se sintio medio rara tu transicion de flow de arriba a abajo a circular con angulos abiertos
2017-04-19 20:09 iYiyo: 1sec
2017-04-19 20:11 iYiyo: anda mencionando sugerencias si encuentras :o
2017-04-19 20:11 iYiyo: estoy viendo como ezek falla en mi mapa xd
2017-04-19 20:12 Atsuro: lul
2017-04-19 20:13 Atsuro: 03:54:675 - aqui creo que quedaria mejor usar un ritmo como este de slider - circulo
2017-04-19 20:13 Atsuro: refleja mejor lo que ocurre en la cancion :P
2017-04-19 20:16 Atsuro: 03:21:659 (1,3) - porque esto no es paralelo? aasdadfgaga
2017-04-19 20:23 iYiyo: los checo enseguida
2017-04-19 20:23 Atsuro: ye
2017-04-19 20:23 iYiyo: :3
2017-04-19 20:29 Atsuro: :^3
2017-04-19 20:30 iYiyo: 01:04:396 (4,5,6,7) - fixed~
2017-04-19 20:30 iYiyo: estaba de acuerdo, pero necesitaba que alguien me lo dijera xd
2017-04-19 20:34 Atsuro: entiendo
2017-04-19 20:34 Atsuro: igual hago eso
2017-04-19 20:34 Atsuro: xd
2017-04-19 20:35 iYiyo: listo, arreglé todo lo que mencionaste
2017-04-19 20:35 iYiyo: I agree!
sorry for the wait i mean buen dia compatriota

m4m and stuff


01:46:631 - could be nice to stop the kiai here and start it again at 01:47:972 -


00:05:055 (1) - it's a pretty strong crash cymbal, you could maybe space it a bit further than what you have now? also this sounds pretty nice with a finish imo, you could add one?
00:07:066 (5) - maybe this could have the same shape as 00:06:396 (2) to represent better how they're in the same combo and have some contrast with 00:07:401 (1,2) - which are a different combo?
00:27:860 (1,2) - these kinda feel out of place when stacked with 00:27:525 (1,2) - because the pitch is different, at least try to ctrl+g them?
00:30:877 (1,2) - pretty big jump here, actually I think it's one of the largest in the map for a not so signifcant part zz can you reduce the spacing a bit?
01:25:513 (1) - this note feels out of place because considering the stacks it clearly shows you're following the guitar, yet having a note here that follows the kick feels too much, besides the jump at 01:25:513 (1,1) - is pretty big considering this stack isn't any stronger than 01:25:178 (1,2) -
01:26:854 (2) - this (and other strong trumpet sounds like 01:40:262 (2) - and especially 01:44:620 (3,4) - during your kiais) would feel so nice with a slight SV bump
02:08:418 (3) - could you NC this because of the very high SV change?
02:32:217 - you could've mapped something to this crash :( it's clickable on 02:30:877 (1,3) -
03:17:469 (1,2) - im sorry for this but that blanket is pretty off
03:24:173 (4,1) - can you move those away from 03:23:502 (2) - so they don't overlap?
03:43:446 (2,3) - these could be moved a bit to the right so the red node is right inside 03:43:111 (1) - 's curve
03:48:642 (1) - this shape looks really unpleasant to be honest, and it's also really different to the overall aesthetic of this map, could you do something a little more curvy or with less turns?
03:49:647 (4,1) - could you change 1 a bit to look more like 4?, or more like 03:50:653 (3) - which is more obvious, your choice
03:53:000 (2) - this is pretty cool
03:53:837 - this pause is less cool though, everything else in that part is constant 1/2 and there's not really a reason to not map something here since 03:54:005 (1,2) - are mapped to the guitar too i assume
04:12:441 (1,2) - this was awkward to read since you have new combos for 1/1 pauses like 04:11:603 (2,1) - and 04:12:106 (2,1) - but since 04:12:441 (1,2) - are part of the same combo it makes them seem like they're 1/2 jumps
04:28:865 (1,1) - hey you could've done something better than copy and ctrl+g 04:24:843 (1,1) - since you have a lot of space available :(
05:17:468 (3,5) - shouldn't those be NCs since that's what you do for similar drum based jumps?
05:18:139 (1) - if you apply the NC mentioned previously then you might aswell remove that one since you usually don't place NC in the middle of streams, especially when there's no change in sound for that one
05:54:040 (3) - this looks a bit too curved compared to 4, i think it'd look nicer if you just made it look like the start of 4's curve
06:00:744 (1,2,3) - this really doesn't feel nice to play with such a wide angle especially when most if not all of your other jumps use small angles

good luck!
Topic Starter

Realazy wrote:

sorry for the wait i mean buen dia compatriota

m4m and stuff


01:46:631 - could be nice to stop the kiai here and start it again at 01:47:972 - I don't see why since it's all a strong part


00:05:055 (1) - it's a pretty strong crash cymbal, you could maybe space it a bit further than what you have now? also this sounds pretty nice with a finish imo, you could add one?
00:07:066 (5) - maybe this could have the same shape as 00:06:396 (2) to represent better how they're in the same combo and have some contrast with 00:07:401 (1,2) - which are a different combo? maybe, but that just unnecessary imo. I prefer keeping all in the same pattern rather than divide by combo color
00:27:860 (1,2) - these kinda feel out of place when stacked with 00:27:525 (1,2) - because the pitch is different, at least try to ctrl+g them?
00:30:877 (1,2) - pretty big jump here, actually I think it's one of the largest in the map for a not so signifcant part zz can you reduce the spacing a bit?
01:25:513 (1) - this note feels out of place because considering the stacks it clearly shows you're following the guitar, yet having a note here that follows the kick feels too much, besides the jump at 01:25:513 (1,1) - is pretty big considering this stack isn't any stronger than 01:25:178 (1,2) - Don't think this can be considered as a pretty big jump lol I'm also following guitar, but leaving 01:25:513 - feels weirder so yeah
01:26:854 (2) - this (and other strong trumpet sounds like 01:40:262 (2) - and especially 01:44:620 (3,4) - during your kiais) would feel so nice with a slight SV bump meh the trumpet isn't the main focus in my mapping
02:08:418 (3) - could you NC this because of the very high SV change?
02:32:217 - you could've mapped something to this crash :( it's clickable on 02:30:877 (1,3) - maybe I'll change it after thinking on something else
03:17:469 (1,2) - im sorry for this but that blanket is pretty off
03:24:173 (4,1) - can you move those away from 03:23:502 (2) - so they don't overlap?
03:43:446 (2,3) - these could be moved a bit to the right so the red node is right inside 03:43:111 (1) - 's curve they'd look so close to each other D: I like this pattern
03:48:642 (1) - this shape looks really unpleasant to be honest, and it's also really different to the overall aesthetic of this map, could you do something a little more curvy or with less turns?
03:49:647 (4,1) - could you change 1 a bit to look more like 4?, or more like 03:50:653 (3) - which is more obvious, your choice
03:53:000 (2) - this is pretty cool :D
03:53:837 - this pause is less cool though, everything else in that part is constant 1/2 and there's not really a reason to not map something here since 03:54:005 (1,2) - are mapped to the guitar too i assume
04:12:441 (1,2) - this was awkward to read since you have new combos for 1/1 pauses like 04:11:603 (2,1) - and 04:12:106 (2,1) - but since 04:12:441 (1,2) - are part of the same combo it makes them seem like they're 1/2 jumps That's the idea xd I mean, if you're playing for the very first time you might get confused. After knowing the song you shouldn't D:
04:28:865 (1,1) - hey you could've done something better than copy and ctrl+g 04:24:843 (1,1) - since you have a lot of space available :( Yeah, I'm surely going to change this xd
05:17:468 (3,5) - shouldn't those be NCs since that's what you do for similar drum based jumps?
05:18:139 (1) - if you apply the NC mentioned previously then you might aswell remove that one since you usually don't place NC in the middle of streams, especially when there's no change in sound for that one Gonna keep the NC because the of the DS change + the overlap
05:54:040 (3) - this looks a bit too curved compared to 4, i think it'd look nicer if you just made it look like the start of 4's curve
06:00:744 (1,2,3) - this really doesn't feel nice to play with such a wide angle especially when most if not all of your other jumps use small angles

good luck!
Thanks for the mod!! Everything not mentioned was applied/fixed in some way :)
nm from my q


od9 is a bit high for a 5.15*, so try od8.5

00:04:049 (1,2) - ctrl+g
00:27:860 (1,2) - ^, also 00:28:195 (1,2) -
00:38:168 - add a 1/4 stack with 00:38:252 (1) -
00:59:368 (5,1) - too close
01:10:430 (1) - ctrl+g to fit the flow
01:34:229 (1) - ^
01:54:173 (4,5) - ^
02:47:301 (2,3) - ^
03:20:318 (5) - stack with the end of 03:19:647 (2) -
04:26:184 (1) - don't hide the head in the body
Hi :3

00:50:151 (7,1) i think it's slightly far
02:19:983 (6,4) move slightly left?
03:32:049 (4,1) stack?
04:56:519 (4,1) slightly far

Nice song ^~^
Topic Starter

Ametrin wrote:

nm from my q


od9 is a bit high for a 5.15*, so try od8.5 It's already od8 o.o

00:04:049 (1,2) - ctrl+g prefer my current pattern
00:27:860 (1,2) - ^, also 00:28:195 (1,2) -
00:38:168 - add a 1/4 stack with 00:38:252 (1) - You mean a circle? Idk I don't really see why tbh
00:59:368 (5,1) - too close
01:10:430 (1) - ctrl+g to fit the flow actual transition has good flow imo
01:34:229 (1) - ^ ^
01:54:173 (4,5) - ^ ^
02:47:301 (2,3) - ^
03:20:318 (5) - stack with the end of 03:19:647 (2) - why? prefer this way xd
04:26:184 (1) - don't hide the head in the body I don't see anything wrong with that

CucumberCuc wrote:

Hi :3

00:50:151 (7,1) i think it's slightly far
02:19:983 (6,4) move slightly left?
03:32:049 (4,1) stack? did something else
04:56:519 (4,1) slightly far the DS is intended for this part since it's a very intense part in the kiai

Nice song ^~^ yeah :3
Noreply = fixed

Thanks for the mods!
Hello, from queue



  1. I don't want to nitpick your colors choice but 2 relatively the same skyblue colors, with yellow and grey seems a bit off-logic to me. Since you are not going for color hax. In this case one blue color would suffice. And would be neat if YELLOW's satruation gets lowered a bit.
  2. I see these in your tags Asako Miyazaki Misaki Yoshikawa Aya Matsuoka. But you are missing their official Japanese names, it won't hurt adding those :3
  3. 00:00:698 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - I would make these into 1/2 sliders. Basically this is an intro, you want something easy. Plus it distinguishs the guitar sound and drum better 00:04:720 (1,2,3) -.
    Since you are probably going to apply this might as well reduce spacing here 00:04:720 (1,2,3) - to like 1.90x - 2.00x ds or sth.
    And adjust spacing here so that these 00:05:055 (3,1) - look more like 1/1 time distance spaced.
  4. 00:06:396 (2,3,2,3) - Rhythm is not really correct here compare with the music. 00:06:396 (2,3) - Should be ctrl+g.
    Since this note 00:06:731 (3) - has a very faint sound so it's not worth clicking. Meanwhile the redtick has more prominent drum sound,
    00:07:750 (2,3) - Same for this.
  5. 00:08:755 (1,2) - This is a correct variation but 00:09:426 (3) - if you are mapping to the drum then 00:09:258 (2,3) - should be ctrl+g
    00:10:431 (2,3) - same. Rhythm would be much better
  6. 00:11:940 (2,3) - Here you have it correct.
  7. 00:13:280 (2) - Here the rhythm gets tricky. There is no sound on the white tick until now but then this measure gets a drum sound on this unusual tick. But you chose to map the trumphet instead which you haven't followed since the beginning of the song. So there's something inconsistent here with the rhythm choice.
  8. 00:14:620 (2,3) - . I think you get the point of this now. Going through the map and fixing these issues would take a lot of effort, I understand that but for the best of your map! Rhythm > flow > aesthetics™
  9. 00:17:469 (3,4,5) - Even if you want to map the trumphet's sound, this 00:17:637 - should be a held note and no drum sound should be mapped here 00:17:805 - . But it's always better to map the drum since it creates better gameplay so ya, I hope it's convincing.
  10. 00:24:006 (2,3,4,5,6) - Jump is great but this pattern just doesn't follow the music. Music doesn't show any sign of changing here.
  11. Since music is reaching its climax from this section, may be a good idea to increase spacin'
  12. 00:28:027 (2,1) - tbh this can be a 1/2 slider since the synth sound is more prominent here than the drums and it feels better as well, rhythm+gameplay wise.
  13. 00:28:866 (1,2,3,4) - Not trying to be nazi but this pattern stands pretty out for a normal section of the music. There's notthing too special to make movement like this.
  14. 00:31:883 (2,3) - that thing again. But this 00:34:229 (1,2) - is safe lol.
  15. 00:33:559 (3,3) - Stack error but you probably gonna re-adjust patterns around here anyway
  16. 00:38:587 (2,3) - Getting good from here since you start mapping vocal!
  17. 00:39:425 (6,7,1) - I get the point of emphasizing vocal on downbeat but this is overmapped.
  18. 00:47:637 (1,2,3,4) - These finishes can be more spaced.
    00:48:978 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - But since the drums don't change much, it may be better to keep simple rhythm rather than jump pattern here, except for maybe these 3 - 00:49:984 (6,7,1) -
  19. 00:51:298 (4,1) - This transition feels really weak especially since you have jumps here 00:50:628 (2,3) - . And this kind of thing 00:51:298 (4,1) - uses better in techincal maps, here doesn't suit very well.
  20. 01:07:078 (3,4) - 01:07:581 (6,1) - and 01:08:418 (3,4,5,1) - flowbreak feels awkward here
  21. 01:25:178 - I think it's better to choose one thing to map only. If you want to map guitar, make 1/2 sliders. If drums, map 1/1 notes. Because mixing these into notes is too dense for this part. Personally I prefer 1/1 notes, they feel better.
  22. 01:26:519 (1,2,3,4,5) - Rhythm feels like a mess here lol
    01:26:519 (1) - This follows drum
    01:26:854 (2) - This follows trumphet
    01:27:189 (3) - This follows vocal
    01:27:357 (4,5) - These back to drums
    Please determine what you want to follow xd
  23. 01:31:882 (1,1,1) - Looks like you want follow vocal. 01:29:871 (3) - Why don't you make this a 1/1 slider as well?
  24. 01:33:893 (1,1,1) - Please consult someone else again if you are unsure about keeping this
  25. 01:36:743 (3) - Shouldn't be clickable
  26. 01:38:921 (3) - Probably sticking with classic shapes is a better idea here :v
  27. 01:48:307 (2,3) - Either ctrl+g this or make these a triple for vocal.
    01:50:988 (2,3) - ^
  28. 01:55:346 (1,1,1) - Can be arranged better for smoother gameplay. But in case you don't know how, just leave it until someone comes up with something good. I have no idea either
  29. 02:03:391 (4,5,6,7) - I don't think this jump here is that necessary, it doesn't go with the music well

A small note. I think you were abit hasty mapping this song. Rhythm you used is something can be found on other generic anime songs but this song uses a tad different rhythm and I think you didn't recognize it fully, you might want to go over the map and recheck this. Aesthetics and flow can be better. Also keep in mind to be a bit more structural.

Once you fix rhythm + polish your map a little bit more. I might not be a big help but you can call me to have a second check.
Hello, from Q.

00:00:698 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - what i would like to see here is like spacing variation for the intensity of the guitar like 00:00:698 (1,2) - this should be high spaced and then 00:01:368 (1,2,1,2) - decrease here, and up again 00:02:709 (1,2) - here if you see what I mean, it's just to give more feeling that the player is following the guitar.

so for that part i really don't know what you are trying to follow and the spacing concepts you use, once you follow the trumpets and them claps and then ignore them, just that the consistency is rip here. please at least try and focus something.
00:08:587 (6) - why such small spacing here for that trumpet intensity, better space it more dude.

00:09:761 (4) - try and stack it on 00:08:755 (1) - 's head, you need more spacing for the claps.

00:15:626 (2) - this should be 2 circles dude, clap + trumpet.

00:17:804 (5) - end should be clicable

00:27:525 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - this shouldn't be 12s comboing, since it's same bass rythmn and also 00:28:027 (2,1) - replace this by a 1/2 slider please.

ok let's see the rest
00:30:877 (1) - this is like it shouldn't be stacked because of the clap emphasis ... better make a regualr jump.

00:31:884 (2,3) - ctrl+g this rythmn to follow rythmn propelly, and do this everywhere you ignore the kicks of this song tbh, like rythmn you are using seems so poor compared about the song rythmns can offer you.

00:39:509 (7) - i don't hear any 1/4 beats here, no need to overmap 1/4.

01:17:804 (3) - replace this by 2 circles to follow the vocals correctly.

01:38:921 (3) - you are skipping important kick sound here, and that slider feels REALLY out of place man.

01:41:268 - downbeat skipped makes me wanna cry... : (

01:55:346 (1,1) - mute those slider ends

02:46:128 (4,5) - 1/2 slider instead, 02:46:296 (5) - that would be better to not be clickable for the sake following the vocals propely

03:17:134 (1,1) - please mute those slider ends
05:04:396 (1,1) - ^
Topic Starter

Asaiga wrote:

Hello, from queue



  1. I don't want to nitpick your colors choice but 2 relatively the same skyblue colors, with yellow and grey seems a bit off-logic to me. Since you are not going for color hax. In this case one blue color would suffice. And would be neat if YELLOW's satruation gets lowered a bit. yellow and blue are darker now
  2. I see these in your tags Asako Miyazaki Misaki Yoshikawa Aya Matsuoka. But you are missing their official Japanese names, it won't hurt adding those :3 sure~
  3. 00:00:698 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - I would make these into 1/2 sliders. Basically this is an intro, you want something easy. Plus it distinguishs the guitar sound and drum better 00:04:720 (1,2,3) -.
    Since you are probably going to apply this might as well reduce spacing here 00:04:720 (1,2,3) - to like 1.90x - 2.00x ds or sth.
    And adjust spacing here so that these 00:05:055 (3,1) - look more like 1/1 time distance spaced. Mmmh single circles like that for an intro is quite easy to approach. I mean both guitar sounds are quite strong so I really want to make them clickable D:
  4. 00:06:396 (2,3,2,3) - Rhythm is not really correct here compare with the music. 00:06:396 (2,3) - Should be ctrl+g. Since this note 00:06:731 (3) - has a very faint sound so it's not worth clicking. Meanwhile the redtick has more prominent drum sound, I guess you're right but at the same time wrong. The way I see it is that strong beats such as 00:06:061 - & 00:06:396 - should have a sliderhead in order to have more emphasis. Imo both rhythms are correct, and I'd prefer not to change mine because the whole map is following it.
    00:07:750 (2,3) - Same for this. Fixed these since they're not really following trumpet.
  5. 00:08:755 (1,2) - This is a correct variation but 00:09:426 (3) - if you are mapping to the drum then 00:09:258 (2,3) - should be ctrl+g
    00:10:431 (2,3) - same. Rhythm would be much better I'm tipically following melody here through the thrumpet sound. Again I think both rhythms are correct
  6. 00:11:940 (2,3) - Here you have it correct. yep, now changed 00:07:750 (2,3) - so it matchs with this. Will keep the others though
  7. 00:13:280 (2) - Here the rhythm gets tricky. There is no sound on the white tick until now but then this measure gets a drum sound on this unusual tick. But you chose to map the trumphet instead which you haven't followed since the beginning of the song. So there's something inconsistent here with the rhythm choice. I'm actually following the thrumpet on some beats in order to follow melody as I stated before~
  8. 00:14:620 (2,3) - . I think you get the point of this now. Going through the map and fixing these issues would take a lot of effort, I understand that but for the best of your map! Rhythm > flow > aesthetics™ fixed this one!
  9. 00:17:469 (3,4,5) - Even if you want to map the trumphet's sound, this 00:17:637 - should be a held note and no drum sound should be mapped here 00:17:805 - . But it's always better to map the drum since it creates better gameplay so ya, I hope it's convincing. still gonna leave the drum hs 00:17:805 - , but changed the rhythm so it follows better the thrumpet
  10. 00:24:006 (2,3,4,5,6) - Jump is great but this pattern just doesn't follow the music. Music doesn't show any sign of changing here. you,'re right lol fixed~
  11. Since music is reaching its climax from this section, may be a good idea to increase spacin'
  12. 00:28:027 (2,1) - tbh this can be a 1/2 slider since the synth sound is more prominent here than the drums and it feels better as well, rhythm+gameplay wise. yup
  13. 00:28:866 (1,2,3,4) - Not trying to be nazi but this pattern stands pretty out for a normal section of the music. There's notthing too special to make movement like this. Nazii, I like it though s:
  14. 00:31:883 (2,3) - that thing again. But this 00:34:229 (1,2) - is safe lol. rhythm variation, both are correct imo :c
  15. 00:33:559 (3,3) - Stack error but you probably gonna re-adjust patterns around here anyway
  16. 00:38:587 (2,3) - Getting good from here since you start mapping vocal!
  17. 00:39:425 (6,7,1) - I get the point of emphasizing vocal on downbeat but this is overmapped. Nah, a simple triplet isn't overmapping at all. The whole map is almost pure 1/2 gap so I wanted to break players gameplay a bit with these
  18. 00:47:637 (1,2,3,4) - These finishes can be more spaced.
    00:48:978 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - But since the drums don't change much, it may be better to keep simple rhythm rather than jump pattern here, except for maybe these 3 - 00:49:984 (6,7,1) -
  19. 00:51:298 (4,1) - This transition feels really weak especially since you have jumps here 00:50:628 (2,3) - . And this kind of thing 00:51:298 (4,1) - uses better in techincal maps, here doesn't suit very well. reduced previous slider reverse a bit so gonna keep this + it emphasizes good the wavy guitar sound so yeah
  20. 01:07:078 (3,4) - 01:07:581 (6,1) - and 01:08:418 (3,4,5,1) - flowbreak feels awkward here I feel them pretty normal flow
  21. 01:25:178 - I think it's better to choose one thing to map only. If you want to map guitar, make 1/2 sliders. If drums, map 1/1 notes. Because mixing these into notes is too dense for this part. Personally I prefer 1/1 notes, they feel better. Yeah but following guitar only make it 01:25:513 - this beat feel a bit empty, therefore I make this have different NC and DS
  22. 01:26:519 (1,2,3,4,5) - Rhythm feels like a mess here lol
    01:26:519 (1) - This follows drum
    01:26:854 (2) - This follows trumphet
    01:27:189 (3) - This follows vocal
    01:27:357 (4,5) - These back to drums
    Please determine what you want to follow xd well I guess I'm following drums here...
  23. 01:31:882 (1,1,1) - Looks like you want follow vocal. 01:29:871 (3) - Why don't you make this a 1/1 slider as well?
  24. 01:33:893 (1,1,1) - Please consult someone else again if you are unsure about keeping this why?
  25. 01:36:743 (3) - Shouldn't be clickable why?
  26. 01:38:921 (3) - Probably sticking with classic shapes is a better idea here :v :v
  27. 01:48:307 (2,3) - Either ctrl+g this or make these a triple for vocal.
    01:50:988 (2,3) - ^
  28. 01:55:346 (1,1,1) - Can be arranged better for smoother gameplay. But in case you don't know how, just leave it until someone comes up with something good. I have no idea either yeah xd changed into something smoother
  29. 02:03:391 (4,5,6,7) - I don't think this jump here is that necessary, it doesn't go with the music well

A small note. I think you were abit hasty mapping this song. Rhythm you used is something can be found on other generic anime songs but this song uses a tad different rhythm and I think you didn't recognize it fully, you might want to go over the map and recheck this. Aesthetics and flow can be better. Also keep in mind to be a bit more structural.

Once you fix rhythm + polish your map a little bit more. I might not be a big help but you can call me to have a second check.
Thanks for the mod Asaiga o/

Sotarks wrote:

Hello, from Q.

00:00:698 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - what i would like to see here is like spacing variation for the intensity of the guitar like 00:00:698 (1,2) - this should be high spaced and then 00:01:368 (1,2,1,2) - decrease here, and up again 00:02:709 (1,2) - here if you see what I mean, it's just to give more feeling that the player is following the guitar. nice nice

so for that part i really don't know what you are trying to follow and the spacing concepts you use, once you follow the trumpets and them claps and then ignore them, just that the consistency is rip here. please at least try and focus something. rip me
00:08:587 (6) - why such small spacing here for that trumpet intensity, better space it more dude. I think 00:08:420 (5) - drum sound should be more emphasized

00:09:761 (4) - try and stack it on 00:08:755 (1) - 's head, you need more spacing for the claps. fixed

00:15:626 (2) - this should be 2 circles dude, clap + trumpet. prefer to follow thrumpet here on 00:15:626 - 00:15:961 - since it's more prominent

00:17:804 (5) - end should be clicable yep fixed on other mod

00:27:525 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - this shouldn't be 12s comboing, since it's same bass rythmn and also 00:28:027 (2,1) - replace this by a 1/2 slider please. ^

ok let's see the rest
00:30:877 (1) - this is like it shouldn't be stacked because of the clap emphasis ... better make a regualr jump. I think stacking is fine.
The real strong sound is on next jump so yeah

00:31:884 (2,3) - ctrl+g this rythmn to follow rythmn propelly, and do this everywhere you ignore the kicks of this song tbh, like rythmn you are using seems so poor compared about the song rythmns can offer you.

00:39:509 (7) - i don't hear any 1/4 beats here, no need to overmap 1/4. same reasoning from previous mod, i want to give some variation + emphasis on these downbeats

01:17:804 (3) - replace this by 2 circles to follow the vocals correctly. yeah

01:38:921 (3) - you are skipping important kick sound here, and that slider feels REALLY out of place man. wanted to follow drum claps there. gonna see how to manage this better

01:41:268 - downbeat skipped makes me wanna cry... : ( changed

01:55:346 (1,1) - mute those slider ends ye

02:46:128 (4,5) - 1/2 slider instead, 02:46:296 (5) - that would be better to not be clickable for the sake following the vocals propely it's actually following vocals imo

03:17:134 (1,1) - please mute those slider ends
05:04:396 (1,1) - ^
Thanks for the mod Sotarks!

Gonna check my rhythm choice once more~
from my q

bg looks pretty squashed imo xd

ar 8 - 8.5 would be nice instead of ar 9
00:01:368 (1,2) - why the spacing suddenly shrinked? the guitar is still intensive as the guitar from 00:00:698 (1,2) - does but this suddenly spacing shrink doesn't emphasize the guitar at all so maybe use the same spacing as you did for the previous pair // 00:02:038 (1) - same here // 00:04:049 (1,2) -
00:06:563 (3,4) - i don't get this jump at all why? because on 00:06:899 (4) - where's that 1/2 the sound is weak not so strong like 00:07:066 (5) -'s head (the upbeat) so it's like you just put a jump randomly since there's nothing so strong to emphasize with a jump because that sound is pretty weak and it doesn't need more emphasis as the stronger beats does in conclusion there's no reason to put a jump randomly especially when there's a weak sound so i suggest to decrease a bit the spacing and the jump should be between 00:06:899 (4) - and 00:07:066 (5) - because the upbeat where's 00:07:066 (5) - placed is very stronger and it really needs more emphasis and build-up effect
00:08:420 (5,6) - maybe more spacing here? it's pretty obvious that on 00:08:587 (6) - the trumpet is getting more intensive and it needs more emphasis and build-up effect by increasing the spacing here rather than keeping the spacing like it looks now which doesn't give emphasis at all
00:19:480 (1,2) - blanket looks off here consider moving 00:19:816 (2) - by 1 grid to left for instance in order to fix the blanket
00:34:229 (1) - i don't think an 1/1 slider would work because the 1/1 tick from 00:34:565 - has a stronger sound and i would like to see it clickable than a sliderend because the sliderend on a stronger sound doesn't emphasize the repspective stronger sound at all but a clickable one would give more emphasis to the stronger sound so it's a big difference here having an 1/2 slider + 1/1 note would work much better here as the 1/1 tick from 00:34:565 - will be clickable same goes for similar rhythms like this one
00:39:425 (6,7,1) - here doesn't seems to hear doublets here if you listen the music carefully especially the vocal it looks like the 1/4 tick from 00:39:509 - doesn't follow anything since i don't hear the vocal on the 1/4 tick so i guess you have to delete that note and leave the rhythm only 1/2 note + 1/1 slider
00:40:933 (1) - i don't think this slider fits the music at all because first it increases gradually and then decreases gradually and again increases gradually to the tail so a wave slider would work instead imo
00:44:118 (2,3,4) - looks somehow ridiculous to have the jump between (3)- and (4)- bigger than (2)- and (3)- that 'dokidoki' lyric becomes more pronounced starting from 00:44:286 (3) - and not from 00:44:453 (4) - and also there on (3)- that sound is stronger and on (4)- it's just a weak sound so in conclusion the jump between (3)- and (4)- must be bigger than (2)- and (3)-
00:59:703 (1) - this 1/1 slider doesn't even follow the both vocal and instruments (guitar, drums etc.) it just slightly ignore them and also on 01:00:039 - there's a stronger sound but it is emphasized by a sliderend which doesn't give so much emphasis as you think so i would like to replace this 1/1 slider with 3 circles instead to give more emphasis and also to make that stronger sound from 01:00:039 - clickable than a sliderend
01:02:217 (6,7,1) - same as i said for 00:39:425 (6,7,1) -
01:03:223 (6) - maybe split it in two notes instead? it's pretty obvious that on slider's tail the sound is pretty stronger and it deserves to be clickable than a sliderend because having a note there would give more and more emphasis in comparison with the sliderend which gives less emphasis than you thought actually
01:03:558 (1) - mapping here just a simple upbeat slider sound pretty lame because you just slightly ignored the downbeat from 01:03:726 - (that big 1/1 tick) and this gives zero emphasis to the vocal and instruments which is not good having a rhythm which will contain 1/2 note + 1/2 slider would work pretty well in comparison with the upbeat slider which gives zero emphasis that rhythm would make the downbeat from 01:03:726 - clickable than being ignored and it will give more emphasis to the vocal and instruments
01:04:061 (3,4,5) - this is literally the same thing as i said for 00:44:118 (2,3,4) - on (5)- it sounds like a percussion but it's somehow stronger than (4)- which has a weak sound so don't you think that the jump should be higher between (4)- and (5)- instead of (3)- and (4)-?
01:07:413 (5,1) - blanket looks pretty off considering moving 01:07:748 (1) - to left 1 grid and maybe make the slider a bit less curved
01:33:223 (1) - its tail is touching the hp bar considering moving the slider a bit down or drag its tail to right to avoid the touch with the hp bar
01:33:893 (1,1,1) - too much slider leniency abuse? basically between 01:34:229 (1) - and 01:34:564 (1) - as you can judge from their spacing and also to the flow // 01:55:346 (1,1,1) - same applies here
01:38:418 (1) - pretty weird to see that downbeat from its slidertail it's emphasized by a....sliderend it doesn't emphasize at all since that's the downbeat and it's pretty stronger as you see not a weak sound as the sound from sliderhead is i would split this slider into two circles in order to give more emphasis making that downbeat clickable than a sliderend
01:39:089 (4) - somber ibis LOL anyway would bettter change this slider shape because some players might confuse this one with 1/2 slider pair of 01:38:418 (1) - and also it doesn't flow pretty well try a wave or curved slider for instance
02:08:418 (1,2) - this current rhythm sounds pretty lame because 02:08:418 - has a stronger sound which of course is slightly ignored instead of being emphasized at least you can map a rhythm like this one to give more emphasis to that stronger sound from 02:08:418 - by making it clickable than just ignoring it for no reason
02:09:089 (2) - also i think i would do a 1/1 stack here or increasing the spacing because some players might getting confused here because of reading it as a normal pattern not like a little gap between two hitobjects
02:12:106 (1) - - 02:12:106 (1) - why don't you map this gap? there are some strong sounds (mostly hihats) which needs emphasis not being ignored at it sounds so lame to put a gap just here when the music is easily intensive (the instruments mostly) so it would worth of mapping the gap to emphasize all the stronger hihats present in the song than leave it like this
02:22:664 (5) - i don't hear any triplets here in the song if you listen carefully the song it sounds a bit overmapped if you judge the instruments correctly so it supposed to be doublets here not triplets
03:17:134 (1,1,1) - again too much slider leniency abuse mostly between 03:17:469 (1) - and 03:17:804 (1) - because of the spacing and of the flow // 04:42:944 (1,1,1) - same applies here too // 05:04:396 (1,1,1) -
04:14:117 (1) - this note was placed randomly? if yes please don't put it like this it looks untidy imo for example move the note to 342|34 for better vissual aspect
04:24:843 (1) - - 04:32:887 (2) - this whole part is BARELY audible which means that the hitsound doesn't give so much feedback due to low volume (20%) for making this part audible increase the volume to at least 40% for instance in order to make the hitsounds giving more feedback
04:53:000 (1,2,3,4) - hollow wings lol
05:02:385 (1) - this one is touching the hp bar too as 01:33:223 (1) - does here you have to move the slider down or ctrl+j it (that's literally the same thing) // 05:06:407 (1) - this one too
06:01:079 (1,2,3,1) - this part is very very intensive but you put only 3 circles having each other 1/1 gap making this one lacking of emphasis there are some sounds on these 1/2 ticks which you just ignored them than put at least a note there to give emphasis to the hihats the rhythm should be like this if i'm not wrong to give more emphasis to the hihats and also following them properly

that's all for now you should revise your rhythm and spacing usage imo there are many but didn't say them because it looks pretty useless to repeat the same thing in row in rest everything is good
Topic Starter

ByBy wrote:

from my q

bg looks pretty squashed imo xd I think it's fine o.o

ar 8 - 8.5 would be nice instead of ar 9 why so? I think ar9 is good for a 179bpm 5*
00:01:368 (1,2) - why the spacing suddenly shrinked? the guitar is still intensive as the guitar from 00:00:698 (1,2) - does but this suddenly spacing shrink doesn't emphasize the guitar at all so maybe use the same spacing as you did for the previous pair // 00:02:038 (1) - same here // 00:04:049 (1,2) - because the guitar intensity is changing + I want to give some variation so people can actually follow guitar
00:06:563 (3,4) - i don't get this jump at all why? because on 00:06:899 (4) - where's that 1/2 the sound is weak not so strong like 00:07:066 (5) -'s head (the upbeat) so it's like you just put a jump randomly since there's nothing so strong to emphasize with a jump because that sound is pretty weak and it doesn't need more emphasis as the stronger beats does in conclusion there's no reason to put a jump randomly especially when there's a weak sound so i suggest to decrease a bit the spacing and the jump should be between 00:06:899 (4) - and 00:07:066 (5) - because the upbeat where's 00:07:066 (5) - placed is very stronger and it really needs more emphasis and build-up effect changed in some way
00:08:420 (5,6) - maybe more spacing here? it's pretty obvious that on 00:08:587 (6) - the trumpet is getting more intensive and it needs more emphasis and build-up effect by increasing the spacing here rather than keeping the spacing like it looks now which doesn't give emphasis at all changed into slider
00:19:480 (1,2) - blanket looks off here consider moving 00:19:816 (2) - by 1 grid to left for instance in order to fix the blanket
00:34:229 (1) - i don't think an 1/1 slider would work because the 1/1 tick from 00:34:565 - has a stronger sound and i would like to see it clickable than a sliderend because the sliderend on a stronger sound doesn't emphasize the repspective stronger sound at all but a clickable one would give more emphasis to the stronger sound so it's a big difference here having an 1/2 slider + 1/1 note would work much better here as the 1/1 tick from 00:34:565 - will be clickable same goes for similar rhythms like this one imo it adds some variation to the gameplay + it's supported by vocals so no change
00:39:425 (6,7,1) - here doesn't seems to hear doublets here if you listen the music carefully especially the vocal it looks like the 1/4 tick from 00:39:509 - doesn't follow anything since i don't hear the vocal on the 1/4 tick so i guess you have to delete that note and leave the rhythm only 1/2 note + 1/1 slider yeah... will probably change it
00:40:933 (1) - i don't think this slider fits the music at all because first it increases gradually and then decreases gradually and again increases gradually to the tail so a wave slider would work instead imo
00:44:118 (2,3,4) - looks somehow ridiculous to have the jump between (3)- and (4)- bigger than (2)- and (3)- that 'dokidoki' lyric becomes more pronounced starting from 00:44:286 (3) - and not from 00:44:453 (4) - and also there on (3)- that sound is stronger and on (4)- it's just a weak sound so in conclusion the jump between (3)- and (4)- must be bigger than (2)- and (3)- jump between 3 and 4 is currently bigger than 2 and 3 D:
00:59:703 (1) - this 1/1 slider doesn't even follow the both vocal and instruments (guitar, drums etc.) it just slightly ignore them and also on 01:00:039 - there's a stronger sound but it is emphasized by a sliderend which doesn't give so much emphasis as you think so i would like to replace this 1/1 slider with 3 circles instead to give more emphasis and also to make that stronger sound from 01:00:039 - clickable than a sliderend fixed
01:02:217 (6,7,1) - same as i said for 00:39:425 (6,7,1) -
01:03:223 (6) - maybe split it in two notes instead? it's pretty obvious that on slider's tail the sound is pretty stronger and it deserves to be clickable than a sliderend because having a note there would give more and more emphasis in comparison with the sliderend which gives less emphasis than you thought actually yeah.. but not because there goes a clap it should be clickable imo, having a slider there fits well too
01:03:558 (1) - mapping here just a simple upbeat slider sound pretty lame because you just slightly ignored the downbeat from 01:03:726 - (that big 1/1 tick) and this gives zero emphasis to the vocal and instruments which is not good having a rhythm which will contain 1/2 note + 1/2 slider would work pretty well in comparison with the upbeat slider which gives zero emphasis that rhythm would make the downbeat from 01:03:726 - clickable than being ignored and it will give more emphasis to the vocal and instruments Actually I think that it emphasizes well in terms of vocals, don't know why you say that it gives zero emphasis D: and yeah, I know what a downbeat is xD
01:04:061 (3,4,5) - this is literally the same thing as i said for 00:44:118 (2,3,4) - on (5)- it sounds like a percussion but it's somehow stronger than (4)- which has a weak sound so don't you think that the jump should be higher between (4)- and (5)- instead of (3)- and (4)-? Actually they should have similar DS imo. They that is more emphasized with more DS is 01:04:731 (6) - which I find good
01:07:413 (5,1) - blanket looks pretty off considering moving 01:07:748 (1) - to left 1 grid and maybe make the slider a bit less curved fixed
01:33:223 (1) - its tail is touching the hp bar considering moving the slider a bit down or drag its tail to right to avoid the touch with the hp bar I'm using the default skin and it's not even touch the hp bar o.o
01:33:893 (1,1,1) - too much slider leniency abuse? basically between 01:34:229 (1) - and 01:34:564 (1) - as you can judge from their spacing and also to the flow // 01:55:346 (1,1,1) - same applies here yep, fixed
01:38:418 (1) - pretty weird to see that downbeat from its slidertail it's emphasized by a....sliderend it doesn't emphasize at all since that's the downbeat and it's pretty stronger as you see not a weak sound as the sound from sliderhead is i would split this slider into two circles in order to give more emphasis making that downbeat clickable than a sliderend I'm following vocals there, if I get more complains about it I might change it
01:39:089 (4) - somber ibis LOL anyway would bettter change this slider shape because some players might confuse this one with 1/2 slider pair of 01:38:418 (1) - and also it doesn't flow pretty well try a wave or curved slider for instance
02:08:418 (1,2) - this current rhythm sounds pretty lame because 02:08:418 - has a stronger sound which of course is slightly ignored instead of being emphasized at least you can map a rhythm like this one to give more emphasis to that stronger sound from 02:08:418 - by making it clickable than just ignoring it for no reason I don't get it, 02:08:418 - & 02:09:089 - are the strongest beat here,
and I made them clickable so yeah

02:09:089 (2) - also i think i would do a 1/1 stack here or increasing the spacing because some players might getting confused here because of reading it as a normal pattern not like a little gap between two hitobjects yeah... but don't really want to make a common rhythm pattern here. At the end it has a NC so it should provide some support to properly read it
02:12:106 (1) - - 02:12:106 (1) - why don't you map this gap? there are some strong sounds (mostly hihats) which needs emphasis not being ignored at it sounds so lame to put a gap just here when the music is easily intensive (the instruments mostly) so it would worth of mapping the gap to emphasize all the stronger hihats present in the song than leave it like this They're very weak imo compared to the next beats so yeah, wanted to give a short pause too
02:22:664 (5) - i don't hear any triplets here in the song if you listen carefully the song it sounds a bit overmapped if you judge the instruments correctly so it supposed to be doublets here not triplets
03:17:134 (1,1,1) - again too much slider leniency abuse mostly between 03:17:469 (1) - and 03:17:804 (1) - because of the spacing and of the flow // 04:42:944 (1,1,1) - same applies here too // 05:04:396 (1,1,1) -
04:14:117 (1) - this note was placed randomly? if yes please don't put it like this it looks untidy imo for example move the note to 342|34 for better vissual aspect
04:24:843 (1) - - 04:32:887 (2) - this whole part is BARELY audible which means that the hitsound doesn't give so much feedback due to low volume (20%) for making this part audible increase the volume to at least 40% for instance in order to make the hitsounds giving more feedback yup, fixed
04:53:000 (1,2,3,4) - hollow wings lol
05:02:385 (1) - this one is touching the hp bar too as 01:33:223 (1) - does here you have to move the slider down or ctrl+j it (that's literally the same thing) // 05:06:407 (1) - this one too Actually this is the only one that is tocuhing the hpbar (according to the default skin) but it so slightly that it isn't necessary imo. It would ruin my pattern and I don't really want that
06:01:079 (1,2,3,1) - this part is very very intensive but you put only 3 circles having each other 1/1 gap making this one lacking of emphasis there are some sounds on these 1/2 ticks which you just ignored them than put at least a note there to give emphasis to the hihats the rhythm should be like this if i'm not wrong to give more emphasis to the hihats and also following them properly I tried it, but don't really want to map so many jumps here. I also think that these are just weaks sounds that aren't very noticeable when playing, so yeah I'd prefer to keep this rhythm

that's all for now you should revise your rhythm and spacing usage imo there are many but didn't say them because it looks pretty useless to repeat the same thing in row in rest everything is good
Thank you so much for the mod ByBy!
Hello from modding queue

00:06:899 (4) - Could also be stacked on 00:07:066 (5) - Gives them a correlation to 00:06:396 (2,3) - but either way is cool
00:08:252 (4,5) - Ctrl+G rhythm can also work here, even though it does end on so called downbeat it really isn't sufficient since the key instrument that stands out is the trumpet.
00:09:258 (2) - You can stack this on sliderend of 00:08:755 (1) - Reason I didn't like it before was it halted the flow of motion that was already being mapped out and it's not correlating with 00:07:750 (2,3) - as well as 00:06:396 (2,3) - So having a variation where I mentioned would do you a lot of greatness
00:10:934 (4,5) - Same with Ctrl+G rhythm here, it really emphasizes the sounds well with the music if hitsounds were laid out. It sounds really good
00:13:280 (2,3) - Quite rough on the turning her compared to the others. I'd probably rotate (2) more and then it'll feel balanced. Something ~15 degreeish
00:15:123 (4) - I think it'd be more key to move this slider. It has such strong impact but is forced into a stack 00:12:275 (3,4) - compared to this how it feels meesly and nothing plays here.
00:16:632 (6) - Another idea could be turning this into a 1/4 creates a roll into the next slider and has a nice effect to it since it almost feels like it has a crescendo with the music
00:17:469 (3,4) - This I can see as a stack since it's the same trumpet placement in the music. Even though it sounds different it's still played one of the same.
Basically same as this 00:18:475 (2,3) -
00:20:486 (5) - How about stacking this on (3) of the previous note. Adds the same up and down pattern with 00:20:654 (1,2,3) - without having to be placed at an awkward location
00:21:827 (5,6) - I think this can be turned into a slider since (6) doesn't really have that much of an impact leaving variation between 00:18:978 (4,5,6) -
Rhythm sounds smoother off the trumpet without having to just put in a lot of single triangle patterns
00:24:173 (3,4,1) - Volume control and be good here with that guitar sound in the music
00:33:727 (4,5) - Wouldn't it be better to have rhythm Ctrl+G here? 00:33:727 (4,5) - the single notes matches with her staccato as she sings and it leaves more of an impact than a slider on her vocals but I do see what you're getting at
00:44:118 (2,3,4,5,6) - I believe having a pattern that gradually gets smaller is more ideal since (6) seems like an outlier and is more spaced than (3,4,5) which has the most going on in them
01:01:547 (3) - Another idea: You can also extend this to where the next note is placed to fan out that guitar sound and to have a difference between 01:00:206 (3,4) - music wise
01:30:206 (4,1,2) - Ctrl+G definitely feels better here so the downbeat can utilize a slider covering her vocals
01:36:407 (2,3) - Ctrl+G here as well to utilize that trumpet hold because this is mapped on that trumpet sound 01:35:905 (1) - but then the next trumpet sound is on a sliderend which makes 01:36:743 (3,4,5,1) - feel like a run-on with nothing impacting (3)
01:44:955 (4) - Also to review your offset/timing again since it's a little offbeat
01:57:860 (3,4) - Same thing can be applied from ^ here
01:59:703 (4,5) - Ctrl+G here definitely 100% better
02:24:843 (4,5,6,7,1) - Such a drastic spacing change compared to how it was in the last verse since it's bigger spacing than what the kiai had
Nothing else would be willing to stand out. It's quite similiar in most aspects. Some of the above can be applied to other areas after this but I'll leave that up to you.
Topic Starter

Kocari wrote:

Hello from modding queue

00:06:899 (4) - Could also be stacked on 00:07:066 (5) - Gives them a correlation to 00:06:396 (2,3) - but either way is cool Wanted to emphasize 00:07:066 - with some DS instead of stacking, mainly because the 2nd slider has a clap on its head
00:08:252 (4,5) - Ctrl+G rhythm can also work here, even though it does end on so called downbeat it really isn't sufficient since the key instrument that stands out is the trumpet. Want to keep rhythm similary from previous sliders. Both rhythm are correct imo so yeah
00:09:258 (2) - You can stack this on sliderend of 00:08:755 (1) - Reason I didn't like it before was it halted the flow of motion that was already being mapped out and it's not correlating with 00:07:750 (2,3) - as well as 00:06:396 (2,3) - So having a variation where I mentioned would do you a lot of greatness looks great
00:10:934 (4,5) - Same with Ctrl+G rhythm here, it really emphasizes the sounds well with the music if hitsounds were laid out. It sounds really good
00:13:280 (2,3) - Quite rough on the turning her compared to the others. I'd probably rotate (2) more and then it'll feel balanced. Something ~15 degreeish yup, rotated~
00:15:123 (4) - I think it'd be more key to move this slider. It has such strong impact but is forced into a stack 00:12:275 (3,4) - compared to this how it feels meesly and nothing plays here. changed things in some way, should be better now
00:16:632 (6) - Another idea could be turning this into a 1/4 creates a roll into the next slider and has a nice effect to it since it almost feels like it has a crescendo with the music I prefer having a single circle but having more DS to emphasize next downbeat
00:17:469 (3,4) - This I can see as a stack since it's the same trumpet placement in the music. Even though it sounds different it's still played one of the same.
Basically same as this 00:18:475 (2,3) - Rearranged to a stack
00:20:486 (5) - How about stacking this on (3) of the previous note. Adds the same up and down pattern with 00:20:654 (1,2,3) - without having to be placed at an awkward location I remapped this section a bit, so there're more sliders
00:21:827 (5,6) - I think this can be turned into a slider since (6) doesn't really have that much of an impact leaving variation between 00:18:978 (4,5,6) -
Rhythm sounds smoother off the trumpet without having to just put in a lot of single triangle patterns you're right xd change into slider
00:24:173 (3,4,1) - Volume control and be good here with that guitar sound in the music
00:33:727 (4,5) - Wouldn't it be better to have rhythm Ctrl+G here? 00:33:727 (4,5) - the single notes matches with her staccato as she sings and it leaves more of an impact than a slider on her vocals but I do see what you're getting at If I do so, the strong sound of her vocals would match in the slidertail which is something I don't think it's good, mainly because for me slidertails aren't for such emphasized beat
00:44:118 (2,3,4,5,6) - I believe having a pattern that gradually gets smaller is more ideal since (6) seems like an outlier and is more spaced than (3,4,5) which has the most going on in them reduced DS between 5 and 6
01:01:547 (3) - Another idea: You can also extend this to where the next note is placed to fan out that guitar sound and to have a difference between 01:00:206 (3,4) - music wise could work :3
01:30:206 (4,1,2) - Ctrl+G definitely feels better here so the downbeat can utilize a slider covering her vocals I think both rhythms are correct + I'm lazy right now to think of another pattern x.x
01:36:407 (2,3) - Ctrl+G here as well to utilize that trumpet hold because this is mapped on that trumpet sound 01:35:905 (1) - but then the next trumpet sound is on a sliderend which makes 01:36:743 (3,4,5,1) - feel like a run-on with nothing impacting (3) gonna apply on other sections aswell
01:44:955 (4) - Also to review your offset/timing again since it's a little offbeat yeah, shishamo never has perfect timing x.x
01:57:860 (3,4) - Same thing can be applied from ^ here
01:59:703 (4,5) - Ctrl+G here definitely 100% better Idk if you missclicked something, but that definitely would be out of place D: the DS would be waay too much
02:24:843 (4,5,6,7,1) - Such a drastic spacing change compared to how it was in the last verse since it's bigger spacing than what the kiai had fixed
Nothing else would be willing to stand out. It's quite similiar in most aspects. Some of the above can be applied to other areas after this but I'll leave that up to you.
Thanks for the mod Kocari! Very useful :)
a mod at request of kocari's queue

this plays very very well, so im just pointing out a bunch of alternatives to try out... i mean what more is there to say? ;w;

00:32:554 (5,1) - these two sliders stand out, being sharp amidst curved sliders, but they dont share much in common except being next to each other. i would make 00:32:553 (5) - curve just to fit in with the yellow combo anyway (comparatively, 00:38:252 (1,2,3) - are the same combo and look better)
00:51:298 (4,1) - i would avoid overlap just because its possible (altho maybe you just want overlap to show closeness? idk) anyway i think this looks better:

01:28:363 (2,3,4) - i think this would sound better and play more interestingly as

sure, there is an important and vocal beat on 01:28:530 but in the same vein, 01:29:033 is important too. just try mapping it this way and see whichever you like better tbh
01:43:111 (2,3,4) - i would reverse the rhythm here too, cause 01:43:446 seems important here
02:39:759 (4,5) - consider making this a slider for trumpet emphasis?
02:49:983 (2) - see if you can make the tail clickable (both vocal and trumpet here)
03:11:603 (2,3,4) - same thing here as before. disregard if you're sticking with this
03:16:128 (4) - feel like this tail should really be click
03:54:675 (3,1,3,5) - these are too curved for me tbh but honestly should be fine (its just me prob)
04:34:229 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - the DS feels a bit too intense here (doesnt sound like it should have one of the largest jumps in the song but this differs by ear)

ahh this was a pleasure to mod. GL for ranked!
Topic Starter

JeZag wrote:

a mod at request of kocari's queue :o but why kocari D:

this plays very very well, so im just pointing out a bunch of alternatives to try out... i mean what more is there to say? ;w;

00:32:554 (5,1) - these two sliders stand out, being sharp amidst curved sliders, but they dont share much in common except being next to each other. i would make 00:32:553 (5) - curve just to fit in with the yellow combo anyway (comparatively, 00:38:252 (1,2,3) - are the same combo and look better)
00:51:298 (4,1) - i would avoid overlap just because its possible (altho maybe you just want overlap to show closeness? idk) anyway i think this looks better:

01:28:363 (2,3,4) - i think this would sound better and play more interestingly as

sure, there is an important and vocal beat on 01:28:530 but in the same vein, 01:29:033 is important too. just try mapping it this way and see whichever you like better tbh I kinda agree with both rhythms... would think about changing it later
01:43:111 (2,3,4) - i would reverse the rhythm here too, cause 01:43:446 seems important here
02:39:759 (4,5) - consider making this a slider for trumpet emphasis? Want to follow vocals here
02:49:983 (2) - see if you can make the tail clickable (both vocal and trumpet here) I think it's fine, would be a lot of circles if I make them both clickable
03:11:603 (2,3,4) - same thing here as before. disregard if you're sticking with this
03:16:128 (4) - feel like this tail should really be click might be, would want to stay consistent with previous kiai section + I don't really feel like it must be clickable
03:54:675 (3,1,3,5) - these are too curved for me tbh but honestly should be fine (its just me prob) maybe i'll change this in the near future xd
04:34:229 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - the DS feels a bit too intense here (doesnt sound like it should have one of the largest jumps in the song but this differs by ear)

ahh this was a pleasure to mod. GL for ranked! <3
No reply=fixed/changed in some way

Thank you so much for the mod!
Spork Lover
Hey dude, here's my part of the M4M :)

Feel free to give some feedback on the mod so I know what to change for next time xd

Color coding:
Color coding
Unrankable if unchanged
Normal Suggestion/Comment
Strong Suggestion


Go get a 1920x1200 BG from here, since it's rankable now (remember to make it .jpg)

Isn't gray kind of.. not happy? lol In contrast to the 3 other colors it feels kind of out of place xd I'd at least make it a little brighter (without it blending in of course), or just remove it :p I sent the picture on discord 'cause the pic didn't wanna convert zzz


00:00:698 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - I'd add some hitsounds to these (even if they somewhat quiet ones), since having no hitsound feedback on the first notes in the song will add a lot of accuracy chokes during gameplay, and will cause people to restart often which is only cool for getting the playcount up on your map lul

00:18:642 (3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - Stuff looks a little cramped up here, especially from stuff like 00:18:642 (3,2) - doing a weird overlap. I'd move them away from each other so they don't. In a part like 00:20:654 (1,2,3,4,5) - it's fine because the aesthetics are very obvious - You could get inspiration from that.

00:31:380 - a vocal starts here, so to add filler rhythm (so you don't hit too early on the slider), it would be a better transition to add a note on 00:31:380 - as well.

00:37:917 (4) - I'd make this two single taps, since the vocal is strong on the slider end here.

00:51:633 (1,2) - I'd space them visually away a liiittle bit more so it fits the visuals on stuff like 00:52:330 (3,4,1) - too. (doesn't have to be much more than that.

00:54:843 (3) - This part is cramped like before, a way you can make the stack look better, is from spacing the slider equally from the stack like such:

01:07:078 (3,4,5,6,1) - This feels a little jarring somehow, 'cause the rotation switches randomly before the (1) slider. Doing back n' forth movement or going in the same rotation before the slider is preferable. Here's an example with back n' forth flow instead:

01:24:340 (2,3,4,1) - Technically fine, but could be smoother imo (the 2,3 transition is a little random, here's a random suggestion that you can use if you want )

01:33:893 (1,1) - momentum of the SV on the 1st slider makes the 2nd slider feel weird to play - as a player you'd want to hit the 2nd slider a lot further away with the way the sliders are now. I'd be more intuitive to ctrl+g the 2nd. if you wanna change it completely, here's an idea using a sharp slider first to indicate a change:

01:38:418 (1,4) - Looks cool, but doesn't work imo considering you don't do similar types of overlaps in any other part of the song: This would probably be fine

01:55:346 (1,1,1) - This one is okay, but if you changed your shapes on the previous suggestion, you should do it here too.

01:57:860 (3,4) - song is strong in this transition, but spacing doesn't indicate that.

02:02:553 (5,1) - same (ctrl+g probably works)

02:06:072 (3,4) - As a random suggestion, you could increase SV a bit on these two, 'cause they are somewhat similar in the song to stuff like 01:55:346 (1,1,1) -

02:08:418 (1) - Noone would know that this is slower from looking at the slider. I'd advice making the shape different to indicate that it's slow (a cramped type of slider works well, 'cause even if you didn't know, you'd still be holding down the button and not choke. On this, some players would go too far on the slider and break.)

02:09:424 - I can barely hear anything here, I assume it's intentional, but I'd probably make it easier to hear.

02:11:100 (2) - This is a good example of how to make a slow slider.

02:35:234 (2,3,4) - Pretty underwhelming spacing here imo (thinking of the slider starts here xd)

03:10:597 (4) - kiai starts, so I'd put this down a tad more. A nice aestheically pleasing spot would be

03:17:134 (1,1,1) - Why is the 3rd slider that far to the left lul, it feels a little jarring xd 03:18:139 (2) - this slider is in the perfect spot

03:23:502 (2,3) - The slider direction on 2 makes 3 feel weird to snap to. Unpolished idea:

03:32:385 (1,6) - Inconsistent focus. On the first you're completely following vocals, and you're following the beat as well as the vocals in the 2nd, making that the better choise (imo). It's also the thing you've done the most throughout.

03:36:910 (2,3) - Same thing with rotations as before on 3:23. Literally any part of the right side of the grid would be fine for the (3) to be in. Something like would flow better.

03:38:586 (1,1,1) - Best SV part you've made imo, this one is fine :3

03:43:614 (3,4) - If you did the "overlap" thing from the first kiai, put the (3) directly on the turn here two for consistency.

03:51:994 (4) - You could NC this to avoid the (10+) xd

03:56:519 (6,1) - Low spacing on downbeat in 2017 lul :^)

04:00:290 - Trumpet allows for a note here.

04:07:916 (4,5) - I assume the overlap is on purpose, but it breaks momentum pretty badly - If you wanna do something different from the rest here, I'd space the (5) away more still - here's a random idea that you can incorporate if you want, anything can apply really:

04:08:754 (1,2,3,4) - I donno what you can really do here in terms of rhythm, but the trumpet which I assume you're following is off for sure xd. You can make a "generic" type of rhythm and indicate the trumpet's intensity with spacing instead.

04:27:524 (1) - The hole looks odd here imo - a symmetrical alternative: (This would also fit that first slider in the 1st kiai (and 2nd if you added one), making a very memorable shape :)

04:42:944 (1,1,1) - also really good

04:51:659 (1,2,3) - technically fine, but should imo have a smoother transition idea.

04:53:670 (3,4) - SV?

05:09:591 (4) - Make the overlap stuff similar to in the other kiais for consistency/remembering the pattern

05:17:804 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - can't really say I like how that looks :p Here's an unpolished idea that has an overlap and some symmetry (you can also choose to not have the overlapping stuff at all too)

05:36:575 (3) - sv

05:52:700 (3,4) - Since it's a kickslider, you add some momentum, which breaks immediately with the low spacing here. This spacing would be fine, and would make the flow intuitive to play. Make sure you do this to the rest of the patterns too of course.

05:55:883 - inconsistent, and music doesn't change, I'd extend the slider to here.

06:01:414 (2) - NC this due to downbeat and because of the 1/1 breaks for readability.

Gl buddy, just PM me or make it clear in your reply if there's anything you're confused about :)
kocari brought me here

nice song bro ~

00:05:055 (3) - unstack this? cause for make the different between guitar sound and drum sound
00:09:257 (2) - ^ cause it makes me confusing imo (if you wanna emphatize the trumpet so badly you can blanket (2,3) - instead)
00:15:458 (1,2) - unstack for represent the trumpet more
00:20:319 (3,4) - the pattern kinda ugly for me xd
00:22:497 (2,3) - maybe stack (2) on slidertail instead for the trumpet?
00:28:028 (4,1) - it looks you tried emphatize the bass here but its too far imo
00:30:877 (1) - unstack for represent the drum more
00:56:016 (2,3) - change these circle with 1/2 slider for make the differents between vocal and drum at 00:56:351 -
01:00:206 (3) - unstack for vocal (looks strong here)
01:25:178 - im confusing here,what are trying emphatize with the circles? guitar or drum or both? hmm im prefer you emphatize the drum instead for make the rhythm 1/1 not 1/2 ~
02:13:446 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - hmm the pattern looks not represent the drum correctly.can you try another pattern?
03:08:418 (1,2,3,,1,2,3,1,2,3) - ye this one! this one looks good and fit with the music ~ nice
04:03:223 (6,1) - triplet here for the drum roll

Topic Starter
Spork Lover

Spork Lover wrote:

Hey dude, here's my part of the M4M :)

Feel free to give some feedback on the mod so I know what to change for next time xd

Color coding:Unrankable if unchanged
Normal Suggestion/Comment
Strong Suggestion


Go get a 1920x1200 BG from here, since it's rankable now (remember to make it .jpg) o: sure

Isn't gray kind of.. not happy? lol In contrast to the 3 other colors it feels kind of out of place xd I'd at least make it a little brighter (without it blending in of course), or just remove it :p I sent the picture on discord 'cause the pic didn't wanna convert zzz isn't the code you send me the same I already have? lol, but made it brighter~


00:00:698 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - I'd add some hitsounds to these (even if they somewhat quiet ones), since having no hitsound feedback on the first notes in the song will add a lot of accuracy chokes during gameplay, and will cause people to restart often which is only cool for getting the playcount up on your map lul added whistles

00:18:642 (3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - Stuff looks a little cramped up here, especially from stuff like 00:18:642 (3,2) - doing a weird overlap. I'd move them away from each other so they don't. In a part like 00:20:654 (1,2,3,4,5) - it's fine because the aesthetics are very obvious - You could get inspiration from that. fixed

00:31:380 - a vocal starts here, so to add filler rhythm (so you don't hit too early on the slider), it would be a better transition to add a note on 00:31:380 - as well. Yeah, but the prominent sound is the drum so I don't think a good idea here would be to map the vocals D:

00:37:917 (4) - I'd make this two single taps, since the vocal is strong on the slider end here. yup

00:51:633 (1,2) - I'd space them visually away a liiittle bit more so it fits the visuals on stuff like 00:52:330 (3,4,1) - too. (doesn't have to be much more than that. did something

00:54:843 (3) - This part is cramped like before, a way you can make the stack look better, is from spacing the slider equally from the stack like such: don't really want to make this kind of stack. Basically because I don't use them on 1/2 stacks

01:07:078 (3,4,5,6,1) - This feels a little jarring somehow, 'cause the rotation switches randomly before the (1) slider. Doing back n' forth movement or going in the same rotation before the slider is preferable. Here's an example with back n' forth flow instead: rotated 01:07:245 (4,5) - these instead to keep my pattern

01:24:340 (2,3,4,1) - Technically fine, but could be smoother imo (the 2,3 transition is a little random, here's a random suggestion that you can use if you want ) I like me transition, doesn't look random imo D:

01:33:893 (1,1) - momentum of the SV on the 1st slider makes the 2nd slider feel weird to play - as a player you'd want to hit the 2nd slider a lot further away with the way the sliders are now. I'd be more intuitive to ctrl+g the 2nd. if you wanna change it completely, here's an idea using a sharp slider first to indicate a change: gonna think of this later, if I do this, I'd have to do similar with the rest of the sliders aswell.

01:38:418 (1,4) - Looks cool, but doesn't work imo considering you don't do similar types of overlaps in any other part of the song: This would probably be fine yeah xd did something different

01:55:346 (1,1,1) - This one is okay, but if you changed your shapes on the previous suggestion, you should do it here too.

01:57:860 (3,4) - song is strong in this transition, but spacing doesn't indicate that. fixed

02:02:553 (5,1) - same (ctrl+g probably works)

02:06:072 (3,4) - As a random suggestion, you could increase SV a bit on these two, 'cause they are somewhat similar in the song to stuff like 01:55:346 (1,1,1) - mmm I don't really think they are that "similar", they both have thrumpet but still are different to each other

02:08:418 (1) - Noone would know that this is slower from looking at the slider. I'd advice making the shape different to indicate that it's slow (a cramped type of slider works well, 'cause even if you didn't know, you'd still be holding down the button and not choke. On this, some players would go too far on the slider and break.) I don't think it's an issue of the map itself. People might break the first time playing it because they don't know the song, but after 1 try, the should get familiar with it. However I did change the current pattern because I didn't like mine xd

02:09:424 - I can barely hear anything here, I assume it's intentional, but I'd probably make it easier to hear. you mean hitsound? O.o I added a finish there now

02:11:100 (2) - This is a good example of how to make a slow slider. yeah but that's a bit different cause I wanted to givev some guitar effect~ xD thanks c:

02:35:234 (2,3,4) - Pretty underwhelming spacing here imo (thinking of the slider starts here xd) increased spacing a bit

03:10:597 (4) - kiai starts, so I'd put this down a tad more. A nice aestheically pleasing spot would be oki

03:17:134 (1,1,1) - Why is the 3rd slider that far to the left lul, it feels a little jarring xd 03:18:139 (2) - this slider is in the perfect spot reduced ds a bit

03:23:502 (2,3) - The slider direction on 2 makes 3 feel weird to snap to. Unpolished idea: yeah did something xd

03:32:385 (1,6) - Inconsistent focus. On the first you're completely following vocals, and you're following the beat as well as the vocals in the 2nd, making that the better choise (imo). It's also the thing you've done the most throughout. gonna fix it later D: my bad

03:36:910 (2,3) - Same thing with rotations as before on 3:23. Literally any part of the right side of the grid would be fine for the (3) to be in. Something like would flow better. have to disagree here, the current transition flows good imo

03:38:586 (1,1,1) - Best SV part you've made imo, this one is fine :3 :D <3

03:43:614 (3,4) - If you did the "overlap" thing from the first kiai, put the (3) directly on the turn here two for consistency. I did something different from your ss D:

03:51:994 (4) - You could NC this to avoid the (10+) xd

03:56:519 (6,1) - Low spacing on downbeat in 2017 lul :^) xD tbh I don't really thinkg that low spacing is that bad for a downbeat, sometimes matchs perfectly xd However I'm not 100%sure with this pattern yet so yeah, will leave this for now

04:00:290 - Trumpet allows for a note here. yeah but it isn't as noticeable as 04:06:659 (3) - so don't really want to add it

04:07:916 (4,5) - I assume the overlap is on purpose, but it breaks momentum pretty badly - If you wanna do something different from the rest here, I'd space the (5) away more still - here's a random idea that you can incorporate if you want, anything can apply really: tbh I prefer my current shape

04:08:754 (1,2,3,4) - I donno what you can really do here in terms of rhythm, but the trumpet which I assume you're following is off for sure xd. You can make a "generic" type of rhythm and indicate the trumpet's intensity with spacing instead. the trumpet IS off xD. However I think it follows a 1/3 rhythm here so it should fit into a "generic" rhythm

04:27:524 (1) - The hole looks odd here imo - a symmetrical alternative: (This would also fit that first slider in the 1st kiai (and 2nd if you added one), making a very memorable shape :) I prefer my current slider shape D: it's made with love xd

04:42:944 (1,1,1) - also really good ty :3

04:51:659 (1,2,3) - technically fine, but should imo have a smoother transition idea. rotated (1) into 15°

04:53:670 (3,4) - SV? same as previous answer

05:09:591 (4) - Make the overlap stuff similar to in the other kiais for consistency/remembering the pattern

05:17:804 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - can't really say I like how that looks :p Here's an unpolished idea that has an overlap and some symmetry (you can also choose to not have the overlapping stuff at all too) yours is pretty similar to mine xD I like this overlap stream for this being the last kiai section

05:36:575 (3) - sv

05:52:700 (3,4) - Since it's a kickslider, you add some momentum, which breaks immediately with the low spacing here. This spacing would be fine, and would make the flow intuitive to play. Make sure you do this to the rest of the patterns too of course. lol yeah,
was thinking on the red line (timing is off) gonna fix it asap

05:55:883 - inconsistent, and music doesn't change, I'd extend the slider to here. I think you're right, fixed

06:01:414 (2) - NC this due to downbeat and because of the 1/1 breaks for readability.

Gl buddy, just PM me or make it clear in your reply if there's anything you're confused about :)


-NanoRIPE- wrote:

kocari brought me here guau o:

nice song bro ~ Thanks :D yeah shishamo is good :3

00:05:055 (3) - unstack this? cause for make the different between guitar sound and drum sound yeah can work
00:09:257 (2) - ^ cause it makes me confusing imo (if you wanna emphatize the trumpet so badly you can blanket (2,3) - instead) prefer to keep it stacked tbh, it isn't confusing to me
00:15:458 (1,2) - unstack for represent the trumpet more agree
00:20:319 (3,4) - the pattern kinda ugly for me xd I like it D:
00:22:497 (2,3) - maybe stack (2) on slidertail instead for the trumpet? don't really want to follow trumpet there
00:28:028 (4,1) - it looks you tried emphatize the bass here but its too far imo you're right xd fixed
00:30:877 (1) - unstack for represent the drum more yep
00:56:016 (2,3) - change these circle with 1/2 slider for make the differents between vocal and drum at 00:56:351 - making them a slider would make (3) not clickable and I don want that D:
01:00:206 (3) - unstack for vocal (looks strong here) yeah, unstacked
01:25:178 - im confusing here,what are trying emphatize with the circles? guitar or drum or both? hmm im prefer you emphatize the drum instead for make the rhythm 1/1 not 1/2 ~ Yeah but if I don't map 01:25:513 (1) - , it feels veeery empty. Therefore I decided to make it a NC and have different emphasis
02:13:446 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - hmm the pattern looks not represent the drum correctly.can you try another pattern? imo it represent good the drums, because it's repeating the sequence just like in the music
03:08:418 (1,2,3,,1,2,3,1,2,3) - ye this one! this one looks good and fit with the music ~ nice thanks :3
04:03:223 (6,1) - triplet here for the drum roll Don't really hear anything worth to be mapped as a triple here tbh D:


Thanks a bunch for these mods guys!
Chihara Minori
love the update

heres some words from me
00:27:692 (2,3) - cg (short of ctrl+g)
00:28:028 (4) - if you apply ^ make it as
00:30:710 (2,1) - a little bit to left peharps, 2 ~ 3 grid
01:07:413 (5) - x220 y308 the angle easier to catch
01:25:178 (1) - idk but the stack feel not right since it was apply for 01:24:173 (2,4) - maybe you can move (1,2) and stack the selider tail instead of head there
01:45:960 (3,4,5,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,1) - well mapped
01:54:843 (2,3) - cg rhythm
02:25:178 (6) - stack at 02:24:005 (1) - head
03:02:553 (4,5) - cg rhythm
03:54:675 - this section could be better for trumpet emphasis imo, such using 3/4 slider or make tail triplet
04:03:893 (4) - stak with 04:01:547 (5) - for visual
04:06:659 (3) - if you wereuse this for trumpet emph ill say the same for 03:58:614 - 04:00:290 - 04:03:306 -
04:33:390 - this worth to map with 1/2 slider
05:07:580 (5) - stack at 05:08:418 (3) - head
05:17:804 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - best part on map
05:27:692 (6) - half overlap imo
Topic Starter

Time Capsule wrote:

love the update

heres some words from me
00:27:692 (2,3) - cg (short of ctrl+g) lookgs good
00:28:028 (4) - if you apply ^ make it as prefer to keep my current pattern tbh
00:30:710 (2,1) - a little bit to left peharps, 2 ~ 3 grid tried
01:07:413 (5) - x220 y308 the angle easier to catch yeah, you're right
01:25:178 (1) - idk but the stack feel not right since it was apply for 01:24:173 (2,4) - maybe you can move (1,2) and stack the selider tail instead of head there but I like how it's currently stacked with 01:24:173 (2,4) - D:
01:45:960 (3,4,5,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,1) - well mapped thanks :3
01:54:843 (2,3) - cg rhythm fixed
02:25:178 (6) - stack at 02:24:005 (1) - head would increase the ds by a lot, so prefer my current pattern
03:02:553 (4,5) - cg rhythm i feel like this rhythm is fine cause it matches vocals and strong beat 03:02:720 -
03:54:675 - this section could be better for trumpet emphasis imo, such using 3/4 slider or make tail triplet i know, but sadly the trumpet is off to the music so don't really know how else to manage it
04:03:893 (4) - stak with 04:01:547 (5) - for visual they're way too far in timeline to stack them, don't really makes any change in visuals imo
04:06:659 (3) - if you wereuse this for trumpet emph ill say the same for 03:58:614 - 04:00:290 - 04:03:306 - 04:00:290 - added a circle there
04:33:390 - this worth to map with 1/2 slider applied
05:07:580 (5) - stack at 05:08:418 (3) - head kk
05:17:804 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - best part on map <3
05:27:692 (6) - half overlap imo idk what do you mean by that D:
Thank you for the mod! :3 Gonna get to this map in the next upcoming weeks I hope~

  1. 00:20:151 (3,4) - Could lower the spacing here, sound on 00:20:319 doesn't need such emphasis
  2. 00:31:548 (1,2,3,4,5) - would be nice to make this pattern parallel like 00:32:889 (1,2,3,4,5) lol
  3. 00:43:616 (1,2) - Same as 00:20:151 (3,4), you can ctrl+g 00:43:616 (1) to lower the spacing between 00:43:616 (1,2)
  4. 00:49:481 (3,4) - ^
  5. 01:11:603 (4,1) - unstack this, doesn't look good when stack 01:10:932 (2,3) but in same combo
  6. 01:16:798 (1) - try sv around 1.8x? i dont think players can be aware of this the first time
  7. 01:32:888 (4,1) - larger distance for new combo?
  8. 01:51:826 (6,1) - similar problem as above, you can stack 01:51:826 (6) on 01:51:156 (3) so that the emphasis will goes to 01:51:826 (6,1) instead of 01:51:491 (5,6)
  9. 02:43:949 (6,2) - fix stack
  10. 03:00:062 (1) - Same as 01:16:798 (1)
  11. 03:52:999 - can add finish to emphasize the instrument
  12. 04:04:061 (5,6) - well yea too large with nothing strong to emphasize
  13. 04:06:407 (2,3) - spacing is too large when compare to 1/4 patterns like 04:00:290 (5,6)
  14. 04:09:089 (2,3) - ctrl+g for better flow between, also 04:09:424 has no sounds so the spacing shouldn't be too large
  15. 04:27:524 (1) - doesnt look good when the two curves are different and the slider head is overlapping with end :<
  16. 04:30:206 (1) - slider between 2nd and 3rd red anchor is curved too much imo xD
  17. 04:42:944 (1,1) - spacing is too large when compare similar patterns imo

Map is fine but im not sure if the timing is accurate enough, timing such as 03:25:848 is seems delayed, you may want to find someone to confirm (sorry im not experienced in timing)
call me back if timing is confirmed~
Topic Starter

Chaoslitz wrote:


  1. 00:20:151 (3,4) - Could lower the spacing here, sound on 00:20:319 doesn't need such emphasis yep, reduced a bit
  2. 00:31:548 (1,2,3,4,5) - would be nice to make this pattern parallel like 00:32:889 (1,2,3,4,5) lol nice catch lol
  3. 00:43:616 (1,2) - Same as 00:20:151 (3,4), you can ctrl+g 00:43:616 (1) to lower the spacing between 00:43:616 (1,2) yeah that's better
  4. 00:49:481 (3,4) - ^ fixed
  5. 01:11:603 (4,1) - unstack this, doesn't look good when stack 01:10:932 (2,3) but in same combo doesn't look bad stacked, but yeah,
    unstacking could feel better
  6. 01:16:798 (1) - try sv around 1.8x? i dont think players can be aware of this the first time tried changing it, but since 01:17:134 (1) - is x1,0 it would ruin the symmetry-pattern between 01:16:798 (1,1) -. Also I think that after a few tries, players should learn about this pattern, it isn't hard,
    just might be a bit confusing the first time, which isn't that of a problem imo
  7. 01:32:888 (4,1) - larger distance for new combo? 01:33:223 (1) - cltr+g this for more distance
  8. 01:51:826 (6,1) - similar problem as above, you can stack 01:51:826 (6) on 01:51:156 (3) so that the emphasis will goes to 01:51:826 (6,1) instead of 01:51:491 (5,6) did something else so the ds isn't that huge for both objects
  9. 02:43:949 (6,2) - fix stack fixed
  10. 03:00:062 (1) - Same as 01:16:798 (1) same
  11. 03:52:999 - can add finish to emphasize the instrument nice idea
  12. 04:04:061 (5,6) - well yea too large with nothing strong to emphasize lol yeah, moved so it now blankets 04:03:893 (4) -
  13. 04:06:407 (2,3) - spacing is too large when compare to 1/4 patterns like 04:00:290 (5,6) yeah but if we consider the slider leniency,
    players don't actually move their cursor till the very end of the slider, it's like literally going from the head of 04:06:407 (2) - to 04:06:659 (3) - which has similar ds as 03:59:871 (4,5) -
  14. 04:09:089 (2,3) - ctrl+g for better flow between, also 04:09:424 has no sounds so the spacing shouldn't be too large rotated 04:08:754 (1) - and ctrl+ged 04:09:089 (2) - , should be fine now
  15. 04:27:524 (1) - doesnt look good when the two curves are different and the slider head is overlapping with end :< moved a bit
  16. 04:30:206 (1) - slider between 2nd and 3rd red anchor is curved too much imo xD redid this shape lol, didn't like it tbh
  17. 04:42:944 (1,1) - spacing is too large when compare similar patterns imo yes, they are larger mainly because of the last kiai, however 05:25:848 (1,1) - these had same low spacing, so now I added more space between them, so now should be more consistent with this part in the 3rd kiai

Map is fine but im not sure if the timing is accurate enough, timing such as 03:25:848 is seems delayed, you may want to find someone to confirm (sorry im not experienced in timing)
call me back if timing is confirmed~
thanks chaoz! gonna check the timing within the next hours~
2018-01-06 20:31 Cris-: holi 00:26:687 (2) - ctrl g en el ashita mo
2018-01-06 20:31 iYiyo: owo
2018-01-06 20:31 iYiyo: holi
2018-01-06 20:31 Cris-: 00:30:710 (2,1) - esto talvez no deberia estar stackeado, el sonido del 1 es bastante fuerte
2018-01-06 20:32 iYiyo: 00:26:687 (2) - ctrl+g este como que no le pega muy bien
2018-01-06 20:32 iYiyo: 00:26:184 (1,2) - se perdería el flow y 00:26:687 (2,3) - tendría mucho ds
2018-01-06 20:32 Cris-: 00:40:598 (5,1,2,3,4,5) - el flow aqui lo siento medio rarucho, igual esta bien si
2018-01-06 20:33 Cris-: 00:56:351 (3,4) - ctrl+g fluiria mejor creo
2018-01-06 20:34 Cris-: 01:30:206 (4) - ctrl+g
2018-01-06 20:36 iYiyo: 01:30:206 (4) - cltr g'ed
2018-01-06 20:37 iYiyo: 00:56:351 (3,4) - ctrl´g seguro que fluiria mejor?
2018-01-06 20:37 iYiyo: yo creo que no D:
2018-01-06 20:37 Cris-: digo yo
2018-01-06 20:37 Cris-: ya que 00:56:016 (2) - fluye hacia abajo
2018-01-06 20:37 Cris-: fijate
2018-01-06 20:38 iYiyo: esque fijate en el movimiento que se formaria con 4 5 y 1
2018-01-06 20:38 iYiyo: sipo , pero si es lineal hacia abajo
2018-01-06 20:38 iYiyo: como que es raro xD
2018-01-06 20:38 Cris-: 02:06:743 (1,4) - de alguna manera esto podria estar mejor, no se como explicarlo si. Pero podrias hacer un blanket con la vueltita
2018-01-06 20:38 iYiyo: al menos yo prefiero como hacer un back and forth, de lado a lado
2018-01-06 20:38 Cris-: mmm igual queda bien
2018-01-06 20:39 Cris-: o podrias hacer ctrl+g y arreglar eso para que fluya como te digo
2018-01-06 20:39 Cris-: igual se siente raro ese slider hacia abajo y la sgte nota arriba
2018-01-06 20:40 iYiyo: dices de 00:56:686 (5,1) - este?
2018-01-06 20:40 Cris-: 02:12:441 - aqui quizas podrias colocar una nota para que no se sienta tan vacio, pero creo que intentas reflejar la falta de drums
2018-01-06 20:40 Cris-: yup
2018-01-06 20:40 Cris-: 00:56:016 (2,3,4,5,1) - que fluya mejor
2018-01-06 20:41 iYiyo: eco
2018-01-06 20:41 iYiyo: yo creo que fluye mejor así que haciendole cltrg a 00:56:351 (3,4) -
2018-01-06 20:41 Cris-: 02:20:150 (1) - ctrl+g a este, asi haces un patron diagonal con los circulos anteriores
2018-01-06 20:42 Cris-: eso te dije ps xD
2018-01-06 20:42 Cris-: 00:56:351 (3,4) - ctrl+g a esto
2018-01-06 20:43 iYiyo: aa sipo, pero yo te dije que prefiero mejor dejarlo así
2018-01-06 20:43 iYiyo: xDD
2018-01-06 20:43 Cris-: xDD
2018-01-06 20:43 Cris-: como quieras xD
2018-01-06 20:43 Cris-: algo si que veo alrededor de todo el mapa es que sigues las vocals aca 02:25:346 (1) - en estos sliders pero en otras partes los drums
2018-01-06 20:43 iYiyo: 02:20:150 (1) - este si está bueno
2018-01-06 20:43 iYiyo: le hice ctrl g
2018-01-06 20:44 iYiyo: :o
2018-01-06 20:44 iYiyo: dime dónde plis?
2018-01-06 20:44 iYiyo: traté de hacer que siguiera todo vocales
2018-01-06 20:44 Cris-: 02:25:849 (2) - x:392 y:100 para consistencia en espacio
2018-01-06 20:44 Cris-: 02:26:016 (3) - mejora el stack con la cola
2018-01-06 20:44 Cris-: en esos sliders 1/1
2018-01-06 20:44 Cris-: fijate que tienes los downbeats al medio
2018-01-06 20:44 Cris-: 02:28:027 (1) - aqui por ejemplo igual. 02:28:195 - el sonido de aqui es super fuerte
2018-01-06 20:45 Cris-: 02:32:553 (2) - y:128 para espacio
2018-01-06 20:45 Cris-: 02:33:893 (1,2,3,4) - esto quizas pueda resultar confuso de jugar, muchos al ver esto piensan que es un stream 1/3. O quizas solo a mi me pasa :thinking:
2018-01-06 20:46 iYiyo: oh csm esperame que el kagetsu también me está hablando del mapa
2018-01-06 20:46 iYiyo: del timing
2018-01-06 20:46 iYiyo: xDD
2018-01-06 20:46 iYiyo: veo altiro tus puntos
2018-01-06 20:46 Cris-: np xD
2018-01-06 20:46 Cris-: voy a seguir escribiendo si para no perder el hilo, luego respondes xd
2018-01-06 20:47 Cris-: 02:36:240 (1) - quizas esto podria terminar en 02:36:491 - con un slider en 02:36:575 - para la trompeta
2018-01-06 20:48 Cris-: lo digo porque esa trompeta es mas dominante que lo que sigue, que suena mas como adorno de fondo para los drums, ademas de que suenan bien con las notas que ya usas
2018-01-06 20:49 Cris-: 03:06:910 (1,2,3) - el flow aqui es bastante malo, podrias darle ctrl g a 03:07:581 (3) - y lo mueves para la izq
2018-01-06 20:50 Cris-: 03:32:385 (1) - este lo podrias reemplazar por uno como este 03:27:189 (1) -
2018-01-06 20:52 Cris-: 03:43:614 (3) - x:240 y:200, siento 03:42:943 (4,1,2,3,4) - esto como muy junto
2018-01-06 20:53 Cris-: 03:59:871 (4) - quizas si mueves los ticks rojos para la izquierda enfocaria mejor la trompeta xd
2018-01-06 20:54 Cris-: 04:09:759 (4,1) - blanket quizas?
2018-01-06 20:55 Cris-: ademas 04:10:429 - aqui se escucha algo
2018-01-06 20:56 Cris-: 04:56:686 (1) - podrias reemplazar este circulo por un slider 1/2, asi no se sentiria tan raro el corte, ademas que se sigue escuchando algo aqui 04:56:854 -
2018-01-06 20:57 Cris-: 05:02:385 (1) - una parte del slider toca el hp
2018-01-06 20:59 Cris-: 05:56:387 (3) - slider 1/2?
2018-01-06 21:26 iYiyo: ya ahi hice el update del timing
2018-01-06 21:26 iYiyo: ahora veré lo tuyo xD
2018-01-06 21:26 Cris-: era multi bpm? xdd
2018-01-06 21:26 iYiyo: nop
2018-01-06 21:26 iYiyo: sólo que el offset es irregular
2018-01-06 21:26 iYiyo: xD
2018-01-06 21:27 Cris-: pero ahora no tiene solo 179
2018-01-06 21:27 Cris-: tiene variantes
2018-01-06 21:27 Cris-: 05:51:983 - 167,500 uff
2018-01-06 21:27 iYiyo: a sip, pero es para ajustar
2018-01-06 21:27 iYiyo: para que el cambio en 05:52:699 - no sea tan brusco
2018-01-06 21:28 iYiyo: advanced techniques :ok_hand: xddd
2018-01-06 21:28 Cris-: xDD
2018-01-06 21:28 Cris-: yo nunca aprendi a timear multi bpm
2018-01-06 21:28 Cris-: con suerte si tienen una variante notable
2018-01-06 21:29 Cris-: pero mapas como ashita mo nica xd
2018-01-06 21:29 iYiyo: simplemente pones una línea roja y empiezas a reducir/aumentar hasta que matchee con la otra línea roja
2018-01-06 21:29 Cris-: pero es una paja :eyes:
2018-01-06 21:29 iYiyo: si xD
2018-01-06 21:30 iYiyo: maldito shishamo
2018-01-06 21:30 iYiyo: aprendan a timear sus cancinoes
2018-01-06 21:30 iYiyo: >:c
2018-01-06 21:31 Cris-: el de la trompeta toca mal xD
2018-01-06 21:32 Cris-: eso te caga el timing
2018-01-06 21:32 iYiyo: osea no mal, pero si está off xD
2018-01-06 21:32 iYiyo: y bastante
2018-01-06 21:33 iYiyo: al mapear se cacha caleta, pero al escuchar no igual xd
2018-01-06 21:34 iYiyo: ya ahí chequé todo lo que me dijiste
2018-01-06 21:34 Cris-: igual es a proposito para darle variedad a las canciones creo yo xd
2018-01-06 21:34 iYiyo: cambié como 2 cosas más nomás~
2018-01-06 21:34 iYiyo: 05:02:384 - por ejemplo esto es muy sutil
2018-01-06 21:35 Cris-: djsdjsd
2018-01-06 21:35 iYiyo: y me parece que el rc no lo menciona xd
2018-01-06 21:35 Cris-: fueron solo sugerencias que note
2018-01-06 21:35 iYiyo: 05:56:385 - 04:56:685 - pq quiero enfatizar ahí
2018-01-06 21:35 iYiyo: 03:59:869 (4) - esté lo cambié
2018-01-06 21:35 iYiyo: este*
2018-01-06 21:38 Cris-: oka, gl c:
Topic Starter
okay so I asked for timing help for ezek and Kagetsu, here are the logs just in case (spanish rip)
2018-01-06 19:46 iYiyo: ezekcito
2018-01-06 19:46 iYiyo: te puedo pedir una mini ayuda en una parte del timing?
2018-01-06 19:46 iYiyo: que me están pidiendo un check para que lo nominen
2018-01-06 19:46 ezek: yo soy malo para timing, pero dime lol
2018-01-06 19:47 iYiyo: ACTION is editing [ SHISHAMO - Ashita mo [Tomorrow]]
2018-01-06 19:47 iYiyo: xD
2018-01-06 19:47 iYiyo: 03:25:848 - acá es donde me señalan
2018-01-06 19:47 ezek: ay, mejor tomorrow :V
2018-01-06 19:47 iYiyo: xddddd
2018-01-06 19:47 ezek: okno badjoke
2018-01-06 19:47 iYiyo: e.e
2018-01-06 19:47 iYiyo: goodjoke
2018-01-06 19:47 ezek: 10mb yikes
2018-01-06 19:49 ezek: solo esa parte?
2018-01-06 19:49 iYiyo: igual tiene varias lineas rojas por ahí y por allá
2018-01-06 19:49 iYiyo: así que no sé xd
2018-01-06 19:49 ezek: hasta donde acaba la parte señalada?
2018-01-06 19:49 iYiyo: acaba ahí mismo xd
2018-01-06 19:49 iYiyo: esque es super sutil
2018-01-06 19:50 ezek: como que acaba ahi mismo? xD
2018-01-06 19:50 iYiyo: esque acá 03:27:189 - se arregla creo yo
2018-01-06 19:51 iYiyo: aaah no sé @.@
2018-01-06 19:51 ezek: que raros esos timings xD
2018-01-06 19:52 iYiyo: xDD
2018-01-06 19:52 iYiyo: esque shishamo es baka >.<
2018-01-06 19:52 iYiyo: no lo timean perfecto
2018-01-06 19:52 ezek: :CC
2018-01-06 19:54 iYiyo: igual como que esa parte está bien xd
2018-01-06 19:54 iYiyo: no sé qué opinas de las otras timing lines D:
2018-01-06 19:55 ezek: estoy viendo la que me especificaste
2018-01-06 19:55 iYiyo: oki
2018-01-06 19:58 ezek: en la parte que señalaste, yo lo "arreglaria" asi
2018-01-06 20:00 iYiyo: sounds good
2018-01-06 20:00 ezek: owo
2018-01-06 20:04 iYiyo: gracias ezek
2018-01-06 20:04 iYiyo: lo ajusté un poquito para que abarcara 03:25:493 (5,6) -
2018-01-06 20:05 ezek: estoy probando con un solo bpm en decimal a ver si acaso es de un bpm
2018-01-06 20:06 iYiyo: owo
2018-01-06 20:06 iYiyo: eso ya es territorio peligroso xD
2018-01-06 20:06 iYiyo: "yo soy malo para timing"
2018-01-06 20:06 ezek: una vez me paso con una cancion, le puse varias lineas rojas y al final era un solo bpm pero con 3 decimales xD
2018-01-06 20:06 iYiyo: malditos 3 decimales
2018-01-06 20:07 ezek: xDD
2018-01-06 20:09 ezek: nah, no encajo esto
2018-01-06 20:09 ezek: mejor me voy a llorar :'v
2018-01-06 20:10 iYiyo: xD

2018-01-06 20:11 iYiyo: hola owo
2018-01-06 20:13 Kagetsu: hola
2018-01-06 20:14 iYiyo: ha pasado tiempo desde que hablamos xd
2018-01-06 20:14 iYiyo: cómo estai? :d
2018-01-06 20:16 Kagetsu: xdd si
2018-01-06 20:16 Kagetsu: buien gracias
2018-01-06 20:16 Kagetsu: igual que siempre no mas xd
2018-01-06 20:16 iYiyo: sin noticias son buenas noticias dicen por ahí xD
2018-01-06 20:17 iYiyo: oye, me podriai ayudar checando un timing plis?
2018-01-06 20:17 iYiyo: tú eri bueno en eso uwu
2018-01-06 20:19 Kagetsu: e
2018-01-06 20:19 Kagetsu: no se de donde sacsate q soy bueno en timing
2018-01-06 20:19 Kagetsu: pero puedo verlo supongo xd
2018-01-06 20:19 iYiyo: ACTION is listening to [ SHISHAMO - Ashita mo]
2018-01-06 20:20 iYiyo: recuerdo que me timeaste el final de
2018-01-06 20:20 iYiyo: chaozlit me dejó un comentario sobre chequear el timing en el thread
2018-01-06 20:22 Kagetsu: hmm a ver xd
2018-01-06 20:23 iYiyo: 03:25:848 -
2018-01-06 20:23 iYiyo: dice que a partir de acá se escucha retrasado
2018-01-06 20:23 iYiyo: que igual es verdad, pero como que es peluo cachar el timing xd
2018-01-06 20:24 iYiyo: de momento hice esto:
2018-01-06 20:24 iYiyo: pero idk D:
2018-01-06 20:25 Kagetsu: hmm si... se escucha mal la verdad
2018-01-06 20:25 Kagetsu: pero es una paja timear esto
2018-01-06 20:25 Kagetsu: xd
2018-01-06 20:25 iYiyo: xD
2018-01-06 20:25 iYiyo: se :c
2018-01-06 20:26 Kagetsu: 00:50:628 (2,3) -
2018-01-06 20:26 Kagetsu: eso esta super off
2018-01-06 20:26 Kagetsu: xd
2018-01-06 20:27 iYiyo: se, como que el segundo tick no van en el blue
2018-01-06 20:28 iYiyo: pero si terminan en el red ese según yo
2018-01-06 20:28 iYiyo: es raro
2018-01-06 20:28 Kagetsu: si
2018-01-06 20:28 Kagetsu: es un fill raro de drum
2018-01-06 20:28 Kagetsu: con 1/6
2018-01-06 20:29 iYiyo: igual en 100% de velocidad no se nota mucho
2018-01-06 20:29 Kagetsu: yo lo note
2018-01-06 20:29 iYiyo: tení orejas ultrasónicas
2018-01-06 20:29 Kagetsu: xdd
2018-01-06 20:30 Kagetsu: no creo
2018-01-06 20:30 Kagetsu: yo cacho q cualquiera lo notaria
2018-01-06 20:30 Kagetsu: xd
2018-01-06 20:32 Kagetsu: mucha pajita timearlo
2018-01-06 20:32 Kagetsu: si yo fuera tu mejor modificaria el mp3
2018-01-06 20:33 Kagetsu: aunque bueno, tambien es paja hacer eso xd
2018-01-06 20:33 iYiyo: xDDD
2018-01-06 20:33 iYiyo: creo que a estas alturas prefiero timearlo
2018-01-06 20:33 iYiyo: pero qué opinai del timing que te mandé?
2018-01-06 20:33 iYiyo: las lineas rojas esas
2018-01-06 20:33 Kagetsu: ahh es q me dio paja probarlo
2018-01-06 20:33 Kagetsu: mejor hubieras mandado el text
2018-01-06 20:33 Kagetsu: xdd
2018-01-06 20:34 Kagetsu: o sea el codigo de las lineas
2018-01-06 20:34 iYiyo: 205494 y 207189
2018-01-06 20:34 iYiyo: xD
2018-01-06 20:35 Kagetsu: en .txt ps
2018-01-06 20:35 Kagetsu: pa llegar y copiarlo
2018-01-06 20:36 Kagetsu: puedes subir el clipboard a puush
2018-01-06 20:36 Kagetsu: o por ultimo pega los offsets en el chat
2018-01-06 20:36 Kagetsu: asi los agrego mas facil
2018-01-06 20:36 iYiyo: esos son los offset
2018-01-06 20:36 iYiyo: agrega las lineas rojas ahí
2018-01-06 20:36 iYiyo: yo cacho que hacer un txt ahora se demoraria mas
2018-01-06 20:36 iYiyo: xd
2018-01-06 20:38 Kagetsu: 03:25:494 -
2018-01-06 20:38 Kagetsu: aqui
2018-01-06 20:38 Kagetsu: creo q ya lo hice
2018-01-06 20:39 iYiyo: se ahi
2018-01-06 20:39 iYiyo: según tú queda mejor ahí?
2018-01-06 20:39 iYiyo: como un hotfix xD
2018-01-06 20:40 Kagetsu: si
2018-01-06 20:40 Kagetsu: aunque la segunda quizas esta un poco muy antes
2018-01-06 20:40 iYiyo: un poco muy
2018-01-06 20:40 iYiyo: xD
2018-01-06 20:41 Kagetsu: o sea esw que en realidad esta bien
2018-01-06 20:41 Kagetsu: para efectos de jugabilidad no tendria sentido agregar tantas cosas
2018-01-06 20:41 Kagetsu: mucha perdida de tiempo
2018-01-06 20:41 Kagetsu: lo que si, si fuera tu agregaria lineas para que los cambios de timing sean mas fluidos
2018-01-06 20:41 Kagetsu: en el metronomo
2018-01-06 20:42 iYiyo: cómo así?
2018-01-06 20:43 Kagetsu: para que las lineas encajen
2018-01-06 20:44 iYiyo: hmm
2018-01-06 20:44 iYiyo: no te entendí del todo
2018-01-06 20:45 Kagetsu: 05:51:994 -
2018-01-06 20:45 Kagetsu: si agregas una linea en el downbeat
2018-01-06 20:45 Kagetsu: te queda asi
2018-01-06 20:45 Kagetsu: entonces haces que no haya 2 ticks en el metronomo xd
2018-01-06 20:46 iYiyo: oooh ya te caché
2018-01-06 20:46 iYiyo: lo dejaste en 171 ahí
2018-01-06 20:46 Kagetsu: 170.5
2018-01-06 20:46 Kagetsu: en 05:51:994 -
2018-01-06 20:47 Kagetsu: es que o si no se escucha mal la verdad xd
2018-01-06 20:47 iYiyo: la verdad es que si xd
2018-01-06 20:47 iYiyo: no se me había ocurrido hacer eso
2018-01-06 20:47 Kagetsu: es basicamente lo que explica charles en su guia de timing
2018-01-06 20:47 Kagetsu: xdd
2018-01-06 20:47 iYiyo: guia?
2018-01-06 20:48 iYiyo: send zelda
2018-01-06 20:48 Kagetsu:
2018-01-06 20:48 Kagetsu: hmm puedes ver la de de pishi igual
2018-01-06 20:48 Kagetsu: q es como lo mismo pero mas corto
2018-01-06 20:48 Kagetsu: xd
2018-01-06 20:48 iYiyo: dale
2018-01-06 20:48 iYiyo: xD
2018-01-06 20:48 iYiyo: gracias
2018-01-06 20:48 Kagetsu: deberia salirte en los recomendados
2018-01-06 20:49 iYiyo: de hecho si, ahí sale xd
2018-01-06 20:49 Kagetsu: xdd que inteligente que es youtube

Basically all I did was:
  1. 02:55:849 - add red line here to match 02:56:375 -
  2. 03:20:475 - added redline here
  3. 03:28:529 - ^
  4. 05:41:257 - ^
  5. 05:51:983 - here to match 05:52:699 -
And also applied some aesthetics/flow suggestions from Cris-

should be better now~

edit: also compressed the bg in order to save space, so redl~

maybe try ~+8 offset on 00:51:995 and 00:53:000? drums on such as 01:56:351, 02:19:145 still sounds off
Topic Starter
seems good. applied
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Thank you Chaoslitz!

00:15:458 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - movement plays rly weird here, would make 2,3 just straight tbh
00:50:628 - wrong snap, should be or something, this isn't 1/4 and it sounds really bad as it is
01:26:192 (1) - feel like a slow slider entry would be cooler, maybe 0.3x
01:47:644 (1,2,1) - at least can you make the flow change, staying the same direction while this strong note plays as the jumps before is just really boring imo
02:13:454 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - could nc this in 3s or make a pattern based on 3s like you did with 01:46:639 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2) -
02:36:248 (1) - can you fix this wave to be cuter
02:55:849 (3) - nc for trumpets?
03:52:998 (2) - cute
04:01:713 (6) - more emphasis imo
04:03:305 - skipping this? could make 1/4 slider for 04:03:221 -
04:06:406 - worst sax solo i've ever heard in my life holy shit LOL
04:27:523 (1) - why is this not even pls fix ty
04:57:355 (2) - not a fan of how this trumpet gets barely any emphasis throughout the whole map, it's like.. late syncopation or something and stands out a lot :?
05:38:920 (3) - maybe nc?

also im popping for the timing at the end that is messed up lol - most of the drums are off, would recommend to get someone to check it before you get a rebubble

i dont really feel like im interested in nominating the set though, sorry. good luck with this
Topic Starter

Mir wrote:


00:15:458 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - movement plays rly weird here, would make 2,3 just straight tbh yeah it was a bit weird, did something
00:50:628 - wrong snap, should be or something, this isn't 1/4 and it sounds really bad as it is omg yes,
tbh was trying to figure out how to fix this, and I just came out with the idea to follow the metronome, thanks for this suggestion c:

01:26:192 (1) - feel like a slow slider entry would be cooler, maybe 0.3x want to emphasize that section without a slow slider, like... it'd kill the current intensity it was towards 01:26:527 (1) -
01:47:644 (1,2,1) - at least can you make the flow change, staying the same direction while this strong note plays as the jumps before is just really boring imo well there's people that think otherwise (apart from me xd) Anyway, I don't think it's boring at all, it's pretty catchy to follow that pattern for me tbh
02:13:454 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - could nc this in 3s or make a pattern based on 3s like you did with 01:46:639 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2) - sure
02:36:248 (1) - can you fix this wave to be cuter for me it's fine, but did something
02:55:849 (3) - nc for trumpets? yes
03:52:998 (2) - cute :3
04:01:713 (6) - more emphasis imo I don't think it's really necessary to emphasize that
04:03:305 - skipping this? could make 1/4 slider for 04:03:221 - alright
04:06:406 - worst sax solo i've ever heard in my life holy shit LOL no uwu
04:27:523 (1) - why is this not even pls fix ty it wasn't supposed to be even, but considering other shapes, now it is XD
04:57:355 (2) - not a fan of how this trumpet gets barely any emphasis throughout the whole map, it's like.. late syncopation or something and stands out a lot :? at this point it would mean I'd had to remap a lot of things + it doesn't really stands out for me, like I emphasize several other parts,
but didn't felt like I should do on that specific trumpet sounds

05:38:920 (3) - maybe nc? i think it's fine to have those 3 as combo

also im popping for the timing at the end that is messed up lol - most of the drums are off, would recommend to get someone to check it before you get a rebubble

i dont really feel like im interested in nominating the set though, sorry. good luck with this np, danke danke c:
Thanks for the check Mir, the timing was indeed off at the end, my bad for not noticing it. Should be fixed now.

small irc with mir~
2018-01-10 20:32 iYiyo: hihi, can you take a super duper quick look at the timing to confirm? pliiis >.<
2018-01-10 20:32 iYiyo: ACTION is listening to [ SHISHAMO - Ashita mo]
2018-01-10 20:32 iYiyo: just the very end
2018-01-10 20:32 Mir: sure
2018-01-10 20:33 iYiyo: thanks dude
2018-01-10 20:33 Mir: 05:54:039 (3) - is a bit early
2018-01-10 20:34 Mir: other than that
2018-01-10 20:34 iYiyo: oh, but is't like only that beat
2018-01-10 20:34 Mir: looks fine
2018-01-10 20:34 iYiyo: cause 05:54:206 (4) - looks fine to me
2018-01-10 20:34 Mir: yeah i guess you can leave that actually
2018-01-10 20:35 iYiyo: alright
2018-01-10 20:35 iYiyo: thanks mir :3
shishamo peronoleconteshte
ashita mo yeshtuvodura lacruda

00:30:877 (1,2) - these kinda feel less connected than 00:30:710 (2,1) - due to how you stacked these notes, so i'd suggest some type of pattern which connects 1,2 better visually
01:13:790 (3,4) - maybe make these to something like for more emphasis on the drum pitch going down? would be kinda cool imo
02:19:153 (2,5,6) - spacing between these is pretty uneven so i'd suggest placing 02:19:153 (2,3) - more central between 02:19:823 (5,6) -
04:24:841 (1) - 04:27:523 (1) - 04:30:204 (1) - just intrigued whether these sliders are supposed to symbolize something or you just made shapes you thought were cool? :o

looks good in general... pretty short mod since everything is clean, stuff i pointed out is also only subjective stuff i felt would be cool :D

call me back ^^
Topic Starter

Chromoxx wrote:


00:30:877 (1,2) - these kinda feel less connected than 00:30:710 (2,1) - due to how you stacked these notes, so i'd suggest some type of pattern which connects 1,2 better visually unstacked 00:30:710 (2,1) - so it feels a bit smoother now
01:13:790 (3,4) - maybe make these to something like for more emphasis on the drum pitch going down? would be kinda cool imo tried to do something else from what you mentioned, but it didn't convinced me D: I think it's better to keep the distance as how it is now, so you can follow the rhythm with this "oh oh oh" on vocals, which I personaly think is fun to play :3
02:19:153 (2,5,6) - spacing between these is pretty uneven so i'd suggest placing 02:19:153 (2,3) - more central between 02:19:823 (5,6) - yup, fixed
04:24:841 (1) - 04:27:523 (1) - 04:30:204 (1) - just intrigued whether these sliders are supposed to symbolize something or you just made shapes you thought were cool? :o they don't symbolize anything in particular xD just random ideas I tried with slider shapes while trying to keep some symmetry

looks good in general... pretty short mod since everything is clean, stuff i pointed out is also only subjective stuff i felt would be cool :D

call me back ^^
Thank you Chromoxx!
looks good, rebubbled! :D
Topic Starter
Thank you Chromoxx and Chaoslitz!!

pkhg wrote:

buen dia compatriota
01:56:024 - you might wanna check this section it's early 20ms imo.
02:03:063 (2,5) - and those clap are late as well..
you might need to double check timing here, lots of stuff needs more resets.

those are the timing line you need to add, i didn't checked the whole song 'cause i'm lazy but yea this might get checked.
this is only one kiai i'm really lazy to do more, because maybe it's multi bpm, those are just resets where it's late or early because this drummer has aids
Topic Starter

Sotarks wrote:

01:56:024 - you might wanna check this section it's early 20ms imo.
02:03:063 (2,5) - and those clap are late as well..
you might need to double check timing here, lots of stuff needs more resets.

those are the timing line you need to add, i didn't checked the whole song 'cause i'm lazy but yea this might get checked.
this is only one kiai i'm really lazy to do more, because maybe it's multi bpm, those are just resets where it's late or early because this drummer has aids
Wow, thank for your time on checking my map Sotarks, really appreciate it.

However some of your points were inaccurate too. The main issue here is that both drummer and trumpeter are off most of the time, while the singer/guitar aren't. I'm mainly here focusing on these rather than drums, cause that seems to be the more prominent sound here and way more easy to follow. Actually, a few players already managed to get +99% acc with HD so that tells something ( image link just in case )

With that said, I'm not pretending that the timing is perfect. If it could be improved, that would be cool, but timing it to the drummer and/or trumpeter isn't exactly the most accurate solution in this case, IMO. And yeah, drummer and trumpeter are on drugs, just hear at the thrumpet solo at 03:52:663 - lol
gratz~~~ more SHISHAMO
and suddenly, the thread became golden
Topic Starter
Thank you guys :3
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