
ESTi - Ray of Illuminati

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Monday, 20 December, 2010 at 3:05:27 PM

Artist: ESTi
Title: Ray of Illuminati
Source: DJMAX
Tags: portable
BPM: 150
Filesize: 3382kb
Play Time: 02:03
Difficulties Available:
  1. EZ (2.75 stars, 155 notes)
  2. HD (4.92 stars, 355 notes)
  3. MX (5 stars, 545 notes)
  4. NM (4.32 stars, 231 notes)
Download: ESTi - Ray of Illuminati
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
My 3rd beatmap..
Song taken from DJMAX Portable.
Well, well, well... 1st mod here :D

- Background image doesn't show
- 0.38.900 (2): Spacing - Move 6 grids down, 3 left
- 0.39.700 (4): ^ Move 7 grids right
- 0.42.100 (2): ^ Move 6 grids up, 3 right
- 0.42.900 (4): ^ Move 7 grids left
- 1.09.500 (5): This should be at 1.09.300
- 1.10.100 (6): ^ at 1.09.900
- 1.10.700 (7): ^ at 1.10.500
- 1.10.900 (x): Add note
- 1.44.300 (spin): This should end at 1.46.500
- 1.50.500 (1): Spacing - Move 4 grids left
- 1.50.900 (2): ^ Move 4 grids right
- 1.52.100 (4): ^ Move 4 grids right
- 1.52.500 (5): ^ Move 4 grids left

- 1.06.500 (2,3): Spacing, try to separate them from slider
- 1.20.900 (8): Convert it into a slider (end: 1.21.300)
- 1.21.300 (1): Remove note
- 1.36.900 (9): New combo

No prob!

- Hp Drain: +1 or +2
- 1.40.200 (7,8): Nazi, but if you move them 1 grid right, it'll be more centered

Try to fix those spacing problems. I really like this song ^^
Topic Starter
Thanks for helping.

Deif wrote:

- Background image doesn't show should be ok now, if it's not, not sure how to fix this
- 0.38.900 (2): Spacing - Move 6 grids down, 3 left ok
- 0.39.700 (4): ^ Move 7 grids right ok
- 0.42.100 (2): ^ Move 6 grids up, 3 right ok
- 0.42.900 (4): ^ Move 7 grids left ok
- 1.09.500 (5): This should be at 1.09.300 I actually want them this way...
- 1.10.100 (6): ^ at 1.09.900 ...will change if others can't read them/don't like them too
- 1.10.700 (7): ^ at 1.10.500 ^
- 1.10.900 (x): Add note ^
- 1.44.300 (spin): This should end at 1.46.500 fixed, and for nm/hd too
- 1.50.500 (1): Spacing - Move 4 grids left ok
- 1.50.900 (2): ^ Move 4 grids right ok
- 1.52.100 (4): ^ Move 4 grids right ok
- 1.52.500 (5): ^ Move 4 grids left ok

- 1.06.500 (2,3): Spacing, try to separate them from slider ok
- 1.20.900 (8): Convert it into a slider (end: 1.21.300) ok
- 1.21.300 (1): Remove note ok
- 1.36.900 (9): New combo ok

- Hp Drain: +1 or +2 wanted to, but then star rating gets lower than hd..?
- 1.40.200 (7,8): Nazi, but if you move them 1 grid right, it'll be more centered ok
great job
star ;)

what a awesome map here

only a little things here
1. plz put the timing point before the note(found in EZ).

2. set preview point for the map(all diff)

3 00:45:300 (2,3,4,5) in [MX] is a little weird.but that's ok.

tooooooo coooool

I will ask my friends to come to play this map >.<
hope it will get rank soon >.<
nice work :P
Great Map! Star~
Topic Starter
Thanks :D
Rearranged timings.
:oops: oh I forgot something :oops: extra star here >< hey

hope my friends can help you too

suggesion:change a new AVA plz ><
good luck ;)
so beautiful~
Your mp3 is 320Kbps, compress it to 128~192.

0:27:700 (1,2,4,5) stack on the circle on the previous combo?
0:49:700 (1) right 1 grid refer to the coming spacing?

0:13:500 (2) down 1 grid
1:19:100 (4,8) down 1 grid to make it symmetrical
1:36:500 (3,5) down 1 grid

[NM], [EZ] good

Topic Starter
Thanks for the support and stars guys.
@Tonoko: Ava.. Like avatar? Ok I whipped up something for it @@

Thanks chris for the mod! Everything fixed and changed to 192.. (don't like 128, I normally use FLAC) :P
:) I love marisa >< yeah
Yo yo yo. Seems like I'm the first MAT to post in here.

Solid map. MX is pretty good, though your easier difficulties need more work.

00:38:500 (1,2,3,4,5) - Spacing became smaller and that reall confused me because I thought they were 1/2 notes, but they were 1/1. I don't like this at all.
00:41:700 (1,2,3,4,5) - Same here.
01:50:500 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Same here again.
02:00:500 (3,4) - Not sure about the spacing here too. Seems far.

[NM] I'd say this would be a very hard Normal.
01:43:300 (5) - At the end of the kickslider, maybe a Finish?

I just played through that and I don't think there's anything wrong...

01:42:300 (8,1) - Now I may not play Insanes but that I think that's pretty far.

Wow, star.
Topic Starter
Thanks Lily :)
Quick fixed for now except the MX one, (I think) it should be okay.

00:06:500 (1)-Add a finish.
00:12:900 (1)-Add a finish on the beginning of that slider.
00:19:300 (1)-Fix the spacing on this. Keep the spacing consistent. This is an Easy difficulty, after all. :P And add a finish.
00:38:500 (1)-^
00:44:900 (1)-Fix the spacing on this.
00:46:500 (1)-^
00:48:100 (1)-^
00:57:300 (1, 2, 3)-This is hard for an Easy. Remap this.
01:00:100 (6, 7, 1)-^
01:18:500 (1)-Add a finish.
01:31:300 (1)-Add a finish on the beginning of that slider.
01:36:900 (6)-Fix the spacing on this.
01:37:700 (7)-Add a finish.
01:40:100 (4)-Fix the spacing on this.
01:50:500 (1)-Add a finish.
02:00:100 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)-This is hard for an Easy. Remap this.

00:06:500 (1)-Add a finish on the beginning of that slider.
00:38:500 (1)-^
01:05:700 (1)-^
01:24:900 (1)-^
01:37:700 (5)-Add a finish.
01:50:500 (1)-Add a finish on the beginning of that slider.
01:56:900 (1)-^

00:06:500 (1)-Add a finish on the beginning of that slider.
01:18:500 (1)-Add a finish.

00:06:500 (1)-Add a finish on the beginning of that slider.
00:45:300 (2, 3, 4, 5,)-This took me off surprise really. =/ If your going to do that, at least put a storyboard element indicating a warning to the player that a "speed up" is there. =/

This map actually wasn't that bad, really. 8-) MX was pretty fun. Okay there are some jumps I would like to question about, but I won't see that as a problem to other players.

Good luck getting this ranked.

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Thank you 8-)

@ Roddie's mod: I guess everything's fixed (except for I think two finish sounds in NM I didn't add)..
Also including removing the sudden 2x in MX, hope it's fine now..
Support Malaysian Mappers !

Sadly, I am so busy right now that I hardly have any time to play your maps. xD Hopefully I will be able to do that later, boleh kan ?

Hehe. Good Luck ar~
Topic Starter
Haha sure, why not? 谢了 8-)
What is the purpose of the lame.exe in the beatmap file?
You don't need to have DJMAX in tags since its already in the source


01:12:500 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - way too hard for an easy @_@
01:20:900 (5,1) - I'd suggest not to stack these since it takes a while to get to1, might be too confusing for an easy (beginner players prob don't have a grasp on approach circles yet)


Looks good


Reduce approach rate by 1
00:41:500 (9) - add a hitcirlce (overlay with 8) and add a clap. Then remove clap at 00:44:700 (9) and add a clap to 00:47:900 (5) and 00:51:100 (7). (basically the same pattern of hitsounds used in the NM difficulty)
And since kiai time needs to be the same in all difficulties, end kiai time at 01:44:200.


Love this difficulty <3 well done ^_^
If you took my suggestion for the htisounds for HD, I suggest you apply the same hitsound pattern from 00:38:500 - 00:51:300

~Twinkle twinkle little star~
Topic Starter

Haneii wrote:

What is the purpose of the lame.exe in the beatmap file?
It's there? whoops, it's an mp3 encoder command line that I used ._. Also, fixed tags.


Changed, no more stacking..
There's 2 other parts which stacks 2 notes (that you didn't mention) but it should be okay.


Reduced AR by 1.
Added the clap-hitcircle but didn't overlay with 8 (idk, that'd cause a huge jump)..
Instead, horizontally symmetrical. (still has a jump but less)
Fixed kiai time (didn't know there was such a rule..?)
Thank you Haneii 8-)

Didn't modify NM & MX. I did, though removed the ugly teal from combo colours (didn't like it, not suitable).. so only purple and pink now..
Any suggestions for combo colours and the like are welcomed :3
Is it me who can't mod well, or there nothing to fix... Idk

Anyway, great map!
my some suggestions

offset 114 [you should fix it]
Lead-in 0
note color please not use pink
because MX diff Bg

(I use offset 114 modding)
00:36:914 [9] add finish
00:37:314 [9] add finisg and remove clap
00:37:714 [9] add finish
00:38:114 [9] add finisg and remove clap

looks good

00:25:714 [?] add note or stretch slider and add whistle
00:31:914 [?] ^
01:43:614 [?] add note and Thread

00:17:115 [11] remove clap
00:36:914 [1] clap change finish
00:37:314 [2] ^
00:37:714 [3] ^
00:38:114 [4] ^
01:50:114 [1.2] remove clap
01:54:714 [11] remove clap and whistle

nice map and good song
star~ :D
EZ - good~
- 00:57:700 (1,2,3,4) - Ugly pattern :/ Move the (2) and the (3) 1 square down won't destroy your spacing and won't turn the gameplay into something harder. So I suggest:
and maybe mirror horizontally the 01:00:100 (4,1,2,3,4)?
- 01:08:500 (4,5,6,7,8) - might be cool but doesn't really follow sthe song rythm... and btw, New Combo on the (4), please.
- 01:26:100 (4) - move 1 square up? looks better.
- 02:00:100 (7) - what about a New Combo?

NM - Nice diff!!
01:15:300 (8) - New Combo
02:00:100 (6) - ^

HD - hard to read, but fun overall~
No mods~

MX - wow! Pretty fun! My favorite stream style :D
Looks perfect for me~

  1. Add one more combo colour? this code might work
    Combo1 : 220,16,67
    Combo2 : 128,0,255
    Combo3 : 255,128,255
  2. Why is "portable" in the tags? I think you should delete it , it's too generic.
  1. 00:12:900 (1) - This slider is too close to the end of the slider.
  2. 00:25:700 (1) - ^
  3. 01:05:700 (1) - ^
  4. 01:09:500 (5) - New Combo
  5. 01:31:300 (1) - This slider is too close to the end of the slider + this is a short slider, too hard for [E]
  6. 01:32:500 (2,4) - I suggest to unstack these, stacks are too hard for beginners.
  7. 01:42:500 (2,3,4) - ^, try something like this
  8. 01:44:300 (1) - Add "Whistle"
  9. 02:01:700 (1) - Remove Finish it doesn't fit here.
  1. 00:44:700 (7) - Add "Clap" to follow your pattern.
  2. 02:03:300 (1) - Start this here: 02:03:400 and,
  3. 02:03:300 (X) - Add a circle here using finish.
  1. 01:12:100 (1) - Unstack this it looks ugly.
  2. 02:03:300 (1) - Start this here: 02:03:400 and,
  3. 02:03:300 (X) - Add a circle here using finish.
Great Job~
Topic Starter
I don't want to write "thank you" once in every 5 sentence below, so a big thanks to everyone first :D

Licnect wrote:

hello Hello~
my some suggestions

offset 114 [you should fix it] Yes, thanks for this.
Lead-in 0 Done (idk why it was even there..)
note color please not use pink because MX diff Bg Okay, colours will be dealt with later..

(I use offset 114 modding)
00:36:914 [9] add finish
00:37:314 [9] add finisg and remove clap
00:37:714 [9] add finish
00:38:114 [9] add finisg and remove clap
Added whistles instead (and removed clap) to those points and added a finish at 38:514.

looks good

00:25:714 [?] add note or stretch slider and add whistle
00:31:914 [?] ^
01:43:614 [?] add note and Thread
I get what you mean, I'll see how.. *

00:17:115 [11] remove clap
00:36:914 [1] clap change finish
00:37:314 [2] ^
00:37:714 [3] ^
00:38:114 [4] ^
01:50:114 [1.2] remove clap
01:54:714 [11] remove clap and whistle
Okay, those hitsounds are changed, sounds better now imo, thanks.

nice map and good song
star~ :D thanks~ :D

roxkyuubiforever wrote:

EZ - good~
- 00:57:700 (1,2,3,4) - Ugly pattern :/ Move the (2) and the (3) 1 square down won't destroy your spacing and won't turn the gameplay into something harder. So I suggest:
and maybe mirror horizontally the 01:00:100 (4,1,2,3,4)?
Thanks for this, done and also horizontally mirrored.
- 01:08:500 (4,5,6,7,8) - might be cool but doesn't really follow sthe song rythm... and btw, New Combo on the (4), please.
Gahh why.. >_< I still stand by my judgment that it really follows the song rhythm..
Anyway, if more people disagree and I'll see how :/

- 01:26:100 (4) - move 1 square up? looks better.
- 02:00:100 (7) - what about a New Combo?

NM - Nice diff!!
01:15:300 (8) - New Combo Done.
02:00:100 (6) - ^ Done.

HD - hard to read, but fun overall~
No mods~ *

MX - wow! Pretty fun! My favorite stream style :D
Looks perfect for me~

Star~ Thanks~

Gonzvlo wrote:

  1. Add one more combo colour? this code might work Thanks for this, but still not decided on colours yet (Like Licnect said)
    Combo1 : 220,16,67
    Combo2 : 128,0,255
    Combo3 : 255,128,255
  2. Why is "portable" in the tags? I think you should delete it , it's too generic.
  3. From DJMAX Portable, and I see many of its songs with 'portable' as tags, like MoonFragrance's maps, so should be fine.

  1. 00:12:900 (1) - This slider is too close to the end of the slider.
  2. 00:25:700 (1) - ^
  3. 01:05:700 (1) - ^
  4. Did you mean spinner? Okay, I changed all notes to be 2 notes after spinners (Which means there are different (and less) notes)
  5. 01:09:500 (5) - New Combo Changed stuff (above reason), so no problem anymore./color]
  6. 01:31:300 (1) - This slider is too close to the end of the slider + this is a short slider, too hard for [E]
  7. 01:32:500 (2,4) - I suggest to unstack these, stacks are too hard for beginners. Fixed.
  8. 01:42:500 (2,3,4) - ^, try something like this Okay, changed.
  9. 01:44:300 (1) - Add "Whistle" Added in NM & HD too.
  10. 02:01:700 (1) - Remove Finish it doesn't fit here. Done.
  1. 00:44:700 (7) - Add "Clap" to follow your pattern. Changed sound pattern (No more double-claps at those parts)
  2. 02:03:300 (1) - Start this here: 02:03:400 and,
  3. 02:03:300 (X) - Add a circle here using finish. Doesn't work because I have a spinner before it, too hard.
  1. 01:12:100 (1) - Unstack this it looks ugly. Yes. *
  2. 02:03:300 (1) - Start this here: 02:03:400 and,
  3. 02:03:300 (X) - Add a circle here using finish. This works.
Great Job~ Thanks~
* Tbh, maybe HD is a little messy (I think)..?
Thanks again..
overall: 10% volume cut?


[00:36:914] half grid right ( if you think it's too hard to do a half grid moving, try GridSize: 4,and 1 grid right
[00:57:714] ^,but left
[00:59:314] ^,but left
[01:55:314] ^
[01:56:114] ^


[01:23:714] 4,5,6
[01:55:914] half grid up




[00:22:914] noisy Whistle, reduce the volume by 30%
[00:43:714] whistle
[00:43:814] ^
[01:12:114] 5,6 half grid right
[01:17:714] new combo
[01:17:814] new combo

Sorry for delaying...


It's time for my modding!!

Reduce Hitsounds Volume by -3

- 00:09:714 (5,6) - move 3 grids up (lvl3)
- 01:25:314 (2) - Move 1 grid down and right (lvl3)
- 01:25:714 (3) - Move 1 grid up and right (lvl3)
- 01:26:114 (4) - Move 1 grid up (lvl3)
- 01:26:514 (5) - ^ .
- 01:28:114 (1,2,3,4) - Move 1 grid down (lvl3)

No more noticeable problems found IMO...very good composition and spacing distribution.

- 00:45:314 (1) - move 1 grid up and 3 to the right (lvl3). This pretend to align with previous combo and distribute better spacing, will look better and organized, like this.
- 00:45:714 (2) - i recccommend the slider surrounds previous circle 1. Something like this.
**as consequence of reorganizing should move other items [00:46:514 (3,4,5,6,7) - ] respecting spacing. i reccommend this pattern...looks very nice***

- 00:08:114 (3) - copy and paste slider 1 and flip vertically (to keep your original pattern).
- 00:14:314 (4) - would look better if slider surrounds the circle, something like this
- 00:18:314 (6) - 1 grid down (?)
- 01:28:414 (2) - 1 grid to the left (?)

- 01:24:114 (1) - Remove New Combo
- 01:53:314 (4,5) - i would suggest to positionate them in the center of screen.
No more details noticeable

i loved your map!! it's very solid and very well done!!

i enjoyed so much this modding :B

follow my advices and Good Luck!! Star!!~~
Topic Starter
Thanks LKs & j35u5891221 ^^

Fixed stuff and remapped HD cuz it was a little messy..
Sorry for any inconvenience caused >_>
For a 2 minute song I would like to see a break on every difficulty personally (even if a small one) and it would be nice if the break on the easier difficulties was slightly longer
Get offset checked? It seems slightly early to me (I get around 126)

Maps all look nicely done

Topic Starter
Now small breaks in EZ NM HD, some minor changes and offset is set to 128ms after a little tweaking.
hi :D

01:05:728 - may be add finish,volume 60% ?

00:11:128 - Delete
00:18:728(7,8,9) - separate(7,8),(9) stack with(8)
00:19:328(1) - may be add finish,volume 60% ?
01:07:628 - two use less timing section

other fine ;) star
The violet combo colours blends with the background for the MX diff.

00:34:528 (5) - This slider is surprising, because the player gets used to a rhythm, and this slider breaks it in a surprising place.

I find the long 1/2 streams a bit hard to play for a Normal diff. Is it possible to cut some of them ?
There are lots of unused timing sections. Delete them ?
00:28:128 (1,2,3) - This might be a bit hard to play as well
01:08:928 (1,2,3,4) - This pattern sounded extremely weird to me.
01:43:328 (5) - I don't think such a kick slider is a good idea for a Normal diff. :/

This played rather well, nice one.
01:08:928 (5,6,7,8) - This pattern sounds weird.
01:36:728 (4) - This slider is partially hidden by hitbursts. It's still playable though.

The whole diff is extremely confusing to me. The high OD makes it even more confusing because one gets 100s on beats when they aren't expecting it, and high BPM streams are very hard to play with such an OD.
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