Welcome to the Mirai.osu! Winter Tournament 2017!
link to last tournament's thread- This is a 2v2 round robin - double elimination tournament.
- This is an osu!standard, Score v2 tournament.
- The rank range we use is 50k-150k. We allow leaking out up to 6k, so effectively 44k-156k is what we accept
- The tournament is an international one. Registrations are open globally, anybody can participate regardless of country.
- The maximum amount of players per team is 4, minimum is 2.
- All match timings are in UTC, unless otherwise specified.
- This tournament will feature songs of moderate length ranging from 3 - 5 minutes.
- Matches will be BO7 for the group stages, BO9 for eliminations and BO11 for finals.
- Ties are decided by a tiebreaker map
- All announcements pertaining to this tournament will be made through the Discord server, so please be there!
- The team that wins this tournament gets a badge to show off on their osu! profile
- Registration October 6th - November 30th
- Live drawings December 1st - December 2nd
- Estimated start of matches December 10th
- Schedules are tentative, but most matches will occur at Saturdays and Sundays.
- Match times are decided by the team's average times.
- Schedules are visible on this link
xxxStaff Registrationxxxxxx | xxxxxxTeam Registrationxxx
Upon joining the Discord server type the following: t!selfroles get Tournament to enter our tournament realm.
For soloists looking for a team, please enter the Discord server and tell #arrival that you're a soloist!
For registered teams still looking for members, please enter the Discord server and notify us at #arrival when signing in the form. If you wish to add / remove members after signing on the form, tell us!
In case the blue link doesn't work, use this link: https://mirai-s.typeform.com/to/OVRP1H
- Host: Mirai Subject
- Co-host: OsuToothbrush
- Moderators: OsuToothbrush, WindrunnerEX & ZachIsCheese
- Stream / Commentary: WindrunnerEX, Illinon, OsuToothbrush, FlyingDucky101, Karolina, PsychoStatic & ZachIsCheese
- Mappool Suggesters: Zephyrlox, Espalza, OsuToothbrush, Ice_Crusherrino, JinxedOut, -Ster-, Nutik, ToxicPsekor, Redavor & Sora Yuuki
- Mappool Testers: WindrunnerEX, Zephyrlox, [Pi], -Goph-, Karolina, loler123903, -Ster-, RandomPrson & Xeious
- Mappool Finalizers: OsuToothbrush, Misery & Zephyrlox
- Statisticians: Nutik
- Referees: [Pi], -Goph-, Misery, -Ster-, RandomPrson, Nutik, Redavor & Xeious
- Custom Graphics and Skin: ImBordd (my personal skinner) & Mirai Subject
The above list may be subject to change depending on the addition and removal of staff over time. This list might not be up to date when tournament starts. - Special thanks to Misery for sending me his forum post template!
- Thanks to the players and staff of Summer Tournament 2017 for motivating me to continue my series of tournaments! I aim to do these twice a year from now on.