As thefran said. Hashed text cannot be reversed without the use of Rainbow tables. There are certain sites that have HUGE rainbow tables and you can simply paste in the hashed code and it'll look it up. If its there, it'll show you it (sometimes for a fee -- really? You'd pay to crack some guys osu! account?)...
Generating rainbow tables can take several days or even weeks, depending on what parameters you set, for instance.
The generation of a rainbow table which has everything from 1-7 characters long, using lowercase letters and numbers, would take probably only 1% of the time it would take to generate a table with 1-9 characters + lowercase + UPPERCASE + numb3rs and $ymbo!s (symbols).
Put it short, if you're worried about someone hacking your computer and taking your hashed password (wouldn't they just install a keylogger??) and trying to rainbow-table reverse it, make your password longer and have numbers, upperCASE and symbols in it!
Just a fun fact :
Rainbow table with 1-14 characters, lowercase, UPPERCASE + numbers and symbols would take about 471 days to generate and weigh about 11.7 TB