
Breaking Benjamin - Until The End

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 13 January 2011 at 22:10:50

Artist: Breaking Benjamin
Title: Until The End
Tags: Gintama Hikato ztrot
BPM: 133.95
Filesize: 22977kb
Play Time: 04:00
Difficulties Available:
  1. Advanced (3.69 stars, 342 notes)
  2. Beginner (1.36 stars, 206 notes)
  3. Collab (4.91 stars, 620 notes)
Download: Breaking Benjamin - Until The End
Download: Breaking Benjamin - Until The End (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
enjoy this epic song ppl ;D

[Beginner] done

[Advanced] done

[Collab] Me, Hikato and ztrot

WARNING: Video contains large volumes of epicness, only download if you think you can Handle it >:D
lol here is my 1st part and the hitsound sample test
updated the hitsounds a bit

Download: hitsounds.rar

Download: Breaking Benjamin - Until The End (jericho2442) [Collab].osu
stared cuz I'm a lazy bastard

Download: Breaking Benjamin - Until The End (jericho2442) [Collab].osu

Download: Breaking Benjamin - Until The End (jericho2442) [Collab].osu
kickass song and video good luck on your work love the map :3
now that i'v seen the collab fully done. love it. nice work guys :3
have a star for your work
Timing here!

BPM: 133,96
Offset: 14.420

Remember to resnap all notes and recheck everything~
good song^^
As per your request:

You're pushing the file size limit a bit here. Think you can try to tone down the video a bit and maybe the bg image?
Jericho2442.png looks a little weird since the right side of the image is cut off. Think you can adjust this a bit or find a new image? (I am playing on a widescreen resolution)

00:27:856 (2,1) - I'm not much of a fan of stacks for easy difficulties - but this one might be okay since it's pretty far apart. Eh, I'll just mention this and move on. :P
00:34:127 (3,4) - Though this one I am pretty wary about
00:59:060 (2) - Odd rhythm to throw out as a single hit in an easy. It'd work better as a slider leading into this beat.
01:00:105 - Why an empty space here?
01:06:823 (2,3) - Geh. You have a lot of these throughout the difficulty. I'll let it to you to find and fix 'em if you care to.
01:09:063 (1,2) - These ones are okay since you establish the rhythm with the sliders earlier. That first one is a bit much though.
01:35:041 (3,4,5) - Eeh, I really would prefer sliders for rhythms like these though.
01:52:807 (1,2,3) - Even if you disagree with the stacking stuff, this one definitely does not fit an easy at all. Please try something else.
02:55:662 (1,2,3) - These are stacked weirdly.
03:44:034 (1,2,3,4,5) - Argh, why so many complex rhythms as normal beats? ;_;

Strange that this has more breaks than the Easy at first glance.
Hrm, AR +1 maybe? Things get pretty cluttered otherwise.
00:39:800 - Hrm, for this break, maybe delete it and map the background vocal?
01:36:981 - ^
01:52:807 (1) - This feels better starting with the guitar instead of the vocal
02:49:391 (3) - The return arrow is facing in a weird direction. :/

In general the hitsounds are much louder compared to the other two difficulties.
The AR feels fast for this type of song.

02:26:101 (1) - Really cuttin' it short there. :P

02:26:996 (1) - Considering how ridiculously short that spinner is, having this note so far away from the center is pretty brutal. Consider moving this closer.
03:07:158 (1,2,3,4,5) - This felt awkward to play, rhythmically.

The map kind of felt samey rhythmically except for a few parts. I suppose it could be after playing the other two difficulties that stuck pretty tightly to the vocals then going to this which does a lot more percussion work, but that's just the general feeling I got.

Fix up that easy diff and maybe try to reduce the file size a bit this set is pretty much good to go.
Topic Starter

Garven wrote:

As per your request:

You're pushing the file size limit a bit here. Think you can try to tone down the video a bit and maybe the bg image? no its fine, its a few mb under the limit, and the chance of you getting me to use a badly encoded video is 0% ;)
Jericho2442.png looks a little weird since the right side of the image is cut off. Think you can adjust this a bit or find a new image? (I am playing on a widescreen resolution) thats the way the original is, its placed at the edge of the play field due to that so it looks fine

[Easy] this diff is placed abit above a easy, thats why i gave the (beginner/advanced) names
00:27:856 (2,1) - I'm not much of a fan of stacks for easy difficulties - but this one might be okay since it's pretty far apart. Eh, I'll just mention this and move on. :P there is nothing wrong with stack in easy if they are used good, infact it is one of the easiest patterns for most new players
00:34:127 (3,4) - Though this one I am pretty wary about read above
00:59:060 (2) - Odd rhythm to throw out as a single hit in an easy. It'd work better as a slider leading into this beat. it follows the flow of the song, also a slider to this point would be abit more tricky due to having the vocal hit behind it, for a perfect flow i would have to have a fast timed note
01:00:105 - Why an empty space here?
01:06:823 (2,3) - Geh. You have a lot of these throughout the difficulty. I'll let it to you to find and fix 'em if you care to. by this point in the map the player will of got into the timing of the song, thats why the pattern before with the sliders is there, thus it makes this easy to play
01:09:063 (1,2) - These ones are okay since you establish the rhythm with the sliders earlier. That first one is a bit much though. same as above
01:35:041 (3,4,5) - Eeh, I really would prefer sliders for rhythms like these though. sliders would create too much power for the last 2 notes in the pattern srry :/
01:52:807 (1,2,3) - Even if you disagree with the stacking stuff, this one definitely does not fit an easy at all. Please try something else. i agreee
02:55:662 (1,2,3) - These are stacked weirdly. yea forgot to lower my SL xD
03:44:034 (1,2,3,4,5) - Argh, why so many complex rhythms as normal beats? ;_; to follow the vocal which by now the player will be following anyway, to make this 1/1 would feel bad to the player

Strange that this has more breaks than the Easy at first glance. because the flow of this song is half rythm half vocal rather than full vocal
Hrm, AR +1 maybe? Things get pretty cluttered otherwise. done
00:39:800 - Hrm, for this break, maybe delete it and map the background vocal? no, would not keep the flow im after with the next min of map
01:36:981 - ^ as above
01:52:807 (1) - This feels better starting with the guitar instead of the vocal but vocals is what im following here, abit of a weird place to change and would be rather confusing
02:49:391 (3) - The return arrow is facing in a weird direction. :/ wtf happened there :D fixed

In general the hitsounds are much louder compared to the other two difficulties. lowered abit
The AR feels fast for this type of song. i allways use 8 on my insanes, and it feels fine to me

02:26:101 (1) - Really cuttin' it short there. :P it makes it ;)

The map kind of felt samey rhythmically except for a few parts. I suppose it could be after playing the other two difficulties that stuck pretty tightly to the vocals then going to this which does a lot more percussion work, but that's just the general feeling I got. focused more on flow than tricky patterns on this map

Fix up that easy diff and maybe try to reduce the file size a bit this set is pretty much good to go.
well thanks for mod and sorry for wall of red xD o/
Breaks are way too unbalaced on the diff spread. "Easy-> 2 breaks", "Advanced-> 4 breaks", "Collab -> 1 break". I strongly reccomend you to map those 2 breaks at Advanced that don't appear in Easy and add one more break at Collab. (and it's still silly)

01:07:122 (3) - end 1/3 later like 01:17:871 (4) ?
02:55:662 (1,2,3) - This stacks in a weird way under (1) during gameplay. Manually stack
03:12:532 (3) - end 1/3 later ?

00:14:420 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - Weird how the harder pattern is the one starting the diff, and then you switch to a 1/1,1/3,1/3,1/1 pattern (wich is easier)
00:53:386 (4,5,6) - I found a bit confusing that the stack it's between (4) and (5) and not (5) and (6)
01:01:001 (3) - Remove the clap at the start, it gives a better "decreasing pitch" effect that goes with the lyrics :3
01:04:584 (3) - ^
01:11:750 (3) - Remove clap
01:15:333 (3) - ^
01:18:916 (x) - Add a note?
Again, i find weird that you use the harder patterns at the first chorus and not at the second one :P
02:26:996 (1) - A normal (not custom) finish would suit this place imo
03:09:994 (5) - Remove clap

00:57:417 (1) - Stack under (6)'s end?
01:18:916 (1) - Use a normal (not custom) hitsound instead like in the other diffs?
01:20:708 - Reset this break, it has one of those custom starts (that I suppose it's not intentional since it starts in a weird place)
02:17:143 (1,2,3) - Turn grid snap off and make the covering sliders look like this and this. Right now, some places are closer to the covered slider than other sections, and it makes the pattern look weird. Try to make the distances between all the sliderbodies even.
02:20:726 (1,2) - Here is just happens between (1) and (2), notice how the center of (2)'s body is further away from (1) than the start and end?, here you will possibly need to add another control point in (2)'s body, like this, and move (3) a bit
03:02:828 (1) - Normal (not custom) finish?
03:06:411 (10) - C'mon, you can do a better slider here, just use more control points like this

Uwaa >w<
Topic Starter

Krisom wrote:

Breaks are way too unbalaced on the diff spread. "Easy-> 2 breaks", "Advanced-> 4 breaks", "Collab -> 1 break". I strongly reccomend you to map those 2 breaks at Advanced that don't appear in Easy and add one more break at Collab. (and it's still silly) there is multiple reasons behind the breaks, i will change the advnaced ones, but collab will not be touched

01:07:122 (3) - end 1/3 later like 01:17:871 (4) ? no that would be out of time, the only reason the second goes on liek that is to cater for the scream
02:55:662 (1,2,3) - This stacks in a weird way under (1) during gameplay. Manually stack fixed
03:12:532 (3) - end 1/3 later ? would be out of time

00:14:420 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - Weird how the harder pattern is the one starting the diff, and then you switch to a 1/1,1/3,1/3,1/1 pattern (wich is easier) it suited the best to me that way
00:53:386 (4,5,6) - I found a bit confusing that the stack it's between (4) and (5) and not (5) and (6) fixed
01:01:001 (3) - Remove the clap at the start, it gives a better "decreasing pitch" effect that goes with the lyrics :3
01:04:584 (3) - ^
01:11:750 (3) - Remove clap
01:15:333 (3) - ^ all of these was a nice idea :)
01:18:916 (x) - Add a note? nah
Again, i find weird that you use the harder patterns at the first chorus and not at the second one :P
02:26:996 (1) - A normal (not custom) finish would suit this place imo done
03:09:994 (5) - Remove clap nah dont sound good to me

02:17:143 (1,2,3) - Turn grid snap off and make the covering sliders look like this and this. Right now, some places are closer to the covered slider than other sections, and it makes the pattern look weird. Try to make the distances between all the sliderbodies even. fixed to how i want it
02:20:726 (1,2) - Here is just happens between (1) and (2), notice how the center of (2)'s body is further away from (1) than the start and end?, here you will possibly need to add another control point in (2)'s body, like this, and move (3) a bit fixed to how i want it ;)
03:02:828 (1) - Normal (not custom) finish? nice

Uwaa >w<
thanks a lot for a nice mod :)

fixed up the other parts of the collab too since they was tiny
Good :3

01:05:480 (2,3,4) - [Nazi] Spacing ;_;
01:30:114 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - [Nazi] Umm... Make them same distance ;_;

Good ;_;

Very good :3
But, why Gintama Video :3?<<<
Anyway, good luck.

ps. Don't give kudosu for this reply
Topic Starter

arien666 wrote:

Good :3

01:05:480 (2,3,4) - [Nazi] Spacing ;_; thanks missed that
01:30:114 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - [Nazi] Umm... Make them same distance ;_; thats how i wanted it ;)

Good ;_;

Very good :3
But, why Gintama Video :3?<<< because its epic and it suits ;)
Anyway, good luck.

ps. Don't give kudosu for this reply
thanks o/
Good luck to this collab, all of your mapping styles really match this map, works great.
star ~~
Fuuko's mod DEKIMASHITA! <33


00:42:189 - Add a note here?
00:43:085 - ^
00:59:060 (2) - Wouldn't be better this note was at 00:59:209? Not following the vocal for this note would be an awesome idea.
01:07:122 (3) - Would be better if it ended at the white tick, just like 01:17:871 (4).
01:14:437 (1) - One grid left? Just looks more clean.
01:38:624 - Add a note?
01:39:520 - ^
01:40:415 - ^
01:52:807 (1,2) - Was wondering about these notes, since it looks a bit confusing for new players, since the whole map till now was easier. Maybe extend the (1) till 01:53:255?
02:17:143 (1,1) - Loving these. <3
04:00:159 (1) - Extend this till 04:07:325.

00:20:690 (1) - Add a note here? <3
00:21:138 (2) - ^
00:40:397 (6) - ^
01:37:728 (6) - ^
02:56:408 (2,3) - Stack these, so it gets less confusing? I couldn't see it coming. :x
02:58:200 (2,3) - ^
03:33:733 (6,7,8,9) - Looks more creative, maybe. :x
04:00:159 (1) - Extend this till 04:07:325.

01:54:748 (1) - Wow, this is a meanie note. I mean, a note 1/3 after a spinner is sure mean. Why don't you just extend the spinner till there?
02:26:101 (1,1) - ^
03:07:606 (4) - Super hard to see this note. x_x
03:23:431 (6) - ?
04:00:159 (1) - Extend this till 04:07:325.
Topic Starter

Fuuko wrote:

Fuuko's mod DEKIMASHITA! <33


00:42:189 - Add a note here?
00:43:085 - ^ same
00:59:060 (2) - Wouldn't be better this note was at 00:59:209? Not following the vocal for this note would be an awesome idea. it would break the flow though since im following vocals
01:07:122 (3) - Would be better if it ended at the white tick, just like 01:17:871 (4). it follows the vocals, only reason the other one is longer is due to the scream
01:14:437 (1) - One grid left? Just looks more clean. ....looks no different?
01:38:624 - Add a note?
01:39:520 - ^
01:40:415 - ^ added a spinner to this part, so it flows with the other time
01:52:807 (1,2) - Was wondering about these notes, since it looks a bit confusing for new players, since the whole map till now was easier. Maybe extend the (1) till 01:53:255? fixed in a different way
02:17:143 (1,1) - Loving these. <3 thanks :)
04:00:159 (1) - Extend this till 04:07:325. nah too long

00:20:690 (1) - Add a note here? <3
00:21:138 (2) - ^ what im following stops, so no
00:40:397 (6) - ^ same
01:37:728 (6) - ^ again
02:56:408 (2,3) - Stack these, so it gets less confusing? I couldn't see it coming. :x it is easier none stacked
02:58:200 (2,3) - ^ same
03:33:733 (6,7,8,9) - Looks more creative, maybe. :x i want to keep the pattern here simple, so its easy to follow
04:00:159 (1) - Extend this till 04:07:325.same as easy

01:54:748 (1) - Wow, this is a meanie note. I mean, a note 1/3 after a spinner is sure mean. Why don't you just extend the spinner till there? kk a lot of ppl have said the same, so fixed
02:26:101 (1,1) - ^ same
03:07:606 (4) - Super hard to see this note. x_x srry i dont think hikki will change it, and i like it too
03:23:431 (6) - ?
04:00:159 (1) - Extend this till 04:07:325.same as other diffs
this one is upto ztrot
03:23:431 (6) - ?
thanks o/
23mb file...meh guess its ok

Don't really like the notes that switch off to lyrics occasionally (on 1/3) for an Easy but I doubt you will change any~
01:18:021 (4) - sounds better on white tick to me
01:35:787 (4,5) -^
02:25:951 (3) - ^
Apart from some of the 1/3 I don't like its nice

(still don't like how the 1/3 sounds..but its just me :P)
01:52:807 (1) - start on white tick?
No problems


Topic Starter

James2250 wrote:

23mb file...meh guess its ok

Don't really like the notes that switch off to lyrics occasionally (on 1/3) for an Easy but I doubt you will change any~ thet are needed for the rhythm
01:18:021 (4) - sounds better on white tick to me it becomes out of time for the vocals though
01:35:787 (4,5) -^ same
02:25:951 (3) - ^ same :/
Apart from some of the 1/3 I don't like its nice

(still don't like how the 1/3 sounds..but its just me :P)
01:52:807 (1) - start on white tick? sure
No problems


thanks o/
00:52:938 (4) - start this slider at 00:52:789 and end at 00:53:685? (for follow vocals)
00:57:417 (1) - start this slider at 00:57:268 and end at 00:58:313? (for follow vocals)
01:16:080 (1) - delete circle? (or add circle at 01:05:330, but it's not friendly for begginers)
01:37:280 (1) - start spinner at 01:36:832?
02:00:869 (1) - well, it is cool
02:02:661 (1) - delete? (like 01:16:080 (1))
02:13:410 (1) - delete? [I think 02:09:827 (1,2,1,2,1,2) is too hard for begginers]

02:52:974 (3,4,1,2,3) - I think this "construction" is an anti-intuitive. Maybe end 02:53:422 (4) slider at 02:53:870 or add here another slider?
Otherwise, this is a great normal diff

This diff is too hard for me
02:48:495 (1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - my poor mouse...

Imho, this map need a normal-hard diff, but I'm too late here, you get a bubble soon :(
Topic Starter

gyt wrote:

00:52:938 (4) - start this slider at 00:52:789 and end at 00:53:685? (for follow vocals) tbh that really flows nice :)
00:57:417 (1) - start this slider at 00:57:268 and end at 00:58:313? (for follow vocals) i feel that would create a pattern too tricky tbh
01:16:080 (1) - delete circle? (or add circle at 01:05:330, but it's not friendly for begginers) nah
01:37:280 (1) - start spinner at 01:36:832? moved abit
02:00:869 (1) - well, it is cool cant do much about that
02:02:661 (1) - delete? (like 01:16:080 (1)) same
02:13:410 (1) - delete? [I think 02:09:827 (1,2,1,2,1,2) is too hard for begginers] same

02:52:974 (3,4,1,2,3) - I think this "construction" is an anti-intuitive. Maybe end 02:53:422 (4) slider at 02:53:870 or add here another slider? srry dont agree ;p
Otherwise, this is a great normal diff

This diff is too hard for me
02:48:495 (1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - my poor mouse...
but its epic ;p
Imho, this map need a normal-hard diff, but I'm too late here, you get a bubble soon :(
tbh even though i didnt agree with everything, i found it a well formed mod post, good job you get my kudo :)
Just had a quick blast at the timing. Sounds good, but I think it starts a little late, but the BPM is slightly fast so it ends up bang-on by the end.

So, I'd knock off -10 to the offset, and -0.01 to the BPM. You'll end up with.
BPM: 133.95, Offset: 14,410
Topic Starter

Doomsday wrote:

Just had a quick blast at the timing. Sounds good, but I think it starts a little late, but the BPM is slightly fast so it ends up bang-on by the end.

So, I'd knock off -10 to the offset, and -0.01 to the BPM. You'll end up with.
BPM: 133.95, Offset: 14,410
thanks <3333 as always the timing is great ;D
Some irc stuff

03:34:932 (5) - Don't stack this.

00:20:233 (x) - Map this part?
00:27:399 (x) - ^
02:53:424 (4) - Split this into two sliders with one repeat each? Make the second slider a new combo.
03:26:571 (x) - Add note here?
03:30:154 (x) - ^

Edit: Bubbled
Topic Starter

NoHItter wrote:

Some irc stuff

03:34:932 (5) - Don't stack this. fixed

00:20:233 (x) - Map this part? following the lead guitar so nah ;p
00:27:399 (x) - ^ same
02:53:424 (4) - Split this into two sliders with one repeat each? Make the second slider a new combo. fixed in a way
03:26:571 (x) - Add note here? nah
03:30:154 (x) - ^nah
thanks o/
Some IRC Modding.

- Fixed a weird stack and a new combo on Beginner difficulty.
- Fixed a new combo and changed 3 sliders on Advanced difficulty.
- Added a green line for fix some unintended normal claps and not custom on Advanced difficulty.

Topic Starter
thanks a lot andrea <333 ;D
Louis Cyphre
why gintama is in tags =/

Louis Cyphre wrote:

why gintama is in tags =/
cause of the video...also grats jericho :)
Good job for this Gintama song :3
I saw anime with a non-anime song and knew ztrot had to be involved
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