
Fantasy Project - Crazy Baby (Nightcore Mix)

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Topic Starter
Louis Cyphre
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 21 декабря 2010 г. at 21:51:20

Artist: Fantasy Project
Title: Crazy Baby (Nightcore Mix)
Source: Nightcore VII
Tags: Odaril pieguy1372
BPM: 168
Filesize: 4614kb
Play Time: 01:14
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1,81 stars, 80 notes)
  2. Insane (5 stars, 606 notes)
  3. Odaril's Normal (3,22 stars, 232 notes)
  4. pieguy's Hard (4,98 stars, 443 notes)
Download: Fantasy Project - Crazy Baby (Nightcore Mix)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
thanks to Odaril and pieguy1372 for diffs :D
And huge thanks for great mp3 osuplayer111 ^_~
cool :D
0:30:362 (4,5,6) try (4,5) right 1 grid, (6) up 1 grid
0:37:327 (8,9,1) try (8,9) right 1 grid, (1) down 1 grid
0:53:219 (5) left 1 grid
1:08:264 (1) down 1 grid
1:48:755 (3) down 1 grid
only some suggestions...

no problem with it~

0:47:862 (2,3) misplaced? (3) up 2 grids
0:55:719 (3) right 1 grid
2:48:219 (2) up 1 grid


Topic Starter
Louis Cyphre
thank you wmf and -maju ^_^
hi :D

(>'(oo)')> my mod <('(oo)'<)


00:16:969 (3) - extend it to where the next note is, and delete 00:17:684 (4)
01:45:273 (1) - it would be better if it's changed into 2 circles
02:18:577 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I recommand you making the arrangement more enjoyable than this. and it seems too hard in compare with the other part of this map ._.

pieguy's Hard

00:00:720 (1) - the note on the end of this slider hears not good on the music, maybe you can extend it 1/2 and delete the next circle
00:02:148 (1) - ^
00:03:577 (1) - ^
00:06:434 (1) - the note on the end of the slider comes a little late. try changing it into a 1/2 long slider and add a note on 00:06:969
00:07:862 (6) - same problem. and I think there should be a note on 00:08:398 (what you have here: 00:12:148 (1,1,2,3,4,5,6) plays much better ^^)
00:54:112 - add a note?
01:26:791 (1,2,3) - I don't like the rhythm here cuz it hears stiff ><, try making note 1 1/2 later.
02:47:148 (3,4) - I think there should be also a slider here.

Odaril's Normal

00:00:720 (1,2,3) - these 3 slider hear odd. consider making them 1/2 longer
01:33:577 (3,4,5) - spacing, the distance between 4 and 5 should be longer than that between 3 and 4
01:47:862 (1,2,1,2,1,2,3) - why are there such few notes during kiai time?


01:15:541 (1) - maybe too fast for beginners. start it earlier?

star 8-)
Topic Starter
Louis Cyphre
thanks for modding :)
00:00:720 (1) ~ 00:03:577 (1) - I think it's better as it is
00:06:434 (1) ~ 02:47:148 (3,4) - Done

Thanks. :)

Download: Nightcore - Crazy Baby (Louis Cyphre) [pieguy's Hard].osu
very nice map~~~
These are mostly suggestions and opinions, feel free to ignore any of them.

All fine.

[Odaril's Normal]
The finish-spamming hurts my ears :/
00:41:255 (4) - Replace the end's finish with a whistle?
00:42:684 (6) - ^
00:46:434 (1) - Replace the repeat and the end's finishes with whistles?
00:47:862 (2) - ^
00:49:291 (3) - ^
01:33:577 (3) - Replace the end's finish with a whistle?
01:34:291 (4) - ^
01:35:005 (5) - ^, also this is way too close to 4 compared to 3 and 4's time-to-space distance, if you want to keep this pattern, simply make all 3 sliders the same length, though it'll ruin the rhythm. So you could do something like this instead:
These will fit the vocals and have a consistent spacing. The yellow (1) is where the slider 5's head is, so this shouldn't have any spacing issues with the next combo.

[pieguy's Hard]
00:53:577 (1) - Add a new inherited section for this note to raise the volume of that finish sound?
02:02:684 (1) - Move this to the right of 02:02:862 (2) to make the whole combo symmetrical?

00:53:577 (1) - Add a new inherited section for this note to raise the volume of that finish sound?
00:59:291 (1) - Finish?
01:24:827 (1,2) - CTRL+R? It plays better if the circle after the slider is in the same direction as the slider I think.
02:32:148 (1) - Finish?
02:37:862 (1) - ^
02:43:041 (7) - ^ at the end of the slider

That will be all, have a star~ ;)
Topic Starter
Louis Cyphre
No changes in my difficulties. Thanks a lot for modding : )

Glass wrote:

[Odaril's Normal]
The finish-spamming hurts my ears :/ Yep, for me as well, but I can't really use normal hitsounds because I am not sure of how it will turn out with custom skins... I changed the hitsounds.
00:41:255 (4) - Replace the end's finish with a whistle?
00:42:684 (6) - ^
00:46:434 (1) - Replace the repeat and the end's finishes with whistles?
00:47:862 (2) - ^
00:49:291 (3) - ^
01:33:577 (3) - Replace the end's finish with a whistle?
01:34:291 (4) - ^
01:35:005 (5) - ^, also this is way too close to 4 compared to 3 and 4's time-to-space distance, if you want to keep this pattern, simply make all 3 sliders the same length, though it'll ruin the rhythm. So you could do something like this instead:
These will fit the vocals and have a consistent spacing. The yellow (1) is where the slider 5's head is, so this shouldn't have any spacing issues with the next combo.
*rage* I thought I had fixed that <_< it happens... :/ Fixed and kept my rhythm
Thanks for the mod

EDIT: second time I forget to post the fixed diff ._.
Download: Nightcore - Crazy Baby (Louis Cyphre) [Odaril's Normal].osu

Oh and do not move the beats later, it's normal that they start 1/2 before the offset ._.
Topic Starter
Louis Cyphre
Just some suggestions~


  • Original version by Fantasy Project, so Fantacy Project goes to Source? (or...artist?)
    Volume: Soft 60% Normal 50%? Hitsounds in easy&insane seem too quiet.
    Combo color in insane is different from other diff...
    I think tick rate 0.5 would be a lot better than 2.

  • The diff is fine, but some new combos are unnecessary imo.

[Odaril's Normal]

  • 00:35:541 (4) - Whistle instead of finish due to the flow of vocal?
    00:46:434 (1,2,3) - Replace the repeat finish with whistle?
    00:57:862 (1,3) - Finish?
    01:16:791 (2,4) - Whistle end, whistle?
    01:19:648 (1,3) - ^
    01:28:398 (4) - Whistle?
    01:33:577 (3,4) - The rhythm here sounds really weird...maybe just use 1/1 beat slider and 3/2 beat slider for this part?
    01:43:577 (3,4) - Normal-hit, normal whistle?
    02:08:755 (T) - Unused timing section, delete?
    02:25:362 (2,4) - Remove finish?

[pieguy's Hard]

  • 01:03:577 (1,2) - Make them a symmetry?
    01:05:362 (2,7) - ctrl+j to make better alighment?
    01:10:719 (1) - Finish+Whistle?

  • 01:46:434 (1) - New combo?
    01:57:862 (1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) and 02:03:577 (6,1,2,3,4,5,1) - Reconsider the new combo for these two similar section?
Well-made map
have my star ^^~ ☆
Few fixes... hopefully it will WORK this time.

Download: Nightcore - Crazy Baby (Louis Cyphre) [Odaril's Normal].osu
Topic Starter
Louis Cyphre
thanks for modding, fixed ^_^
00:53:577 (1): I think it's fine as is
02:02:684 (1): It's the way it is due to spacing

01:03:577 (1,2): I think it's fine as is
01:05:362 (2,7): ^
01:10:719 (1): ^

I'll mod this tomorrow...
Hi hi~

Offset is definitely late. I got 700 for start. Could be even earlier...

O.O so short lol

[Odaril's Normal]
Though I played fine through it, I am seeing jumps like this 00:34:291 (1,2,3,4).
Just to point out that having jumps in a normal diff may be too difficult.

[pieguy's Hard]
01:26:255 (7) - I'd try to add a beat at the previous white tick
01:46:969 (x) - I was expecting a beat here

01:10:720 (1) - I'd suggest not to use whistle as sliderslide hitsound
02:18:398 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - these jumps are extremely difficult. I personally feel that they kinda break the flow.

Solid map. Star~
Topic Starter
Louis Cyphre
Offset is definitely late. I got 700 for start. Could be even earlier...

thanks for modding

yongtw123 wrote:

[Odaril's Normal]
Though I played fine through it, I am seeing jumps like this 00:34:291 (1,2,3,4).
Just to point out that having jumps in a normal diff may be too difficult.
I am surprised you are the first one to point that out. First of all these aren't jumps, the spacing is just higher, and like you said, it plays fine. I did hesitate before doing them, but they play fine, and feel in their place there. I am not changing that.
Artist: DJ Melodie
Title: Crazy baby (Nightcore Remix)
I get something like 25 ms early, if you're unsure about my timing, ask a pro, because it feels off =x

00:01:612 (2) - remove the sliderslide whistle
00:30:005 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - This clap pattern sounds weird after a spinner, maybe add somewhistles to the mix? I'd suggest whistle-clap-empty-whistle-clap-empty
00:40:005 (1) - whistle the end?
00:42:862 (1) - God, don't place a clap + whistle in the same spot, it sounds awful with the default hitsounds.
00:51:255 (1) - Should start at 00:51:434 -
~It's ok

01:31:791 (4,5) - switch hitsounds
~Better than your average Odaril map :3, though I'm curious, why did you decide to use soft hitsounds in the last section of the final kiai time?

00:06:434 (1) - I'd say this is borderline rankeable, but re-shape anyways, it looks weird
00:20:005 (2) - Expecting another kind of musical pattern here, but your call
~Great diff, nice hitsound usage, loving the patterns and sliders are <3

2:55 song and just one break? Ok...
00:06:970 (5) - New combo to match 00:09:827 (1) -
00:16:969 (3) - tbh, this feels more like a 1/4 than a 1/8
00:28:041 (5) - ^
....and all the 1/8 sliders :P
00:52:862 (1,2,3,4,5) - As this combo is matching the drums, using a low volume normal hitsound timing section would be a nice idea here (just like you did before the 3rd kiai)
01:33:219 (2,1) - move (1) one grid left to avoid the overlap? You'll have to move the mirrored slider one grid right if you do so. Also, if you move the last control point one grid right you get a nice cover effect that looks like this
02:14:112 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - This pattern might caught some people off guard
02:24:648 (3,4) - Hurmm.... this slowdown is... ...ehhh, well, there are no sliderticks so that the player can notice the slowdown, also no new combo, so I strongly suggest you to add something here so that the player knows what to expect for (4)
~You have some really nice patterns through this diff. It's visually appealing and yet fun to play.

My favorite is pieguy's <3

Good luck! Ima star this
Topic Starter
Louis Cyphre
00:16:969 (3) - tbh, this feels more like a 1/4 than a 1/8
00:28:041 (5) - ^
....and all the 1/8 sliders :P
I'm sure there are 1/8. 1/4 seems to me off, very off =/

02:24:648 (3,4) - Hurmm.... this slowdown is... ...ehhh, well, there are no sliderticks so that the player can notice the slowdown, also no new combo, so I strongly suggest you to add something here so that the player knows what to expect for (4)
I don't think that someone will miss there, cz it's short, but added new combo.

~You have some really nice patterns through this diff. It's visually appealing and yet fun to play.
Thanks a lot

Other things fixed

-Offset -10ms?


00:14:112 (1) - Seems a bit confusing for an Easy (start it 1/2 later?)
00:40:719 (2) - Add a New Combo
00:41:434 (1) - Remove the New Combo
01:10:005 (1) - Remove the New Combo
01:11:434 (2) - Add a New Combo
01:12:862 (4) - Add a New Combo

Odaril's Normal:

00:16:077 (1) - Remove the new combo
00:16:434 (2) - Add a new combo
00:17:862 ~ 00:18:041 - Why did you activate the Kiai here? o.o
01:41:612 (4) - Move it 1/2 later?

Also, I noticed you put a lot of timing sections directly on top of the notes. I'm not sure if you have to move them before the notes now, but I'd move them back 1/4 if I were you (unless you're sure you don't have to do that).


-I kept consistently getting 10 ms early

00:40:005 (8) - Add a new combo
00:46:434 (1) - I thought this slider was going the other way D: Perhaps move it so it's less confusing?

As for my part:

01:26:255 (7): I think it's fine as is
01:46:969 (x): Added a beat

00:06:434 (1): Changed
00:20:005 (2): I think it's fine as is

Thanks. :)

Download: Nightcore - Crazy Baby (Louis Cyphre) [pieguy's Hard].osu
Topic Starter
Louis Cyphre
Redownload the map and send me your difficulty, i can't put it folder, an error

And thanks for modding
00:14:112 (1) - remove new combo
00:40:005 (1) - ^
00:40:719 (2) - New combo
01:01:434 (1) - remove new combo
01:10:005 (1) - ^

00:16:077 (1) - Remove new combo
00:16:077 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 02:53:219 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - ^
00:47:862 (2) - copy the 00:46:434 (1)
01:48:041 (2) - delete it?
01:49:469 (2) - ^

00:03:220 (3,4) - Reverse section
00:20:005 (2) - Frip vertically.
00:53:577 (2) - New combo
01:11:077 (2) - Whistle
01:46:969 - Add a circle?
02:10:362 (4) - Whistle
02:13:219 (5) - ^
02:14:112 (3)- ^
02:14:469 (4) - ^
02:15:005 (1,2) - ^
02:16:077 (4) - ^
02:17:148 (2,4) - ^
02:17:862 (1,2) - ^
02:19:112 (5) - ^
02:20:184 (3,5,6) - ^
Topic Starter
Louis Cyphre
Thanks for modding :)
Starting less than a second into the song might be rough for players, as they'll have to scramble to get to the first object on time. Maybe delay the opening a bit.

00:34:291 (1): A finish instead of a clap + whistle would sound good at the end of this.

00:35:541 (4): Way too far from the previous circle.
00:40:005 (1 through 6): Everything here is too far apart.
01:34:291 (4): Again, too far. I'm assuming these are on purpose since distance snap wouldn't allow them.

Hard & Insane:
No big complaints.

Sorry for the late mod.

pieguy1372 wrote:

Odaril's Normal:

Also, I noticed you put a lot of timing sections directly on top of the notes. I'm not sure if you have to move them before the notes now, but I'd move them back 1/4 if I were you (unless you're sure you don't have to do that).
Just so you know I DID place them 1/4 before. Placing them right on the note irks me. But it was changed with the mp3.


Behonkiss wrote:

00:35:541 (4): Way too far from the previous circle.
00:40:005 (1 through 6): Everything here is too far apart.
I hope you realize this spacing is made on purpose ? That they are "jumps" ? Didn't it seem weird to see the same "spacing error" every time ?

Krisom wrote:

Artist: DJ Melodie
Seriously? Or you mean this Nightcore is a remixed version of DJ Melodie one?
If you use this kind of naming pattern, the artist should be Fantacy Project.
00:03:220 (3,4): I think it's fine as is
00:20:005 (2): ^
00:53:577 (2): ^
01:11:077 (2): Ehhhh...okay
01:46:969: I already put one there
02:10:362 (4): I think it's fine as is
02:13:219 (5): ^
02:14:112 (3): ^
02:14:469 (4): ^
02:15:005 (1,2): ^
02:16:077 (4): ^
02:17:148 (2,4): ^
02:17:862 (1,2): ^
02:19:112 (5): ^
02:20:184 (3,5,6): ^

Also, the offset has been fixed.

Thanks. :)

Download: DJ Melodie - Crazy Baby (Nightcore Remix) (Louis Cyphre) [pieguy's Hard].osu
Topic Starter
Louis Cyphre
Thanks a lot guys. Everything fixed ^_^

Selee wrote:

Seriously? Or you mean this Nightcore is a remixed version of DJ Melodie one?
If you use this kind of naming pattern, the artist should be Fantacy Project. ... 0&g=0&la=0

Yeah, newest nightcore maps are just listing the nirghtcore as a mix. Though, yes, we did some research with louis and Fantasy Project was the real artist (sorry for my lame research powers ;x;)

Will recheck this tomorrow or so to see if I can handle a bubble
saw no issue
Blue: Sugestion. Not necessary, but should take good effects.
Green: Notification or cosmetic thing. May, but don't have to be fixed.
Orange: Should be fixed.
Red: Have to be fixed.

  1. Offset is late. Use 712.
  1. Kiai is overused. I'd remove first Kiai section.
  1. Kiai is overused. I'd remove first and third Kiai section.
  2. Some of stacked notes look ugly. Decrease Stack Leniency to second bar.
  1. Wut with this kiai. o.o I'd remove 1st and 4th sections at least.
  1. Dude, half of map is Kiai O__O.
  2. 02:18:403 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Little too hard compare to rest of stage.
Starrr'd :D
Topic Starter
Louis Cyphre
Thanks a lot ^_^
(also yes I approve of odaril's jumps)
Topic Starter
Louis Cyphre
thanks a lot Krisom ^_^

The mp3 quality is really bad. I'll put a better one here for you.



02:18:393 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - These jumps are just ridiculous. Change them.
Since I am a good guy, I've spent 30 of my minutes to fix every difficulty of yours with the new mp3.

(Adjusted green lines, offset, preview point and everything)

Just download them with the new mp3, you don't need to fix anything (Just the jumps on Insane I pointed out) ;)
Topic Starter
Louis Cyphre
thanks a lot! :D
Fair enough
After a little re-check on IRC...

Topic Starter
Louis Cyphre
thanks guys ^_^

osuplayer111 wrote:

I'll put a better one here for you.

osuplayer111 wrote:

Since I am a good guy, I've spent 30 of my minutes to fix every difficulty of yours with the new mp3.

(Adjusted green lines, offset, preview point and everything)
Andrea is so kind owo

Btw , congratz~
Congrats, Louis! :)

EDIT: All the beats were 1/2 off until I downloaded the mp3 directly from osuplayer's post. Did that happen to anyone else? o_o
No problem, from here at least.. Congrats, great bgm~
Topic Starter
Louis Cyphre
EDIT: All the beats were 1/2 off until I downloaded the mp3 directly from osuplayer's post. Did that happen to anyone else? o_o
Odaril got the same ^_~
Just delete old versions and redownload it again.

And thanks :3
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