
About AnimationFramerate on skin.ini

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On skin.ini file
I'd like to know if it's possible to only use the "AnimationFramerate" for the element play-skip and not for my follow-points?
To summarize I'd like to know if it's possible to use AnimationFramerate:1 on play-skip and use default AnimationFramerate on follow-points.
It can avoid me creating so much image to animate my play-skip button.

Thanks and sorry for my bad english :3

i'm a beginner skinner too... but hey, everyone's gotta start, right?

I had this problem too...
my scorebar had like 200 frames but the follow points, only three...

Sorry to say, but you cant adjust the fps for follow points.

i think you got it, you duplicate the images. but just in case:

set the framerate you want for an object in the skin.ini, (say, for the play-skip) and then duplicate the follow points...
I suggest you set it for the one that plays too fast.
[for mine, the scorebar was playing too fast, so i set the fps to 30, and duplicated the follow point. since the follow point had three frames, i spammed copy paste 10 times for every frame, so it became 30 frames...]

(soz for my poor explaining)

basically, copy-paste every frame on the slower sprite (follow point) so that one frame of your skip would take the same effect as 'framerate: 1' on 'framerate whatev'

see an example for my skin here: [cuz i cant explain it...] you can dismantle it and see how it works that's fine by me.
p.s. what's your skin? i would really like to know! :D

(soz for my poor explaining, good luck!)
AnimationFrameRate applies to ALL ANIMATIONS but circle overlays, sliderball, pippidon, mania notes and lighting
For some reasons, AnimationFramerate doesn't affect my skin's taiko-hit images framerate, can someone else confirm the animation framerates on taiko-hit animations?
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