
Sodachi Oikura (CV: Marina Inoue) - Yuudachi Houteishiki

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on quinta-feira, 8 de março de 2018 at 11:32:29

Artist: Sodachi Oikura (CV: Marina Inoue)
Title: Yuudachi Houteishiki
Source: 終物語
Tags: Owarimonogatari op 3 dvd blu-ray lost victorfernando
BPM: 128
Filesize: 23439kb
Play Time: 01:26
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (2,76 stars, 196 notes)
  2. Lost (3,43 stars, 231 notes)
  3. Normal (1,7 stars, 126 notes)
  4. Victor's Easy (1,3 stars, 77 notes)
Download: Sodachi Oikura (CV: Marina Inoue) - Yuudachi Houteishiki
Download: Sodachi Oikura (CV: Marina Inoue) - Yuudachi Houteishiki (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Oikura Sodachi <3
Easy: victorfernando

Full Version
Como vamos começar ? CLARO Q COM BLANKETS 00:03:181 (4,5) -
Ta vendo essa FODENDO IMAGEM? entao , ela mostra q seu blanket esta incorreto e isso ocorre em diversas otras partes , sugiro q olhe o resto q se parece com isso , irei marcar outros exemplos so pra vc entender bem

00:05:056 (4,5) - 00:05:525 (5,1) - (Quase perfeitos)
00:06:931 (4,5) - Esse e um exemplo de como ta certo (Não ta 100% mas ta 99,95% entao ta SHOWZASSO)
DICA: Pra checar blankets coloca o mapa em 1/16 e vai checando se ta tudo certin
Dps q ajeitar os blanket vai ficar PIKA VIADO
00:13:494 (1,2,3,4) - 1,6x a distancia desses ta bem maior q esses 00:12:087 (2,3) - 1,4x (Por exemplo mas to me referindo aos anteriores tb q tavam em 1,2x)
^ Eu entendi q esses 2 "jumps" no final tem uma distancia crescente em comparação aos otros mas eu n vi justificativa logica para fazer isso levando em conta q a musica se mantem constante
00:17:244 (1) - a partir daki a distancia pode ser maior pois ja e otra section
00:14:431 (5,6) - A distancia desses ta bem maior q a desse 00:14:900 (6,1) - (Olhando o conjunto no "olhometro" e sem levar em conta a cauda do slider)
MAS POREM CONTUDO , 00:14:900 (6,1) - esses tem uma distancia maior (2,0x) q esses 00:14:431 (5,6) - (1,6x)
Mantenha distancias constantes qnd a parte da musica e igual e eu acho q vai ficar show
00:32:009 - Acho q uma nota aki seria showzin
01:15:134 (4) - Essa nota eu sugiro q vc faça um slider de 1/1 deletando esse 01:15:369 (1) -
O som desse 01:15:369 (1) - é mto insiginificante comparado ao som desse 01:15:134 (4) - e o tempo entre ele e essa batida 01:15:603 -
No final vc tento escrever LOST pelo visto mas
01:21:697 (2) - Esse slider , deixa ele mais reto
01:23:103 (1) - Show
01:24:509 (2) - Esse S precisa de um conserto mas ne , Veja se esse lhe agrada
Se n vc se vira
00:09:275 (4,1) - Melhora isso , dx o slider 1 mais Reto , em paralelo com a reta horizontal

se ver otros conserta tb
RELEMBRANDO : Checa os blankets , mas n se preocupa mto pq nem sempre o DS permite fz blankets se pa
So isso msm , n manjo mto de diff baixa

00:11:384 (3,4) - ATE VC VITOR coe conserta isso ai e outros se tiver(e tem)
So isso msm
So isso msm
Topic Starter
Como vamos começar ? CLARO Q COM BLANKETS 00:03:181 (4,5) - Corrigi todos o máximo possível
Ta vendo essa FODENDO IMAGEM? entao , ela mostra q seu blanket esta incorreto e isso ocorre em diversas otras partes , sugiro q olhe o resto q se parece com isso , irei marcar outros exemplos so pra vc entender bem

00:05:056 (4,5) - 00:05:525 (5,1) - (Quase perfeitos)
00:06:931 (4,5) - Esse e um exemplo de como ta certo (Não ta 100% mas ta 99,95% entao ta SHOWZASSO)
DICA: Pra checar blankets coloca o mapa em 1/16 e vai checando se ta tudo certin
Dps q ajeitar os blanket vai ficar PIKA VIADO
00:13:494 (1,2,3,4) - 1,6x a distancia desses ta bem maior q esses 00:12:087 (2,3) - 1,4x (Por exemplo mas to me referindo aos anteriores tb q tavam em 1,2x) OK corrigido
^ Eu entendi q esses 2 "jumps" no final tem uma distancia crescente em comparação aos otros mas eu n vi justificativa logica para fazer isso levando em conta q a musica se mantem constante
00:17:244 (1) - a partir daki a distancia pode ser maior pois ja e otra section
00:14:431 (5,6) - A distancia desses ta bem maior q a desse 00:14:900 (6,1) - (Olhando o conjunto no "olhometro" e sem levar em conta a cauda do slider)
MAS POREM CONTUDO , 00:14:900 (6,1) - esses tem uma distancia maior (2,0x) q esses 00:14:431 (5,6) - (1,6x)
Mantenha distancias constantes qnd a parte da musica e igual e eu acho q vai ficar show Percebi tbm já arrumei
00:32:009 - Acho q uma nota aki seria showzin Hm blz
01:15:134 (4) - Essa nota eu sugiro q vc faça um slider de 1/1 deletando esse 01:15:369 (1) - eu adicionei e achei melhor msm
O som desse 01:15:369 (1) - é mto insiginificante comparado ao som desse 01:15:134 (4) - e o tempo entre ele e essa batida 01:15:603 -
No final vc tento escrever LOST pelo visto mas Blz
01:21:697 (2) - Esse slider , deixa ele mais reto
01:23:103 (1) - Show
01:24:509 (2) - Esse S precisa de um conserto mas ne , Veja se esse lhe agrada
Se n vc se vira tentei melhorar
00:09:275 (4,1) - Melhora isso , dx o slider 1 mais Reto , em paralelo com a reta horizontal

se ver otros conserta tb Corrigido
RELEMBRANDO : Checa os blankets , mas n se preocupa mto pq nem sempre o DS permite fz blankets se pa
So isso msm , n manjo mto de diff baixa
olá ~


  1. 00:12:322 (3) - bem creio que nao precise desse finish o-o
  2. 00:14:197 (4,5) - acho que está fugindo bem da distancia representada no inicio, nao acha melhor deixar mais proximo igual as anteriores?
  3. 00:15:369 (1,2) - mesma coisa aqui
  4. 00:16:540 - aqui respectivamente voce tem que colocar algo o maximo recomendado é um triplet, digo pq se voce está seguindo o vocal ele aparece nessa parte se for o instrumental, mesma coisa, não há desculpa do porque nao colocar um triplet nesse ponto aa
  5. 00:25:681 (1) - Melhor remover esse nc para ficar uma sequencia de 4 notas conforme voce fez em seguida 00:26:619 (1,2,3,4,5) -
  6. 00:32:947 (3,4) - se voce disse que ta seguindo ambos, creio que a melhor forma de interpretação seria o 4 ser uma nota e o 3 ser um slider, para deixar mais coerente
  7. 00:34:353 - 00:34:822 - nesses 2 pontos iniciar com um slider tbm reforça mais!
  8. 00:39:744 - bem levee em consideração que voce diminuiu o sv para interpretar uma parte lenta pós-kiai então a ds das maiorias das notas tem que ser bem reduzida, não é o que vejo nessas single que voce fez 00:40:681 (3,4,5,6) - , 00:42:087 (2,3,4,5) - praticamente elas estão quase igualadas as notas da sessão anterior, acho que a melhor forma seria se voce stackasse 2 em 2 notas para enfatizar mais o essa parte e reforçar a interpretação
  9. 00:44:665 (5) - se voce ta seguindo ambas as partes novamente dito, isso aqui deveria se encurtado a esse ponto 00:45:134 - porque no tick azul nao se escuta realmente o vocal nem o instrumento pq terminam nessa parte que mencionei oo e essa parte ai 00:45:251 - se escuta uma batida avulsa de drum, se quiser adiciona-la fica a seu critério
  10. 00:50:525 (5,1) - dalem de fazer um slide direcionado a outro, claramente voce poderia improvar fazendo deles um blanket nao acha?
  11. 00:58:025 (5,1) - move o 1 um pouquinho pro lado, pelo visto nao ta bem perfeitinho o blanket aa x-x
  12. 01:20:994 (1) - bem, transforma isso em apenas 1 nota, porque nao se escuta nada nesse ponto 01:21:228 -
  13. 01:21:697 (2) - NC nesse ponto e remove nesse 01:23:103 (1) -

  1. 00:22:869 (4,5) - blankets podem ser improvados oo
  2. 00:47:244 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - bem aqui temos um ritmo, aqui 00:50:994 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5) - temos outro, qual voce quer seguir? digo um voce utiliza 1/1 e outro utiliza 1/2, para um jogador de normal pode ser confuso mudar assim de ritmo do nada, mas a certo ponto da pra entender, o primeiro ritmo é mais clarificado e segue o instrumento e um pouco do vocal o segundo segue apenas o vocal suponho, mas bem eu recomendaria utilizar o primeiro ritmo ja que foi do começo do mapa até agora
Victor's easy
  1. 00:47:244 (3) - melhor remover o nc por causa que é o inicio do kiai oo.
  2. 01:01:072 (1) - acho que seria melhor iniciar no tick branco conforme voce fez aqui 01:16:306 (1) - iniciar no vermelho é complicado
  3. 01:01:072 (1) - apos ter feito isso acima, remove o nc e adiciona ele aqui 01:02:244 (2) -
  4. 01:05:525 (1) - mesma coisa em relação a 01:05:994 (2) -
  5. 01:16:306 (1) - ^^^01:17:244 (2) - lol
boa sorte ~~
Topic Starter

Kalindraz wrote:

olá ~


  1. 00:12:322 (3) - bem creio que nao precise desse finish o-o FIXED
  2. 00:14:197 (4,5) - acho que está fugindo bem da distancia representada no inicio, nao acha melhor deixar mais proximo igual as anteriores?
    Estava na mesma distância mas o 5 não estava no mesmo ponto X da nota 3 Arrumei
  3. 00:15:369 (1,2) - mesma coisa aquiFIXED
  4. 00:16:540 - aqui respectivamente voce tem que colocar algo o maximo recomendado é um triplet, digo pq se voce está seguindo o vocal ele aparece nessa parte se for o instrumental, mesma coisa, não há desculpa do porque nao colocar um triplet nesse ponto aaEu coloquei o triplet como sugeriu porém não sei se ficou algo decente
  5. 00:25:681 (1) - Melhor remover esse nc para ficar uma sequencia de 4 notas conforme voce fez em seguida 00:26:619 (1,2,3,4,5) - FIXED
  6. 00:32:947 (3,4) - se voce disse que ta seguindo ambos, creio que a melhor forma de interpretação seria o 4 ser uma nota e o 3 ser um slider, para deixar mais coerente Eu mudei conforme você disse e melhorou, irei aderir ;)
  7. 00:34:353 - 00:34:822 - nesses 2 pontos iniciar com um slider tbm reforça mais! OK
  8. 00:39:744 - bem levee em consideração que voce diminuiu o sv para interpretar uma parte lenta pós-kiai então a ds das maiorias das notas tem que ser bem reduzida, não é o que vejo nessas single que voce fez 00:40:681 (3,4,5,6) - , 00:42:087 (2,3,4,5) - praticamente elas estão quase igualadas as notas da sessão anterior, acho que a melhor forma seria se voce stackasse 2 em 2 notas para enfatizar mais o essa parte e reforçar a interpretaçãoFIXED
  9. 00:44:665 (5) - se voce ta seguindo ambas as partes novamente dito, isso aqui deveria se encurtado a esse ponto 00:45:134 - porque no tick azul nao se escuta realmente o vocal nem o instrumento pq terminam nessa parte que mencionei oo e essa parte ai 00:45:251 - se escuta uma batida avulsa de drum, se quiser adiciona-la fica a seu critério OK corrigi
  10. 00:50:525 (5,1) - dalem de fazer um slide direcionado a outro, claramente voce poderia improvar fazendo deles um blanket nao acha? OK
  11. 00:58:025 (5,1) - move o 1 um pouquinho pro lado, pelo visto nao ta bem perfeitinho o blanket aa x-x FIXED
  12. 01:20:994 (1) - bem, transforma isso em apenas 1 nota, porque nao se escuta nada nesse ponto 01:21:228 - FIXED
  13. 01:21:697 (2) - NC nesse ponto e remove nesse 01:23:103 (1) - OK

  1. 00:22:869 (4,5) - blankets podem ser improvados oo OK FIXED
  2. 00:47:244 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - bem aqui temos um ritmo, aqui 00:50:994 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5) - temos outro, qual voce quer seguir? digo um voce utiliza 1/1 e outro utiliza 1/2, para um jogador de normal pode ser confuso mudar assim de ritmo do nada, mas a certo ponto da pra entender, o primeiro ritmo é mais clarificado e segue o instrumento e um pouco do vocal o segundo segue apenas o vocal suponho, mas bem eu recomendaria utilizar o primeiro ritmo ja que foi do começo do mapa até agoraEu precisava fazer a mudança pois como você percebeu mudou só para a vocal porém levando em conta que seria uma diff normal eu fiz uma pequena mudança 00:50:994 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - nessa parte que você citou eu coloquei o msm hitmo que a primeira pois não iria fazer tanta diferença mas depois nesse ponto 00:54:744 (1,2,3,4,5) - eu não poderei mudar por enquanto por conta da vocal e do hitmo :)

boa sorte ~~
Obrigado pelo modd :3 :D

  1. voce não precisa da timeline vermelha em 00:17:244 -
  2. offset +16 (melhor fazer isso depois de aplicar o mod)
  3. acho que o gap entre as dificuldades está meio irregular, a normal pode ficar mais dificil e a easy mais facil
  4. o vídeo talvez possa ser considerado inapropriado/ofensivo por causa do beijo lésbico. devia se informar com a staff

está bem feita mas notei certa inconsistencia em patterns e new combos. algumas partes estão mais pra normal diff

00:02:244 (1,2,3,1,2) - tudo baseado em vocal, ai de repente vc muda de ideia e tenta algo mais simples 00:07:869 (3,1) - e no final desse slider volta a complicar com o vocal.
sem falar que está usando ticks vermelhos aleatoriamente pela diff inteira. tipo em 01:05:994 (2,3) - 1/2 de distancia entre as notas aqui, mas vc não usou em 00:47:244 (3,4) - nem em 01:02:244 (2,3) -

  1. 00:09:744 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - combo longo de mais
  2. 00:17:244 (1) - finish
  3. 00:35:994 - add new combo. remova em 00:37:869 -
  4. 00:39:744 - new combo
  5. 00:47:244 - new combo

mais ou menos a mesma coisa com ticks vermelhos que a diff do Victor. precisa decidir se vai seguir vocal ou se vai simplificar.

  1. 00:13:259 (3) - esse slider está saindo da tela, certeza que é unrankeable.
  2. 00:16:306 (3) - remova o finish, adicione na proxima nota
  3. 00:32:244 (1) - finish
  4. 00:34:119 (4,5,6) - de repente decidiu não mapear as batidas no white tick.. "não vai colar"
  5. 00:43:494 (1,2) - ^

tente melhorar a aparencia desses lost sliders
varios finish faltando, principalmente no kiai

bem dificil dar sugestões pra estrutura. em algumas partes parece que vc quer mapear o flow baseado no vocal, outras parece que está focando na batida e o vocal fica em segundo plano. por sorte eu tenho os exemplos perfeitos pra vc comparar:
parasol do pimpG (flow baseado principalmente em vocal):
parasol do xxheroxx (nem sei como descrever essa maravilha de hard <3):

  1. 00:16:540 (5,6,7) - redução de spacing bem estranha, sem new combo fica mais estranho ainda, as notas não tem um posicionamento interessante e não está fazendo uma boa transição, eu tentaria fazer stack com essas notas e deixar um jump entre as notas anteriores e as proximas.
  2. 00:39:744 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3) - essa parte não fica muito natural com essa densidade de notas, tente diminuir pelomenos nas partes sem vocal.
  3. 00:54:744 (1) - remova a repeat e continue mapeando o vocal

AlexTroIIPsy wrote:

00:11:384 (3,4) - ATE VC VITOR coe conserta isso ai e outros se tiver(e tem) (grr)
So isso msm
So isso msm ata

pimpG wrote:


está bem feita mas notei certa inconsistencia em patterns e new combos. algumas partes estão mais pra normal diff

00:02:244 (1,2,3,1,2) - tudo baseado em vocal, ai de repente vc muda de ideia e tenta algo mais simples 00:07:869 (3,1) - e no final desse slider volta a complicar com o vocal. (tentei botar tudo no tick vermelho depois tu ve)
sem falar que está usando ticks vermelhos aleatoriamente pela diff inteira. tipo em 01:05:994 (2,3) - 1/2 de distancia entre as notas aqui, mas vc não usou em 00:47:244 (3,4) - nem em 01:02:244 (2,3) - (esses são por causa da extensão do vocal que vai e volta , e ele para no tick vermelho , se eu botasse prolongações com 1/2 ia ficar mta star dando a diff o gosto de um normal , por isso usei um slider reverse com o tick vermelho pq eu achei melhor)
  • 00:09:744 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - combo longo de mais
    00:17:244 (1) - finish
    00:35:994 - add new combo. remova em 00:37:869 -
    00:39:744 - new combo
    00:47:244 - new combo
    fixed all

Kalindraz wrote:

Victor's easy
  1. 00:47:244 (3) - melhor remover o nc por causa que é o inicio do kiai oo.
  2. 01:01:072 (1) - acho que seria melhor iniciar no tick branco conforme voce fez aqui 01:16:306 (1) - iniciar no vermelho é complicado
  3. 01:01:072 (1) - apos ter feito isso acima, remove o nc e adiciona ele aqui 01:02:244 (2) -
  4. 01:05:525 (1) - mesma coisa em relação a 01:05:994 (2) -
  5. 01:16:306 (1) - ^^^01:17:244 (2) - lol

    tudo fixed
boa sorte ~~
Topic Starter

pimpG wrote:


  1. voce não precisa da timeline vermelha em 00:17:244 - OK arrumei
  2. offset +16 (melhor fazer isso depois de aplicar o mod) OK
  3. acho que o gap entre as dificuldades está meio irregular, a normal pode ficar mais dificil e a easy mais facil
  4. o vídeo talvez possa ser considerado inapropriado/ofensivo por causa do beijo lésbico. devia se informar com a staff


mais ou menos a mesma coisa com ticks vermelhos que a diff do Victor. precisa decidir se vai seguir vocal ou se vai simplificar.

  1. 00:13:259 (3) - esse slider está saindo da tela, certeza que é unrankeable. FIXED
  2. 00:16:306 (3) - remova o finish, adicione na proxima nota OK
  3. 00:32:244 (1) - finishOK
  4. 00:34:119 (4,5,6) - de repente decidiu não mapear as batidas no white tick.. "não vai colar"Mudei mas não sei se ficou aceitavel depois da uma olhadinha :D
  5. 00:43:494 (1,2) - ^ FIXED

tente melhorar a aparencia desses lost sliders Melhorei
varios finish faltando, principalmente no kiai FIXED

bem dificil dar sugestões pra estrutura. em algumas partes parece que vc quer mapear o flow baseado no vocal, outras parece que está focando na batida e o vocal fica em segundo plano. por sorte eu tenho os exemplos perfeitos pra vc comparar:
parasol do pimpG (flow baseado principalmente em vocal):
parasol do xxheroxx (nem sei como descrever essa maravilha de hard <3):

  1. 00:16:540 (5,6,7) - redução de spacing bem estranha, sem new combo fica mais estranho ainda, as notas não tem um posicionamento interessante e não está fazendo uma boa transição, eu tentaria fazer stack com essas notas e deixar um jump entre as notas anteriores e as proximas.mudei essa parte não sei se ficou melhor depois de uma olhadinha :D
  2. 00:39:744 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3) - essa parte não fica muito natural com essa densidade de notas, tente diminuir pelomenos nas partes sem vocal. Bem essa foi minha intenção já que a batida da outra tensão junto com o vocal por enquanto deixarei assim ;)
  3. 00:54:744 (1) - remova a repeat e continue mapeando o vocal OK
Obrigado pela força :D ;)
minhas sugestões gerais para as dificuldades individuais eram pra vocês arrumarem em partes que se enquadram na descrição, essas eram as mais importantes a se seguir.

de qualquer forma já melhorou um pouco. boa sorte
  1. 00:09:291 (5,1) - it would be nice if you added a mini jump here like you did 00:05:541 (5,1) - here
  2. 00:11:400 - emphasis is here rather than 00:11:635 - here and its a bit off putting
  3. 00:13:041 (6,1) - a mini jump here would also be nice
  4. 00:15:150 - emphasis again here rather than 00:15:385 - on this note
  5. 00:16:556 (1,2,3) - if you turned this into a 1/2 repeat slider it do nice to bring out the difference between this and 00:15:853 (2,3,4) - this which are mapped the exact same way
  6. 00:19:603 (2) - if you mapped this as 2 hit circles you could hit the bass on the slider end as its quite prominent here
  7. 00:21:947 (3) - iif you turned this into a hit circle then a 1/2 slider you could follow the vocal rhythm better though i cant exactly tell if you actually following anything in this song other than the constant piano on every 1/2 beat in the background
  8. just really the same problem, the map itself isnt mapped badly, it just isnt mapped to anything that makes it seem like you're actually following the music. try and follow something like the vocals or the bass because the piano doesnt contribute any actual melody or rhythm to the song
  1. 00:27:103 (4) - if you bring this note to the red tick before and add one on the next red tick, it would map to the vocals nicely
  2. pretty nice difficulty, this is what i meant when i said to follow something in the lost diff, you can actually feel like its following something in the music on this diff which is good
victor easy
  1. 00:14:447 (1,2) - you shouldnt have a 1/2 gap in an easy, remove the repeat and space it apart so it works out if you want, but i would probably just map it as a one hitcircle at the start
  2. 00:50:072 (1) - i would remove nc here and aadd one 00:51:010 (3) - on this note because thats where the emphasis is
  3. 00:52:885 (1) - also remove this one because its part of the same group as the last slider and 00:54:760 (3) - add one here
  4. 00:57:338 (1) - remove this one and add one 00:58:510 (3) - here
  5. 00:57:806 (2,3) - same thing here
  6. 01:09:760 (1,2) - 1/2 rhythm ;c i would take the 2nd slider and move it to the white tick then extend to the hit circle after
Topic Starter

  1. 00:09:291 (5,1) - it would be nice if you added a mini jump here like you did 00:05:541 (5,1) - FIXED
  2. 00:11:400 - emphasis is here rather than 00:11:635 - here and its a bit off putting I was more vocal, 00: 11: 635 - in this part of my conception the white tick went to the vocals if you notice, well in case I'm wrong the way forward I'll change
  3. 00:13:041 (6,1) - a mini jump here would also be nice would not make sense since I went there in the beat and not in the vocal so I left those previous jumps
  4. 00:15:150 - emphasis again here rather than 00:15:385 - on this note same answer from the second
  5. 00:16:556 (1,2,3) - if you turned this into a 1/2 repeat slider it do nice to bring out the difference between this and 00:15:853 (2,3,4) - this which are mapped the exact same way ''FIXED''
  6. 00:19:603 (2) - if you mapped this as 2 hit circles you could hit the bass on the slider end as its quite prominent here
  7. 00:21:947 (3) - iif you turned this into a hit circle then a 1/2 slider you could follow the vocal rhythm better though i cant exactly tell if you actually following anything in this song other than the constant piano on every 1/2 beat in the background
  8. just really the same problem, the map itself isnt mapped badly, it just isnt mapped to anything that makes it seem like you're actually following the music. try and follow something like the vocals or the bass because the piano doesnt contribute any actual melody or rhythm to the song
I intended to follow a little of each one but I will reflect on it. :)

Thanks for the mod :D

  1. 00:27:103 (4) - if you bring this note to the red tick before and add one on the next red tick, it would map to the vocals nicely
  2. pretty nice difficulty, this is what i meant when i said to follow something in the lost diff, you can actually feel like its following something in the music on this diff which is good
I could lead to the vocals would be interesting but it would not be correct how I mapped from the beginning I focused more on the beat even than on the vocal thanks :oops:

Aeril wrote:

victor easy
  • 00:14:447 (1,2) - you shouldnt have a 1/2 gap in an easy, remove the repeat and space it apart so it works out if you want, but i would probably just map it as a one hitcircle at the start
    00:50:072 (1) - i would remove nc here and aadd one 00:51:010 (3) - on this note because thats where the emphasis is
    00:52:885 (1) - also remove this one because its part of the same group as the last slider and 00:54:760 (3) - add one here
    00:57:338 (1) - remove this one and add one 00:58:510 (3) - here
    00:57:806 (2,3) - same thing here

    01:09:760 (1,2) - 1/2 rhythm ;c i would take the 2nd slider and move it to the white tick then extend to the hit circle after
I not fixed only the red.

From my queue:

Victor's Easy
00:14:213 (1,2) - Rotate ~35 degrees clockwise so that the slider points into the blanket - better aesthetic.
01:09:760 (1,2) - 1/2 gap here - shorten the repeat slider so the repeat lands on the white tick to fix this.

00:05:541 (7,1) - Blanket these sliders?
00:41:635 (3) - Emphasis lands a small bit earlier than repeat and slider tail hit - make slider length a bit shorter + map white tick as a note.

Everything looks good with Lost!

Topic Starter

SuperCSGO wrote:


From my queue:

00:05:541 (7,1) - Blanket these sliders? I can not because of DS but I tried to improve the slider visually
00:41:635 (3) - Emphasis lands a small bit earlier than repeat and slider tail hit - make slider length a bit shorter + map white tick as a note. I understood your point but that would be in the vowel, in the case 00: 42: 806 - at this point and so on

Everything looks good with Lost!

Thanks for the mod ;)
00:05:306 (1,2) - Well i feel like object for vocal between these is missing
00:07:885 (3) - idk if you want to follow vocal here but if you want to it should be placed on red tick here but if you want to keep it here maybe you should place extra circle or turn them into slider because you are following vocal here 00:09:056 (4)
00:14:213 (1,2) - again missing circle between for vocal
00:45:385 (1,2) - you should them into slider

00:05:306 (6,7,1,2) - it kinda feels like it doesn't follow music correctly for example
you can clearly hear here that it does follow music
00:41:635 (3) - i don't like the shape its kinda weird you should make this like that ow yeah forgot to mention this 00:30:385 (4) too

Decrease time line zoom cause it triggers mods
00:02:728 (2,3,4) - i don't really like jumps here recommend you to do that
00:29:916 (4) - you should make more visible blanket here
00:31:556 (2,3,4) - this jump seems weird you should atleast make this like that
00:45:853 (2) - placed weirdly too close
00:56:166 (5,6,1) - i don't like jumps here too would make this like that
Topic Starter

PeterEU wrote:

00:05:306 (6,7,1,2) - it kinda feels like it doesn't follow music correctly for example
you can clearly hear here that it does follow music most of the red ticks went to the vocal that in this part 00: 04: 838 (5,6,7) - was to represent and the rhythm is not the best but it's not totally bad I'll leave it for now
00:41:635 (3) - i don't like the shape its kinda weird you should make this like that ow yeah forgot to mention this 00:30:385 (4) too FIXED

Decrease time line zoom cause it triggers mods
00:02:728 (2,3,4) - i don't really like jumps here recommend you to do that I liked how the part stayed, I'll rethink your tip
00:29:916 (4) - you should make more visible blanket here FIXED
00:31:556 (2,3,4) - this jump seems weird you should atleast make this like that OK
00:45:853 (2) - placed weirdly too close corrected
00:56:166 (5,6,1) - i don't like jumps here too would make this like that Ok I liked your idea :D

Thanks for the mod :D
Gonna copy paste the MA just in case
Unused stuff
BG 1.png

apparently it's also angry at your video because it has audio in it

the main concern I have with this map is its rhythm composition, there is just 1/2 note everywhere. It makes your map bland and does a poor job at emphasizing.
with section like 00:02:260 - to 00:16:556 -
There is just 1/2 spam on such a calm section of the song. You do not have to map every sounds and while you have reduced spacing during the calm section. It is not enough, object density and spacing should both go down.

You can also passively map them by simply using sliders with reverse arrow which while still have object density, it is still a lot less demanding than actually have to click almost everything on 1/2 gap.

here is some example of a rhythm composition that remains 1/2 spammy but with less clickable object while prioritizing the vocal at 00:02:260 -

Gotta pick a layer of the music to follow on, atm your map seems like you're just mapping everything and it just doesn't work. Try to introduce 1/1 slider (long slider that extends a beat) and more consecutive circles whenever it's ok to spice up your rhythm variety and gameplay elements (and make it less bland in general)

The second concern I have with the map is flow.
The map spins in an obvious way, new maps also spin but they make it really subtle by using sharp angle and jumps. your map is spinning in circle in a not-so-subtle way.

Another issue is that your map barely has any flow change at all. It just keeps going on the same direction. Map spinning in the same direction for a long period of time is bad because it makes your map boring and it can add unnecessary burden on player like mouse drifting. A good place to change the flow is changing it on a strong sound such as the downbeat. slider with reverse arrow also can change the flow like 00:30:385 (1) -

I also recommend that you don't rely too much on the distance snapping on Insane or higher, but rely on visual spacing instead. It allows you to have more freedom on where to place your objects while still making your map look very organized.

The idea is that you organize objects by making them look visually spaced the same but they do not have to actually have the same distance snap.
In case I can't explain this good enough here is a pic
^ the pic above all circles are spaced at the same distance visually AND also have all the same distance snap
^ the same square but with its order rearranged, they still look visually spaced the same, but now the 1>2 is shorter than 2>3. This is not possible if you use distance snap because their distance is not the same but they still look very organized.

I only have 2 concerns for the map: rhythm and flow. the visual stuff I mentioned is actually not an issue in your map. I believe if you can nail down the rhythm and with improved flow. This map will be quite good.

Sorry if I sound rude here, but I'd rather point out the problems rather than treating the symptoms.
Good luck!
Topic Starter

timemon wrote:

Gonna copy paste the MA just in case
Unused stuff
BG 1.png
apparently it's also angry at your video because it has audio in it
I took the audio from the video

the main concern I have with this map is its rhythm composition, there is just 1/2 note everywhere. It makes your map bland and does a poor job at emphasizing.
with section like 00:02:260 - to 00:16:556 -
There is just 1/2 spam on such a calm section of the song. You do not have to map every sounds and while you have reduced spacing during the calm section. It is not enough, object density and spacing should both go down.

You can also passively map them by simply using sliders with reverse arrow which while still have object density, it is still a lot less demanding than actually have to click almost everything on 1/2 gap.

here is some example of a rhythm composition that remains 1/2 spammy but with less clickable object while prioritizing the vocal at 00:02:260 -

Gotta pick a layer of the music to follow on, atm your map seems like you're just mapping everything and it just doesn't work. Try to introduce 1/1 slider (long slider that extends a beat) and more consecutive circles whenever it's ok to spice up your rhythm variety and gameplay elements (and make it less bland in general)

The second concern I have with the map is flow.
The map spins in an obvious way, new maps also spin but they make it really subtle by using sharp angle and jumps. your map is spinning in circle in a not-so-subtle way.

Another issue is that your map barely has any flow change at all. It just keeps going on the same direction. Map spinning in the same direction for a long period of time is bad because it makes your map boring and it can add unnecessary burden on player like mouse drifting. A good place to change the flow is changing it on a strong sound such as the downbeat. slider with reverse arrow also can change the flow like 00:30:385 (1) -

I also recommend that you don't rely too much on the distance snapping on Insane or higher, but rely on visual spacing instead. It allows you to have more freedom on where to place your objects while still making your map look very organized.

The idea is that you organize objects by making them look visually spaced the same but they do not have to actually have the same distance snap.
In case I can't explain this good enough here is a pic
^ the pic above all circles are spaced at the same distance visually AND also have all the same distance snap
^ the same square but with its order rearranged, they still look visually spaced the same, but now the 1>2 is shorter than 2>3. This is not possible if you use distance snap because their distance is not the same but they still look very organized.

I only have 2 concerns for the map: rhythm and flow. the visual stuff I mentioned is actually not an issue in your map. I believe if you can nail down the rhythm and with improved flow. This map will be quite good.

Sorry if I sound rude here, but I'd rather point out the problems rather than treating the symptoms.
Good luck!

My idea was to make this difficulty by representing the voice and the beat together as a whole, I used the increase in the distance to the stronger parts, if you perceive along the map the distance increases based on the voice and the beat.
Well in a way what you say about the map is right in all aspects and I'll modify some parts based on your mod that was pretty straight forward, thanks for the mod

edit: I was really wrong about my map at that time, I think I've improved a lot
15:21 *TheBenderGamer is editing [ Sodachi Oikura(CV:Inoue Marina) - Yuudachi Houteishiki [Lost]]
15:21 TheBenderGamer: olha essa ultima diff que é a mais ''problematica''
15:22 Net0: baixando aqui
15:22 TheBenderGamer: blz vlw ai
15:30 *Net0 is listening to [ Sodachi Oikura(CV:Inoue Marina) - Yuudachi Houteishiki]
15:30 Net0: Vou testar todas as difs
15:30 TheBenderGamer: ok
15:35 Net0: hmm
15:36 TheBenderGamer: hm
15:36 Net0: a top diff
15:36 *Net0 is editing [ Sodachi Oikura(CV:Inoue Marina) - Yuudachi Houteishiki [Lost]]
15:36 Net0: o ritmo dela
15:36 Net0: tá mt genérico imo
15:36 Net0: o mapa em si tá bem normal
15:36 Net0: foi uma boa escolha
15:37 Net0: mas tem momentos que nem parece que tá seguindo a música
15:37 Net0: foi só uma impressão mesmo
15:37 TheBenderGamer: bem eu queria seguir os 2
15:37 Net0: se o ritmo vai ser básico o mapping podia ter usado mais elementos
15:37 Net0: tá tudo no DS
15:38 Net0: mas a qualidade tá boa sim
15:38 Net0: acho que alguns BNs poderiam sim checar o mapa
15:38 Net0: CS tá mt pequeno
15:39 TheBenderGamer: será que tenho alguma chance?
15:39 Net0: vc tá escutando o que eu to falando?
15:39 TheBenderGamer: eu gostei do CS assim
15:39 Net0: eu to dando mod de certa forma e vc não tá dando reply lol
15:40 TheBenderGamer: opa desculpa
15:40 Net0: o pulo do normal pra top diff
15:40 Net0: em termos de dificuldade
15:40 Net0: tá grande
15:40 Net0: e isso inclui o CS
15:40 Net0: poderia colocar a diff com o nome de hard e colocar CS 4
15:40 Net0: pra deixar mais padrão
15:41 Net0: já que a diff não tem nenhum conceito em especial
15:41 TheBenderGamer: blz
15:41 Net0: 00:16:556 (5,1,1) -
15:41 Net0: transição aqui não tem nada feito em especial
15:42 Net0: 00:14:447 (5,6,1) - /00:06:947 (3,4,1) - não tá consistente 00:17:260 (1,2,3) -
15:42 Net0: 00:19:135 (1,2,3) -
15:43 TheBenderGamer: consistente no sentindo que teria que ficar igual?
15:43 Net0: mas pouco detalhe mesmo
15:44 Net0: se fosse em 2014
15:44 Net0: isso aqui era rank fácil
15:44 Net0: 01:20:306 (2,3,4,1) -
15:44 Net0: estética tá fraca aqui
15:44 Net0: 01:19:135 (1,2,3,4) -
15:44 Net0: faz um square aqui
15:45 Net0: usando essa sliderhead como referência 01:19:135 (1) -
15:45 Net0: pra fazer o quadrado aqui 01:20:306 (2,3,4) -
15:45 Net0: e poder dar mais spacing pra 01:21:010 (1) -
15:46 TheBenderGamer: blz
15:46 Net0: vou postar o log com um comentário a respeito do mapa
15:46 Net0: ai se quiser dar kudosu é nx

Other important things before asking for a BN check

  1. You need a better audio file for this music, the current one is 128 kbps and the optimized quality is 192 kbps.
    I have the full version in high quality, in case you want to edit that ^^
  2. The video file you're using has audio and that is unrankable. You need to remove the audio from the video.
  3. Since you're using a video you can lower the .orz file size if you change the background extension to .jpeg instead of .png but that's optional.
GL :3
Topic Starter
Obrigado pelo mod Net0 :D :3

PeterEU wrote:

00:05:306 (1,2) - Well i feel like object for vocal between these is missing (i think no)
00:07:885 (3) - idk if you want to follow vocal here but if you want to it should be placed on red tick here but if you want to keep it here maybe you should place extra circle or turn them into slider because you are following vocal here 00:09:056 (4) (i follow vocal and sound here)
00:14:213 (1,2) - again missing circle between for vocal (it's gonna sounds like a normal but i fixed)
00:45:385 (1,2) - you should them into slider (ok)
Hollow Delta
m4m from my queue


00:17:260 - Up until here your hitsounds feel random. Reason being is because the rhythm is established by the consistent 1/2 rhythm, and the occasional two 1/2 sliders. 00:05:072 (4,5) - To keep a consistent hitsound pattern I suggest whistles on the heads of these sliders, and on every other note in this rhythm so that it's organized.

00:41:635 (1,2,3) - The slider here highlights the 3/4 rhythm here. If you don't know what that means, it's basically a reverse slider, with the reverse on a 1/4 tick. (For this case that's at 00:41:986 - ) Reason simplifying it as 1/2 rhythm doesn't work is because the player is focus on that 3/4 rhythm, so they would miss the note on the 1/2 tick.


00:03:197 (3) - For the player to better feel the switch of the focus from the instruments to the vocals, an nc here would make that more clear and understandable.

00:04:838 (5) - The focus atm is on the vocals as established by the first point mentioned, so this note is just unexpected. It doesn't fit here.

00:14:213 (1,2) - The focus here is on the vocals, so switching the focus to the background sound with 2 doesn't make sense, as 1 note isn't enough to switch the focus. If you want to change what the player should listen for, it needs to be on a part where the previous layer and the new layer overlap so the player has the time to switch. For this case though I think mapping the vocal would be better, which would make this reverse slider a 1/2

There are multiple sections like above where the focus isn't entirely clear. I suggest going through this diff to reassure the rhythm is fitting.


00:14:213 (1,2) - There is a guideline suggesting you don't use multiple reverses in an easy, and the reason for that guideline is because it's usually not done in a way that can be anticipated. For this case, the player can't anticipate that second reverse, so they might release assuming it's just one reverse.
I suggest removing the reverse at 00:14:213 (1) - so that the slider in a whole ends at 00:14:213 (1) - still follows the rhythm accurately and is intuitive.

Small set, so not much to say. gl

mod this please
Topic Starter

Bubblun wrote:

m4m from my queue


00:17:260 - Up until here your hitsounds feel random. Reason being is because the rhythm is established by the consistent 1/2 rhythm, and the occasional two 1/2 sliders. 00:05:072 (4,5) - To keep a consistent hitsound pattern I suggest whistles on the heads of these sliders, and on every other note in this rhythm so that it's organized.

00:41:635 (1,2,3) - The slider here highlights the 3/4 rhythm here. If you don't know what that means, it's basically a reverse slider, with the reverse on a 1/4 tick. (For this case that's at 00:41:986 - ) Reason simplifying it as 1/2 rhythm doesn't work is because the player is focus on that 3/4 rhythm, so they would miss the note on the 1/2 tick. I packed


00:03:197 (3) - For the player to better feel the switch of the focus from the instruments to the vocals, an nc here would make that more clear and understandable.

00:04:838 (5) - The focus atm is on the vocals as established by the first point mentioned, so this note is just unexpected. It doesn't fit here.

00:14:213 (1,2) - The focus here is on the vocals, so switching the focus to the background sound with 2 doesn't make sense, as 1 note isn't enough to switch the focus. If you want to change what the player should listen for, it needs to be on a part where the previous layer and the new layer overlap so the player has the time to switch. For this case though I think mapping the vocal would be better, which would make this reverse slider a 1/2

There are multiple sections like above where the focus isn't entirely clear. I suggest going through this diff to reassure the rhythm is fitting.

Well the idea about this difficulty is to transmit both vocal and beat so I will not adhere to the mod of this difficulty.

Small set, so not much to say. gl

mod this please
Hello! ~ From my queue

00:02:260 (1,2,3) - spacing???
00:41:635 (1,2,3) -
01:21:713 (1) - this slider looks odd in this diff
01:25:931 (4) -
Topic Starter

Rus_Brony_osu wrote:

Hello! ~ From my queue

00:02:260 (1,2,3) - spacing??? fixed
00:41:635 (1,2,3) - I changed this pattern
01:21:713 (1) - this slider looks odd in this diff I put '' lost '' on these sliders to the front
01:25:931 (4) - fixed
Thanks for mod :)
Lab says your map looks fine so sorry about that~


hey dude, your offset should be around 2306
might wanna change that
Topic Starter
My apologies, the timing was made by a friend that is very experienced in timing, but i forgot to tell him that i changed the mp3
Rem is my waifu
Heya! I'm from your M4M queue. I hope you don't mind but I couldn't find much wrong with your mapset ><:

00:14:248 (1) - Sliders with multiple reverses aren't good on an Easy :[.
01:00:185 (2) - Make this a slider imo, there's a held note.

00:03:935 (4) - Reversing this slider feels a lot better than having the awkward (5) note.
00:10:498 (2,3,4) - 00:10:498 (2,3,4) - a rhythm like this feels better (look at the timeline, not the hitobjects heh).

00:16:826 (1) - Decrease the slider velocity a bit here, like in your LOST (although maybe not as much), it fits the music well.
00:48:701 (4) - Move this so it's in line with the slider at (2), looks nicer.
01:17:060 (1) - I don't understand why there's a NC here.

00:11:435 (1,2,3) - The way you arranged (1) and (2) and (2) and (3) is different - maybe try to blanket (1) like you did with the others, kinda like this: I tried to do it with 2.00x spacing between it and the next slider but DS didn't let me - I guess if you slightly modify where the last pattern finishes, you could do it.
00:43:076 (2) - The long vocal actually starts 1/2 beat later - add a circle where the head of the slider currently is and shift it across. You could make it a 3/2 long slider but that wouldn't fit your map so perhaps you'd want to split it up.
00:51:982 (3,1) - The angle of this is very steep, maybe rotate the slider a bit anticlockwise to make it more comfortable.
00:51:982 (3,2) - stack 'em
01:04:873 (3,4,5,6) - You used this pattern a lot in the build up to the chorus - maybe spice it up with something different, like this?

I found your maps really fun to play btw and I hope my mods help you! Good luck!
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