
Capcom Sound Team - Steelbeak

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 26 ноября 2010 г. at 14:29:32

Artist: Capcom Sound Team
Title: Steelbeak
Source: Darkwing Duck
Tags: nes disney ship icebeam samiljul
BPM: 99,9
Filesize: 1694kb
Play Time: 01:07
Difficulties Available:
  1. 31's Taiko (4,83 stars, 384 notes)
  2. Beam's Normal (2,92 stars, 95 notes)
  3. Easy (2,13 stars, 77 notes)
  4. Hard (4,92 stars, 229 notes)
Download: Capcom Sound Team - Steelbeak
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Let's get dangerous!

First map of my DW project
I'm the terror that flaps in the night!


Irc Modding
0:07:560 (2) up 1 grid
0:13:766 (1) left 1 grid
0:27:580 (5) down 1 grid?
0:45:398 (4) down 1 grid
0:51:704 (2) up 1 grid


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Mapper 31
Hi :)
May I make taiko diff?
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Of course ^_^
Your Chill man taiko diff was incredibly catchy *_*
Mapper 31
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I like it! Catch your star.
Так, я был занят. Извини за задержку


- Я бы Stack уменьшил (4/9)


Beam's Normal:
W - Whostle. E - Finish. R - Clap
Time (00:00:00) - exact time of bit
00:04:157 - удали R
00:11:164 - удали R
00:14:767 - R
00:15:068 - удали R
00:23:176 - R
00:23:376 - можно впринципе R оставить. хотя я бы E запилил
А ошибок-то и нет

- Overall на 2 подними
00:18:071 (2,3,4) - не интуитивно
00:46:899 (2,3,4) - тоже самое
01:05:818 (5) - выдвинь из-за слайдера
01:06:319 (spinner) - E

Неплохая мапа. Звездану :3
Не буду грузить целый .осу файл,просто убери хлопок с 00:11:164.

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убрал хлопок
добавил 01:06:319 (spinner) - E
поменял stack
Overall Difficulty не увеличивал, т.к. на спиннерах слишком сложно становится выкрутить 300

my modding

[Beam's Normal]
00:43:896 (2) - End Notes change clap
01:05:418 (2) - End Notes remove clap

00:05:158 (3) - Start Notes add clap
00:28:881 (1) - Start notes add finish?
00:37:190 (6) - hmm... remove clap?
00:57:710 (1) - Start Notes add finish?

Most suggestions.
Capcom o_o...
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Thanks! I changed some of the hitsounds.

1) Remove failsound.wav and normal-hitclap.wav pleaseee. I didn't hear the failsound.wav and normal-hitclap.wav anyway
2) I think you need an easier diff (below 3,00)

[Beam's Normal]
00:09:662 (1) - This slider are weird~ Can you change something prettier?
00:12:065 (1) - ^

[31's Taiko]
Ugggggh, the slider velocity are very highhhh for Taiko, perhaps, change it to 1,40? According to Rokodon's Taiko Modding?


Good song

Leorda wrote:

2) I think you need an easier diff (below 3,00)
You mean to make a boring difficulty without any rhytm and simple placing notes to the random white ticks?
It makes so sense with 2 osu! standart difficulties.
Mapper 31
Topic Starter

Leorda wrote:


1) Remove failsound.wav and normal-hitclap.wav pleaseee. I didn't hear the failsound.wav and normal-hitclap.wav anyway - Removed normal-hitclap. failsound is used and fits quite well =/
2) I think you need an easier diff (below 3,00) - I am not sure about that, but I can' imagine what can be done with this song easier than Beam's difficulty

[31's Taiko]
Ugggggh, the slider velocity are very highhhh for Taiko, perhaps, change it to 1,40? According to Rokodon's Taiko Modding? - See the post above ^


Good song
Thank you, Leorda!
Odd that the background is 961x768 - perhaps you can resize to 800x600

Beam's Normal
00:15:668 (4) - New combo
The spacing here is kind of inconsistent with every combo, but it's readable.

00:04:557 (3) - Spacing for consistency
00:06:359 (5,6) - IMO, don't stack these.
00:17:670 (5) - Spacing is the same in (3,4) but the time between (4,5) is different.
00:22:875 (7,8) - Don't make the sliders overlap like these. The end of (8) is somewhat hidden when you turn off snaking sliders.

I think this map needs another difficulty. An easy would be good.
you need another difficulty, no not
You mean to make a boring difficulty without any rhytm and simple placing notes to the random white ticks?
more of a 2 diff spread is horrid, its best to make a spread of 3 different difficulties, witch diffs you use i don't care, but 2 map packs are just pure lazy and don't give the "player" a lot of choice

Beam's Normal

all i can say about this is your copy pasting the same pattern waaaay too many times, and it kinda kills this map >_>

00:03:656 (1,2) - this plays wierd since its the same timing as 00:01:254 (1,2) yet the spacing is completely different, this really dont feel good, i advise to use the same spacing for both these

00:18:471 (3) - remove this note, it dont play good, kinda breaks the flow, insted put a note at 00:18:971 you will see that it flows with the song much better
00:46:799 (1,2,3,4) - same as above here
00:23:876 (2) - remove this note, it plays much better then :)
00:55:308 (3) - new combo

--- ---- --- ---
ok im not gonna give a star yet for 2 reasons, 1) i think you could do with a better spread (another difficulty) and i want to advise the normal maker that only because a map is a easy or normal does not mean it has to repeat the same thing over and over, even normals and easies can but fun, original, and uniqe ;)

best of luck
Topic Starter

NoHItter wrote:

Odd that the background is 961x768 - perhaps you can resize to 800x600 - Resized

00:04:557 (3) - Spacing for consistency - Remapped this
00:06:359 (5,6) - IMO, don't stack these. - I feel that stacking here is better.
00:17:670 (5) - Spacing is the same in (3,4) but the time between (4,5) is different. - I think it's quite readable. I made it like this, because the melody on that part slows down, and I feel like I should decrease spacing there also.
00:22:875 (7,8) - Don't make the sliders overlap like these. The end of (8) is somewhat hidden when you turn off snaking sliders. - =( It's readable.. And I really like these 2 sliders, how they catch the flow

jericho2442 wrote:

00:03:656 (1,2) - this plays wierd since its the same timing as 00:01:254 (1,2) yet the spacing is completely different, this really dont feel good, i advise to use the same spacing for both these - Remapped this part

00:18:471 (3) - remove this note, it dont play good, kinda breaks the flow, insted put a note at 00:18:971 you will see that it flows with the song much better - I like to follow the drums (?) totally here.. I am afraid I can't change this
00:46:799 (1,2,3,4) - same as above here - same
00:23:876 (2) - remove this note, it plays much better then :) - It sounds too repetetive for me, if I delete this =/
00:55:308 (3) - new combo - Done
Your mods were very subjective... I'm sorry, because I can't change most of the things suggested/noticed by you. My feel of the song and a map (on what parts should I make accents, how should it look e.t.c.) differs from yours
But thank you, anyway
By the way. Easy is in the works.
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Easy completed.
hi :)

00:36:089 (1) - This would be a little hard for beginners.
01:04:917 (1) - ^

[Beam's Normal]
Feels good.Althrough there's some patterns may be confusing to beginners,you have a eaiser diff,so this is acceptable.

00:01:254 (1,2) - spacing.look at 00:02:055 (3,4,1). they use the same spacing but different beats,right?
I prefer to stack them.
00:18:071 (2,3,4) - delete (3), and let (4) end at 00:18:971.this sounds better.
00:46:899 (2,3,4) - same to 00:18:071 (2,3,4).
00:50:403 - add a note.

good mapset.
have a star~
Topic Starter

kiddly wrote:

hi :)

00:36:089 (1) - This would be a little hard for beginners. - Lengthened
01:04:917 (1) - ^ - Same

[Beam's Normal]
Feels good.Althrough there's some patterns may be confusing to beginners,you have a eaiser diff,so this is acceptable.

00:01:254 (1,2) - spacing.look at 00:02:055 (3,4,1). they use the same spacing but different beats,right?
I prefer to stack them. - Stacking doesn't look good.. Some kind of symmetry I have, I think is better and readable
00:18:071 (2,3,4) - delete (3), and let (4) end at 00:18:971.this sounds better. - This was actually suggested 3 times, you can read the above posts to know why I don't want to change it
00:46:899 (2,3,4) - same to 00:18:071 (2,3,4). - Same
00:50:403 - add a note. - This breaks symmetry and makes everything too repetitive...

good mapset.
have a star~
Sorry, and thanks for your mod and star!
00:27:580 (2) - I would suggest making this an end of a slider. It's hard for a newbie to pick up a 1/6 note.
00:56:409 (6) - ^
00:58:911 (2) - This doesn't exactly follow the music. Change to a slider that ends at 00:59:412
01:01:314 (2,3) - ^ Change to a slider that ends at 01:01:814

That's all.

Edit: Bubbled
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00:26:479 (1) - This spinner is very short for a normal. And you have to click a note right after the spinner too. Hard to do for new players, so I'd do something else here!
00:37:490 (1) - ^
00:55:308 (1) - ^
01:06:319 (1) - ^

Very nicely done though.
Yo o/

  1. The timing is close, but it's a tiny bit off. I got BPM: 99.895, Offset: 49

Maybe the spinners at 00:16:869 is a bit short for an easy (Even if this is a pretty hard Easy), but it fits so well. I can't think of anything better you could do there anyway.

00:35:688 (1) - Unlike the spinner at 00:16:869, I don't think this one fits as well. it's pretty short, and it feels awkward since it has to start really early. Maybe you could map something else here other than a spinner?
01:04:517 (1) - I would end this spinner at 01:07:320 instead (the end of the last slider). It feels better ending it with a long spinner imo.


I really like this one. Good stuff. It's just got some short spinners that don't quite work.

00:26:479 (1) - I'm not keen on this short spinner. Doesn't seem to fit well to me. Is there another way you could map this without a spinner?
00:37:490 (1) - ^
00:55:308 (1) - ^
01:06:319 (1) - ^


Oh man. This difficulty was really fun.

00:18:471 (3) - Remove this beat? It looks nice, but it doesn't feel right when I played it :(
00:47:300 (3) - ^ (after deleting this, the spacing between those 2 sliders would be way too close, so you would have to rearrange them if you do this.

[31'S TAIKO]

It gets repetitive after a while with those doubles, but it's a short song so it isn't much of a problem. The rhythms sounds very nice too, Heh. Nice

Heh. Now this is a good map. I had great fun playing through this one. The easier difficulties are a bit on the hard side, but it's not enough to cause much of a problem, so it's all good :)

You get a star from me.
Star for Taiko diff orz
Mapper 31
Topic Starter
OK. Updated.
-Fixed timing
-I couldn't find any way to remap the part with a spinner in Easy, because there are notes which don't follow the 1/3(they are 1/6)
-I decided to leave the last spinner in Easy as it is
-The questionable spinners in Beam's diff were partly replaced with notes and sliders
-Deleted those 2 notes in Hard and remapped that part a bit

Thanks, Doomsday, arien666 and Larto!
awesome taiko :P
<3 this. Good job!
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