
Ultimate Practice Tool *Update V1.4.2*

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Ultimate Practice Tool V1.4.2
:!: The tool to practice improving your aim with a tablet or a mouse :!:

This little tool spawns circles in a random position.
This little tool will show you how long your average time to click is between every circle
This little tool will count how many circles you have clicked
This little tool will increase your aim accuracy

So why use this tool and not just play the game?
With this tool you do not need to have osu opened or installed
Everything is random in this tool meaning you won't learn map patterns out of your head
Your aim will increase with jumps because the distances are big between the circles you will be getting better at moving your tablet/mouse in straight lines instead of moving in a curve

Download & Instructions
Download Link


  • Instructions using my tool
  1. Open the .ZIP file.
  2. Extract the folder inside the .ZIP file to any location.
  3. Done.

  • Instructions changing the hitcircle image
  1. To change the hitcircle replace the image which can be found in "AimTool > bin > Images > hitcircle.png"
    Make sure the replaced file is called the same, the image size does not matter.

Things i'd like to add sometime

  • Theres no order in this list, these are just ideas to add.
  1. A way to be able to save your average time & be able to see that on a website.
  2. Scores if user was on direct hit, or next to the circle
  3. A line from point to point, the better the user followed the line the more score he gets
  4. Run on primary display only
  5. Different game modes

Story behind the tool
I got my own tablet not all to long ago and whilst sitting in class i got bored, so i thought of a tool that would help me increase my comfort with a tablet and doing something usefull in class.
So yeah im a beginner at C# programming who thought of creating something small & fun
If you'd like to support me. 8-)

Added a main menu
Capable of turning the mouse on or off with the 'M' key
Mouse miss clicks working
Score system
Couple bug fixes
A timer between circles spawn

Properly saving settings
Change opacity to 0-100%
Fix cursor midpoint
Cursor & Background changeable

Added a limit to the circle size (600)
You can now choose the resolution you want to use with fullscreen borderless option
Custom keys to press
Cursor is a circle now
Changeable background image with opacity slider
Hitcircle color will change if you miss
Mouse click fixed
New name because of the misleading name before
New uploading service because people had issues with virus detections

Added Settings Panel
Also if you exit the game your windows sensitivity will be put on 6/11 again! Sorry for this couldn't figure out a better solution.

Added Circle Size Option In Settings
Updated comments on source files

Added Fullscreen Borderless with exit (Escape key)
Added Custom Hitcircle images
Added Custom Hitcircle size

Added keyboard key function (X&Z, NumPad2&3)

Start of the application.
-Makishima S-
Up source to github pls.
Really cool idea. As you mentioned, it would be great if you didn't have to click with mouse and you were able to use the keyboard instead but it's still really cool. Hope you keep working on this.
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[Taiga] wrote:

Up source to github pls.
Pretty nice, but maybe add in fullscreen support.
osu's playfield is 4:3, so forcing that playarea should probably be necessary.
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Thanks for the 1000x views in 4 hours :D!
Good idea. Please add windowed support at any res.
Houtarou Oreki
Sadly, if you're using osu!tablet and have custom sensitivity, it won't work :c
Yeah i'd be perfect if you added sens xD
You should call this "Aim Practice". The current name is extremely misleading.
You should make it so that, once a user miss, it will move on to the next circle. Also, it should gives a -2 or - 3 to the score, since on Osu, missing one circle is a huge misfortune to you.

because right now, you can spam X&Z keys and just move your mouse to the circle.
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Y'all got great ideas! :)
Ill try to make a settings menu next :oops:

Shiro wrote:

You should call this "Aim Practice". The current name is extremely misleading.
I agree with this, the way it's named right now makes it sound like a blatantly illegitimate aim assist LOL
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Enkidu wrote:

Shiro wrote:

You should call this "Aim Practice". The current name is extremely misleading.
I agree with this, the way it's named right now makes it sound like a blatantly illegitimate aim assist LOL
Realised it tried to somewhat better it with Improvement, will change name with my next update ;)
So I just extracted it to my downloads folder and whenever I try to open it I get the message


The specified path does not exist.

Check the path, and then try again."

Also on another note, you should allow us to change the keybinding if that isn't already implemented since not everyone uses Z and X.
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Potatoe751 wrote:

So I just extracted it to my downloads folder and whenever I try to open it I get the message


The specified path does not exist.

Check the path, and then try again."

Also on another note, you should allow us to change the keybinding if that isn't already implemented since not everyone uses Z and X.
About the error, idk shouldn't happen redownload, also in the bin folder is the normal .exe you can open it from there aswell.

The keybindings are also gonna come soon :)
you should set a max limit for circle size.

if you set it too big then the game will eventually stop due to the programming part.

try setting it to 50,000 to see what I mean.

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Added a limit to the circle size (600)
You can now choose the resolution you want to use with fullscreen borderless option
Custom keys to press
Cursor is a circle now
Changeable background image with opacity slider
Hitcircle color will change if you miss
Mouse click fixed
New name because of the misleading name before
New uploading service because people had issues with virus detections
Great new update!

Everything works fine apart from the shortcut to the .exe file which gives this error:

Pretty sure if you change the specified path to \lUlitmatePracticeTool\bin\UltimatePracticeTool.exe it should work.
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Alpgh367 wrote:

Great new update!

Everything works fine apart from the shortcut to the .exe file which gives this error:

Pretty sure if you change the specified path to \lUlitmatePracticeTool\bin\UltimatePracticeTool.exe it should work.
In the downloaded file the folder is just name UltimatePracticeTool. You have probably dragged the new files into the folder you made before :)

also i kinda hope this name can stay :roll: so these problems don't exist anymore :)

Spookles wrote:

Alpgh367 wrote:

Great new update!

Everything works fine apart from the shortcut to the .exe file which gives this error:

Pretty sure if you change the specified path to \lUlitmatePracticeTool\bin\UltimatePracticeTool.exe it should work.
In the downloaded file the folder is just name UltimatePracticeTool. You have probably dragged the new files into the folder you made before :)

also i kinda hope this name can stay :roll: so these problems don't exist anymore :)
I just deleted the folder and zip file, re-downloaded everything and I'm still getting the same error message. Maybe it's just my end?
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I just deleted the folder and zip file, re-downloaded everything and I'm still getting the same error message. Maybe it's just my end?
Nvm just checked the path of the shortcut is "C:\Users\sbrol\Desktop\AimImprovementTool\bin\UltimatePracticeTool.exe" so yeah thats my bad :|
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Found a couple game ruining bugs in V1.4
Fixing right now.
damn! nice improvement!

Not sure if this bug is one of the ones you found, but:

The mouse click and touchscreen click doesn't give off error (turning circle red) if misses as to how the keys click give off error.
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--------------- wrote:

damn! nice improvement!

Not sure if this bug is one of the ones you found, but:

The mouse click and touchscreen click doesn't give off error (turning circle red) if misses as to how the keys click give off error.
Realised that aswell but for some reason the code didn't react on anything in my code :|
        //Dot mouse click event handler
private void playArea_MouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
if (Mouse.DirectlyOver == Dot)
} else <-- this part doesn't work :|
DotImg.ImageSource =
new BitmapImage(new Uri(@"Images/hitcircle-bad.png", UriKind.Relative));
Every time I click start it crashes immediately

EDIT: Nevermind, I was using the wrong .exe
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Updated to V1.4.2!
Added a main menu
Capable of turning the mouse on or off with the 'M' key
Mouse miss clicks working
Score system
Couple bug fixes
A timer between circles spawn
Really like the new update. Just a suggestion, but it would be cool to have like a local high score leaderboard.
:( :( :( :( any time i press start it crashes, help plz :? :? :? :? :( :( :( :(
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