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[ Nana ] wrote:

Bosnia and Herzegowina? Hot dammit. A token of appreciation for perfect English usage. I hope this will do!
Why, thank you for the compliment!
But actually, it's Serbia - even peppy can make mistakes. :p

I knew you'd do an excellent job, hence why I chose you out of all the people in this subforum. I am truly sorry for the late notice and reply - I didn't think you'd come back, for some reason.
It will be an honour to use it as my banner. Once again, great job!
Hey could you please do me a share avatar? this image

Size: 128x128 for osu avatar.

Rest is up to you, you are more creative than me.

Left girl name: Agustina~
Right girl name: andruru~

And full image with name under each girl so i can put on profile xD

thank you, btw i've seen your jobs and you are just amazing. im trying to learn ps too to help people with this :3
Picture: ... 64lg1d.png
Size: 450x150 (450 horizontal; 150 vertical)
Theme: Light
Style: You decide
Text: Pete N00b
Font: You decide
Additional details: I'm leaving the decision of the Style/Font to you, just do them as you think they will look best :)

Thanks :)
Seolhyun -
Avatar :3/
Picture: ... 745_p0.jpg
Shape: Square with rounded corners.
Text: Eevee -
Font: Do you have any cute fonts? I'm not too good with fonts ;-;
Additional details: Could you make it so that it shows her passing the bun? if you want to try anything go for it :p
Thank you so much!!!! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
Size: 670x150
Text: sSRayGunSs
Font: One that goes with this fuckin' awesome picture
Border: None
Extra: Have both of them in it.
First time getting a signature!

- Preddie - wrote:

Avatar :3/
Picture: ... 745_p0.jpg
Shape: Square with rounded corners.
Text: Eevee -
Font: Do you have any cute fonts? I'm not too good with fonts ;-;
Additional details: Could you make it so that it shows her passing the bun? if you want to try anything go for it :p
She can,but then it'd look like this
Seolhyun -

- Aomi - wrote:

- Preddie - wrote:

Avatar :3/
Picture: ... 745_p0.jpg
Shape: Square with rounded corners.
Text: Eevee -
Font: Do you have any cute fonts? I'm not too good with fonts ;-;
Additional details: Could you make it so that it shows her passing the bun? if you want to try anything go for it :p
She can,but then it'd look like this
Then whatever's fine. heh heh
Raisha Millenia
hi again Nana~ i'm a big fan of your art=3=//
Size: 530x140
Theme: something similar to coloured and dark(?)
Style: whatever you like Nana~
Text: Raisha
Font: up to you
Additional details: -
Topic Starter
[ Nana ]
Well, I definitely took my time on this one. Three reasons for this:
- my laziness is absolutely overwhelming and when I feel like doing something I just fall asleep
- I'm on my senior year right now, so the tests are over there, over there and up there... not to mention the finals which are coming in 2 months
- everytime I tried to open Photoshop for the past two weeks it just shut down my PC with blue screen of death... for now meddling with the registry solved the issue but who knows for how long. (for all that's holy do NOT buy Windows 8/8.1... Microsoft's give me more reasons to hate them everyday)

Well. Third reason is solved, second reason is something I'd rather not touch and first reason can be solved by adding another requirement for requesting. Delivery date. Generally, from now on, just say when do you want it done. This change has also been added to the first post and will also be the main way of setting priorities. You'll have three possible options for this one.
- tomorrow - simple. For a more-or-less-rushed work, choose this. It'll arrive the day after. Limit: 2. Resets everyday.
- by Sunday - by choosing this you agree on having your work done by Sunday the same week. So, max 7 days. Limit: 5. Resets weekly.
- specified date - just choose a day and a month, the request will arrive by then. So, before the set date. The daily and weekly ones will have priority over this.

The requests that have the same priority but exceed the limit will be carried over to the next day. Yes, day. So if you request for Sunday and it'll exceed the limit you'll have it done by Monday.

As for the requests then, since I see you're growing impatient. Or not. Whoever read it anyway.





@- Preddie -
What if I told you I can. Sorta. Similar.



Something like this?

Omg Nashi is back hype
Heyo,glad you're back~

Picture: ~
Shape: Square
Text: Aomi
Font: Cutesy/Cool
Additional details: Face view,oh and make one without text
Delivery date: Tomorrow

Thank you~!
Seolhyun -

[ Nana ] wrote:

@- Preddie -
What if I told you I can. Sorta. Similar.
well shit , you made it work! I love it LOL thanks :) :3/
Topic Starter
[ Nana ]

Thanks for requesting! For any chances, just tell.

[ Nana ] wrote:


Thanks for requesting! For any chances, just tell.
Can you zoom out a bit,like this?
Oh and the text color should match her hair color~

Thank you >v<
Hi Nana, i was asking u a couple avatar request Ingame.


Also can u cut the image on 2 to post it on userpage code?

First request : right side girl (pink hair)

Text : Cubzy
Borderstyle : No borders
Text Style : As i told u on PM he wants something like THIS. Text place top of the avatar from same color of the pinkhair girl. And with same curvature from this avatar (text linear to the head).
Extras : Sorry for that lol.

Second request : left side girl (black hair)

Text : Suke
Borderstyle : No borders
Text Style : I do not have a lot of creativity then you could do something that matches with the another avatar (The pinkhair girl from collab) ?
Extras : I dont care a lot about effects so just make something that combines with the first avatar.
Two words... Fucking amazing! I hope you keep up the amazing work :D
[ Setsuna ]
Picture: ... 5wngts.png
Shape: Square pls
Text: Setsuna
Font: fancy
Additional details: anything you think will look nice (maybe a glowy blue?)
Delivery date: tomorrow?

Topic Starter
[ Nana ]
Doing a system reinstall. The requests will be done tomorrow, post-haste. I just can't handle the blue screens anymore. Wish me luck (^^')
[ Setsuna ]

[ Nana ] wrote:

Doing a system reinstall. The requests will be done tomorrow, post-haste. I just can't handle the blue screens anymore. Wish me luck (^^')
Size: 640x180
Theme: minimalistic
Style: Do what you like
Text: I welcome you
Font: What ever you think works best!
Additional details: If you could do a simple and subtle animation with the sun glare.
Delivery date: No rush

Thank you so much!
Topic Starter
[ Nana ]
Like this?

Will this suffice?

I'll do the profile ones tomorrow.

Your request should arrive between 2 and 4 days, depending on how much I'll animate. :P
[ Setsuna ]

[ Nana ] wrote:

Will this suffice?
Great smudging and C4D usage you got there mate! :D

I asked a long time ago for a nice avatar and now i want a new one. (selfish baka)
I tried it myself with Photoshop but i suck :D

Shape: Scare obviously D:
Text: Suri
Font: Something thats fitting, i dont really know fonts x.x
Additional details: I think the text would be best fitting in the upper left corner, i think xD And i liked that, in my current avatar you added a frame which looks very nice, and i would think it would be good if my new one got one too :D

Thanks :3
Topic Starter
[ Nana ]
It's been two years, wasn't it?
Alright. Time to revive it and see where it goes!
You know the drill. Read the first post, there's forms you can fill in, the rest is history. Let's get this train moving, shall we?
This is request open or close ?
Yooo I love your stuff and your smudges are awesome I gotta request.

Picture: Not at my main comp, but just the middle one please.
Size: 550 x 150
Theme: Light, I'd like it to keep the colors within the cool color range.
Style: Smudge
Text: Shaymin
Font: Whatever fits
Additional details: N/A
Delivery date: Whenever, but ideally within two weeks.
Topic Starter
[ Nana ]
I'm on it! It should be done by tomorrow, I'll have a lot of spare time then.

Yes, I'm open for requests!

Picture: ... 4x1024.jpg
Shape: Preferably square with rounded edges
Text: Shanarun
Font: Ur choice ^-^
Additional details: None :o

Thanks in advance! :)
Topic Starter
[ Nana ]




Thanks a lot for requesting, guys! Hope you like it~
If you need anything changed, just say so!
Picture: ... e14wbTeasf
Shape: Square
Text: Hiruma
Font: Squarefont
Additional details: I want Dank meme theme
Delivery date: None

[ Nana ] wrote:


Holy shit, this is amazing! Thank you so much!

Picture: Image 1 and Image 2
Additional details: These 2 images
Delivery date: by Sunday
I love it Nana, Thanks! ^-^
I like what you did so far, so I wanted to ask you for a banner?! :3

Userpage Banner

Size: 622x192 pixels
Theme: Colour-themed
Style: I let you decide to this o.o
Text: Shanarun
Font: I let you decide to this o.o
Additional details: Be creative if you want, i think you know what looks good ^-^

Thanks in advance! ^-^:3
NANA! Still remember me? lol i was hiatus for 2 Freaking Years. 2 YEARS!

Gl on your "new" art cafe ;)

i want to be a new customer lol
size : 128x128
Text : Celizavia
Link :
Font : idk.... u can decide if u want to put the text or not :D
extra : make the girl blink ><
Topic Starter
[ Nana ]
Went for something like this. As the image was pretty much a stock, I couldn't really do much in terms of editing. Fine-tuning wasn't a problem though, had a lot of fun with meddling a lot with the image. Hope you like it!


You kidding? Of course I remember you ;)
And how long do you think I was on a hiatus? The same - 2 years! I don't really know why I came back but hey, it's all good if it doesn't bite. Hoping to see you aroung more, hehe~
Anyways, here you go. Hope you like it!


[ Nana ] wrote:

You kidding? Of course I remember you ;)
And how long do you think I was on a hiatus? The same - 2 years! I don't really know why I came back but hey, it's all good if it doesn't bite. Hoping to see you aroung more, hehe~
Anyways, here you go. Hope you like it!

tysm >< hope to see u again soon^^
Picture: here
Additional details: nothing to add
Delivery date: As soon as possible

Good work, keep it up :D
Topic Starter
[ Nana ]

Mizuru wrote:

Picture: here
Additional details: nothing to add
Delivery date: As soon as possible

Good work, keep it up :D
Can you change the link to something more accessible? Pixiv doesn't like hotlinking.

[ Nana ] wrote:

Mizuru wrote:

Picture: here
Additional details: nothing to add
Delivery date: As soon as possible

Good work, keep it up :D
Can you change the link to something more accessible? Pixiv doesn't like hotlinking.
does this help?
Topic Starter
[ Nana ]

Mizuru wrote:

does this help?
Yep, that worked. You need it rendered? (I assumed so cause you copied the rendering template)

[ Nana ] wrote:

Mizuru wrote:

does this help?
Yep, that worked. You need it rendered? (I assumed so cause you copied the rendering template)
yeah, i do
Topic Starter
[ Nana ]
Not sure what you meant by dank meme theme but, well.


Sorry for the delay, Photoshop had performance problems while rendering.



Kashima was a good choice.


Hope you like it! Doesn't annoy me in the least bit, don't know why it should.

wow thanks :D
Looks great

[ Nana ] wrote:

Sorry for the delay, Photoshop had performance problems while rendering.


Thanks a lot Nana. Photoshop not problem while rendering performance,usually photoshop version?
Hi,request again cover MAL

Picture: Render 1 or Render 2
Size: 851x315
Theme: Blue
Style: C4D
Text: Yukisa
Font: Big Noodle Titling
Additional details: Your choice an finished download .PSD check the layer
Delivery date:by Sunday

Kazu Sempai
Hi nana!!

Picture: ... 40-360.jpg
Shape: Square
Text: Sempai
Font: You're choice! Hihi
Additional details: Nah nothing

Picture: ... i-gif.html
Size: 622x192 pixels
Theme: Fancy
Style: Your choice too XD
Text: Welcome to kazu sempai's page!
Font: your choice again lmao XDD
Additional details: Neuuuop.

Thanks in advance nana! (´∀`)
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