
Farewell cheaters

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funny how people can't click some circles legitimately
I was wonder what those pictures I've been seeing all over the place well if they are cheater they have no business on Osu!
thanks again peppy.
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OsuKawaii has been removed from the game as well.
so sad there is ppl who doesnt know to play and they prefers cheat to win

die cheaters, die!! :twisted:
I was shocked when I found dNextGen is on the list as we're from same country
But I never saw him play osu! before XD
Peppy, just wanted to thank you for trying to get a handle on the cheater situation... it's always good to remove some of these scumbags from a game.

Just some friendly advice from someone who has played a lot of online/multiplayer games: Don't invest too much energy into this. Cheats will always be there and it will become increasingly difficult to deal with them, the more popular osu! becomes. Do what you can, sure, but don't get too frustrated if you can't defeat them entirely. There are other important areas where you can do good things for the osu! community as well.

And to all the cheaters: Shame on you!
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Deathcrow wrote:

Just some friendly advice from someone who has played a lot of online/multiplayer games: Don't invest too much energy into this. Cheats will always be there and it will become increasingly difficult to deal with them, the more popular osu! becomes. Do what you can, sure, but don't get too frustrated if you can't defeat them entirely. There are other important areas where you can do good things for the osu! community as well.
Thanks for the positive note! Yep, I totally agree with what you say; I do try my best not to let it get to me, but even so it does make me feel horribly tired and destroys my infinite motivation to push forward at least a bit.
I think I found a cheater~
here is the link
he's a lv. 0
i got board so i wrote somethin above :)
Now please, leave me in peace!

cherryz99 wrote:

I think I found a cheater~
here is the link
he's a lv. 0
i got board so i wrote somethin above :)
Now please, leave me in peace!
There's been a score reset.
I know I'm not supposed to post something like this here, but I couldn't resist.

cherryz99 wrote:

he's a lv.0
This just reminded me too much of Railgun. lol

KRZY wrote:

I know I'm not supposed to post something like this here, but I couldn't resist.

cherryz99 wrote:

he's a lv.0
This just reminded me too much of Railgun. lol
i lol'd
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MrPorrito has been banned for cheating.

I'm going to reformat that spreadsheet later today and keep it up-to-date with new players that I ban, just so we have a central record.
is it true that peppy appear invisible while he is spectating player?
If someone answered that it wouldn't be invisible now,right? lol
I'm posting for MrPorrito

Hello, I'm MrPorrito, and I would like to start apologizing for what have I done.

I did something really bad, cheated in Osu!. I use the program: Cheat Engine 5.4 to modified the score. I just did it to try out if it could work, but not cheat to be in every song number one. I would like to apologize again and again, because i did something really undignified. I will wait paciently for an awnser, and I hope that this can be solved in a better way. Thank you for reading me.

Sincerely, MrPorrito.

He's not a bad guy, he didn't in bad way ^^
About the FL scores , i did one this week on [Hard] ..

Hidden + FL top 1 , i just lost it? .. it doesn't make much sense i've never cheated and i know cuz someone told me just now that ppy erased all the FL scores in this week , but scores like mine doesn't deserve it .. idk if there is a way to recover the score , if not bleh .. i'll try to get it again when FL comes back.
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sorry for Spam
i wish Flashlight mod will be back
thats my only hope to get rank 1 in a song (cuz i liked hidden and flashlight)
DJ Angel
man, a real proudly player of osu don't cheat, quit being a noob and start playing as a real man does, if you have your proud, stop hacking, soon or later you will be discovered

great work finding hackers peppy and baning them, those losers have to be punished some way :/

(btw, another day a guy entered with many ip's and he was advertising a site where there was a fl hack, i dont remember the site since i didn't even clicked on it, but if that its a true hack, problably more hacker will come :/)
I'm pretty sure peppy gave up caring but IF YOU DON'T HAVE ANYTHING IMPORTANT TO SAY, DON'T SPEAK.

Also you fail at logic. Cheating on osu doesn't make you a noob, it makes you a cheater. Noobs think they can do it by themselves and are not excepting of help to better themselves. Newbies are and want help when the game doesn't provide it. And the only people who ever care about cheaters make me sick. It's peppy's responsibility to crack down on ways to ruin the game but this is PC Gaming at its finest. Nothing bt the few and proud players surrounded by nothing but over competitive, jerky, STFGs who care not of fun but one upping someone in the rank above them. What happened to being able to play Takedan on a computer.

I'm going to take this ruined, now useless thread of my email reply list.
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And I think I'm going to lock it :).
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