
Osu Random Map Generator

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I have started a new project. It is pretty simple and ugly until now, but if you like it, I will develop it further.

It just searches the Osu-Beatmap page and will open a random ranked Beatmap.

You can download it here.

Version 0.1 Update


Just hit the "Start Search" button. The counter will start going up. If "Auto-open UR"L ist enabled, the beatmap page will open as soon as it has found a map. Usually, this is under 500.

If "Auto-open URL" is disabled, you will see that it has found a Beatmap when the "Start Search" button is clickable again and the counter stops. If you want to see your newly-generated Beatmap, you have to press the "Open" button.

You can adjust the rating-slider as you wish. If you set it to 90, only Beatmaps with a rating of above 90% will be generated. Setting filters can, however, increase the searching time.

If I develop this further, filters like Taiko, duration, upload-date and so on will be added. I am always open for suggestions.


  1. Made it impossible to click "Open" if no Beatmap is found.
  2. Added difficulty-slider

Source Code:

gonna take a close look

but thanks for your hard work. :)
I don't get how it works. I press Start Search and there are numbers increasing by one, after of this I press Stop and nothing happens. (Auto Open URL is enabled). Since nothing happens I press Open and the program stops working.
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You have to wait until it finds something, can take a bit (until number is at about 500). As I wrote, it is not really beatuiful until now :)

If it finds something and auto-open is disabled, the counter will stop and then you can press open.
O I see. Good job ;)
I think you should write a little tutorial for others :p
I actually really like this. It helps finding random maps whilst at the same time is quite simple. The time taken to find a URL can be annoying, but due to the very little amount of memory it takes to run, I find that (Because I play with browser open in the background) I can play easily with this open without any lag spikes which means I can play a map it gave me before whilst it searches for another. Nice, simple but does what it says <3
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Version 0.1 Update


  1. Made it impossible to click "Open" if no Beatmap is found.
  2. Added difficulty-slider
where is the source code?
Can you upload it to Github?

deathkid535 wrote:

Version 0.1 Update


  1. Made it impossible to click "Open" if no Beatmap is found.
  2. Added difficulty-slider
Just wondering, would it be possible to code in a difficulty slider for other modes (For example, if a 5 star map converts to 3 stars in Catch The Beat, would you be able to make it so you could change mode to CtB and get that map?) Not asking for something that specifically only gives you maps of certain modes, by the way.
Oh, nice project!

>_> I thought it was a literal random map generator, having a bot create maps for you to play
Topic Starter

ErunamoJAZZ wrote:

where is the source code?
Can you upload it to Github?
It is up, look into the description :)

- Magic Bomb - wrote:

Just wondering, would it be possible to code in a difficulty slider for other modes (For example, if a 5 star map converts to 3 stars in Catch The Beat, would you be able to make it so you could change mode to CtB and get that map?) Not asking for something that specifically only gives you maps of certain modes, by the way.
Can you send me a link to a map where this is the case?

Kitsunex wrote:

>_> I thought it was a literal random map generator, having a bot create maps for you to play
Interesting thougt, should maybe rename it :oops:

deathkid535 wrote:

- Magic Bomb - wrote:

Just wondering, would it be possible to code in a difficulty slider for other modes (For example, if a 5 star map converts to 3 stars in Catch The Beat, would you be able to make it so you could change mode to CtB and get that map?) Not asking for something that specifically only gives you maps of certain modes, by the way.
Can you send me a link to a map where this is the case? This, for example, not quite that strong but it's 4.11 stars in ctb, but 5.43 stars in standard.
From what I can tell, it looks like this finds a random map by generating random urls until it finds a valid one. Wouldn't a better idea be to use the beatmap packs? You could generate a number from 1 (or whatever you want your lower bound to be) up to the latest beatmap pack, then generate another random number to select a beatmap from the selected pack. Of course, you would have to figure out how many maps are in the pack you selected since each pack has a different number of beatmaps included.

Not only would this reduce the time spent looking for a map, you would also be able to find mode-specific maps (although you would miss maps with multiple modes).

Still is a relatively useful tool, though.
Will there be an online version unless its already online...
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