
Free-For-All osu! Tournament 7k-25k [Finished]

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Topic Starter

Weeblings of old and of young ages; welcome to the Free-For-All osu! Tournament!
This tournament isn't actually free for all, but we're bad with names so this is what we're going with.
This will start on the 5th of August 2017 and should be over by approximately the 20th of August.

We currently have 32/32 players registered.
Accepting backup signups. 11/16

Good luck to all players!
Sheet of accepted players

1st place : 2 months of supporter
2nd place : 1 month of supporter
Everyone else : better luck next time

This is a free for all tournament, Head to head, Score V2, point system tournament.
An osu!standard tournament that is open to all countries globally.
The maximum number of players we will accept is 32. Player entry is on a first-come-first-serve basis.
The rank limit, you must be within the time of registration to be accepted, is #7,000 to #25,000. We will update the rank limit once the registration ends, but you need to be within the limit until it ends, not just at the time of registration. 500 ranks over and 2000 under is still acceptable (#6500 - #27000). If you fail to do so, you will be disqualified.
Players will be seeded randomly.
There will be a new mappool for every round. Maps star rating will largely depend on your progress in the tournament (roughly starting at 4.9 stars, to 5.8 stars max.) We will specify which mappool to use when in the general spreadsheet.
Schedules will be done for each group of players separately, but everyone will play on the same weekend.
We’ll try to stream everything. No promises though. Twitch link is provided at the important links above.
ALL announcements will be made on the Discord server, so we highly advise for you to check frequently for updates happening. EVERYTHING will be posted in the discord, tournament-wise, and nowhere else. Find the link for the server in the important links section above.
We have the option to refuse players who have suspicious account details. Some suspicious accounts may include(s): newly created account with awkwardly high pp growth, weirdly spaced pp plays, and/or accounts with restricted/banned status. We will check player profiles constantly.
All other questions will always refer here as a guide, or ask one of the admins in the Discord server, if you believe the question hasn't been answered or is unclear.
Tournament structure
This tournament is a 1v1 free for all Tournament. How does that work, you ask? Here, let me explain.
Who will play who will be decided by the way of a live drawing on our Twitch channel. There will be 4 groups with 8 people in each, selected randomly.
All matches will include a referee and they will lead the match. In the match itself, all players should be present at the same time.
All 8 players will roll and the highest and the lowest roll can pick 1 warmup each. There will be no banning. After warmups, highest roll picks a map and picking proceeds via host rotation system. Each player picks only 1 map in a game.
The map is played out and points are given out corresponding to the placement of players at the end of the map.

1st place = 8 points
2nd place = 6 points
3rd place = 5 points
4th place = 4 points
5th place = 3 points
6th place = 2 points
7th place = 1 point
8th place = 0 points

After points are allocated, host rotates and the next player picks a map. After each player has picked a map and that map has been played, the match is over.
Points from all maps are calculated for each player and the 4 players that have the highest amount of points proceed to the next round.

In the case of a point tie for the 4th place (4th and 5th place have the same amount of points), a random map from the mappool that hasn't been picked yet is selected and the winner of the map proceeds to the next round.
Match structure
The tournament matches will ALL include referees. The referees will create the rooms and invite the player they are assigned to. The players must join the room at the appointed time and play out their match. The referee will post the result with the multiplayer link in the #results channel in the Discord server.

1. Referee creates and sets up the room appropriately
2. Players join and !roll for points
3. Highest !roll selects first warmup
4. Lowest !roll selects second warmup
5. Highest !roll picks first map
6. Players pick maps until everyone has picked 1 map
7. 4 players with the highest amount of points proceed to the next round
14.7.2017 Start of registration
28.7.2017 15:00 UTC End of registration
29.7.2017 16:00 UTC Live drawings
5.8.2017 & 6.8.2017 Round 1
12.8.2017 & 13.8.2017 Semifinals
19.8.2017 Finals

All matches will be played during the weekends, so make sure that you’re available.
There will be 3 mappools. Each round gets a new mappool.
The mappools will be made out of 5 No Mods, 3 HD's, 3 HR's, 3 DT's and 3 FM's. There is no Tiebreaker because we'll be using a point system.
Free Mod is a forced mod, forcing every player to use at least one mod. Acceptable mods are HD, HR, FL and EZ.

First mappool will be announed after the live drawings. (29.7.2017)
How to sign up
To sign up, you MUST understand how the tourney works and abide by its rules. Due to the nature of this tournament, rescheduling will be virtually impossible. All matches will be played from 12:00 - 18:00 UTC; we will let the groups decide via a group vote on their times. After reading all of that up there, you must understand what you're getting into and being prepared to dedicate yourself to it.
To sign up, fill out this form with your information and comment below with it.
Rank #

[b]I understand that I will be able to attend all match times, with little to no rescheduling. I also understand that I must join the discord server and rename to my osu! username in order for my registration to be accepted.[/b]
Unless these conditions are met, your registration will NOT be succesful.

This is an example of how your registration should look like:


I understand that I will be able to attend all match times, with little to no rescheduling. I also understand that I must join the discord server and rename to my osu! username in order for my registration to be accepted.
For any and all questions, you can shoot them at me or the moderators on the Discord server.
Topic Starter
Thank you to all the players that showed up for the games and all the staff that helped this tournament come to life.
These were the final standings:

1st OzzyOzborne
2nd LordRayy
3rd NikolasM2453

4th -[ThemaleoN]-
5th [Lucky]
6th Alvin03690 and TheIceButton
8th Irishy

Congratulations once again!
Rank 14698

I understand that I will be able to attend all match times, with little to no rescheduling. I also understand that I must join the discord server and rename to my osu! username in order for my registration to be accepted.
tfw Redavor planned an idea for one day and did it right
edit: Please read the match structure and tournament structure carefully!
Topic Starter

Misery wrote:

tfw Redavor planned an idea for one day and did it right
edit: Please read the match structure and tournament structure carefully!
What can I say, I do shit on impulse

I understand that I will be able to attend all match times, with little to no rescheduling. I also understand that I must join the discord server and rename to my osu! username in order for my registration to be accepted.
Rank #22341

I understand that I will be able to attend all match times, with little to no rescheduling. I also understand that I must join the discord server and rename to my osu! username in order for my registration to be accepted.
Rank #7,698
United Kingdom

I understand that I will be able to attend all match times, with little to no rescheduling. I also understand that I must join the discord server and rename to my osu! username in order for my registration to be accepted.
just right after I get past rank 7k
im getting meme'd FeelsBadMan
Rank #11888
Rank #21917

I understand that I will be able to attend all match times, with little to no rescheduling. I also understand that I must join the discord server and rename to my osu! username in order for my registration to be accepted.
Rank #10,102

I understand that I will be able to attend all match times, with little to no rescheduling. I also understand that I must join the discord server and rename to my osu! username in order for my registration to be accepted.
Meow Mix
Redavor the living meme


Misery wrote:

edit: Please read the match structure and tournament structure carefully!
Topic Starter

Meow-Mix wrote:

Redavor the living meme
Damn right

I understand that I will be able to attend all match times, with little to no rescheduling. I also understand that I must join the discord server and rename to my osu! username in order for my registration to be accepted.

I understand that I will be able to attend all match times, with little to no rescheduling. I also understand that I must join the discord server and rename to my osu! username in order for my registration to be accepted.

I understand that I will be able to attend all match times, with little to no rescheduling. I also understand that I must join the discord server and rename to my osu! username in order for my registration to be accepted.

Honestly im just here to snipe Meow-Mix
Rank #14,933

I understand that I will be able to attend all match times, with little to no rescheduling. I also understand that I must join the discord server and rename to my osu! username in order for my registration to be accepted.
Rank #11,421

I understand that I will be able to attend all match times, with little to no rescheduling. I also understand that I must join the discord server and rename to my osu! username in order for my registration to be accepted.
extend rank limit to 1000 plz thanks
I don't want to register anymore. :)
nevermind i cant make it LUL

Niegth wrote:

StephOsu wrote:

just right after I get past rank 7k
im getting meme'd FeelsBadMan
You can still register it's up to 6.5k ^^
if you say so
tho im pretty sure what they meant is that you must be within 7k during registration but gonna test out my luck anyways

Rank #6852

I understand that I will be able to attend all match times, with little to no rescheduling. I also understand that I must join the discord server and rename to my osu! username in order for my registration to be accepted.[/quote]
Rank #7,977

I understand that I will be able to attend all match times, with little to no rescheduling. I also understand that I must join the discord server and rename to my osu! username in order for my registration to be accepted.
[ M e a k u ]
[ M e a k u ]
Rank #11,382

Red tournament hype!!
Rank #14,753

I understand that I will be able to attend all match times, with little to no rescheduling. I also understand that I must join the discord server and rename to my osu! username in order for my registration to be accepted.
Rank #11054

I understand that I will be able to attend all match times, with little to no rescheduling. I also understand that I must join the discord server and rename to my osu! username in order for my registration to be accepted.
Rank #9800

I understand that I will be able to attend all match times, with little to no rescheduling. I also understand that I must join the discord server and rename to my osu! username in order for my registration to be accepted.

let me play daddy even if it is you hosting
Rank #14410

I understand that I will be able to attend all forks, with little to no potatoes. I also understand that Donald Trump must join the discord server and eat my osu! username in order for my execution to be accepted.
[ How To Acc ]
Rank 25k#

I understand that I will be able to attend all match times, with little to no rescheduling. I also understand that I must join the discord server and rename to my osu! username in order for my registration to be accepted.
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