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Joe Castle
HI! you requested mods a while ago on #modreqs, so im here to see if i can help you with your map!
lets see what you have


1. I think the backgroud youre using isnt that... safe for work... since the situation occuring there looks... sexual, so i recommend changing it (the girl is thicc tho)

1. 00:04:284 (2) - move the last gray dot to x:176-y:212, it will flow a bit better?

2. 00:15:512 (4) - move the last gray dot to x:160-y:176, the transition from there to 00:16:916 (1) will look a bit better

3. 00:16:916 (1,2,3) - grab this part and move it to x:224-y:288, it will make that the first slider would flow better with the slider at 00:15:512 (4)

1. 00:24:284 (4,1) - my only problema in this diff is that the sliders looks too close of the circle, making it look kinda weird... there is a way to fix that?

1. 00:09:547 (4) - move this slider to around x:485-y:256 (or a similar location), so it will make 00:09:021 (3,4) look better

2. 00:12:705 (1,2) - move this to x:173-y:232 (or a similar location), it will make 00:12:354 (4,1,2) flow better

3. 00:46:565 (4,5,6) - make some equal spacing between this objects, because 00:47:442 (6) doesnt flow that good with 00:46:565 (4)

4. 00:58:144 (6) - rotate this slider -2° (minus two degrees) and move it to x:462-y:39 (or a similar location), this will make that 00:57:617 (5,6) would flow better

1. 00:12:705 (1,2,3,4) - the circles doesnt flow that good like that... try doing something else, like this?

2. 00:48:495 (3,4) - it could look cool if the slider "4" goes down instead of going up like this?

00:07:266 (2) - をx:212 y:180に 00:07:441 (3) - をx:213 y:314にすれば見栄え良くなると思う
00:12:705 (1) - x:194 y:282に置いてみてはどうでしょ 00:12:880 (2,3,4) - と直線になぞっているので00:12:705 (1,2) - の角度が鈍角気味だとFlowが悪くなってると思ったので
00:15:512 (1,2,3,4) - 線対称意識してみてはどうでしょ
00:40:600 (4) -  これの位置 00:39:723 (3,1) - これと同じような位置関係でもいいと思った x:99 y:294に来るのかな
00:41:477 (1,2,3,4,1) - これ正五角形にしたらどうでしょ
01:05:161 (2,2) - 微妙にスタックしてない 
01:07:091 (5,6,7,8,1) - x:432 y:161から連打置いたら綺麗になりそう(ひし形つくりたい)
01:08:319 (3,4) - これフォローポイントずれてるのが気になった ちょっとずらして同一直線上にしてみては?
01:13:758 (1,2,3) - フォローポイントの向きとスライダーの向きが気になった
01:23:758 - ここと 01:24:109 - にx:290 y165あたりにスタックさせて置いてみてはどうでしょ


Topic Starter

Scaltinof wrote:


00:07:266 (2) - をx:212 y:180に 00:07:441 (3) - をx:213 y:314にすれば見栄え良くなると思う 2と3真縦になっちゃうし俺はあんまり好きじゃないかも
00:12:705 (1) - x:194 y:282に置いてみてはどうでしょ 00:12:880 (2,3,4) - と直線になぞっているので00:12:705 (1,2) - の角度が鈍角気味だとFlowが悪くなってると思ったので それだと4から1の流れがよくないし見た目的にも今のままがいいかなー
00:15:512 (1,2,3,4) - 線対称意識してみてはどうでしょ 00:16:038 (4,5,6,1) - これの4のケツからのひし形が崩れるのと00:17:266 (4) - のスタックもあるのでそこは変えたくないかな
00:40:600 (4) -  これの位置 00:39:723 (3,1) - これと同じような位置関係でもいいと思った x:99 y:294に来るのかな 静かなパートに入るから狭くしてるのと00:40:600 (4,5) - の流れ的に離したくないかも
00:41:477 (1,2,3,4,1) - これ正五角形にしたらどうでしょ おk
01:05:161 (2,2) - 微妙にスタックしてない いぇあ
01:07:091 (5,6,7,8,1) - x:432 y:161から連打置いたら綺麗になりそう(ひし形つくりたい) 座標違うけど直した
01:08:319 (3,4) - これフォローポイントずれてるのが気になった ちょっとずらして同一直線上にしてみては? おーけー
01:13:758 (1,2,3) - フォローポイントの向きとスライダーの向きが気になった  これは単純に気に入ってるからきーぷで
01:23:758 - ここと 01:24:109 - にx:290 y165あたりにスタックさせて置いてみてはどうでしょ ここも気に入ってるからno changeかなー


Topic Starter

Joe Castle wrote:

HI! you requested mods a while ago on #modreqs, so im here to see if i can help you with your map!
lets see what you have


1. I think the backgroud youre using isnt that... safe for work... since the situation occuring there looks... sexual, so i recommend changing it (the girl is thicc tho)

1. 00:04:284 (2) - move the last gray dot to x:176-y:212, it will flow a bit better? no change

2. 00:15:512 (4) - move the last gray dot to x:160-y:176, the transition from there to 00:16:916 (1) will look a bit better no change

3. 00:16:916 (1,2,3) - grab this part and move it to x:224-y:288, it will make that the first slider would flow better with the slider at 00:15:512 (4) ok-

1. 00:24:284 (4,1) - my only problema in this diff is that the sliders looks too close of the circle, making it look kinda weird... there is a way to fix that? fixed

1. 00:09:547 (4) - move this slider to around x:485-y:256 (or a similar location), so it will make 00:09:021 (3,4) look better

2. 00:12:705 (1,2) - move this to x:173-y:232 (or a similar location), it will make 00:12:354 (4,1,2) flow better

3. 00:46:565 (4,5,6) - make some equal spacing between this objects, because 00:47:442 (6) doesnt flow that good with 00:46:565 (4)

4. 00:58:144 (6) - rotate this slider -2° (minus two degrees) and move it to x:462-y:39 (or a similar location), this will make that 00:57:617 (5,6) would flow better 1~4 not better

1. 00:12:705 (1,2,3,4) - the circles doesnt flow that good like that... try doing something else, like this? bad shape and bad flow

2. 00:48:495 (3,4) - it could look cool if the slider "4" goes down instead of going up like this? no change
A s h e m u
Hello From #Modreqs わーい!日本語でMODできる!! 失礼しました(._.)



  1. 00:27:793 (3) - rip DS きっと誰かしらに突っ込まれると思うので要確認です :)
  2. 00:35:161 (5) - ^ こっちは見逃されるかも…?
  3. 00:14:810 (2,3) - 音的には 00:08:495 (1,2) - や 00:11:302 (5,6) - との差異はないと思うのでスライダーに変更した方が一貫性を保てると思いました
  4. 00:40:775 (4) - スライダーの終点が 00:42:179 (1) - のラインにわずかに被っているところが個人的には見た目の良さを損ねていると感じました。


  1. 00:30:249 - 不要な緑線でしょうか?削除しておいた方がいいと思われます
  2. 00:30:951 ~ 00:42:003 - このタイムライン上のSVがx1.2であるのは疑問に感じました。おそらく曲の構成としては 00:19:723 ~ 00:42:179 - はAメロ、Bメロであり、大きな変化は見られないと思うので、SVはx1.2 or x1.0に統一するべきであると私は提案します \o/ できればx.1.0が好ましいかと
  3. 01:07:442 (1,2) - ここだけボーカル主体の音取りから少し抜けてるのが勿体無いと感じたのでこちら 00:56:214 (1,2,3) - と音取りを同じにした方がリズムパターンが安定すると思います :3
  4. 01:11:652 (4) - 個人的にはここにNCがあるとパターンの区分が明確になるのでNC追加した方が良いと思いました \o/
  5. 01:13:056 (8) - くっそ細やかな調整の提案ですが、x:71|y:189 にしてみてはいかがでしょうか? 直前のスライダーの流れに沿って真っ直ぐな位置に置かれているようになって見栄えが今よりも改善されると思います :)
  6. 01:14:459 (2) - ここもNCですかね?スライダーの速さが変わるという差を視覚的に明らかにする為にもNCがあるべきかなーと imo
  7. 01:17:266 (5) - FinishあるしNC? ビート的にはあってもいいかと

    個人的にはNormal DiffにおいてはSVx1.00で通して作ってしまった方が無難ではないかと考えました
    (全リメイクなんてくっそ大変だと思うので次回のマッピングのときにでも役に立ててくだされば… ;w;)


  1. 00:13:758 (4) - nazi DS ?
  2. 00:24:459 (2) - ^
  3. 00:32:354 (4) - ^
    他にもいくつかあったので統一するようであれば一貫して整えてあげたほうがいいと思います :3
  4. 00:30:951 ~ 00:39:021 - NormalDiffで指摘のポイントとなった【Aメロパート】とNCのパターンは統一した方がいいと思います。
  5. 00:40:775 (5) - このスライダーから強いボーカルが始まっているので音の弱い00:41:302 (1) - からNCを移動させた方がリズムに忠実だと思います。
    PS:ついでにblanket修正もしましょう :)
  6. 01:02:354 (2) - ここは綺麗にblanketしてあげた方がいいと思います
  7. 01:22:880 (4) - Ctrl+Gしてx:5|y:356とかどうでしょう?あと個人的には距離的にNCを削除してAIMしやすさを重視した方がいいかと!



  1. 00:18:319 (1,2,3,4) - Ctrl+Dで5角形のテンプレ出して直前のスライダーを起点にした配置がより綺麗に見えるかなーと
    一応参考になるように座標置いときます :D
    00:18:319 (1) - x:318|y:304
    00:18:493 (2) - x:141|y:166
    00:18:670 (3) - x:365|y:174
    00:18:845 (4) - x:180|y:300
  2. 00:32:266 (6) - Aメロとリズムパターンの一貫性を保つためにこのCircleを削除した方が良いと思いました。
  3. 00:58:844 (5) - 個人的にめちゃくちゃ不安になるOverrapだったので 00:59:898 (3) - にStackさせてあげると少し落ち着くと思います
  4. 01:22:880 (3) - Insaneなので音取りは最後までしっかり拾ってあげたほうがいいと思いました。
    私なら同じボーカルパターンの01:20:073 (2,3,4) - を使って下記のようなパターンにすると思います :)

私は月火ちゃん派です いいケツしてるので頂きます!!!!!!

Short mod because I'm lazy =w=

  1. 00:02:880 (1) - Remove whistle from end?
  2. 00:07:091 (5) - I think it might sound better with finish hitsound at the end. If you change it, also do the same for other diffs.
  3. 00:15:512 (4,1) - Flow here feels bad in my opinion, because of how (1) doesn't follow from (4). I think something like this would feel better: Also, it feels strange to have the rhythm gap between (4,1) because (4) doesn't end on a significant note. So, I would actually recommend using this rhythm instead, if you can find good placement for it:
  4. 00:24:986 - It would be nice to have a circle here too, for rhythmic consistency.
  5. 00:49:196 (2) - Drum clap on end would sound good.
  1. 00:02:880 (1) - Remove whistle from end for consistency with 00:04:284 (3,1)
  2. 00:49:898 (6) - Has stronger impact at 00:50:600 if you change to this rhythm:
  3. 00:57:617 (1) - Whistle on head.
  1. 00:58:144 (6,7,8) - I think it would feel more comfortable to play if the movement between the objects is rounder (less linear):
  2. 01:22:880 (1) - Maybe try this instead?
  1. 00:13:758 (5,6) - I think it would be better to make the distance spacing a bit smaller here, so the player won't confuse 1/2 beat with 1/4 beat: (See that (5,6) is closer than (4,5).)
  2. 00:43:582 (1,2,3,4,5) - I don't really like how this pattern plays. I would suggest rotating 00:44:109 (3) like this:
Topic Starter

A s h e m u wrote:

Hello From #Modreqs わーい!日本語でMODできる!! 失礼しました(._.)



  1. 00:27:793 (3) - rip DS きっと誰かしらに突っ込まれると思うので要確認です :)
  2. 00:35:161 (5) - ^ こっちは見逃されるかも…?
  3. 00:14:810 (2,3) - 音的には 00:08:495 (1,2) - や 00:11:302 (5,6) - との差異はないと思うのでスライダーに変更した方が一貫性を保てると思いました
  4. 00:40:775 (4) - スライダーの終点が 00:42:179 (1) - のラインにわずかに被っているところが個人的には見た目の良さを損ねていると感じました。


  1. 00:30:249 - 不要な緑線でしょうか?削除しておいた方がいいと思われます
  2. 00:30:951 ~ 00:42:003 - このタイムライン上のSVがx1.2であるのは疑問に感じました。おそらく曲の構成としては 00:19:723 ~ 00:42:179 - はAメロ、Bメロであり、大きな変化は見られないと思うので、SVはx1.2 or x1.0に統一するべきであると私は提案します \o/ できればx.1.0が好ましいかと
  3. 01:07:442 (1,2) - ここだけボーカル主体の音取りから少し抜けてるのが勿体無いと感じたのでこちら 00:56:214 (1,2,3) - と音取りを同じにした方がリズムパターンが安定すると思います :3
  4. 01:11:652 (4) - 個人的にはここにNCがあるとパターンの区分が明確になるのでNC追加した方が良いと思いました \o/
  5. 01:13:056 (8) - くっそ細やかな調整の提案ですが、x:71|y:189 にしてみてはいかがでしょうか? 直前のスライダーの流れに沿って真っ直ぐな位置に置かれているようになって見栄えが今よりも改善されると思います :)
  6. 01:14:459 (2) - ここもNCですかね?スライダーの速さが変わるという差を視覚的に明らかにする為にもNCがあるべきかなーと imo
  7. 01:17:266 (5) - FinishあるしNC? ビート的にはあってもいいかと

    個人的にはNormal DiffにおいてはSVx1.00で通して作ってしまった方が無難ではないかと考えました
    (全リメイクなんてくっそ大変だと思うので次回のマッピングのときにでも役に立ててくだされば… ;w;)


  1. 00:13:758 (4) - nazi DS ?
  2. 00:24:459 (2) - ^
  3. 00:32:354 (4) - ^
    他にもいくつかあったので統一するようであれば一貫して整えてあげたほうがいいと思います :3
  4. 00:30:951 ~ 00:39:021 - NormalDiffで指摘のポイントとなった【Aメロパート】とNCのパターンは統一した方がいいと思います。
  5. 00:40:775 (5) - このスライダーから強いボーカルが始まっているので音の弱い00:41:302 (1) - からNCを移動させた方がリズムに忠実だと思います。
    PS:ついでにblanket修正もしましょう :)
  6. 01:02:354 (2) - ここは綺麗にblanketしてあげた方がいいと思います
  7. 01:22:880 (4) - Ctrl+Gしてx:5|y:356とかどうでしょう?あと個人的には距離的にNCを削除してAIMしやすさを重視した方がいいかと!



  1. 00:18:319 (1,2,3,4) - Ctrl+Dで5角形のテンプレ出して直前のスライダーを起点にした配置がより綺麗に見えるかなーと
    一応参考になるように座標置いときます :D
    00:18:319 (1) - x:318|y:304
    00:18:493 (2) - x:141|y:166
    00:18:670 (3) - x:365|y:174
    00:18:845 (4) - x:180|y:300
  2. 00:32:266 (6) - Aメロとリズムパターンの一貫性を保つためにこのCircleを削除した方が良いと思いました。
  3. 00:58:844 (5) - 個人的にめちゃくちゃ不安になるOverrapだったので 00:59:898 (3) - にStackさせてあげると少し落ち着くと思います
  4. 01:22:880 (3) - Insaneなので音取りは最後までしっかり拾ってあげたほうがいいと思いました。
    私なら同じボーカルパターンの01:20:073 (2,3,4) - を使って下記のようなパターンにすると思います :)

私は月火ちゃん派です いいケツしてるので頂きます!!!!!!

全部直しましたー!直ってないとこあったら教えてください >:(

Topic Starter

All fixed! nice modding :)
  1. 00:04:284 (1,2) - and 00:02:880 (1,2) - should be the same
  2. 00:51:828 (5) - missing new combo?
  3. 00:52:354 (6,7,8) - rhythm is weird here, 00:52:530 - this should be a stronger beat than 00:52:354 - this one so maybe try to use a slider here
  4. 01:15:775 (6) - this circle is unnecessary, also i think 01:15:512 (5) - it should be circles because of the drums
  5. 01:18:495 (4,5) - the last jump should be bigger to fit the music here?
  6. 01:20:073 (2,3) - 01:20:951 (4,1) - make the spacing different because it confuses players
  7. 01:25:688 - end spinner here
  1. 00:27:793 (4,1) - manually change the spacing, at least make it harder than 00:27:266 (3,4) - this
  2. 00:52:354 (5,6,7) - same with Insane diff
  1. 01:15:512 (3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - put some 1/1 sliders here, there are too many 1/2 sliders in a row
  1. 00:07:091 (5,1) - should be avoided in the lowest diff because the spacing is the same with 00:06:389 (4,5) - this one, try to increase the spacing
Topic Starter

Karen wrote:

  1. 00:04:284 (1,2) - and 00:02:880 (1,2) - should be the same
  2. 00:51:828 (5) - missing new combo?
  3. 00:52:354 (6,7,8) - rhythm is weird here, 00:52:530 - this should be a stronger beat than 00:52:354 - this one so maybe try to use a slider here
  4. 01:15:775 (6) - this circle is unnecessary, also i think 01:15:512 (5) - it should be circles because of the drums
  5. 01:18:495 (4,5) - the last jump should be bigger to fit the music here? I think that it is necessary to enlarge because the song is exciting.
  6. 01:20:073 (2,3) - 01:20:951 (4,1) - make the spacing different because it confuses players
  7. 01:25:688 - end spinner here
  1. 00:27:793 (4,1) - manually change the spacing, at least make it harder than 00:27:266 (3,4) - this
  2. 00:52:354 (5,6,7) - same with Insane diff
  1. 01:15:512 (3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - put some 1/1 sliders here, there are too many 1/2 sliders in a row
  1. 00:07:091 (5,1) - should be avoided in the lowest diff because the spacing is the same with 00:06:389 (4,5) - this one, try to increase the spacing
no reply = fixed

Karen arigato~~~ :)
random check because i love monogatari~

  1. Inconsistent combo colour: You are using the same colour scheme but different contrast/concentration etc. combo colour in your own diff must be consistent
  2. I don't know if you are intended to use S sample but the default sliderslide doesn't fit with the song well. you may want to change those S to S:C1
  1. Easy diff should avoid overlapping objects as stated in the new Ranking Criteria:
    Avoid overlapping circles, slider heads, and slider tails. These can be confusing for new players.
    1/1 overlaps due to distance snapping should be avoided with higher spacing or slider velocity.
    Objects should not overlaps especially when it happens due to the low spacing usage (in the entire diff), so you should use spacing ~1.1x - 1.2x
  2. 00:11:302 (5) - Missing NC
  3. 01:10:600 (4) - ^
  1. 00:29:547 (3) - Flip it horizontally? (ctrl+h), so that it won't overlap with 00:30:951 (1)
  2. 00:44:986 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6) - Try to leave a 1/1 interval to give a short break for players, right now the combo is too long. For example you can replace 00:46:389 (3) into a 1/2 slider and a note on 00:46:916
  3. 01:00:424 (4) - 01:06:214 (4) - 01:08:845 (4) - Missing NC since you add NC every downbeat in kiai
  4. 01:13:056 (5) - Fix the ds between 01:12:705 (4,5) (1.11x)
  5. 01:13:758 (1,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - Same reason as 00:44:986 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6)
  1. 00:21:126 (4) - 00:57:617 (5) - Missing NC
  2. Nice diff!
  1. 00:13:758 (5,1) - Could increase since 00:14:109 (1) is a downbeat which needs emphasize
  2. 01:18:670 (5,1) - The transition after previous jump isn't well made, you can replace this reverse slider with the following rhythm so that density of rhythm doesn't drop that much

sorry but I have to pop the bubble due to the bolded issues, I hope you understand
the easy diff may need to rework a bit to fix the distance
but don't worry, once you fixed the above issues you can find karen to rebubble and I can qualify it :)
Topic Starter

arigato~ :) :)
Topic Starter

Chaoslitz wrote:

random check because i love monogatari~

  1. Inconsistent combo colour: You are using the same colour scheme but different contrast/concentration etc. combo colour in your own diff must be consistent
  2. I don't know if you are intended to use S sample but the default sliderslide doesn't fit with the song well. you may want to change those S to S:C1
    no problem
  1. Easy diff should avoid overlapping objects as stated in the new Ranking Criteria:
    Avoid overlapping circles, slider heads, and slider tails. These can be confusing for new players.
    1/1 overlaps due to distance snapping should be avoided with higher spacing or slider velocity.
    Objects should not overlaps especially when it happens due to the low spacing usage (in the entire diff), so you should use spacing ~1.1x - 1.2x
  2. 00:11:302 (5) - Missing NC
  3. 01:10:600 (4) - ^
  1. 00:29:547 (3) - Flip it horizontally? (ctrl+h), so that it won't overlap with 00:30:951 (1)
  2. 00:44:986 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6) - Try to leave a 1/1 interval to give a short break for players, right now the combo is too long. For example you can replace 00:46:389 (3) into a 1/2 slider and a note on 00:46:916
  3. 01:00:424 (4) - 01:06:214 (4) - 01:08:845 (4) - Missing NC since you add NC every downbeat in kiai
  4. 01:13:056 (5) - Fix the ds between 01:12:705 (4,5) (1.11x)
  5. 01:13:758 (1,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - Same reason as 00:44:986 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6)
  1. 00:21:126 (4) - 00:57:617 (5) - Missing NC
  2. Nice diff!
  1. 00:13:758 (5,1) - Could increase since 00:14:109 (1) is a downbeat which needs emphasize
    Keep . because i want to emphasize the flow
  2. 01:18:670 (5,1) - The transition after previous jump isn't well made, you can replace this reverse slider with the following rhythm so that density of rhythm doesn't drop that much

sorry but I have to pop the bubble due to the bolded issues, I hope you understand
the easy diff may need to rework a bit to fix the distance
but don't worry, once you fixed the above issues you can find karen to rebubble and I can qualify it :)
no reply = fixed

thx mod~!

  1. 00:23:933 (5) - this is offscreened D:
  2. You forgot to add NCs on 00:11:302 (5) and 01:10:600 (4) ;x

call karen to rebubble and I can qualify it after 24 hrs :)
Topic Starter

all fixed!
00:22:530 (4,5) - DS?

01:14:459 (2,3) - I think this rhythm would be better . It would map the major sound at 01:14:986 and avoid using the same rhythm as the next section 01:15:863 (1)
Topic Starter

Kisses wrote:

00:22:530 (4,5) - DS? ok

01:14:459 (2,3) - I think this rhythm would be better . It would map the major sound at 01:14:986 and avoid using the same rhythm as the next section 01:15:863 (1) It is different from the proposal, but it was fixed.
re 8-)
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thx karen~ :)
still waiting for owarimonogatari 2nd season

gratz for the first qualified map~
omedeto~ (๑•ᴗ•)
Topic Starter
thanks for karen and chaoslitz!!!!
おめでと〜 :)
おめでとん :)
Topic Starter
最初のqual map おめでよう~

Little wrote:

omedeto~ (๑•ᴗ•)

the future looks bright
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