
ELISA - Real Force (TV Size) [OsuMania]

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owo) mod
2017-06-09 20:18 ChochoaLatte-: mz afif bisa mod map ku?
2017-06-09 20:18 - AfifAkilie -: boleh boleh
2017-06-09 20:18 - AfifAkilie -: tau aja lagi nganggur wkwk
2017-06-09 20:18 ChochoaLatte-: wokeh xD
2017-06-09 20:18 ChochoaLatte-: ACTION is listening to [ ELISA - Real Force (TV Size)]
2017-06-09 20:18 ChochoaLatte-: wkwko
2017-06-09 20:19 - AfifAkilie -: ACTION is editing [ ELISA - Real Force (TV Size) [Hard]]
2017-06-09 20:19 - AfifAkilie -: di ingame aja yak wkwk
2017-06-09 20:19 ChochoaLatte-: iya
2017-06-09 20:20 - AfifAkilie -: 00:05:032 - add di 1 soalnya ada suara
2017-06-09 20:21 - AfifAkilie -: 00:04:854 - add 1
2017-06-09 20:21 - AfifAkilie -: 00:05:032 - add 3
2017-06-09 20:22 - AfifAkilie -: 00:08:872 - add
2017-06-09 20:23 ChochoaLatte-: 00:05:032 - add 3? col 3 kh mksudnya
2017-06-09 20:24 - AfifAkilie -: iya
2017-06-09 20:24 ChochoaLatte-: oke sip
2017-06-09 20:27 - AfifAkilie -: 00:38:157 - add, ada suara snare
2017-06-09 20:27 - AfifAkilie -: 00:42:443 - add
2017-06-09 20:27 ChochoaLatte-: oki
2017-06-09 20:29 - AfifAkilie -: 00:48:961 - add 4
2017-06-09 20:29 - AfifAkilie -: 00:50:300 - add
2017-06-09 20:30 - AfifAkilie -: 00:53:693 - 00:53:872 - 00:54:586 - add
2017-06-09 20:31 - AfifAkilie -: 00:58:336 - 00:58:514 - add
2017-06-09 20:32 - AfifAkilie -: 01:00:032 - add double?
2017-06-09 20:33 ChochoaLatte-: 00:53:693 - yg ini ttp aj gk dnger soalnya ane|00:53:872 - added|00:54:586 - added
2017-06-09 20:34 - AfifAkilie -: ada sih suara hihat tapi kecil
2017-06-09 20:34 ChochoaLatte-: 01:00:032 - ok atasnya brrti del 1 ya
2017-06-09 20:34 - AfifAkilie -: tapi kalau gamau ngikutin ya gamasalah sih wkwk
2017-06-09 20:34 - AfifAkilie -: iya itu del 1
2017-06-09 20:34 ChochoaLatte-: iya wkwk
2017-06-09 20:34 - AfifAkilie -: ini juga berarti 00:59:497 -
2017-06-09 20:35 ChochoaLatte-: ok
2017-06-09 20:36 - AfifAkilie -: 01:04:497 (64497|1,64586|2) - ghost note ?
2017-06-09 20:36 - AfifAkilie -: 01:05:925 (65925|2,66014|0) - ^ ?
2017-06-09 20:36 ChochoaLatte-: ah iya wkwk
2017-06-09 20:37 - AfifAkilie -: 01:07:264 - add 1
2017-06-09 20:39 ChochoaLatte-: ok
2017-06-09 20:40 - AfifAkilie -: ini snare drumnya di kiai 1 double, tapi di kiai ke 2 triple maunya gimana :'v
2017-06-09 20:41 ChochoaLatte-: eh iya
2017-06-09 20:41 ChochoaLatte-: khilaf saia wkwk
2017-06-09 20:41 - AfifAkilie -: wkwk
2017-06-09 20:41 - AfifAkilie -: 01:13:693 - add 1
2017-06-09 20:42 ChochoaLatte-: kke
2017-06-09 20:43 - AfifAkilie -: 01:23:068 - add3
2017-06-09 20:44 ChochoaLatte-: oh iya
2017-06-09 20:45 - AfifAkilie -: 00:55:211 - ganti dari note biasa ke LN?
2017-06-09 20:46 ChochoaLatte-: iya
2017-06-09 20:48 - AfifAkilie -: 01:11:461 - add
2017-06-09 20:48 - AfifAkilie -: 01:12:354 - add
2017-06-09 20:48 - AfifAkilie -: 01:14:050 - ghost note?
2017-06-09 20:49 - AfifAkilie -: 01:14:229 - ^?
2017-06-09 20:50 - AfifAkilie -: 00:06:282 - add
2017-06-09 20:51 ChochoaLatte-: all apply
2017-06-09 20:53 - AfifAkilie -: 01:11:461 (71461|1) - LN nya ngikutin apa ? :o del aja mungkin
2017-06-09 20:54 - AfifAkilie -: nvm ada ternyata
2017-06-09 20:54 - AfifAkilie -: udah kayanya itu aja sih xd, tinggal konsistensi nya aja wkwk xD
2017-06-09 20:55 ChochoaLatte-: wkwk
2017-06-09 20:55 ChochoaLatte-: ty fif poskan aj
2017-06-09 20:55 - AfifAkilie -: oke

celembu wrote:

 celembu: oki
celembu: mir itu modnya gimana :v
celembu: skrg apa ntar?
ChochoaLatte-: wait bu
ChochoaLatte-: mw re check sma reyzra
celembu: kay
ChochoaLatte-: mulai aj bu skrng
celembu: okok
celembu: 00:13:247 (13247|3) -
celembu: kalo gitu gmn patternnya mir :v
celembu: biar gk flat
ChochoaLatte-: wait inet lelet gambarnya load wkwk
celembu: :v
ChochoaLatte-: gk deh kyaknya krna ni diff msih hard gk enak klo trllu bnyak variasi
celembu: ok dh
celembu: hmm
celembu: ln disini kerasa kosong
celembu: 00:16:104 -
celembu: klo ditambahin note kyk gini gmn
ChochoaLatte-: gk bu wkwk itu ln khusus piano aj krna klo dtmbah jdi mirip insane :'v
celembu: owh okok
celembu: sek tak cri lg tar
ChochoaLatte-: ok2
celembu: 00:49:497 -
celembu: tambahin 1 note menurut ane
celembu: 00:50:032 - di tarik stairs sampe ke LN
ChochoaLatte-: 00:49:497 - oki added
celembu: 00:51:729 - add note
celembu: 00:51:729 - add note uga
celembu: :v
ChochoaLatte-: ty udh ngingetin 00:50:032 - tpi startnya dimari mnurut ane |00:49:854 -
celembu: w8 tak cek
celembu: ini ujan deres :v
celembu: suaranya ga ngebeat ga terlalu kdngran
ChochoaLatte-: dngernya pkek rate 75% jelas
celembu: oh ia keanya bnr dr situ
celembu: klo gt gmn?
ChochoaLatte-: gk bu itu suaranya cuma 1/4
ChochoaLatte-: 00:51:729 - added
celembu: 01:00:568 -
celembu: disini yg pertama 2-1-2 tp atasnya 1-1-2
celembu: knp ga disamain aja 2-1-2 atau 1-1-2
ChochoaLatte-: ada suara disitu dan lbih keras dibanding |01:00:925 - ini dan |01:01:282 - ini
celembu: hmm iy jg
celembu: gk kdngran wkwk
ChochoaLatte-: wkwk klo ragu dngerin pkek rate 50% psti kdengeran
celembu: gi ujan soalnya ketutupan suaranya kalo tipis bedanya
celembu: hs perlu jg kah?
celembu: 00:06:461 - yg tripletnya disini kyknya pke clap bagus
ChochoaLatte-: ntr itu msih diskusi sma reyzra
celembu: owh
celembu: klo pndpt ane dr situ sampe sini 00:07:354 -
celembu: pake clap mayan :v
ChochoaLatte-: ntr ku tnya dell
celembu: okok
celembu: 00:27:175 - disni stairsnya clap uga bagus keanya kalo mw dicatet :v
ChochoaLatte-: itu aj kh modsnya?
celembu: hmm smntr itu dlu dh
ChochoaLatte-: ok gk cek skalian easy?
celembu: ho oh ini lg mw cek yg easy :v
celembu: ane dl ulang dlu deh
celembu: tadi kyknya ke otak atik
celembu: 00:01:282 - note awal easy mungkin lbh bagus 1note aja
ChochoaLatte-: jdi lnya 00:01:282 - dihapus?
celembu: mnurut ane yg note kecilnya aja, lnnya biarin
ChochoaLatte-: hmm keanya biarin aj krna awal gitarnya tuh nyaring bet
celembu: bingung ane ngemod easy :v
celembu: 00:50:389 -
celembu: easy bukannya ga boleh sampe 3 note?
ChochoaLatte-: dua itu wkwka
celembu: 1nya lepas ln
celembu: gk kesusahan wat easy?
ChochoaLatte-: oh iya lupa
ChochoaLatte-: srry2 bru ngeh gw
celembu: :v
celembu: 00:50:389 - mngkin disini boleh tambah 1note
ChochoaLatte-: wktu liat bgian atas bru ane ngeh klo gk konsisten
celembu: wkwkw
celembu: 01:10:389 - disni juga ada 2note+lepas ln
ChochoaLatte-: lah dtmbah?
celembu: mksdnya kurangin 1 note
ChochoaLatte-: iya udh tdi
celembu: 01:10:389 - 01:16:104 -
celembu: salah :v
ChochoaLatte-: 01:10:389 - ok del
celembu: yg 104 uga sama kyk 389
ChochoaLatte-: iya udah tdi ane fix
celembu: mngkin itu aja deh :v
ChochoaLatte-: ok , kau post aj di trit
Topic Starter
Himari Kino

celembu wrote:

celembu wrote:

 celembu: oki
celembu: mir itu modnya gimana :v
celembu: skrg apa ntar?
ChochoaLatte-: wait bu
ChochoaLatte-: mw re check sma reyzra
celembu: kay
ChochoaLatte-: mulai aj bu skrng
celembu: okok
celembu: 00:13:247 (13247|3) -
celembu: kalo gitu gmn patternnya mir :v
celembu: biar gk flat
ChochoaLatte-: wait inet lelet gambarnya load wkwk
celembu: :v
ChochoaLatte-: gk deh kyaknya krna ni diff msih hard gk enak klo trllu bnyak variasi
celembu: ok dh
celembu: hmm
celembu: ln disini kerasa kosong
celembu: 00:16:104 -
celembu: klo ditambahin note kyk gini gmn
ChochoaLatte-: gk bu wkwk itu ln khusus piano aj krna klo dtmbah jdi mirip insane :'v
celembu: owh okok
celembu: sek tak cri lg tar
ChochoaLatte-: ok2
celembu: 00:49:497 -
celembu: tambahin 1 note menurut ane
celembu: 00:50:032 - di tarik stairs sampe ke LN
ChochoaLatte-: 00:49:497 - oki added
celembu: 00:51:729 - add note
celembu: 00:51:729 - add note uga
celembu: :v
ChochoaLatte-: ty udh ngingetin 00:50:032 - tpi startnya dimari mnurut ane |00:49:854 -
celembu: w8 tak cek
celembu: ini ujan deres :v
celembu: suaranya ga ngebeat ga terlalu kdngran
ChochoaLatte-: dngernya pkek rate 75% jelas
celembu: oh ia keanya bnr dr situ
celembu: klo gt gmn?
ChochoaLatte-: gk bu itu suaranya cuma 1/4
ChochoaLatte-: 00:51:729 - added
celembu: 01:00:568 -
celembu: disini yg pertama 2-1-2 tp atasnya 1-1-2
celembu: knp ga disamain aja 2-1-2 atau 1-1-2
ChochoaLatte-: ada suara disitu dan lbih keras dibanding |01:00:925 - ini dan |01:01:282 - ini
celembu: hmm iy jg
celembu: gk kdngran wkwk
ChochoaLatte-: wkwk klo ragu dngerin pkek rate 50% psti kdengeran
celembu: gi ujan soalnya ketutupan suaranya kalo tipis bedanya
celembu: hs perlu jg kah?
celembu: 00:06:461 - yg tripletnya disini kyknya pke clap bagus
ChochoaLatte-: ntr itu msih diskusi sma reyzra
celembu: owh
celembu: klo pndpt ane dr situ sampe sini 00:07:354 -
celembu: pake clap mayan :v
ChochoaLatte-: ntr ku tnya dell
celembu: okok
celembu: 00:27:175 - disni stairsnya clap uga bagus keanya kalo mw dicatet :v
ChochoaLatte-: itu aj kh modsnya?
celembu: hmm smntr itu dlu dh
ChochoaLatte-: ok gk cek skalian easy?
celembu: ho oh ini lg mw cek yg easy :v
celembu: ane dl ulang dlu deh
celembu: tadi kyknya ke otak atik
celembu: 00:01:282 - note awal easy mungkin lbh bagus 1note aja
ChochoaLatte-: jdi lnya 00:01:282 - dihapus?
celembu: mnurut ane yg note kecilnya aja, lnnya biarin
ChochoaLatte-: hmm keanya biarin aj krna awal gitarnya tuh nyaring bet
celembu: bingung ane ngemod easy :v
celembu: 00:50:389 -
celembu: easy bukannya ga boleh sampe 3 note?
ChochoaLatte-: dua itu wkwka
celembu: 1nya lepas ln
celembu: gk kesusahan wat easy?
ChochoaLatte-: oh iya lupa
ChochoaLatte-: srry2 bru ngeh gw
celembu: :v
celembu: 00:50:389 - mngkin disini boleh tambah 1note
ChochoaLatte-: wktu liat bgian atas bru ane ngeh klo gk konsisten
celembu: wkwkw
celembu: 01:10:389 - disni juga ada 2note+lepas ln
ChochoaLatte-: lah dtmbah?
celembu: mksdnya kurangin 1 note
ChochoaLatte-: iya udh tdi
celembu: 01:10:389 - 01:16:104 -
celembu: salah :v
ChochoaLatte-: 01:10:389 - ok del
celembu: yg 104 uga sama kyk 389
ChochoaLatte-: iya udah tdi ane fix
celembu: mngkin itu aja deh :v
ChochoaLatte-: ok , kau post aj di trit

- AfifAkilie - wrote:

owo) mod
2017-06-09 20:18 ChochoaLatte-: mz afif bisa mod map ku?
2017-06-09 20:18 - AfifAkilie -: boleh boleh
2017-06-09 20:18 - AfifAkilie -: tau aja lagi nganggur wkwk
2017-06-09 20:18 ChochoaLatte-: wokeh xD
2017-06-09 20:18 ChochoaLatte-: ACTION is listening to [ ELISA - Real Force (TV Size)]
2017-06-09 20:18 ChochoaLatte-: wkwko
2017-06-09 20:19 - AfifAkilie -: ACTION is editing [ ELISA - Real Force (TV Size) [Hard]]
2017-06-09 20:19 - AfifAkilie -: di ingame aja yak wkwk
2017-06-09 20:19 ChochoaLatte-: iya
2017-06-09 20:20 - AfifAkilie -: 00:05:032 - add di 1 soalnya ada suara
2017-06-09 20:21 - AfifAkilie -: 00:04:854 - add 1
2017-06-09 20:21 - AfifAkilie -: 00:05:032 - add 3
2017-06-09 20:22 - AfifAkilie -: 00:08:872 - add
2017-06-09 20:23 ChochoaLatte-: 00:05:032 - add 3? col 3 kh mksudnya
2017-06-09 20:24 - AfifAkilie -: iya
2017-06-09 20:24 ChochoaLatte-: oke sip
2017-06-09 20:27 - AfifAkilie -: 00:38:157 - add, ada suara snare
2017-06-09 20:27 - AfifAkilie -: 00:42:443 - add
2017-06-09 20:27 ChochoaLatte-: oki
2017-06-09 20:29 - AfifAkilie -: 00:48:961 - add 4
2017-06-09 20:29 - AfifAkilie -: 00:50:300 - add
2017-06-09 20:30 - AfifAkilie -: 00:53:693 - 00:53:872 - 00:54:586 - add
2017-06-09 20:31 - AfifAkilie -: 00:58:336 - 00:58:514 - add
2017-06-09 20:32 - AfifAkilie -: 01:00:032 - add double?
2017-06-09 20:33 ChochoaLatte-: 00:53:693 - yg ini ttp aj gk dnger soalnya ane|00:53:872 - added|00:54:586 - added
2017-06-09 20:34 - AfifAkilie -: ada sih suara hihat tapi kecil
2017-06-09 20:34 ChochoaLatte-: 01:00:032 - ok atasnya brrti del 1 ya
2017-06-09 20:34 - AfifAkilie -: tapi kalau gamau ngikutin ya gamasalah sih wkwk
2017-06-09 20:34 - AfifAkilie -: iya itu del 1
2017-06-09 20:34 ChochoaLatte-: iya wkwk
2017-06-09 20:34 - AfifAkilie -: ini juga berarti 00:59:497 -
2017-06-09 20:35 ChochoaLatte-: ok
2017-06-09 20:36 - AfifAkilie -: 01:04:497 (64497|1,64586|2) - ghost note ?
2017-06-09 20:36 - AfifAkilie -: 01:05:925 (65925|2,66014|0) - ^ ?
2017-06-09 20:36 ChochoaLatte-: ah iya wkwk
2017-06-09 20:37 - AfifAkilie -: 01:07:264 - add 1
2017-06-09 20:39 ChochoaLatte-: ok
2017-06-09 20:40 - AfifAkilie -: ini snare drumnya di kiai 1 double, tapi di kiai ke 2 triple maunya gimana :'v
2017-06-09 20:41 ChochoaLatte-: eh iya
2017-06-09 20:41 ChochoaLatte-: khilaf saia wkwk
2017-06-09 20:41 - AfifAkilie -: wkwk
2017-06-09 20:41 - AfifAkilie -: 01:13:693 - add 1
2017-06-09 20:42 ChochoaLatte-: kke
2017-06-09 20:43 - AfifAkilie -: 01:23:068 - add3
2017-06-09 20:44 ChochoaLatte-: oh iya
2017-06-09 20:45 - AfifAkilie -: 00:55:211 - ganti dari note biasa ke LN?
2017-06-09 20:46 ChochoaLatte-: iya
2017-06-09 20:48 - AfifAkilie -: 01:11:461 - add
2017-06-09 20:48 - AfifAkilie -: 01:12:354 - add
2017-06-09 20:48 - AfifAkilie -: 01:14:050 - ghost note?
2017-06-09 20:49 - AfifAkilie -: 01:14:229 - ^?
2017-06-09 20:50 - AfifAkilie -: 00:06:282 - add
2017-06-09 20:51 ChochoaLatte-: all apply
2017-06-09 20:53 - AfifAkilie -: 01:11:461 (71461|1) - LN nya ngikutin apa ? :o del aja mungkin
2017-06-09 20:54 - AfifAkilie -: nvm ada ternyata
2017-06-09 20:54 - AfifAkilie -: udah kayanya itu aja sih xd, tinggal konsistensi nya aja wkwk xD
2017-06-09 20:55 ChochoaLatte-: wkwk
2017-06-09 20:55 ChochoaLatte-: ty fif poskan aj
2017-06-09 20:55 - AfifAkilie -: oke
Thanks for mods :D
NM req from imtdb1's modding queue
00:16:997 (16997|1) - imo that note in uneccesary there and it should be removed. Imo its pretty weird when playing because you can bearly hear any sound there
00:18:425 (18425|3) - ^
00:23:068 - meybe place a note here to follow vocals?
00:24:318 - ^
00:25:568 (25568|2) - move to 00:25:747
00:30:389 - meybe make a double note chord here?
00:51:104 (51104|1) - I have no idea why that LN is there but if you wanted to follow vocals move it to 00:50:925
Reyzra's Normal
00:16:104 - I think its the best that you follow Vocals here without single notes because the main thing that you hear there is vocals
Dont have anymore time
I'll meybe come tommorow to mod the rest
Good Luck! :)
Topic Starter
Himari Kino

imtdb1 wrote:

NM req from imtdb1's modding queue
00:16:997 (16997|1) - imo that note in uneccesary there and it should be removed. Imo its pretty weird when playing because you can bearly hear any sound there - | no
00:18:425 (18425|3) - ^ | nono
00:23:068 - meybe place a note here to follow vocals? | ok
00:24:318 - ^ | owo
00:25:568 (25568|2) - move to 00:25:747 | no , but i'll add note here 00:25:747
00:30:389 - meybe make a double note chord here? | yup
00:51:104 (51104|1) - I have no idea why that LN is there but if you wanted to follow vocals move it to 00:50:925 | my mistakes -_- delete ln

Dont have anymore time
I'll meybe come tommorow to mod the rest
Good Luck! :) Thanks you for Mods :D
Hi, NM req through PM

  1. 00:15:568 (15568|0) - Move to col 2, the pitch is different from 00:14:854 (14854|0) -
  2. 00:23:068 (23068|0) - Move to 00:22:889 -
  3. 00:59:854 (59854|0) - I think it should be at 00:59:675 -
  4. 01:15:747 (75747|0) - This sound starts at 01:15:389 -

  1. 00:02:354 (2354|1) - The sounds actually starts at 00:02:443 - , I can't hear anything on red line
  2. 00:16:461 (16461|2,16818|2,16997|2,17354|2) - This jack is too hard for Normal, I can't get any meaning from it, sounds are different, try to break them same as the other jacks
  3. 00:23:068 (23068|2) - This note should be at 00:22:889 - , apply to the other jacks
  4. 00:33:068 (33068|1) - Remove this note, for the same sound you hadn't put anything
  5. 01:24:139 (84139|1,84139|0,84318|1,84318|0,84497|1,84497|0) - Ehh... Pleace break it
  6. There are a lot of note placement issue that I haven't pointed out, pleace do a self-mod

  1. 00:02:354 (2354|3) - The sound starts at 00:02:443 -
  2. 00:10:389 - You can use triple here for the crash
  3. 00:37:532 - ^
  4. 00:38:961 - ^
  5. 00:47:354 - Remove a note, there isn't any drum beat
  6. 00:52:889 - Add a note
  7. 01:24:675 (84675|1) - Move to col 3 for better hand balance
That's it

Good luck!
Modding queue stuff :)


Hitsound check: Is there meant to be a soft-hitfinish in the folder? (Not that it's needed, but I want to check)

That's about it I guess.

0|1|2|3 (because that's how they appear pasted from the editor)

There's just something about the doubles feeling a little bit sporadic and perhaps a little random at times. May also be a difficulty progression issue between Easy and Normal.

  1. 00:01:282 (1282|3,1282|2,1818|0) - I reckon the double would be better on the second note rather than the first (since it's the first beat of the measure)
  2. 00:23:068 (23068|0) - I have no idea why imtdb1 told you to do this (we will be having words probably lol), but I'm thinking this note could be better 1/2 beat later, for pattern consistency.
  3. 00:25:747 (25747|0) - Would move this 1/2 beat later (like in the Normal diff)
  4. 00:30:389 (30389|2,30389|3) - Not quite sure why this is a double. (imtdb grr this creates a pattern inconsistency)
  5. 00:38:247 (38247|3) - I would finish this at 00:38:604
  6. 00:38:961 (38961|0) - This needs a double imo
  7. 00:43:604 (43604|1,44318|2) - These need doubles for pattern consistency.
  8. 00:44:675 (44675|0) - This LN confuses me since it doesn't appear to be mapped to anything in particular. I'd just carry on with the pattern you were using beforehand.
  9. 00:50:389 (50389|0) - Needs a double (since there's a crash there)
  10. 00:51:461 (51461|2) - Double (the pattern in the kiai needs correcting since doubles appear in some odd places)
  11. 00:52:532 (52532|3) - I'd remove this.
  12. 00:52:889 (52889|0) - Double
  13. 00:53:961 (53961|0) - Remove
  14. 00:54:318 (54318|2) - Double
  15. 00:55:389 (55389|3) - Remove
  16. 00:55:747 (55747|1) - Double
  17. 01:00:211 (60211|1,60389|2) - I would remove these two since they come across as being a little too awkward.
  18. 01:01:818 (61818|1) - Needs a double imo
  19. 01:12:889 (72889|3,73604|3) - Should these be doubles?
  20. 01:19:318 (79318|1) - Double for consistency
  21. 01:20:747 (80747|1,81461|0) - These need doubles (first one for consistency, second because there's a finish)

This honestly completely confuses me. There is a section in here that is easier than in the Easy diff! What's up with that? There's quite a few issues with this map, which I'll just outline. (Otherwise I'd just be telling you how to map it and I might as well do a GD if that were the case.)

  1. Hand balance: Try and keep the balance between hands relatively even, as to avoid it being too awkward.
    00:06:550 (6550|2,6818|2,7086|2,7264|2,7532|2) - Puts too much strain in RH
    00:37:979 (37979|2,38068|3,38157|2,38247|3,38336|2) - A lot of strain in RH
    00:58:425 (58425|3,58604|3,58782|3,58961|3) - Avoid stacks like this
  2. Ghost notes: Be careful about putting notes where there actually isn't anything in the audio.
    00:10:479 (10479|0,10568|2,10657|3,10747|1,10836|0,10925|2,11014|1,11104|3,11193|0,11282|1,11372|3,11461|2,11550|0,11639|1,11729|3) - You can't cover this up by putting hitsounds on it, you know.
    01:19:050 (79050|2,79139|1,79229|0,79318|3,79407|2,79497|1,79586|0,79675|1,79764|2,79854|1,79943|0,80032|1,80122|2,80211|3,80300|2) - Same here.
    00:33:068 (33068|1,33157|2) - These also feel like ghost notes.
  3. Undermapping: At this difficulty, undermapping shouldn't be an issue really.
    00:16:104 (16104|0,17532|3,18068|0,18604|1,18961|0,18961|2,20389|1,20925|3) - Layer what happens in Easy on top of this or something along those lines.
  4. Patterns: Things need to be consistent within a phrase. (I've spoken roughly about this in the Easy mod)
    00:42:889 (42889|3,43068|3) - If you're going to use column stacks make sure there's more than one.
  5. 00:01:818 - Put an LN in col 1 until 00:02:354
  6. 01:10:300 (70300|0) - Would probably remove this for playability
Apologies for the bizarre layout but I don't think I could express it in any other way.

Hope this helps and best of luck! :)
Topic Starter
Himari Kino

dkingo wrote:

Hi, NM req through PM

  1. 00:15:568 (15568|0) - Move to col 2, the pitch is different from 00:14:854 (14854|0) - yaps
  2. 00:23:068 (23068|0) - Move to 00:22:889 - ok
  3. 00:59:854 (59854|0) - I think it should be at 00:59:675 - i'll repair that
  4. 01:15:747 (75747|0) - This sound starts at 01:15:389 - yaps

  1. 00:02:354 (2354|3) - The sound starts at 00:02:443 - okay
  2. 00:10:389 - You can use triple here for the crash yup
  3. 00:37:532 - ^ ok
  4. 00:38:961 - ^ owo
  5. 00:47:354 - Remove a note, there isn't any drum beat yeah you're right -_-
  6. 00:52:889 - Add a note done
  7. 01:24:675 (84675|1) - Move to col 3 for better hand balance okey
That's it

Good luck! Thanks for Mods :) , Sorry i dn't have any experience in mapping :cry:

Asherz007 wrote:

Modding queue stuff :)


Hitsound check: Is there meant to be a soft-hitfinish in the folder? (Not that it's needed, but I want to check) i'll talk about it with Reyzra...

That's about it I guess.

0|1|2|3 (because that's how they appear pasted from the editor)

There's just something about the doubles feeling a little bit sporadic and perhaps a little random at times. May also be a difficulty progression issue between Easy and Normal.

  1. 00:01:282 (1282|3,1282|2,1818|0) - I reckon the double would be better on the second note rather than the first (since it's the first beat of the measure) well
  2. 00:23:068 (23068|0) - I have no idea why imtdb1 told you to do this (we will be having words probably lol), but I'm thinking this note could be better 1/2 beat later, for pattern consistency.when im testing it im feel so weird hmm ok
  3. 00:25:747 (25747|0) - Would move this 1/2 beat later (like in the Normal diff) ok
  4. 00:30:389 (30389|2,30389|3) - Not quite sure why this is a double. (imtdb grr this creates a pattern inconsistency) wops
  5. 00:38:247 (38247|3) - I would finish this at 00:38:604 nice
  6. 00:38:961 (38961|0) - This needs a double imo owo
  7. 00:43:604 (43604|1,44318|2) - These need doubles for pattern consistency. yeah
  8. 00:44:675 (44675|0) - This LN confuses me since it doesn't appear to be mapped to anything in particular. I'd just carry on with the pattern you were using beforehand. haha sorry xD
  9. 00:50:389 (50389|0) - Needs a double (since there's a crash there) kk
  10. 00:51:461 (51461|2) - Double (the pattern in the kiai needs correcting since doubles appear in some odd places) well first i dn't want icon change to blue xD but yeah
  11. 00:52:532 (52532|3) - I'd remove this. w
  12. 00:52:889 (52889|0) - Double w
  13. 00:53:961 (53961|0) - Remove w
  14. 00:54:318 (54318|2) - Double w
  15. 00:55:389 (55389|3) - Remove w
  16. 00:55:747 (55747|1) - Double w
  17. 01:00:211 (60211|1,60389|2) - I would remove these two since they come across as being a little too awkward. ln/note but i think u mean is note xD*maybe
  18. 01:01:818 (61818|1) - Needs a double imo yeah wwwww
  19. 01:12:889 (72889|3,73604|3) - Should these be doubles? hmm if someone notice again about that i'll change it
  20. 01:19:318 (79318|1) - Double for consistency www
  21. 01:20:747 (80747|1,81461|0) - These need doubles (first one for consistency, second because there's a finish) okay

This honestly completely confuses me. There is a section in here that is easier than in the Easy diff! What's up with that? There's quite a few issues with this map, which I'll just outline. (Otherwise I'd just be telling you how to map it and I might as well do a GD if that were the case.)

  1. Hand balance: Try and keep the balance between hands relatively even, as to avoid it being too awkward.
    00:06:550 (6550|2,6818|2,7086|2,7264|2,7532|2) - Puts too much strain in RH re arranged
    00:37:979 (37979|2,38068|3,38157|2,38247|3,38336|2) - A lot of strain in RH ok
    00:58:425 (58425|3,58604|3,58782|3,58961|3) - Avoid stacks like this yeah
  2. Ghost notes: Be careful about putting notes where there actually isn't anything in the audio.
    00:10:479 (10479|0,10568|2,10657|3,10747|1,10836|0,10925|2,11014|1,11104|3,11193|0,11282|1,11372|3,11461|2,11550|0,11639|1,11729|3) - You can't cover this up by putting hitsounds on it, you know. yeah -_-
    01:19:050 (79050|2,79139|1,79229|0,79318|3,79407|2,79497|1,79586|0,79675|1,79764|2,79854|1,79943|0,80032|1,80122|2,80211|3,80300|2) - Same here. i'll remake that :cry:
    00:33:068 (33068|1,33157|2) - These also feel like ghost notes. no
  3. Undermapping: At this difficulty, undermapping shouldn't be an issue really. well if u say dat :P
    00:16:104 (16104|0,17532|3,18068|0,18604|1,18961|0,18961|2,20389|1,20925|3) - Layer what happens in Easy on top of this or something along those lines. ok
  4. Patterns: Things need to be consistent within a phrase. (I've spoken roughly about this in the Easy mod)
    00:42:889 (42889|3,43068|3) - If you're going to use column stacks make sure there's more than one. hmmm
  5. 00:01:818 - Put an LN in col 1 until 00:02:354 ok
  6. 01:10:300 (70300|0) - Would probably remove this for playability cuz someone tell me to make that xD ok
Apologies for the bizarre layout but I don't think I could express it in any other way. it's okay from my mistakes i learned a lot. sorry im new mapper :cry: :cry: :cry:

Hope this helps and best of luck! :) Thanks you Ash :)
I'll ccheck another mods after my work is done orz

hi chochoa req via PM
maaf banget ya jika tidak sesuai harapan maklum noob '='
Hard only :(
00:41:104 (41104|0) - add di |1|
00:41:282 (41282|0) - geser ke |2|
00:51:461 (51461|2) - add di |3|
01:06:282 (66282|0,66282|2,66639|3,66639|2) - bisa kyk ngini? suka dikit LN
goodluck owo)
NM as requested
BG is bad, get a better res
audio is bad, try and get better quality

get a hitfinish hitsound

00:03:782 (3782|0) - This actually starts on the blue tick after the red one
00:03:247 (3247|1) - this shouldnt be so long
00:02:443 (2443|3,2889|2,3247|1) - missed pitch mapping opportunity
00:04:854 (4854|0,5032|2) - These two notes are weird because they map sounds that are equally as strong as unmapped sounds surrounding them. Why did you choose to map these two and none of the others? I get you dont want a LN + stream but it probably would've been better to just leave it empty
00:06:907 - sound you should map here because otherwise it's just an odd gap
00:07:443 - here as well. Alternative to having the stream could be only have notes on the strong kick+snare
00:08:068 (8068|2,8247|1,8425|3) - ♫ one of these things is not like the other ♫
00:18:247 (18247|1,19675|1) - Ghost notes
00:18:961 (18961|2,18961|0) - I'd rather you only have one LN for the "ki" and have the other one start for the "ga"
00:42:532 (42532|2) - this is a fun section
00:46:461 (46461|3) - so is this
00:53:247 (53247|1) - I'd ditch the long LNs, makes the chorus way too samey since they hog creativity space
second kiai gap is a bit odd
Topic Starter
Himari Kino
Will be gone idk how long .... but i"ll trying to check your mods sorry for that , sooooo busy irl :cry:
Illya X Ram Li
M4M req from Illya x Ram Li's Mania 4k modding queue [NM/M4M] [OPEN]
Maaf lama ea :<
kemaren lagi males modding + ngemap :D

1 | 2 | 3 | 4

00:02:443 (2443|3,2889|2,3247|0,3782|2,4318|1) - lebih pas kalo pake LN ya
00:06:282 (6282|3) - pindah ke 3
00:06:639 (6639|2) pindah ke 4 trus jadiin LN sampe 00:06:997 - \
00:06:997 (6997|3) - pindah ke 1
00:07:175 (7175|1) - pindah ke 3
00:38:782 - missing note ?
00:48:068 - tambah note di 3
01:23:068 (83068|2,83068|1) - hapus satu nnote biar konsisten sama 01:23:425 -
atau tambah 1 note di 01:23:425 - dan 01:23:782 -
00:05:211 - tambah note di 1
00:06:997 - >>
00:08:336 - tambah note di 3
00:09:764 - tambah note di 4
00:11:997 (11997|2) - pindah ke 1
00:12:175 (12175|0,12175|1) - pindah ke 2 dan 3
00:12:354 (12354|3,12443|2,12532|1) - ctrl+H
00:12:532 - tambah note di 1
00:12:711 (12711|3) - pindah ke 2
00:12:889 (12889|3,12889|2,13068|1,13247|2,13247|0,13425|3,13604|1,13604|2,13782|3,13872|2,13961|3,13961|1,14139|0) - ctrl+H
00:14:318 (14318|0) pindah ke 3
00:21:818 - tambah 1 note
00:55:389 - tambah 1 note
00:55:747 - ^
00:58:068 (58068|2) - pindah ke 4
00:58:247 (58247|3,58336|2,58425|1) - CTRL+J
00:58:514 (58514|3) - pindah ke 2
00:58:604 (58604|1,58604|2) - pinddah ke 3 dan 4
01:01:818 - tambah satu note buat symbal
01:15:389 - tambah LN ? w denger suara gitar disini

Good luck ea <3
Topic Starter
Himari Kino
Iya ku uga minta maaf gak bisa langsung check mods lagi sibuk gw :(

Thanks for mods :D
Illya X Ram Li

ChochoaLatte- wrote:

Iya ku uga minta maaf gak bisa langsung check mods lagi sibuk gw :(

Thanks for mods :D
Ok seep <3
Topic Starter
Himari Kino

ZcwX wrote:

hi chochoa req via PM
maaf banget ya jika tidak sesuai harapan maklum noob '=' pfft ngaku2 noob kau *fliptable
Hard only :(
00:41:104 (41104|0) - add di |1| ok
00:41:282 (41282|0) - geser ke |2| re-arranged
00:51:461 (51461|2) - add di |3| iye lupa :p
01:06:282 (66282|0,66282|2,66639|3,66639|2) - bisa kyk ngini? suka dikit LN Gak gak mau :v
goodluck owo)

Illya X Ram Li wrote:

M4M req from Illya x Ram Li's Mania 4k modding queue [NM/M4M] [OPEN]
Maaf lama ea :<
kemaren lagi males modding + ngemap :D walah ora popo :)

1 | 2 | 3 | 4

00:02:443 (2443|3,2889|2,3247|0,3782|2,4318|1) - lebih pas kalo pake LN ya gk ah susah xD
00:06:282 (6282|3) - pindah ke 3 bentrok sama ini >> 00:05:568 (5568|2) -
00:06:639 (6639|2) pindah ke 4 trus jadiin LN sampe 00:06:997 - \ no ln xD
00:06:997 (6997|3) - pindah ke 1 no
00:07:175 (7175|1) - pindah ke 3 ^
00:38:782 - missing note ? yeah
00:48:068 - tambah note di 3 oki
01:23:068 (83068|2,83068|1) - hapus satu nnote biar konsisten sama 01:23:425 -
atau tambah 1 note di 01:23:425 - dan 01:23:782 - hooh
00:05:211 - tambah note di 1 no
00:06:997 - >> ^
00:08:336 - tambah note di 3 ooo
00:09:764 - tambah note di 4 ??
00:11:997 (11997|2) - pindah ke 1 re-arranged
00:12:175 (12175|0,12175|1) - pindah ke 2 dan 3
00:12:354 (12354|3,12443|2,12532|1) - ctrl+H
00:12:532 - tambah note di 1
00:12:711 (12711|3) - pindah ke 2 same re-arranged
00:12:889 (12889|3,12889|2,13068|1,13247|2,13247|0,13425|3,13604|1,13604|2,13782|3,13872|2,13961|3,13961|1,14139|0) - ctrl+H
00:14:318 (14318|0) pindah ke 3
00:21:818 - tambah 1 note serem mas diff hard xD
00:55:389 - tambah 1 note ok
00:55:747 - ^
00:58:068 (58068|2) - pindah ke 4 rerere---
00:58:247 (58247|3,58336|2,58425|1) - CTRL+J nono
00:58:514 (58514|3) - pindah ke 2 no
00:58:604 (58604|1,58604|2) - pinddah ke 3 dan 4 no
01:01:818 - tambah satu note buat symbal ok
01:15:389 - tambah LN ? w denger suara gitar disini keep empty saja xD

Good luck ea <3
Thanks You <3

Litharrale wrote:

NM as requested
BG is bad, get a better res :(
audio is bad, try and get better quality :cry:

get a hitfinish hitsound ok ok xD

00:03:782 (3782|0) - This actually starts on the blue tick after the red one yeah
00:03:247 (3247|1) - this shouldnt be so long haha
00:02:443 (2443|3,2889|2,3247|1) - missed pitch mapping opportunity im so confusing :c
00:04:854 (4854|0,5032|2) - These two notes are weird because they map sounds that are equally as strong as unmapped sounds surrounding them. Why did you choose to map these two and none of the others? I get you dont want a LN + stream but it probably would've been better to just leave it empty well
00:06:907 - sound you should map here because otherwise it's just an odd gap hmmm
00:07:443 - here as well. Alternative to having the stream could be only have notes on the strong kick+snare
00:08:068 (8068|2,8247|1,8425|3) - ♫ one of these things is not like the other ♫ sorry T_T
00:18:247 (18247|1,19675|1) - Ghost notes oky
00:18:961 (18961|2,18961|0) - I'd rather you only have one LN for the "ki" and have the other one start for the "ga" well
00:42:532 (42532|2) - this is a fun section ??
00:46:461 (46461|3) - so is this ahhh
00:53:247 (53247|1) - I'd ditch the long LNs, makes the chorus way too samey since they hog creativity space ok got it
second kiai gap is a bit odd i'll check it again moar carefully :3 , Thanks Lith for star <3
Thanks You Guys

mod from modding q

  1. 00:02:432 (2432|3) - this LN should be started 00:02:343 - . In the same way, 00:01:807 (1807|0) - should be stopped 00:02:343 - too. (refer from 00:03:771 - )
  2. 00:27:521 (27521|0,27878|0,28236|0,28593|0) - Too heavy in this column, change a pattern to make it balance in this room.
  3. 00:38:950 (38950|1) - Move to 1 because 00:37:878 (37878|1,38057|1,38236|1,38414|1,38771|1,38950|1) - is too dense on this column. Then, change other note to make this balance
  4. 00:39:664 - and 00:41:093 - Why not doubled? like you did it on 00:42:521 - and other position. Make it doubled for consistency.
  5. 00:49:128 (49128|3,49128|2,49307|1,49307|0) - make this a single note because its sound isn't loud as 00:48:950 -. Like : then move 00:49:843 (49843|0) - to second column for balancing
  6. 00:55:200 (55200|1,55378|0,55557|2) - What this LN represent? I don't hear anything.
  7. 00:59:486 (59486|0) - Move to second column
  8. 01:00:200 - Make it doubled for consistency.
  9. 01:00:646 (60646|1) - I don't hear any sound here. remove it?
  10. 01:03:950 (63950|3,64128|2) - Again~ What this LN represent? maybe it is a violin sound at 01:04:307 - ?
  11. 01:11:450 (71450|1) - Maybe change it into normal note? LN didn't suit a clap sound here.
Overall of this map is not bad. Maybe you should focus on balancing and consistence of the pattern. Some LN isn't have any sound representing it, maybe you should remove it. That's it GL :D~
[ NumLock ]
Mod req from Modding Que'eue' Team

Format Column


Mod didalam :3


00:01:807 (1807|1,1807|0) - sengaja dua ? mending 1 aja soalnya easy
00:09:128 - saran aja coba ubah kek gini
00:10:736 (10736|3) - sama kayak di atas menghindari LN di bawah coba pindah ke col 2
00:11:450 (11450|2) - ini ke col 3
00:12:164 (12164|2) - ini ke col 2
00:12:521 (12521|2) - ini ke col 3
00:13:593 (13593|0) - ini ke col 2
00:14:843 (14843|0) - in ke col 1 itu saran aku kalo mw di acc yah bagus :D
00:37:878 - tambah note ada suara
00:48:771 - ^ sama tadi di col 2 isi
01:18:950 (78950|2) - pindah ke col 2
01:20:378 (80378|2,80378|3) - satu aja beda sama ini 01:20:736 (80736|1) - jgan di samain karena di atas nya lebih keras
01:21:807 (81807|3) - ^ sama tapi yang di atas lebih kecil jadi pake 1 note aja


00:17:164 - tambah note biar seimbang di col 2
00:39:664 - add note for drum
00:41:093 - ^
00:48:593 - add note di col 1
00:48:771 - add note di col 2

good luck owo :D sry masih newbie :3
Topic Starter
Himari Kino
Thanks for mods i'll check it later :)

PnX wrote:

mod from modding q

  1. 00:02:432 (2432|3) - this LN should be started 00:02:343 - . In the same way, 00:01:807 (1807|0) - should be stopped 00:02:343 - too. (refer from 00:03:771 - ) ah, i see
  2. 00:27:521 (27521|0,27878|0,28236|0,28593|0) - Too heavy in this column, change a pattern to make it balance in this room. done
  3. 00:38:950 (38950|1) - Move to 1 because 00:37:878 (37878|1,38057|1,38236|1,38414|1,38771|1,38950|1) - is too dense on this column. Then, change other note to make this balance ok
  4. 00:39:664 - and 00:41:093 - Why not doubled? like you did it on 00:42:521 - and other position. Make it doubled for consistency. yaps i missed that
  5. 00:49:128 (49128|3,49128|2,49307|1,49307|0) - make this a single note because its sound isn't loud as 00:48:950 -. Like : then move 00:49:843 (49843|0) - to second column for balancing yaps
  6. 00:55:200 (55200|1,55378|0,55557|2) - What this LN represent? I don't hear anything. opss
  7. 00:59:486 (59486|0) - Move to second column ok
  8. 01:00:200 - Make it doubled for consistency. ww
  9. 01:00:646 (60646|1) - I don't hear any sound here. remove it? listen with 50% rate
  10. 01:03:950 (63950|3,64128|2) - Again~ What this LN represent? maybe it is a violin sound at 01:04:307 - ? ww
  11. 01:11:450 (71450|1) - Maybe change it into normal note? LN didn't suit a clap sound here. keep
Overall of this map is not bad. Maybe you should focus on balancing and consistence of the pattern. Some LN isn't have any sound representing it, maybe you should remove it. That's it GL :D~ Thank you :D

[ NumLock ] wrote:

Mod req from Modding Que'eue' Team

Format Column


Mod didalam :3


00:01:807 (1807|1,1807|0) - sengaja dua ? mending 1 aja soalnya easy keep ada crash di situ
00:09:128 - saran aja coba ubah kek gini re arranged
00:10:736 (10736|3) - sama kayak di atas menghindari LN di bawah coba pindah ke col 2
00:11:450 (11450|2) - ini ke col 3
00:12:164 (12164|2) - ini ke col 2
00:12:521 (12521|2) - ini ke col 3
00:13:593 (13593|0) - ini ke col 2
00:14:843 (14843|0) - in ke col 1 itu saran aku kalo mw di acc yah bagus :D
00:37:878 - tambah note ada suara ok
00:48:771 - ^ sama tadi di col 2 isi ww
01:18:950 (78950|2) - pindah ke col 2 no
01:20:378 (80378|2,80378|3) - satu aja beda sama ini 01:20:736 (80736|1) - jgan di samain karena di atas nya lebih keras iya wkwk khilaf saya
01:21:807 (81807|3) - ^ sama tapi yang di atas lebih kecil jadi pake 1 note aja keep


00:17:164 - tambah note biar seimbang di col 2 jadi gak konsisten dengan diff lainnya. keep
00:39:664 - add note for drum done
00:41:093 - ^ www
00:48:593 - add note di col 1 keep
00:48:771 - add note di col 2 keep

good luck owo :D sry masih newbie :3 pfffffft , thanks for mods :D
No Reply = Applied *males ngetik ayyy


makasih m4mnya xd
fast mod

00:01:275 (1275|2) - hapus
00:27:882 - clap 2 note atau 1 dari sini sama dengan 00:39:311 -

00:33:240 - 00:34:668 - 00:36:097 - ln
00:49:490 (49490|3) - berhenti di 00:49:668 -
01:04:311 - tambah note

00:08:061 (8061|1,8240|3) - ctrl + j
00:09:132 (9132|3,9311|2) - ctrl + j
00:09:847 (9847|3,10025|0) - ctrl + j
00:17:347 - tambah note
00:24:132 (24132|2) - pindah ke 00:24:311 -
00:26:632 (26632|0,26632|2,26632|1,26990|2,26990|3,27168|0,27257|1,27347|2,27436|3,27525|1,27525|0,27704|2) - ctrl + h
00:35:561 (35561|3,35740|1) - swap
00:55:204 - tambah note
00:58:865 (58865|2) - hapus karena berat...
00:58:775 (58775|1,58865|2,58954|1) - kalau diatas gk dihapus ini ctrl + h karena jack di col 2
01:04:490 - kasih tangga
01:05:918 - ^
01:06:275 (66275|0,66632|0,66990|0) - ln

maaf sedikit... semoga memuaskan >.<)/
Topic Starter
Himari Kino

misternopal wrote:

yo! !oy

makasih m4mnya xd owo)9
fast mod

00:01:275 (1275|2) - hapus ok
00:27:882 - clap 2 note atau 1 dari sini sama dengan 00:39:311 - bingung pal ,gak konsisten kah maksud mu 00:27:882 - ini sama 00:39:311 - ini?

00:08:061 (8061|1,8240|3) - ctrl + j ngeh supaya gk monoton kan wkwk tytyty
00:09:132 (9132|3,9311|2) - ctrl + j
00:09:847 (9847|3,10025|0) - ctrl + j
00:17:347 - tambah note added
00:24:132 (24132|2) - pindah ke 00:24:311 - move
00:26:632 (26632|0,26632|2,26632|1,26990|2,26990|3,27168|0,27257|1,27347|2,27436|3,27525|1,27525|0,27704|2) - ctrl + h hoo
00:35:561 (35561|3,35740|1) - swap swap ama apa pal bingung saya xd
00:55:204 - tambah note oke agan
00:58:865 (58865|2) - hapus karena berat... akhirnya ada yg notice
00:58:775 (58775|1,58865|2,58954|1) - kalau diatas gk dihapus ini ctrl + h karena jack di col 2
01:04:490 - kasih tangga ghost note pal
01:05:918 - ^ ^
01:06:275 (66275|0,66632|0,66990|0) - ln www

maaf sedikit... semoga memuaskan >.<)/ Thanks for mods pal , Thanks uga bwt starnya />w<)/
pfft kirain tadi ada offset videonya wkwk


ChochoaLatte- wrote:

00:27:882 - clap 2 note atau 1 dari sini sama dengan 00:39:311 - bingung pal ,gak konsisten kah maksud mu 00:27:882 - ini sama 00:39:311 - ini? iya... karena jumlah note clapnya gk sama

00:35:561 (35561|3,35740|1) - swap swap ama apa pal bingung saya xd ih itu yg kepilih di swap DX

pfft kirain tadi ada offset videonya wkwk belum nonton videonya aku, jadi gk tau ._. tapi kalau kuliat pas ah

teganya kau mir T^T

gk usah kudosu... mau nambahin post aja HUAHAHAHAHAHA
Topic Starter
Himari Kino
Dat tytyt wkwk oke pal tak check ntr :)
idk this song and anime owo

all diff widescreen checklist plz

OD rate for maps with few sliders is suggested to be at least 7

Reyzra's Normal
00:38:418 (38418|3) my suggestion, this should be brought close to read

00:07:436 any reason for lost note? add

throw kudos 1 bcz get 2 lul
NM From Mod Que

Col 1 2 3 4

00:01:811 (1811|0,2347|3,2882|2,3240|1,3775|0,4311|2) - i suggest place LN start at 4 -> 2 -> 1 -> repeat once more
00:06:811 (6811|2,6900|0,6990|1,7079|0,7168|2,7257|0,7347|1) - recheck beat (?)
00:16:097 recheck singlenotes at this part (?)
01:00:561 dis part i suggest dis
01:05:561 (65561|0,66275|0,66632|3,66990|0) - what are these
01:11:454 (71454|1) - whats dis
00:16:097 (16097|1,16454|3,16811|1,16990|3,17347|1) - rearrange (?) they looks repetitive, i suggest move 00:16:811 (16811|1) - to 3
00:22:882 missing note
00:13:240 (13240|3,13240|0) - make it triple (?)
00:47:525 (47525|1) - make it double/triple (?)
00:47:704 (47704|2,47704|3) - delete note at 3

lookin good

i think thats all >.>
Topic Starter
Himari Kino
Thanks for mods i'll check it later

Ochasan wrote:

idk this song and anime owo old anime

all diff widescreen checklist plz :cry:

OD rate for maps with few sliders is suggested to be at least 7 okay

00:07:436 any reason for lost note? add nope, i change pattern

throw kudos 1 bcz get 2 lul

genkicho wrote:

NM From Mod Que

Col 1 2 3 4

00:01:811 (1811|0,2347|3,2882|2,3240|1,3775|0,4311|2) - i suggest place LN start at 4 -> 2 -> 1 -> repeat once more got it
00:06:811 (6811|2,6900|0,6990|1,7079|0,7168|2,7257|0,7347|1) - recheck beat (?) yups
00:16:097 recheck singlenotes at this part (?) do you mean add note for cymbal??
01:00:561 dis part i suggest dis no , they has a different sound
01:05:561 (65561|0,66275|0,66632|3,66990|0) - what are these lol
01:11:454 (71454|1) - whats dis i dn't know exactly what name of dat sound , but i think is a violin following
00:16:097 (16097|1,16454|3,16811|1,16990|3,17347|1) - rearrange (?) they looks repetitive, i suggest move 00:16:811 (16811|1) - to 3 okay
00:22:882 missing note has sound same as like 00:22:347 - , i dn''t follow that
00:13:240 (13240|3,13240|0) - make it triple (?) i decide to make it double cuz there a same sound like 00:12:882 (12882|2,12882|3) -
00:47:525 (47525|1) - make it double/triple (?) keep :)
00:47:704 (47704|2,47704|3) - delete note at 3 yeah

lookin good thanks you :D

i think thats all >.>
Thanks for mods

1 / 2 / 3 / 4

You could change the OD/HP to 7,7 7.5,7.5 8,8 for each respective diff.

HP too low, 7 minimum (refer to my point in general)
00:02:347 (2347|3) - Its a bit weird to have the note come off on the same column as the LN release, It would probably flow better on column 3.
00:06:275 (6275|3,6632|2,6990|3) - Would change this into a 3-4-3 just so it comes off the LN with more flow.
00:16:811 (16811|3,16990|2) - Praise: I love it when mappers use light polyrhythms in their easy diffs, it actually gives them character rather than just 1/1!
00:07:525 (7525|0,9311|0) - Same reason as above, Move 00:09:311 (9311|0) - to 3, 00:09:668 (9668|1) - to 1 and 00:10:025 (10025|2) - to 2
00:40:025 (40025|2,40025|0,40382|1,41097|1,41454|0,41454|2) - Questionable pattern here, Maybe change one of them up so that it isn't the same pattern?
00:44:668 (44668|0,45025|1,45382|2,45740|3,46097|0,46454|1,46811|3,47168|2) - why not do for the fancy symmetrical pattern?
00:52:882 (52882|1,53597|1,54311|1) - Triple Anchor here.
00:54:668 (54668|0,55382|0) - And here, I recommend patterning these out as they may be uncomfortable to new players and it is not following pitch relevancy, layering or the song.
00:56:097 (56097|0,57882|0) - Try patterning these LN exits out.
00:57:882 (57882|0) - to 3
00:58:240 (58240|1) - to 1
00:58:597 (58597|2) - to 2
00:59:668 (59668|0) - to 2
01:04:668 (64668|2,65382|2,66097|2) - Another triple note anchor here, Refer to my above point.
01:05:740 (65740|1,66454|1,66811|0,67168|1,67882|1) - Quad anchor here, Refer to my above point.
01:10:740 (70740|1,71454|1,72168|1) - Triple anchor here, Re: Above point.
01:20:740 (80740|1,81454|1,82168|1) - ^

00:28:597 (28597|3,29311|3,30025|3) - Pattern this 3 note anchor out!
00:32:882 (32882|0) - Move this to 4. (Hand Balance, Referring to this image where every red line is when your left hand is used and every blue line your right hand.
Pre Change:
After Change:;
00:53:954 (53954|3,54311|3,54668|3) - eek anchor, Repattern?
01:08:061 (68061|2,68240|1,68418|2,68597|1,68775|2) - Repattern this trill out maybe?
01:17:525 (77525|3) - Delete this, This should be a single to follow the drums
01:19:311 (79311|2) - This should probably be a double but, no idea how you would do it with an LN
01:24:132 (84132|1,84132|0,84311|1,84311|0,84490|1,84490|0) - Nah. Don't put jacks this harsh at the end of the map, its a big spike. You could repattern these into koreajacks (, You're retaining a jack but not a major difficulty spike.)

00:09:311 (9311|1,9490|1,9847|1,10204|1,10561|1) - Massive anchor here, Please repattern.
hihi ChochoaLatte- Zylin :) owo
00:16:811 (16811|3,18240|1,19668|2,21097|1,22525|3,23954|0,25382|3) - Remove
[Reyzra's Normal]
01:13:240 (73240|3) - Make LN? end at 01:13:418 -
01:13:775 (73775|0) - Make LN? end at 01:14:043 -
The SV at 01:09:400 - is so bad lol
Add a timing point at 01:09:311 - with 0.4 SV
Add SV of 1.3 at 01:09:936 - you want to make it faster to jump back to normal speed so people can sightread
Remove SV at 01:15:293 -
Add SV of 1.3 at 01:16:007 -
hmm the SVs are still kind of annoying but they should be readableish...

ok good luck~ gogogo :) :) :) :) :P
Topic Starter
Himari Kino

DDMythical wrote:

1 / 2 / 3 / 4

You could change the OD/HP to 7,7 7.5,7.5 8,8 for each respective diff.

HP too low, 7 minimum (refer to my point in general)
00:02:347 (2347|3) - Its a bit weird to have the note come off on the same column as the LN release, It would probably flow better on column 3. sure
00:06:275 (6275|3,6632|2,6990|3) - Would change this into a 3-4-3 just so it comes off the LN with more flow.great
00:16:811 (16811|3,16990|2) - Praise: I love it when mappers use light polyrhythms in their easy diffs, it actually gives them character rather than just 1/1! haha
00:07:525 (7525|0,9311|0) - Same reason as above, Move 00:09:311 (9311|0) - to 3, 00:09:668 (9668|1) - to 1 and 00:10:025 (10025|2) - to 2 oki
00:40:025 (40025|2,40025|0,40382|1,41097|1,41454|0,41454|2) - Questionable pattern here, Maybe change one of them up so that it isn't the same sure pattern?
00:44:668 (44668|0,45025|1,45382|2,45740|3,46097|0,46454|1,46811|3,47168|2) - why not do for the fancy symmetrical pattern? great
00:52:882 (52882|1,53597|1,54311|1) - Triple Anchor here.AAAAAAA
00:54:668 (54668|0,55382|0) - And here, I recommend patterning these out as they may be uncomfortable to new players and it is not following pitch relevancy, layering or the song. rippu
00:56:097 (56097|0,57882|0) - Try patterning these LN exits out.
00:57:882 (57882|0) - to 3
00:58:240 (58240|1) - to 1
00:58:597 (58597|2) - to 2
00:59:668 (59668|0) - to 2
01:04:668 (64668|2,65382|2,66097|2) - Another triple note anchor here, Refer to my above point.
01:05:740 (65740|1,66454|1,66811|0,67168|1,67882|1) - Quad anchor here, Refer to my above point.
01:10:740 (70740|1,71454|1,72168|1) - Triple anchor here, Re: Above point.
01:20:740 (80740|1,81454|1,82168|1) - ^

00:09:311 (9311|1,9490|1,9847|1,10204|1,10561|1) - Massive anchor here, Please repattern. rippu

Hestia- wrote:

hihi ChochoaLatte- Zylin :) owo owo hestia //
00:16:811 (16811|3,18240|1,19668|2,21097|1,22525|3,23954|0,25382|3) - Remove my bad qwq
The SV at 01:09:400 - is so bad lol
Add a timing point at 01:09:311 - with 0.3 SV
Add SV of 1.3 at 01:09:936 - you want to make it faster to jump back to normal speed so people can sightread
Remove SV at 01:15:293 -
Add SV of 1.3 at 01:16:007 -
hmm the SVs are still kind of annoying but they should be readableish...

ok good luck~ gogogo :) :) :) :) :P i hope so ;w;
Thanks for Mods :3
delete an sv's


Reyzra's Normal
00:51:811 (51811|2) - disini ga keras suara nya, hapus aja
dan ini 00:51:811 (51811|1,52168|2) - bisa ctrl + h aja karna biar agak ena D:

00:20:740 (20740|3,21275|0) - jaraknya kejauhan, saran jangan ngukitin suara penyanyi, 00:21:275 (21275|0) - pindah ke col 2
01:23:061 (83061|2) - pindah ke col 4 karena suara nya jauh

00:13:240 - disini keras suara nya tapi disini 00:10:382 - triple, kenapa ga triple aja?

tengah malam malah ngemod random w gara-gara gabisa tidur
Topic Starter
Himari Kino
back in action sadsad

misternopal wrote:


makasih m4mnya xd
fast mod

00:33:240 - 00:34:668 - 00:36:097 - ln gk ada pke acara LN dsini
00:49:490 (49490|3) - berhenti di 00:49:668 -
01:04:311 - tambah note nope

maaf sedikit... semoga memuaskan >.<)/

Ochasan wrote:

idk this song and anime owo

all diff widescreen checklist plz

Reyzra's Normal
00:38:418 (38418|3) my suggestion, this should be brought close to read keep

DDMythical wrote:

1 / 2 / 3 / 4

You could change the OD/HP to 7,7 7.5,7.5 8,8 for each respective diff.

00:28:597 (28597|3,29311|3,30025|3) - Pattern this 3 note anchor out! its 1/1 so it doesnt have any problem with that unless its 1/2
00:32:882 (32882|0) - Move this to 4. (Hand Balance, Referring to this image where every red line is when your left hand is used and every blue line your right hand.
Pre Change:
After Change:; isnt this makes anchor in the right hand?
00:53:954 (53954|3,54311|3,54668|3) - eek anchor, Repattern?
01:08:061 (68061|2,68240|1,68418|2,68597|1,68775|2) - Repattern this trill out maybe?
01:17:525 (77525|3) - Delete this, This should be a single to follow the drums there is another sound beside drum
01:19:311 (79311|2) - This should probably be a double but, no idea how you would do it with an LN to follow 1/4 sounds ofc
01:24:132 (84132|1,84132|0,84311|1,84311|0,84490|1,84490|0) - Nah. Don't put jacks this harsh at the end of the map, its a big spike. You could repattern these into koreajacks (, You're retaining a jack but not a major difficulty spike.)i think im gonna repattern with trill i guess

Hestia- wrote:

hihi ChochoaLatte- Zylin :) owo
[Reyzra's Normal]
01:13:240 (73240|3) - Make LN? end at 01:13:418 - to dense to add LN there
01:13:775 (73775|0) - Make LN? end at 01:14:043 -

ok good luck~ gogogo :) :) :) :) :P

FAMoss wrote:



Reyzra's Normal
00:51:811 (51811|2) - disini ga keras suara nya, hapus aja
dan ini 00:51:811 (51811|1,52168|2) - bisa ctrl + h aja karna biar agak ena D:

tengah malam malah ngemod random w gara-gara gabisa tidur
No Reply = APPLY

thanks for the mod ;)

here the Update
Topic Starter
Himari Kino

FAMoss wrote:



00:20:740 (20740|3,21275|0) - jaraknya kejauhan, saran jangan ngukitin suara penyanyi, 00:21:275 (21275|0) - pindah ke col 2
01:23:061 (83061|2) - pindah ke col 4 karena suara nya jauh

00:13:240 - disini keras suara nya tapi disini 00:10:382 - triple, kenapa ga triple aja?

tengah malam malah ngemod random w gara-gara gabisa tidur
sebernarnya dlu ada yg di apply tpi reply nya dah ilang , thanks for modd

Reyzra wrote:

misternopal wrote:


makasih m4mnya xd
fast mod

00:33:240 - 00:34:668 - 00:36:097 - ln gk ada pke acara LN dsini
00:49:490 (49490|3) - berhenti di 00:49:668 -
01:04:311 - tambah note nope

maaf sedikit... semoga memuaskan >.<)/

Ochasan wrote:

idk this song and anime owo

all diff widescreen checklist plz

Reyzra's Normal
00:38:418 (38418|3) my suggestion, this should be brought close to read keep

DDMythical wrote:

1 / 2 / 3 / 4

[box=General]You could change the OD/HP to 7,7 7.5,7.5 8,8 for each respective diff.

00:28:597 (28597|3,29311|3,30025|3) - Pattern this 3 note anchor out! its 1/1 so it doesnt have any problem with that unless its 1/2
00:32:882 (32882|0) - Move this to 4. (Hand Balance, Referring to this image where every red line is when your left hand is used and every blue line your right hand.
Pre Change:
After Change:; isnt this makes anchor in the right hand?
00:53:954 (53954|3,54311|3,54668|3) - eek anchor, Repattern?
01:08:061 (68061|2,68240|1,68418|2,68597|1,68775|2) - Repattern this trill out maybe?
01:17:525 (77525|3) - Delete this, This should be a single to follow the drums there is another sound beside drum
01:19:311 (79311|2) - This should probably be a double but, no idea how you would do it with an LN to follow 1/4 sounds ofc
01:24:132 (84132|1,84132|0,84311|1,84311|0,84490|1,84490|0) - Nah. Don't put jacks this harsh at the end of the map, its a big spike. You could repattern these into koreajacks (, You're retaining a jack but not a major difficulty spike.)i think im gonna repattern with trill i guess

Hestia- wrote:

hihi ChochoaLatte- Zylin :) owo
[Reyzra's Normal]
01:13:240 (73240|3) - Make LN? end at 01:13:418 - to dense to add LN there
01:13:775 (73775|0) - Make LN? end at 01:14:043 -

ok good luck~ gogogo :) :) :) :) :P

FAMoss wrote:



Reyzra's Normal
00:51:811 (51811|2) - disini ga keras suara nya, hapus aja
dan ini 00:51:811 (51811|1,52168|2) - bisa ctrl + h aja karna biar agak ena D:

tengah malam malah ngemod random w gara-gara gabisa tidur
No Reply = APPLY[/box]

thanks for the mod ;)

here the Update

This modding thread has been migrated to the new "modding discussions" system. Please make sure to re-post any existing (and unresolved) efforts to the new system as required.
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