
Need help finding fonts from SameSkinButNoRingHitCircles

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Hi, I'm trying to pretty up the SameSkinButNoRingHitCirclesWeirdName skin by giving it more up-to-date HD elements basically just to kill time, and I'm for the majority done with it, however I'm struggling to find a couple of the fonts used on the skin.

I've already found the main two fonts, Roboto Slab and Comfortaa, but I can't find the fonts of either the mod buttons or the song select options. Anybody happen to know what these fonts are?

Edit: For now I'm using Trebuchet MS for the mods, which is the closest I have.

Edit2: If anybody happens across this thread looking for a skin download, the file is actually too large just because some of the sound files are waaay too big. I'll have to make it compressed at some point, simply because a 187MB file for a single skin, even with as many alternates as there are, is ridiculous.
Edit2.5: Some idiot put a 4 minute .wav file as the applause sound for some of the Shige skins... No. Just no. That's not healthy. That's 40+ MB. No. Changing those from being 4 MINUTES LONG and a Failsound being 46 seconds long to 20 seconds and 10 seconds respectively took it from 168MB down to 67MB

Edit3: Skin download. It's not totally complete (it's also doesn't have the PDFs I used because I'm greedy tbh), but most of the elements I want are in there.

Edit4: I've finished finished everything, and decided to use the font "Cabo" as a substitute for the song select options' font. I'd like some feedback as to if I should make a post for this skin. I'm honestly proud of how it turned out, but not sure if it was worth no-lifing 3 days straight for.

Edit5: I will very shortly be putting the final touches on this skin, and will release the skin in a separate thread and probably an r/osuskins post. I will probably give the PDFs used upon request.
I think someone has already made a remastered version of that skin. If I recall, the skin was known as Shigetora.

Idk, look around.
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O2MasterFX wrote:

I think someone has already made a remastered version of that skin. If I recall, the skin was known as Shigetora.

Idk, look around.
Glad to know! I found the skin, called re:Shigetora, and while some elements are the same, HD'd, it's not completely true to the original skin, like I'm attempting. It doesn't have either of the fonts I'm looking for, either. Thanks for the help, though.
yup, re:Shigetora indeed. Try using WhatTheFont! to find the font(s) needed. Some fonts may charge you money to use

Oh, and spinner is from Aestetic

Good luck for that project, I would like to see that customizable scorebar and lots of extra elements as well!
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h3oCharles wrote:

yup, re:Shigetora indeed. Try using WhatTheFont! to find the font(s) needed. Some fonts may charge you money to use

Oh, and spinner is from Aestetic

Good luck for that project, I would like to see that customizable scorebar and lots of extra elements as well!

I've already tried every method of font-detecting and none of them pulled up the right one for the options, and none of them properly detected the initials of the mods. Other than that, it's been a blast. I'm not planning on doing customization options and stuff, I'm simply going off of the version on Rafis' page. And all I'm doing is just giving all the things @2x versions and making them more clear and not pixellated, but thanks for the gl on it, it's been hellish fun. I'm just not sure how the author would feel about me releasing the HD version publicly. But if you want to see the current progress of it... The only things I plan leaving be are the cursor (maybe), menu buttons (unless the author of re:Shigetora doesn't mind reuse because honestly I can't easily recreate that key shape as-is), the spinner, diff star, circle lighting, follow points (maybe), and the countdown.
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h3oCharles wrote:

Try these out

If you're saying for HDifiying those versions of SameSkin, the only big difference between them (that I've noticed in my use of them) is the ringed hitcircles, the HP bar, followpoints, and the colors of sliders. These are things that, honestly, are very easily changed, but I guess I'll add those, too.
Check starting from SameSkinButNoRingHitCirclesWeirdNamev3 to shigetora+new but with exceptions for some elements... this is why I'm talking about extra elements (cursors, that scorebar and hitcircles)

And get the spinner from this one

Oh and don't be afraid of giving these elements for Vaxei, I think he's kinda in need of them. Get that geki text for ranking panel as well
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h3oCharles wrote:

Check starting from SameSkinButNoRingHitCirclesWeirdNamev3 to shigetora+new but with exceptions for some elements... this is why I'm talking about extra elements (cursors, that scorebar and hitcircles)

And get the spinner from this one

Oh and don't be afraid of giving these elements for Vaxei, I think he's kinda in need of them. Get that geki text for ranking panel as well

Sounds good! It'll be hell to recreate all of these, but whatevever, I have time. And once I'm done with at least the version I'm working on, I'll definitely PM him about the elements, I could see him not wanting old, somewhat eyesore visuals.

Edit: I'm now kicking myself very hard. I spent like an hour trying to recreate the shape for the spinner-rpm and there's an HD version right there. Welp.
Just reminded myself, look at DanyL's (his profile) and Yaong's (Circle People) skins, there is some stuff worth mentioning as well...

and thank goodness that u fixed that Accuracy text :D

scorev2 plz maybe
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h3oCharles wrote:

Just reminded myself, look at DanyL's (his profile) and Yaong's (Circle People) skins, there is some stuff worth mentioning as well...

and thank goodness that u fixed that Accuracy text :D

scorev2 plz maybe

Wow, these are basically the same skins, aren't they? I guess options for the cursors can be done.

The accuracy has been fixed for a while, you just have to look, but hopefully this will make it more prominent.

I'll try to think something up for ScoreV2, I'd just have to think of what the author would've made the icon.

Again, I'll quickly finish up the version I'm working on to the best I can, and then I'll work on making other versions, but I might work on the ringed hitcircle for the hell of it before then.

Edit: I have done almost everything. I have a good amount (and probably the amount I'll do) of alternatives done just before making some other UI stuff. I can upload a more up-to-date .osk in the thread if need be. I'm honestly really impressed with how well I remade the mod buttons.
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