Hi, I'm trying to pretty up the SameSkinButNoRingHitCirclesWeirdName skin by giving it more up-to-date HD elements basically just to kill time, and I'm for the majority done with it, however I'm struggling to find a couple of the fonts used on the skin.
I've already found the main two fonts, Roboto Slab and Comfortaa, but I can't find the fonts of either the mod buttons or the song select options. Anybody happen to know what these fonts are?
Edit: For now I'm using Trebuchet MS for the mods, which is the closest I have.
Edit2: If anybody happens across this thread looking for a skin download, the file is actually too large just because some of the sound files are waaay too big. I'll have to make it compressed at some point, simply because a 187MB file for a single skin, even with as many alternates as there are, is ridiculous.
Edit2.5: Some idiot put a 4 minute .wav file as the applause sound for some of the Shige skins... No. Just no. That's not healthy. That's 40+ MB. No. Changing those from being 4 MINUTES LONG and a Failsound being 46 seconds long to 20 seconds and 10 seconds respectively took it from 168MB down to 67MB
Edit3: Skin download. It's not totally complete (it's also doesn't have the PDFs I used because I'm greedy tbh), but most of the elements I want are in there.
Edit4: I've finished finished everything, and decided to use the font "Cabo" as a substitute for the song select options' font. I'd like some feedback as to if I should make a post for this skin. I'm honestly proud of how it turned out, but not sure if it was worth no-lifing 3 days straight for.
Edit5: I will very shortly be putting the final touches on this skin, and will release the skin in a separate thread and probably an r/osuskins post. I will probably give the PDFs used upon request.
I've already found the main two fonts, Roboto Slab and Comfortaa, but I can't find the fonts of either the mod buttons or the song select options. Anybody happen to know what these fonts are?
Edit: For now I'm using Trebuchet MS for the mods, which is the closest I have.
Edit2: If anybody happens across this thread looking for a skin download, the file is actually too large just because some of the sound files are waaay too big. I'll have to make it compressed at some point, simply because a 187MB file for a single skin, even with as many alternates as there are, is ridiculous.
Edit2.5: Some idiot put a 4 minute .wav file as the applause sound for some of the Shige skins... No. Just no. That's not healthy. That's 40+ MB. No. Changing those from being 4 MINUTES LONG and a Failsound being 46 seconds long to 20 seconds and 10 seconds respectively took it from 168MB down to 67MB
Edit3: Skin download. It's not totally complete (it's also doesn't have the PDFs I used because I'm greedy tbh), but most of the elements I want are in there.
Edit4: I've finished finished everything, and decided to use the font "Cabo" as a substitute for the song select options' font. I'd like some feedback as to if I should make a post for this skin. I'm honestly proud of how it turned out, but not sure if it was worth no-lifing 3 days straight for.
Edit5: I will very shortly be putting the final touches on this skin, and will release the skin in a separate thread and probably an r/osuskins post. I will probably give the PDFs used upon request.