
Team Grimoire - Sheriruth [OsuMania]

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tangan anda kotor!
bank sad cow.

GoodLucknut ya, noempang ngesetpastheng aza. karna bg dan lagu mengiqe
ngentit sur
Will qualify tommorow, as i already have my cap today
21:33 *Maxus is editing [ Team Grimoire - Sheriruth [Past]]
21:33 DoNotMess: yum irc?
21:33 Maxus: dayum iya, naikin dkit SR nya dan done
21:34 DoNotMess: ok
21:34 DoNotMess: naikin trus send filenya ke gw AWKAWKWAKWAKAWKAWKAWK
21:34 DoNotMess: jk
21:35 Maxus: anyingggg ;vvvvv
21:36 DoNotMess: udh siap nih
21:36 Maxus: nah wa mw saranin kira2 bgini buat 00:20:994 -
21:36 Maxus: soalny diff ini sepi tp virtue ngestream
21:39 DoNotMess:
21:39 Maxus: 00:24:886 - trus buat tiap tiap white line, cma add 1 note buat kick dah
21:39 DoNotMess: gni bole kah?
21:40 Maxus: boleh kok itu wkkw
21:40 DoNotMess: gw kalo bkin map NM diff slalu pake iidx style gitu
21:41 Maxus: 00:23:913 - 00:24:886 - dstny, buat kick tanpa piano, add 1 note buat lbih dense
21:41 DoNotMess: jdi cuman ngemap melody kbnyakan :'v
21:41 Maxus: buatlah style lu sndiri lahhh :vv
21:41 Maxus: soalny hardny bukan bkinan u tp GD,jdiny spreadny agk bgitu wkwk
21:41 DoNotMess: okok
21:42 DoNotMess: done
21:43 Maxus: kyk gmn? let me see
21:43 DoNotMess: tar aje pas udh slese, update, biar liadnya gmpng kawkwakawkwa
21:44 Maxus: 01:20:669 - u yakin ini mw 1/1 note ja bukan mw fokus kick ja?
21:44 Maxus: rda dominan soalny
21:44 DoNotMess: gw ubah di 01:01:210 -
21:45 DoNotMess: pngn fokus di melodinya sih >.>
21:45 Maxus: fkus di melodi bkin noteny jd ga dense enough :<
21:45 DoNotMess: 01:22:615 (82615|3) - ini gw panjangin ya
21:46 Maxus: 01:20:669 - u bkin 1/2 1/2 SR nya naik sbrp byk?
21:46 DoNotMess: :'v kalo gw campur kesusahan gk?
21:46 DoNotMess: ok bntr gw coba campur
21:46 Maxus: pas sih buat gw, easy pake 1/1 , normal 1/2 , hard pke 1/2 double
21:49 DoNotMess: okok udh gw ubah
21:49 DoNotMess: tpi yg panjang melodinya itu gw keep
21:49 DoNotMess: yg 01:23:264 -
21:49 DoNotMess: tar liad aja lg deh
21:49 Maxus: itu ja sih, sisanya dah rata wkwk
21:49 DoNotMess: kalo gk puas aku bkin puas
21:49 Maxus: anjirr :vv
21:49 Maxus: buat map u pa ja deh /run
21:50 DoNotMess: ew
21:50 DoNotMess: kwakwakwa
21:51 DoNotMess: updated
21:51 DoNotMess: coba liad :v yg td lu tunjukkin
21:52 Maxus: perfect :p
21:53 Maxus: 00:29:102 - ilang tp noteny
21:53 DoNotMess: o iya lupa 1
21:53 DoNotMess: h3h3
21:53 DoNotMess: brarti aku gk perfect di mata kamu dong ._.
21:54 DoNotMess: elah hitsound jjuga salah, bru nyadar
21:54 DoNotMess: yg bru gw tambahin hrusnya clap >.>
21:54 Maxus: najis njir :v
21:54 Maxus: iya, lu malah nambahinny whistle :v
21:54 DoNotMess: maafin aku kgk perfect sperti yg kamu harapkan uwu
21:55 DoNotMess: done
21:55 DoNotMess: ada lg?
21:55 Maxus: anyinggg :vv
21:55 Maxus: hitsoundny udah?
21:55 DoNotMess: 01:03:804 - hmm , ada saran lbh bagus? gw ngerasa trill kgk cocok :'v
21:55 DoNotMess: udh
21:55 Maxus: 01:20:669 - sbnrny gapa2 sih klo lu mw campur LN lg
21:56 DoNotMess: gjd deh gw ubah sndri :v
21:56 DoNotMess: 01:08:345 - ini perlu tmbahin note gk
21:56 Maxus: jadi LN trill lebih cocok imo, kan piano
21:56 DoNotMess: tkud ksusahan @_@
21:56 DoNotMess: gw cobain ae krasa hard diff
21:56 DoNotMess: kalo tmbh ln
21:56 Maxus: ga usah kalo kiai pertama
21:56 Maxus: soalny dh krasa dense
21:56 Maxus: lgipula kan variasi, dh boleh beda
21:56 DoNotMess: okok
21:57 Maxus: kan emng atmosphereny intense, gpp si imo wkkw
21:57 DoNotMess: h3h3 siap siap kena badai "pls make ur map consistent" XD
21:57 DoNotMess: gw ngemap amphisbaena
21:57 DoNotMess: ngakak
21:57 DoNotMess: gw variasiin, di mod "consistent pls"
21:57 DoNotMess: pas gw map consistent di blng "need more variation"
21:57 DoNotMess: tfw
21:57 Maxus: trgntung konsisten yg dmksd
21:58 Maxus: klo misalny lu tiap 3 detik brubah pattern beda crita
21:58 Maxus: tapi klo misalny perbedaan dari kiai 1 ama kiai 2, ya gapa2
21:58 DoNotMess: hooh , gw kan map kgk trlalu dedikasi ke perkusi, lbh ke melodi
21:58 Maxus: yang penting beda section ja
21:58 DoNotMess: liad aja map ajee :'vv lbh gila lg wakawkawkawk
21:58 DoNotMess: ini udh done?
21:58 DoNotMess: hasil : nambah 0,02
21:58 DoNotMess: mantaf
21:59 Maxus: sip :D
21:59 DoNotMess: 01:01:453 (61453|2,61534|1,62102|1,62183|2) - eh ini bner bner gpp kan =w=
21:59 DoNotMess: tkud kena cyduk
22:00 DoNotMess: soalnya di kiai bnyk yg hrus diginiin
22:00 DoNotMess: :'v
22:00 Maxus: ga pa2 imo wkwk
22:00 Maxus: sante ja :v
22:01 Maxus: kiai u mw bkin 1/4 grace? :v
22:04 DoNotMess: ngggkkkk
22:05 DoNotMess: 02:06:723 (126723|3,126886|2,127048|3,127210|2,127372|3) - ini jg gpp kan :V:V:V:V
22:06 Maxus: ga pa2 itu one hand trill mah wkwk
Now it's ready.
Kepunahan Arzenvald intensify.
cacadas dua ngepoz wkkwqwkowkqokwqokqw

gratz wibus <3
Topic Starter
Arcaea intensifies XD
Ty maxus dah masukin ke panci WeKaWeKaWeKa
Gratz vic
ga kerasa udh quali aja xD

salam dari wkwkw land
who is ajeemaniz

quit w
wong edan weka weka kawe

Surono wrote:

wong edan weka weka kawe
lebih edan ini lah
n serigala muncul setelah 8 bulan :u dan menghylank lagi
gebeleg malah baper disini

taik >:^C
shitpost intensifies ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)9
1/4 185 bpm > 1/3 200 bpm
yeah ikr smfh gblg stufud aras.....
Wasn't the title should be Sheriruth(from.Arcaea)

From what I know, this song ogirinally from "Grimoire of Darkness" and it's owned by Team Grimoire , plus, it was released in last M3-2016 event.

So with that, these informations they gave are official and should follow respectively.



Artist: Team Grimoire
Title: Sheriruth(from.Arcaea)
However, the official game content stating Team Grimoire - Sheriruth

From or

From or Where in this one, You can see the song named "Sheriruth" instead.

According to current metadata draft rule, if there's 2 official metadata source, the mappers can choose any one of them, so the current one is fine.
It's the same like anime tv size, for ex, they can simply put "Peace Sign (TV size/TV edit)" or just "Peace Sign"
Topic Starter
i dont know but i play arcaea and these songs dont show (from arcaea) or something...
if it's a serious dank meme big problem i will change it instead, but otherwise, like Maxus said, i can pick one of the meta so i prefer to keep
dq because 2b bg

Arzenvald wrote:

dq because 2b bg
dw, non-weebs songs are mostly using animu gurl bg.

Surono wrote:

Arzenvald wrote:

dq because 2b bg
dw, non-weebs songs are mostly using animu gurl bg.
DQ for using monstrata BG with different color filter
Shima Rin
Topic Starter
nuke or dq, i dont care, i still use 2b as the background <3
:^) mulut anda ikan lele

Aras25 wrote:

DQ for using monstrata BG with different color filter
dont be monsterata, thats his meem. smfh
Lolos panci gan!
Both is fine, we can following from Team Grimoire web and from Arcaea's in game. Same case like Deemo
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