
How can I anti-alias my edges without making them blurry?

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I've noticed that some of my edges for my resizable elements (hitcircle, cursor, etc) have sharp, aliased edges. How can I soften them to look as nice as, say, a slider border without making them look like they got hit with the ugly end of the Outer Glow stick?
Search for HighResolutin in your osu!<user-pc>.cfg and set to 1
in the skin elements themselves, add blank pixels around it and/or make a HD variant as well
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Haha, you guys, this isn't my first rodeo. I know how to make skins. I'm looking for some advanced advice on how to do better graphic design in a specific area, or some trick in the client to render the images better.
I don't think there's any other way aside from intentionally blurring out edges. The trick is to not overdo it and to know when you shouldn't do anything. @1x files for instance shouldn't need this because the users will be mostly close to the original size of the file (it's not common to have someone be playing at 800x600).

At @2x, whenever I notice the aliased edges I go and apply a bit of gaussian blur, 0.3 pixels usually works for me, but it varies from file to file. I try to make it look good on 1080p which is a pretty common resolution, but there's the downside that users with a higher resolution (4k ish) may probably notice the blur.
Oh jeez... Okay then, well maybe an outer glow with precise method do the work? And set them with 1% choke and 2px size with opacity of about 80-90% ish.
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Geroyuni wrote:

I don't think there's any other way aside from intentionally blurring out edges. The trick is to not overdo it and to know when you shouldn't do anything. @1x files for instance shouldn't need this because the users will be mostly close to the original size of the file (it's not common to have someone be playing at 800x600).
At @2x, whenever I notice the aliased edges I go and apply a bit of gaussian blur, 0.3 pixels usually works for me, but it varies from file to file. I try to make it look good on 1080p which is a pretty common resolution, but there's the downside that users with a higher resolution (4k ish) may probably notice the blur.

That's actually really good advice. I forgot about being able to apply non-destructive blur to smart objects.

People can play this game at 4K? What's the visual difference between that and 1080p? Is there @4x image file capability in the client?

Philosofikal wrote:


People can play this game at 4K? What's the visual difference between that and 1080p? Is there @4x image file capability in the client?

My bad, I actually meant 1440p. Just like @1x files reach their normal size at 768p, @2x files will reach their normal size at some point from 1440p to 1600p. The closest you are to the original size, the more noticeable the blur should be. I only have a 1080p screen though so I can't see that myself.

I'm pretty sure people can play the game in 4k, it should just use the @2x files (even though it's not high res enough)
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