
오늘 #osu에서 EZ2CATCH 관련 언급을 해봤습니다.

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이전에 레피씨의 잔혹천사 , 태고스킨900콤보 사운드 언급했습니다.

18:34 <arien666> : Next one should be CtB skin as I know orz
18:36 <LuigiHann> : ctb skin?
18:36 <arien666> : Yes
18:36 <arien666> : As CtB-only beatmap can be made :3
18:37 <LuigiHann> : CtB beatmaps are frowned upon and I still don't understand why they're allowed at all
18:37 <arien666> : orz
18:37 <LuigiHann> : doesn't the taiko skin already have all the ctb stuff in it
18:37 <LuigiHann> : it's got little birds and clouds and stuff
18:37 <arien666> : Yes.
18:38 <arien666> : Anyway, it seems not necessery since there's NO CtB Arcade orz
18:40 <LuigiHann> : yeah umm... CtB is just a game that I made up
18:40 <LuigiHann> : mostly
18:40 <LuigiHann> : and peppy
18:40 <arien666> : But, EZ2DJ orz
18:40 <LuigiHann> : although it's based loosely on some crazy doujin game
18:40 <arien666> : :3
18:40 <LuigiHann> : it doesn't play quite the same
18:40 <arien666> : Umm...
18:40 <Faust> : EZ2DJ is cool.
18:40 <arien666> : I wonder if CtB accepts double note
18:40 <BurningRice> : scgmd3
18:40 <arien666> : Like EZ2CATCH
18:41 <LuigiHann> : yeah
18:41 <LuigiHann> : no
18:41 <arien666> : Exactly :3
18:41 <arien666> : [osu! is single-cursor game]
18:41 <LuigiHann> : freaked me out too, since it was just an idea I had and then peppy was like "oh it's like this game" and I
18:41 <LuigiHann> : was like wut
18:42 <Azure_Kyte> : Ohai#osu
18:42 <Faust> : Hi Azure.
18:42 <arien666> : Umm... So that's why no double or triple
18:42 <Shellghost> : Hai Azure
18:42 <arien666> : Hi Azure
18:42 <arien666> : Umm... I should design some cute Fruits orz
18:43 <LuigiHann> : I wonder if he could add support for CtB only maps to have double fruits or something
18:43 <LuigiHann> : it would give the CtB-only designation some purpose
18:43 <RuKaZzing> : 흐엠
18:43 <Shellghost> : Fruit + Horizontal Emotes
18:43 <Faust> : what..
18:43 <Azure_Kyte> : Double Fruit? how could that work?
18:43 <arien666> : Azure: Actually,
18:44 <arien666> : EZ2CATCH has double note
18:44 <lenia> : kyou-kun~!
18:44 <Kyou-kun> : hi lenia ^-^
18:44 <lenia> : hello
18:44 <Azure_Kyte> : EZ2CATCH?
18:44 <arien666> : and Fruit-chain+Single-Fruit
18:44 <arien666> : Yes
18:44 <arien666> : EZ2DJ hidden mod
18:44 <LuigiHann> : wow I think it was rhythm-it that peppy showed me video of
18:44 <Azure_Kyte> : I see.
18:44 <LuigiHann> : I've never seen this EZ2DJ thing
18:44 <Azure_Kyte> : EZ2DJ. I've heard of it
18:44 <LuigiHann> : this is even more similar to CtB than I thought
18:44 <arien666> :
18:44 <LuigiHann> : :X
18:45 <arien666> : If CtB is not HP-auto-drain but miss-and-drain...
18:45 <Azure_Kyte> : In other news. Rain Maker for DJMax is incredible.
18:46 <LuigiHann> : wow that's freaking hard
18:46 <Azure_Kyte> : Portable 3*
18:46 <LuigiHann> : rain maker? :X
18:46 <Jarby> : We're back.
18:46 <arien666> : LH: Look at 0:24
18:46 <Azure_Kyte> : Herro Jarby
18:46 <Jarby> : Hi uncle Aaron!
18:46 <Galkan92> : Good day everyone
18:46 <arien666> : Triple sudden rush notes orz
18:47 <arien666> : I think it can be like 3 1/16 but 1/16...?
18:47 <Azure_Kyte> : inb4 peppy sues. j/ks
18:47 <Azure_Kyte> : holy shit the similarities are incredible
18:48 <Jarby> : What is this?
18:48 <arien666> : Right, CtB catchers looks left and right but
18:48 <arien666> : EZ2CATCH catchers look only left orz
18:48 <Azure_Kyte> : except for the rotating fruit/cake/BG
18:48 <arien666> : Jarby:
18:48 <Azure_Kyte> : Rain Maker.
18:49 <Jarby> : See, this is how you guys are SUPPOSED to be mapping ctb difficulties.
18:49 <Jarby> : As in actually mapping them
18:49 <Jarby> : And making random things tile and rotate
18:49 <Faust> : lmao, JInxyjem.
18:49 <Jarby> : Oh god DOUBLE FRUIT
18:49 <Jarby> : Why did I not think of this before
18:50 <arien666> : Jarby: Cuz osu! doesn't allow double or triple
18:50 <Azure_Kyte> : it can if 1ms apart.
18:50 <LuigiHann> : you could make fruit flams for ctb-only maps
18:50 <Azure_Kyte> : :>
18:50 <Jarby> : Last time I checked, you could paste notes on top of each other.
18:50 <Jarby> : And Mr. Ross has the other cheeky possibility
18:50 <LuigiHann> : yeah just make them 1/8 apart
18:50 <LuigiHann> : or less
18:50 <Xgor_School> : That would sound awful though
18:50 <arien666> : LH: Actually... I had test about that CtB diff but...
18:50 <LuigiHann> : nah it'd be clickclick
18:50 <arien666> : Most hates orz
18:51 <Jarby> : 1/8 apart?
18:51 <Azure_Kyte> : custom hitsounds.
18:51 <Jarby> : ewwww
18:51 <Jarby> : LuigiHann, how dare you suggest such a thing
18:51 <LuigiHann> : at 2x bpm?
18:51 <arien666> : Jarby: 3 sudden chain
18:51 <LuigiHann> : :D
18:51 *arien666 is listening to (Nightmare - The World (TV Size))[]
18:51 <Jarby> : Still, even at 1/16, they'd obviously not be playing at the same time
18:51 <LuigiHann> : they'd be flams
18:51 <Xgor_School> : 8x bpm go
18:51 <LuigiHann> : actually yeah maybe a couple ms would be better
18:51 <JInxyjem> : Wait, how do you catch a double fruit in that video
18:52 <Jarby> : By being in the center
18:52 <LuigiHann> : mostly just stand where you can grab both
18:52 <LuigiHann> : plate is wide yeah
18:52 <arien666> : ^
18:52 <JInxyjem> : oh
18:52 <Jarby> : Maybe it's like Touhou where the hitboxes are all weird.
18:52 <LuigiHann> : there are some that look freaking impossible though
18:52 <o2mania> : luigihann your the one who made taiko skin
18:52 <LuigiHann> : yes. yes i am
18:52 <o2mania> : well I download one
18:53 <LuigiHann> : cool beans
18:53 <o2mania> : but ver 5.1
18:53 <Faust> : maybe have a slow-time function.
18:53 <Azure_Kyte> : 19950 combo. pfft.
18:53 <Faust> : slow time to catch the fruit, etc.
18:53 <LuigiHann> : 5.1 is right I think
18:53 <Faust> : but challenge..
18:53 <arien666> : Azure: Memoried combos
18:53 <Shellghost> : "Welcome to Talking About Your Generation where it's like shooting Julia Gillard out of a cannon...."
18:53 <Shellghost> : "Enoyable."
18:53 <o2mania> : yes it is
18:53 <Jarby> : Wait, was that supposed to make sense?
18:54 <LuigiHann> : peppy is going to update the skin setup again soon so I'll make all-new versions of my main 3 skins for it
18:54 <arien666> : So... How's think about EZ2CATCH?
18:54 <Shellghost> : It does.
18:54 <Shellghost> : Shooting Julia Gillard from a cannon is enjoyable
18:54 <Shellghost> : Thus the tv show is enjoyable.
18:54 <Moetaku> : ^ true
18:54 <Jarby> : I wouldn't know, I've never shot Julia Gillard out of a cannon.
18:55 <LuigiHann> : ezcatch looks nuts
18:55 <arien666> : orz
18:55 <Shellghost> : You should try it.
18:55 <dksslqj> : : I can't believe This character is BOY
18:55 <Shellghost> : I highly recommend it.
18:55 <LuigiHann> : trap
18:55 <LuigiHann> : don't click dksslqj's link
18:55 <LuigiHann> : it is a trap
18:55 <LuigiHann> : D:
18:55 <arien666> : LH: lol trap card?
18:55 <Jarby> : W-What's wrong with it?
18:55 <Xgor_School> : Boy?
18:55 <Xgor_School> : Lol
18:55 *Galkan92 clicks Luigi instead.
18:55 <Jarby> : I'm clicking it, just watch me
18:56 <arien666> : lol
18:56 <Jarby> : Disappointed.
18:56 <Galkan92> : Luigi is now clicked.
18:56 <Shellghost> : Not hot enough.
18:56 <Galkan92> : How does it feel?
18:56 <dksslqj> : :3
18:56 <Azure_Kyte> : yay? nay?
18:56 <Jarby> : Click him harder.
18:56 <JInxyjem> : I think I've seen that thing before
18:56 <Jarby> : Azure_Kyte: Center the catcher
18:56 <Jarby> : The plate is all off.
18:56 <LuigiHann> : could fool me
18:57 <Azure_Kyte> : I would but slack.
18:57 <arien666> : LH: Umm... So, EZ2CATCH=/=osu!CtB ???
18:57 <Jarby> : I am apathetic towards your apathy.
18:57 <Azure_Kyte> : Please.
18:57 <Xgor_School> : I gotta try to make a CTB map with double notes
18:57 <Azure_Kyte> : I spend all day being empathetic.
18:57 <Azure_Kyte> : It's time to be apathetic for once.
18:57 *Galkan92 clicks Azure
18:57 <arien666> : And osu!CtB doesn't need to have double or crazy chains?
18:57 <Danzai> : Ah well, 8hrs of meetings inc
18:57 <Danzai> : later ~
18:57 <Azure_Kyte> : Awww, you broke your computer, that's too bad.
18:58 <Jarby> : Let's just be pathetic for once!
18:58 <Azure_Kyte> : Aww, you downloaded a virus? that's too bad.
18:58 <Jarby> : What pathetic stuff can we do today?
18:58 <Themostorginalnameever> : oi
18:58 <Azure_Kyte> : Awww, your machine is on fire? Why the hell are you calling US then?
18:58 <Jarby> : Who is this Themostorginalnameever person
18:58 <LuigiHann> : I can usually tell what arien is trying to say
18:58 <Azure_Kyte> : I read that as Thermos Torgin Alnameever.
18:58 <Shellghost> : It was just your computers time.
18:59 <Shellghost> : We shall have a minutes silence.
18:59 <arien666> : Okay then...
18:59 <LuigiHann> : but yeah no, osu ctb is a bit different I suppose
18:59 <Azure_Kyte> : So Nathan.
18:59 <LuigiHann> : similar but different
18:59 <Themostorginalnameever> : Themostorginalnameever aka fastfood
18:59 <arien666> : Right orz
18:59 <Jarby> : I see.
18:59 <Shellghost> : So Aaron.
18:59 <LuigiHann> : if somebody wanted to make a CTB catcher sprite based on that game they could but I don't feel like it
18:59 <Azure_Kyte> : Mackay in January. Yay? Nay?
18:59 <Shellghost> : There is nothing to do here.
18:59 <Azure_Kyte> : So.
19:00 <arien666> : Actually, that seems like animated orz
19:00 <Azure_Kyte> : I wish to see you all.
19:00 <arien666> : Like Don
19:00 <LuigiHann> : anyway
19:00 <arien666> : *Don of Taiko mod
19:00 <Shellghost> : That's good enough i guess
19:00 <LuigiHann> : I'm going to bed it is 5am x_x
19:00 <Azure_Kyte> : Damn right it is.
19:00 <Azure_Kyte> : Night Luigi
19:00 <Shellghost> : i haven't kept in contact with anyone.
19:00 <arien666> : Bye LH :3
19:00 <Shellghost> : >_>
19:00 <LuigiHann> : Jarby let me know how the mashing of the science goes
19:00 <Azure_Kyte> : Oh dear. Noone at all?
19:00 <arien666> : And sorry to talk about EZ2CATCH orz
19:00 <Jarby> : Yes, alright.
19:00 <Shellghost> : Nope.
19:00 <LuigiHann> : nah it's okay arien it has been enlightening

상황 봐서는 나중에 결정될수도 있을것 같긴 하지만
osu!CtB 는 단일노트형 게임이라고 봐야 해서
더블,트리플,체인홀드 같은 것들은 추후에 더 자세한 내용이 나올것 같습니다...

혹시 의견이 있으시다면 리플을 달아주세요 ㅇㅅㅇ
어라, 그럼 루이기한은 EZ2CATCH의 존재를 전혀 몰랐다는 겁니까? EZ2DJ 아는 사람들은 다들 그거 참고한 걸로 알던데.

ps. 테제 광고 많이 해주면 ㄳ, 박쥐 잡아줘도 ㄳ(이라지만 아르켄도 박쥐 찾는 중이었지 orz)
EZ2캐치 참 어렵죠;; 스크래치가 뻑뻑하는날에는 GG쳐야할판 ㅇㅅㅇ;;
EZ2 캐치는 대체 뭔지 감이 잘 안잡히네요... :shock:
열심히했을때는 이지캐치 13~14했구
못해졌을걸 감안해서 12~13

영어를모르니 걍 이지투캐치에만.

근데 차라리 이지캐치를알고 따라만든것보다 모르고 만든게 더 좋은쪽이 아닐까함?
랄까 운영진의 캐치에 대한 자세로 미루어봤을때 업데이트는 기대하기 힘들듯...;_;

KRZY wrote:

랄까 운영진의 캐치에 대한 자세로 미루어봤을때 업데이트는 기대하기 힘들듯...;_;
그거 나름대로 슬픈현실 ㅠ.ㅠ
플레이 동영상보니까 도대체 어떻게 플레이해야하는건지;;

moth wrote:

KRZY wrote:

랄까 운영진의 캐치에 대한 자세로 미루어봤을때 업데이트는 기대하기 힘들듯...;_;
그거 나름대로 슬픈현실 ㅠ.ㅠ
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