
Ask the person below you anything

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Depends what problems, but I usually think of as many solutions as possible and narrow it down to the best one.

What are your thoughts about physics?
A very important matter that explains our daily lives but comes with an infinite follow up questions called why or how since it is basically a form of study :D

How much do you want to participate on any kind of debates?
I hate having to debate with people's feelings so I avoid debating in general.
However, when I see debates about physics and maths, I will take it without a doubt.

Which one is more important for you? Social Skills or Intelligence
Can I take 50:50? this is like IQ vs EQ. You need to balance them both to live a good life :D

Are you an adventurous person? Do you want to travel around the world? or just stay at home?
Travelling ain't bad but I'm too lazy, so I'll just stay home.

Browsers you've used other than Firefox, Chrome or IE?
Opera only, on phone it's kinda good too.
I mostly use Firefox and Chrome since i am comfortable with them :D

Do you cook? if so then can you share your own recipe? :D

Ok, get 2 eggs
Put oil in a pan
And some around the area you're working
Turn the fire up
Crack the eggs, then put them side by side in the pan
Wait for it to cook
Then pour oil into the fire
Ok I don't cook

Anyone you secretly have a crush on online?
yeah, but for the sake of everything. I must cool this down and let it die.

Since the user above asked something about online crushes, what do you think of Long Distance Relationships?
I'd rather avoid it.

What sort of things are filling up your hard drive?
In the main ("family") PC... (almost) literally every kind of things. Professional, family, entertaining, photographic, games, musics, guides, edition softwares, whatever...
My own PC. Few games (Osu!, a VN, 4 Steam games), images from Pixiv or other webs' (including material for drawing purposes), "raw" stuff and things I converted to '.avi' (because I disrespect '.mkv', and '.mp4' costs a bit more than I can afford, given how many I watched).

Rianne wrote:

How do you notice when a song is annoying?
TBH many songs can be very obvious from the start they are annoying. Others may seem completely normal at first but then change after a minute or so.

If you could instantly add any of the suggestions on feature requests to Osu which one would you pick and why?
make trackpad playstyle option on profile

would you last note 1 miss high acc or fc a little bit lower acc?
Depends which one gives more pp

Eat potato for the rest of your life
Or eat tomato ^^^^^^

pronounce tomato tomaato or tomatoe?

Favourite accent
dont have one

fav book?
Warm Bodies??

Favourite movie
Lord of the Rings and Narnia

Favorite food?
That's an easy one. Spaghetti with Bolognese sauce is probably my favourite food of all time.

Do you fall asleep with music, nature, or just nothing?
Sandy Hoey
It changes for me. I have phases of what I have when. Ifall asleep. Sometimes it is a music playlist, sometimes it is nothing, sometimes I turn on a Twitch stream to hear someone talk

You watching the Stanely Cup playoffs?
I don't even know what it is, so "no".

Foxtrot wrote:

The worst thing you can think of?
My family and I dying in a plane crash.

What other websites do you browse?
Other websites, aside from osu! forums, yt and fb. I do go to reddit to check some hot new stuffs. r/dota & r/osugame

Do you have this mentality that makes you go work on your projects when it's almost deadline?
Yes, pro procrastinator.

What to do with condensed milk?
Dip with strawberry

What a word "life" mean to you?
nothing tbh

what does this game mean to you?
a way to kill time so important and other reasons

Do you likr coffee?
Don't care............ That would be a lie; I prefer when the caffeine is real.
(But yeah, I won't mind any taste, as long as there's not any "weird thing".)

UnderminE wrote:

Sacrifice a sheep to god?
no i'd eat the sheep thx

fav food?
Dry aged steak with port wine sauce cooked at medium rare/rare

Give me a hug?

Can you please write for me? I am tired already :c
Nope, enjoy!!!

Give me my potatoes back
Sorry, I do not know what you're talking about.

Are you hungry?

Are you thirsty?
A little, today's weather is kinda hot so I would like to have a drink.

Rank osu! on the game that you've played.
69k about to be 70k

Can you blow my whistle?
You have whistle?

What kind of superpowers do you acquire and why?
Comfy Slippers
superpowers r lame

hows life?
Life is hard, like very very very hard </3

How about the user below this? How's life?
Comfy Slippers
ehhh, its k, could be better

how is ur mom?
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