
Igorrr - Pavor Nocturnus [OsuMania]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on at 15:24:39

Artist: Igorrr
Title: Pavor Nocturnus
Tags: breakcore baroquecore AnatOWJIya Nostril Another Lie
BPM: 174
Filesize: 8364kb
Play Time: 04:16
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy - 4Key (1,38 stars, 792 notes)
  2. Hard - 4Key (3,36 stars, 2305 notes)
  3. Lie's Insane - 4Key (4,37 stars, 2898 notes)
  4. OWJI's Normal - 4Key (2,24 stars, 1527 notes)
  5. Parasomnia - 4Key (4,79 stars, 3498 notes)
Download: Igorrr - Pavor Nocturnus
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Mapset: Done

Logi z ogólnikowego moda:
2017-04-12 18:46 SitekX: dobra jednak troche modne
2017-04-12 18:46 SitekX: xD
2017-04-12 18:46 Janko: nie krępuj się xd
2017-04-12 18:47 SitekX: 00:09:390 (9390|2,9390|0,9390|3) - jako, że to początek i jeszcze nie ma pierdolnięcia to usunięcie notki z kolumny 1 będzie dobrym rozwiązaniem xD
2017-04-12 18:47 Janko: w sumie miałem problem z tym i zagwostke
2017-04-12 18:47 Janko: ale koniec końców dodałem xd
2017-04-12 18:47 Janko: ale ok jednak to zły pomysł
2017-04-12 18:47 SitekX: przy okazji ten jack na 1 kolumne zniknie
2017-04-12 18:48 SitekX: 00:08:873 (8873|1,8873|0,9217|1,9217|2) - ciekawią mnie też takie chordy w burstach. Pasują pod muzyke ale z drugiej skupienie się na jednym instrumencie/dźwięku bedzie równie dobrym rozwiązaniem
2017-04-12 18:49 SitekX: no i o wiele wygodniej się gra bursty bez takich chordów
2017-04-12 18:50 Janko: czyli co zrobić
2017-04-12 18:51 SitekX: ja bym je usunął
2017-04-12 18:52 SitekX: przy okazji zmienił troche samego bursta
2017-04-12 18:52 SitekX:
2017-04-12 18:53 SitekX: jak sie przysłuchasz, to 1/8 pasuje dopiero od 00:08:873 a nie 00:08:786 -
2017-04-12 18:53 SitekX: lmao
2017-04-12 18:53 SitekX: co sie odjebało
2017-04-12 18:53 SitekX: no w każdym razie odtąd jest 1/8 00:08:873 -
2017-04-12 18:53 Janko: - brakuje
2017-04-12 18:54 Janko: no właśnie nie jestem przekonany
2017-04-12 18:54 Janko: wyraźnie słysze 1/8 xd
2017-04-12 18:54 SitekX: hm
2017-04-12 18:54 SitekX: czekej
2017-04-12 18:55 SitekX: a jezu
2017-04-12 18:55 SitekX: to ja jestem głuchy
2017-04-12 18:55 SitekX: xD
2017-04-12 18:55 SitekX: dobra to jednak od 00:08:786 -
2017-04-12 18:55 SitekX: 00:08:786 - dasz notke na 1, 00:08:830 - notka na 2
2017-04-12 18:56 SitekX: i po problemie, ładny burst nam wyjdzie xD
2017-04-12 18:56 Janko: a jakby zrobić coś takiego
2017-04-12 18:57 SitekX: o
2017-04-12 18:57 SitekX: łamane rolle
2017-04-12 18:57 SitekX: tez mogą być
2017-04-12 18:57 Janko: no dobra ale kwestia tych jacków
2017-04-12 18:57 Janko: gdzie one są xd
2017-04-12 18:57 SitekX: dobra, lece do nich
2017-04-12 18:58 SitekX: 00:15:597 -
2017-04-12 18:58 SitekX: to
2017-04-12 18:58 SitekX: jest bolesne w _uj
2017-04-12 18:58 SitekX: xD
2017-04-12 18:59 SitekX: zaraz znajdziemy na to możliwą recepte
2017-04-12 18:59 Janko: czyli usunąć lepiej to 00:15:597 (15597|1) - czy może 00:15:683 (15683|1) - i jakoś to poprawić
2017-04-12 19:00 SitekX: ogólnie jest tu cholernie gęsto i nie każdy 3chord pasuje
2017-04-12 19:01 SitekX:
2017-04-12 19:01 SitekX: 00:15:597 - , 00:16:114 - i 00:16:459 - mają taki dodatkowy bass
2017-04-12 19:01 Janko:
2017-04-12 19:01 SitekX: dlatego tam zostawiłbym chętnie 3chordy
2017-04-12 19:02 SitekX: hmm, nie nie, to za bardzo ułatwiłeś
2017-04-12 19:02 SitekX: bo koncepcja jacków tutaj jest dobra
2017-04-12 19:03 SitekX: 2chordy oznaczają uderzenie dodatkowego talerza/czegośtamjeszccze
2017-04-12 19:04 SitekX: no a 1 notka to dla samego jacka do tego powtarzającego się dźwięku przez całą tą sekunde czy więcej
2017-04-12 19:05 SitekX: w przypadku mojej propozucji gra sie to bardzo wygodnie
2017-04-12 19:05 Janko: hmm
2017-04-12 19:05 Janko: no ok
2017-04-12 19:05 Janko: zmienione
2017-04-12 19:12 SitekX: chwilke mnie nie było
2017-04-12 19:13 SitekX: bo kawe musiałem sobie zrobić xd
2017-04-12 19:13 Janko: ok ok
2017-04-12 19:13 Janko:
2017-04-12 19:13 SitekX: dobra, jeszcze jeden taki denerwujący part był
2017-04-12 19:13 Janko: powiedz mi coś o tym
2017-04-12 19:13 Janko: złe czy zostawić
2017-04-12 19:14 SitekX: hm
2017-04-12 19:14 SitekX: nie no, to bym zostawił
2017-04-12 19:15 SitekX: 00:41:200 (41200|1,41200|2) - tego typu chordy w burstach, to bym wywalił z każdego bursta jak sie da ogólnie
2017-04-12 19:15 Janko: czy ten denerwujący part jest tutaj? 01:06:631 -
2017-04-12 19:15 SitekX: o
2017-04-12 19:15 Janko: w sensie że 1 [23]4 albo 4[23]1?
2017-04-12 19:16 SitekX: już tych chordów czepiać się nie bede (bo już to robiłem, więc oczywiste że zrobiłbym to znowu xd)
2017-04-12 19:16 SitekX: ale samo zakończenie bursta jest cholernie niewygodne
2017-04-12 19:16 SitekX: 01:07:192 (67192|1,67235|2,67278|1) - chodzi o to
2017-04-12 19:16 Janko: domyśliłem się xd
2017-04-12 19:17 SitekX: i tutaj właśnie to co zrobiłeś z pierwszym burstem, czyli zmiana jego kierunku
2017-04-12 19:17 SitekX: to będzie dobre rozwiązanie
2017-04-12 19:17 SitekX: mianowicie
2017-04-12 19:17 SitekX: dobrze będzie, jeśli notka w tym miejscu pójdzie na 4 kolumne 01:07:192 (67192|1) -
2017-04-12 19:18 SitekX: i zmienisz troche budowe bursta (to już pozostawiam Twojej wyobraźni
2017-04-12 19:18 SitekX: ewentualnie
2017-04-12 19:18 Janko: hmm
2017-04-12 19:19 SitekX: zrobić tak, żeby kończyło się to w taki sposób: 4,3,2,1,[234]
2017-04-12 19:20 Janko: kurna to ciężkie jest tak robić to od góry xD
2017-04-12 19:20 Janko: bo potem dół nie wychodzi
2017-04-12 19:20 SitekX: a własnie
2017-04-12 19:20 SitekX: jak już jesteśmy przy tym burscie
2017-04-12 19:20 SitekX: on zaczyna się troche wcześniej
2017-04-12 19:21 SitekX: 01:07:192 (67192|1) - albo tu 01:07:192 (67192|1) -
2017-04-12 19:21 SitekX: ups, dwa razy to samo
2017-04-12 19:21 SitekX: kurde, czemu nie chce kopiować
2017-04-12 19:21 SitekX: 01:06:373 - albo tu 01:06:416 -
2017-04-12 19:21 SitekX: fixd xD
2017-04-12 19:22 Janko: hmm w ogóle to tutaj tez usunąć podwójne notki nie?
2017-04-12 19:22 SitekX: tak tak, jak to w każdym burscie
2017-04-12 19:22 Janko: dobra 01:06:373 -
2017-04-12 19:22 Janko: tutaj faktycznie
2017-04-12 19:23 Janko: ooo
2017-04-12 19:23 Janko: i teraz cacy
2017-04-12 19:23 Janko:
2017-04-12 19:24 Janko: ogólnie to szukam pomysłu na urozmaicenie
2017-04-12 19:24 SitekX: wygląda to zacnie
2017-04-12 19:24 SitekX: (podoba mi sie też, bo evening takie robi xd)
2017-04-12 19:24 Janko: bo ciągle w jedną stronę albo taki łamaniec to chyba mało urozmaicone xd
2017-04-12 19:24 SitekX: ale jest to cholernie wygodne
2017-04-12 19:24 SitekX: spokojnie
2017-04-12 19:25 SitekX: tutaj jacki można różnie układać
2017-04-12 19:25 SitekX: poza tym, burst też możesz dawać raz takie a raz takie (przxynajmniej ja nie widzę w tym przeszkód)
2017-04-12 19:25 Janko: ok
2017-04-12 19:26 SitekX: 01:12:235 (72235|0) - ta notka w 1 kolumne jest be
2017-04-12 19:26 Janko: więc usunąć tą? 01:12:148 (72148|0) -
2017-04-12 19:26 SitekX: przeniesienie 01:12:235 (72235|0) - na 3 będzie spoko
2017-04-12 19:27 SitekX: 01:12:321 (72321|2) - a to na 1
2017-04-12 19:27 Janko: 01:12:924 - dodałem tu LNa na 4
2017-04-12 19:28 SitekX: o
2017-04-12 19:28 SitekX: słusznie
2017-04-12 19:28 SitekX: i co do lnów
2017-04-12 19:28 SitekX: 01:16:631 (76631|2) - oraz 01:16:631 (76631|2) -
2017-04-12 19:28 SitekX: aaaaa znowu
2017-04-12 19:28 SitekX: 01:15:597 - oraz 01:15:769 -
2017-04-12 19:28 SitekX: tez będzie pasował pojedynczny ln
2017-04-12 19:29 Janko: zastanawiałem się nad tym
2017-04-12 19:29 SitekX: 01:15:597 (75597|3) - i 01:15:769 (75769|1) - zamieniasz na lna
2017-04-12 19:29 SitekX: chociaż
2017-04-12 19:29 Janko: ogólnie są momenty też w których pasuje 1/16 ale to by było za harde więc chyba dam tam lny
2017-04-12 19:29 SitekX: kurde
2017-04-12 19:29 SitekX: albo wiesz co
2017-04-12 19:29 SitekX: zapomnij o tych dwóch notkach co mówiłem
2017-04-12 19:30 SitekX: kurde
2017-04-12 19:30 SitekX: niby pasują
2017-04-12 19:30 Janko: ok
2017-04-12 19:30 SitekX: ale to tez będzie wymagało sporo zmian mi sie wydaje w późniejszych etapach mapy xD
2017-04-12 19:30 SitekX: ln czy nie, oba warianty będa pasować
2017-04-12 19:30 SitekX: dobra
2017-04-12 19:30 SitekX: przejde to głownego problemu i pójde coś pograć
2017-04-12 19:31 Janko: ok
2017-04-12 19:31 SitekX: kurde
2017-04-12 19:31 SitekX: przy okazji
2017-04-12 19:31 SitekX: napotkałem jeszcze inny problem xD
2017-04-12 19:31 SitekX: 01:24:907 (84907|0,84907|1,84907|2,84950|3) -
2017-04-12 19:31 SitekX: 01:24:907 (84907|2) - przenieś na 01:24:950 -
2017-04-12 19:32 SitekX: 01:24:950 (84950|3) - przenieś na 01:24:993 -
2017-04-12 19:32 SitekX: wygodniej i nawet bardziej podpasuje do muzyki
2017-04-12 19:32 Janko: ??
2017-04-12 19:32 Janko: wuut
2017-04-12 19:33 Janko:
2017-04-12 19:33 Janko: że niby takie o?
2017-04-12 19:33 SitekX: notke z 4 kolumny jeszcze o 1/8 dalej przesuń
2017-04-12 19:33 Janko: a wait
2017-04-12 19:33 Janko: dobra wiem
2017-04-12 19:33 SitekX: nono
2017-04-12 19:33 Janko: w sumie racja
2017-04-12 19:33 SitekX: bo ten dźwięk gitarki jest troszke dłuższy
2017-04-12 19:33 SitekX: + pozbywasz się takiego chamskiego jacka
2017-04-12 19:33 SitekX: znaczy, no jest łatwiejszy xD
2017-04-12 19:34 Janko: 01:25:166 - nie wiem czemu tu jest pusto
2017-04-12 19:34 SitekX: 01:30:424 (90424|3,90424|2,90511|1,90511|2,90597|1,90597|0) - to jest troche be
2017-04-12 19:34 SitekX: dobrze jest
2017-04-12 19:35 Janko: wiedziałem że się ktoś do tego przyczepi
2017-04-12 19:35 Janko: tylko idk jak to zmienić
2017-04-12 19:35 SitekX: 01:37:321 - 01:39:433 -
2017-04-12 19:35 SitekX: 01:39:562 - 01:40:424 - ten burst jest okropny
2017-04-12 19:36 SitekX: a to wyżej to właśnie te jacki o których mówiłem
2017-04-12 19:36 SitekX: z tymi jackami postapiłbym podobnie jak w przypadku tych co na początku zmienialiśmy
2017-04-12 19:36 SitekX: tym razem Tobie zostawie pole do popisu (bo jestem cholernym leniem)
2017-04-12 19:36 Janko: też tak myślę
2017-04-12 19:36 Janko: tzn nie że jesteś leniem xd
2017-04-12 19:37 SitekX: przy okazji zobaczymy co ciekawego wymyślisz
2017-04-12 19:37 SitekX: nono xD
2017-04-12 19:37 SitekX: a póki co ja pójdę sobie pograć troszke xD
2017-04-12 19:37 Janko: cóż spodziewałem się tego że zrobię lekkiego raka xd
2017-04-12 19:37 SitekX: od tego jestem ja i pare innych osób na pmc, żeby jak coś to pomóc xD
2017-04-12 19:37 Janko: (y)
2017-04-12 19:38 Janko: dobra to zabieram się za zmiany
2017-04-12 19:38 SitekX: no
2017-04-12 19:38 Janko: jak ci zależy na kudosie to możesz do tematu to dodać xdd
2017-04-12 19:38 SitekX: spoko, potem wrzuce logi xD
2017-04-12 19:38 Janko: odrobisz sobie jednego z 3 co dałeś na Trammella
Polecam się na przyszłość :D
Topic Starter

AnatOWOJIya's diff

00:01:631 - add note because this is the same moment that 00:03:700 -
00:05:424 (5424|1) - move this note to 00:05:769 -
00:06:804 - 00:07:148 - you can add note here
00:08:528 (8528|3) - this LN... meh. Make a start here 00:08:355 -
00:10:424 (10424|1,10597|1,10942|0) - the same sound so why third note is in first column? Move to column 2 or move second sound somewhere else (Previously, there were good places for jacks which you didn't use)
00:14:735 - hmm maybe new note in 4?
00:15:080 (15080|3,15080|0,15252|2,15424|1,15424|3,15597|0,15769|2) -
00:16:114 (16114|0,16114|1,16286|2,16459|1,16631|0,16631|3) -
00:17:148 - add two notes for better flow(?)
00:26:976 - add note
00:27:666 - ^
00:29:045 - ^
00:29:217 - ^
00:33:183 - ^
00:35:252 - ^
00:37:148 (37148|1) - I think that this note doesn't fit here. Move to 00:37:493 -
00:37:321 - aand add note maybe?
00:39:390 - ^
00:46:976 - add note to column 2 and move this 00:47:148 (47148|1) - to 4
01:34:390 (94390|0) - this LN should started here 01:34:217 - and remowe one note
02:05:769 - add note
02:09:907 - ^
02:45:252 -
02:46:286 - add note (And do the same as before)
03:42:838 (222838|1) -
03:51:114 (231114|1,231286|2,231459|3) - ctrl+H and move 03:51:631 (231631|1) - to 4
03:51:804 - hmm you can add notes in this calm part

BTW It would be nice if your diff was a bit more difficult (2-2.3* should be ok)

On this moment it's all.

Janko wrote:


AnatOWOJIya's diff

00:01:631 - add note because this is the same moment that 00:03:700 -
00:05:424 (5424|1) - move this note to 00:05:769 -
00:06:804 - 00:07:148 - you can add note here
00:08:528 (8528|3) - this LN... meh. Make a start here 00:08:355 -
00:10:424 (10424|1,10597|1,10942|0) - the same sound so why third note is in first column? Move to column 2 or move second sound somewhere else (Previously, there were good places for jacks which you didn't use)
00:14:735 - hmm maybe new note in 4?
00:15:080 (15080|3,15080|0,15252|2,15424|1,15424|3,15597|0,15769|2) -
00:16:114 (16114|0,16114|1,16286|2,16459|1,16631|0,16631|3) -
00:17:148 - add two notes for better flow(?)
00:26:976 - add note
00:27:666 - ^
00:29:045 - ^
00:29:217 - ^
00:33:183 - ^
00:35:252 - ^
00:37:148 (37148|1) - I think that this note doesn't fit here. Move to 00:37:493 -
00:37:321 - aand add note maybe?
00:39:390 - ^
00:46:976 - add note to column 2 and move this 00:47:148 (47148|1) - to 4
01:34:390 (94390|0) - this LN should started here 01:34:217 - and remowe one note
02:05:769 - add note
02:09:907 - ^
02:45:252 -
02:46:286 - add note (And do the same as before)
03:42:838 (222838|1) -
03:51:114 (231114|1,231286|2,231459|3) - ctrl+H and move 03:51:631 (231631|1) - to 4
03:51:804 - hmm you can add notes in this calm part

BTW It would be nice if your diff was a bit more difficult (2-2.3* should be ok)

On this moment it's all.
Thanks for mod, Janko ;3
According to artist's Bandcamp this song is used in album called "Nostril" so i would suggest to add it's name to tags
dobroe utro tolyan
20:21 Mage: Да тут же даблов можно накидать
20:21 AnatOWJIya: Надо
20:22 AnatOWJIya: Но я хз где
20:22 AnatOWJIya: драмы везде разыне
20:22 Mage: 00:06:286 - давай 1/2 джек
20:22 Mage: норм зайдет
20:23 Mage: 00:11:804 (11804|0) - на что этот ЛН?
20:24 AnatOWJIya: hz
20:24 Mage: блять
20:24 Mage: А хули он тогда стоит
20:24 AnatOWJIya: hz
20:24 Mage: пиздец
20:24 Mage: 00:16:459 - тут либо дабл либо джек
20:26 AnatOWJIya: duble
20:26 Mage: 00:18:700 - 00:20:769 - 00:22:838 - 00:24:907 - даблы
20:28 Mage: 00:33:700 - 00:34:045 - ну ты же не ставил раньше даблы на такие звуки а тут вдруг появились
20:28 AnatOWJIya: mod ot mapset holdera
20:28 Mage: 00:37:838 - ноту
20:28 Mage: ?
20:29 Mage: 00:38:183 -
20:29 Mage: 00:39:045 -
20:30 Mage: 00:43:011 - 00:44:821 - 00:47:321 - ну и тд, тоже ноты
20:30 Mage: 00:44:735 (44735|1) - вот для чего этот лн
20:30 Mage: 00:45:338 - о тут кстати тоже нота
20:30 Mage: 00:45:597 - а тут дабл
20:31 Mage: 00:47:838 (47838|3,47838|1) - тож самое чому то лн
20:31 Mage: дабл*
20:31 Mage: 00:49:735 - чувак, этот парт подошел бы для изика но не для нормала
20:32 Mage: Ставь 1/2 альтернейты
20:32 Mage: 01:05:252 - а тут кароч 1/2 трилл
20:32 Mage: 01:06:286 - с даблом на конце
20:33 Mage: 01:10:424 - лан тут дабл, и дальше я не буду говорить о таких даблах, сам найдешь
20:33 Mage: 01:13:528 - фига трипл
20:33 Mage: Давай здесь дабл лн
20:33 Mage: прикольно будет
20:34 Mage: 01:22:838 - я обещал не говорить о даблах, но меня это тригерит
20:34 Mage: 01:30:080 - тут по сути тоже 1/2 лн
20:35 AnatOWJIya: 01:05:252 - ?
20:35 Mage: ну я же сказал
20:35 AnatOWJIya: Трилл
20:35 AnatOWJIya: не понял
20:35 Mage: 1/2 трилл, а лн убрать
20:35 Mage: Ты не знаешь что такое трилл?
20:35 AnatOWJIya: НЕТУ ЛНА
20:35 AnatOWJIya: Ты ебанутый?
20:35 Mage: хд
20:35 Mage: а:
20:36 Mage: 01:05:252 (65252|0) - это что блять
20:36 AnatOWJIya: м
20:36 AnatOWJIya:
20:36 AnatOWJIya: Ёбу дал?
20:36 Mage: вааат
20:37 AnatOWJIya: Тебе мб скайп показать?
20:37 Mage:
20:37 AnatOWJIya: там его и не было
20:37 AnatOWJIya: Ты карту обновлял?
20:38 Mage: Ток скачал
20:38 Mage: Не могли же обновить так сразу
20:38 AnatOWJIya: hz che za ebala
20:38 AnatOWJIya: no tam nihooya
20:38 Mage: Че за бред лол
20:38 AnatOWJIya: osu
20:39 AnatOWJIya: tut vsegda pizdec
20:39 AnatOWJIya: чё такое трилл
20:39 AnatOWJIya: ёбна
20:39 Mage: Может ты тогда обновишь мапу хд
20:39 Mage: Ну блять
20:39 AnatOWJIya: Яж не этот
20:39 Mage: сколько ты уже мапаешь
20:39 AnatOWJIya: Мапсет холдер
20:40 Mage: Ну, перекачаешь
20:40 Mage: Может таймингл у тебя слетел
20:40 AnatOWJIya: 2 года
20:40 Mage: 2 года
20:40 AnatOWJIya: Не слетал
20:40 Mage: И не знаешь что такое трилл
20:40 AnatOWJIya: Всё норм у меня
20:40 AnatOWJIya: хз
20:41 Mage: трилл = 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4
20:41 AnatOWJIya: 1/1,1/4,1/2?
20:41 AnatOWJIya: А
20:41 Mage: or 1 3 1 3 1 3 or 1 2 1 2 1 2 and etc.
20:41 AnatOWJIya: Бля
20:41 AnatOWJIya: Сука
20:41 AnatOWJIya: го скайп
20:41 AnatOWJIya: я блять запутался
20:41 Mage: How about no
20:41 AnatOWJIya: How about da
20:42 Mage: = trill
20:42 AnatOWJIya: Я в целом запутался
20:42 AnatOWJIya: а не в трилле
20:42 AnatOWJIya: блять
20:42 Mage: Да что не так то а
20:42 Mage: Перекачай мапу плз хддд
20:43 AnatOWJIya: Я в целом
20:43 AnatOWJIya: не в том лне
20:43 Mage: Да что в целом то
20:43 AnatOWJIya: которого нет
20:43 AnatOWJIya: Запутался
20:43 AnatOWJIya: сука
20:43 AnatOWJIya: вот что
20:44 Mage: ?? :^ ??
20:44 Mage: :^)*
20:44 Mage: :D
20:44 AnatOWJIya: Ещё раз
20:44 AnatOWJIya: где мы
20:44 Mage: 01:05:252 - тута
20:45 AnatOWJIya: чё делать
20:45 Mage: трилл
20:46 AnatOWJIya: чё такое альтернейт
20:46 Mage: Да блять
20:46 Mage: Альтернейшн, 1 3 2 4
20:46 Mage: or 1 4 2 3
20:46 Mage: or 1 4 2 4 1 3 2 3
20:46 Mage: or smth like that
20:48 AnatOWJIya: дальше
20:49 Mage: 01:31:114 - так я уже говорил о даблах да
20:49 Mage: 01:39:390 - да?
20:50 Mage: 01:46:631 - зочем трипл
20:50 Mage: 01:47:666 - да
20:50 Mage: 01:51:804 - да
20:50 Mage: 01:55:942 - звезда
20:52 Mage: 02:11:286 - - поинтересней будет однако
20:52 Mage: 02:16:286 - 02:16:459 - нот бы
20:53 AnatOWJIya: C какого тайминга скрин
20:53 Mage: ну я ж кинул тайминг
20:54 Mage: 02:26:976 - 02:27:148 - 02:27:493 - сюда хоть даблы ставь
20:54 AnatOWJIya: к
20:54 Mage: 02:28:011 - тут тоже самое что и на скрине выше
20:54 Mage: Ну или не тоже самое
20:54 AnatOWJIya: подумай
20:54 Mage: Че думать то
20:54 Mage: я то подумол
20:55 AnatOWJIya: Также
20:55 AnatOWJIya: ок
20:55 AnatOWJIya: Done
20:56 Mage: 02:31:459 - 02:32:321 - 02:32:838 - 02:33:011 - 02:34:390 - и тд можно накидать кучу нот шоб старрейт поднять
20:56 Mage: да и ваще
20:56 Mage: 02:37:321 - да
20:56 Mage: 02:53:873 - звезда
20:56 Mage: 03:02:148 - пiзда
20:57 Mage: 03:10:424 - кек
20:57 Mage: 03:18:700 - мне че за тебя даблы выставлять
20:57 Mage: 03:26:976 - а
20:58 Mage: 03:34:045 - тоже можно лнов намутить
20:58 AnatOWJIya: 03:08:355 -
20:58 AnatOWJIya: А тут надо?
20:58 AnatOWJIya: 03:18:700 - так тут и так дабл
20:58 Mage: нет
20:58 AnatOWJIya: У меня да
20:58 Mage: 03:18:700 - нету здесь дабла блять
20:58 Mage: ебаны ты нахуй
20:58 AnatOWJIya: Есть
20:59 Mage: Да боже
20:59 Mage: Что не так с этой мапой
20:59 AnatOWJIya: хз
20:59 Mage: 03:35:252 - весь этот дабл можно лнами покрыть шоб веселей было
21:00 Mage: 00:49:735 - кстати привет зачем здесь киаи
21:00 Mage: 01:06:286 - вот тут я еще понимаю
21:00 AnatOWJIya: Тайминги мапера
21:00 Mage: ТАК
21:00 Mage: Че тайминги мапера то
21:02 Mage: Кароч я все
21:02 Mage: Рука уже болит от написания мода
21:02 Mage: Чекни мапу всю на даблы
21:02 Mage: ВСЮ
21:02 Mage: У тебя еще много работы
21:02 AnatOWJIya: А даблы?
21:02 AnatOWJIya: в коцне
21:03 Mage: Что?
21:03 AnatOWJIya: Я не ебу где ставить
21:03 AnatOWJIya: D;
21:03 AnatOWJIya: Песня упоротая
21:03 Mage: Ну бля, на финишах
21:03 Mage: 03:33:183 - тут например
21:03 Mage: 03:43:528 - и тут
21:04 Mage: и те де
21:04 AnatOWJIya: А
21:04 AnatOWJIya: 4/1 ?
21:05 Mage: Нууу.. Можно и так
21:05 Mage: Можно и 8/1 оставить
21:05 Mage: Но кроме них еще и на финишах
21:05 Mage: 03:50:080 -
21:05 Mage: 03:48:011 -
21:06 AnatOWJIya: 8/1 и так с начала стояли
21:06 Mage: Ну
21:06 Mage: Я и говорю "оставить"
21:07 Mage: can i get free kudosai now
Topic Starter
Ok. Second check AnatOWJIya's Normal

Add note here: 00:02:148 - 00:04:217 - 00:06:286 - (I have doubts) 00:10:942 - 00:12:493 - 00:14:907 - 00:23:355 - 00:35:769 - 00:43:183 - 00:44:045 - 00:48:183 - 01:07:666 (67666|1) - 01:41:976 - 01:44:390 - (idk but...) 01:46:114 - 01:59:390 - 02:19:217 - 02:22:493 - 02:23:355 - 03:20:424 - 03:21:286 - 03:28:700 - 03:29:562 - 03:31:976 - (I'm not sure)

01:07:666 (67666|0) - move to column 2
02:43:873 (163873|1,164045|2) - ctrl+H
03:39:562 (219562|1,219735|2) - move one column to the left
03:48:183 (228183|1,228355|2,228528|3) - ^ and 03:48:873 (228873|2,229045|3) - ctrl+G

03:48:873 (228873|3,229045|2) - Why did you finish here? This is a hopeless moment xd

When you add notes and fix a few minor details I will look at the last time for arrangement patterns and I think I will be happy for this diff xD
Tak więc nie przedłużając
Lie's Insane
00:10:424 (10424|1) - As I wrote to you at pm - move this note to column 3 for balance. If you want keep pitch move this note too 00:10:597 (10597|1) -
00:11:286 (11286|2) - this triple note... Meh xd move to column 1
00:12:580 (12580|1) - move this note to column 3. I can't hear jack here.
00:14:993 (14993|1,15166|1) - this notes are for pitch? Move to column 3 for balance
00:19:562 (19562|2,19735|2,19907|1) - hmm I'm not sure but maybe ctrl+H?
00:24:217 (24217|1,24390|1) - move to column 3 for balance
00:30:080 (30080|2) - mmm maybe to column 2?
00:30:252 (30252|3) - if you change above move this note to 3
00:37:148 (37148|2,37493|1) - propose ctrl+H
00:40:252 (40252|0,40424|0,40597|0,40769|0) - uhh... 00:40:597 (40597|0) - move to column 2
00:40:769 -
00:42:666 (42666|1) - move to column 2 for balance
00:49:907 (49907|1,50080|2) - move one column to the right
00:51:286 (51286|1) - move to column 1
00:51:459 (51459|2,51631|1,51976|2) - If you change above - ctrl+H
00:56:114 (56114|1) - move to column 3
01:01:286 (61286|0) - move to column 2
01:02:666 - maybe
01:09:562 (69562|1,69648|2,69735|1,69821|2) - ctrl+H for more comfortable play
01:12:924 (72924|2,73011|2) - are you sure that this LNs are 1/8?
01:30:080 (90080|2) - move to column 1
01:30:769 (90769|2,90855|2) - move to column 4
01:35:080 (95080|0,95166|0) - move to column 2 for balance
01:44:217 (104217|1) - move to column 3
01:44:735 (104735|1,104907|1) - ^ and do 3 4 3 4 3
01:45:381 (105381|1,105511|1) - to col 3
01:51:286 -
02:23:011 (143011|2) - maybe to column 2?
02:31:631 (151631|2) - ^
02:32:148 -
02:36:459 (156459|1,156631|2) - ctrl+H
02:38:183 (158183|2) - move to column 2
02:48:183 (168183|2,168355|2) - move to column 4 and move this 02:48:269 (168269|0) - to column 3
02:48:959 -
02:49:907 (169907|2) - move to column 2
02:57:148 (177148|2,177235|1,177321|0,177407|2) - Ctrl+H
02:59:476 (179476|2) - move to 4
03:03:700 (183700|3,183786|2) - hmm maybe ctrl+G?
03:04:907 (184907|1,184993|2,185080|1,185166|2) - ctrl+H
03:08:355 (188355|1) - idk what to think about it but move to 1 maybe or 3 ooor... move LN to 3
03:14:045 (194045|2) - to 4
03:17:493 (197493|0,197580|2) - move to 3 4
03:37:148 (217148|1) - move to 3
03:39:476 (219476|3) - ^
03:43:700 (223700|0,223786|2) - move to 3 4
03:52:752 - idk why you do this but add note 03:52:752 - 03:54:045 -
I powodzenia w ewentualnym ranku mapy o/
Another Lie

Moskas wrote:

Tak więc nie przedłużając
Lie's Insane
00:10:424 (10424|1) - As I wrote to you at pm - move this note to column 3 for balance. If you want keep pitch move this note too // changed this 00:10:424 (10424|0) - to LN
00:10:597 (10597|1) - // no
00:11:286 (11286|2) - this triple note... Meh xd move to column 1 // ok
00:12:580 (12580|1) - move this note to column 3. I can't hear jack here. // 00:12:493 (12493|1) - moved this
00:14:993 (14993|1,15166|1) - this notes are for pitch? Move to column 3 for balance // 00:15:424 (15424|2) - moved this
00:19:562 (19562|2,19735|2,19907|1) - hmm I'm not sure but maybe ctrl+H? // nope
00:24:217 (24217|1,24390|1) - move to column 3 for balance // not for balance, but for pitch
00:30:080 (30080|2) - mmm maybe to column 2? // no, because those 2 notes sounds are louder & has same sound. so i added this 00:30:080 (30080|3) -
00:30:252 (30252|3) - if you change above move this note to 3 // no
00:37:148 (37148|2,37493|1) - propose ctrl+H // instead of that, i'm confused about 00:37:493 (37493|1) - so if other modder mention it, i will consider
00:40:252 (40252|0,40424|0,40597|0,40769|0) - uhh... 00:40:597 (40597|0) - move to column 2 // nope, as you can clearly hear it 00:40:424 (40424|0,40597|0,40769|0) - same pitch
00:40:769 - // 00:41:200 (41200|3,41200|1) - sorry i forgotten about them. re-arranged
00:42:666 (42666|1) - move to column 2 for balance // once again, that is not for balance
00:49:907 (49907|1,50080|2) - move one column to the right // no, i focused on hand balance & better gameplay
00:51:286 (51286|1) - move to column 1 // nope, consistency 1/4 trill
00:51:459 (51459|2,51631|1,51976|2) - If you change above - ctrl+H // no
00:56:114 (56114|1) - move to column 3 // consistency 1/4 trill
01:01:286 (61286|0) - move to column 2 // the main sound are at 1st col & 4th col
01:02:666 - maybe // i saw your every pattern opinion are good, but i'm trying to be consistent & making a fun map here
01:09:562 (69562|1,69648|2,69735|1,69821|2) - ctrl+H for more comfortable play // 00:51:286 (51286|1) - revert consistency note above
01:12:924 (72924|2,73011|2) - are you sure that this LNs are 1/8? // oh pardon me, i changed into this [url]][/url]
01:30:080 (90080|2) - move to column 1 // keep for playability
01:30:769 (90769|2,90855|2) - move to column 4 // no
01:35:080 (95080|0,95166|0) - move to column 2 for balance // no
01:44:217 (104217|1) - move to column 3 // no
01:44:735 (104735|1,104907|1) - ^ and do 3 4 3 4 3 // no
01:45:381 (105381|1,105511|1) - to col 3 // no
01:51:286 - // not easy pattern please, hear the music again. It is about "Pitch"
02:23:011 (143011|2) - maybe to column 2? // you see this? 02:49:735 (169735|2) -
02:31:631 (151631|2) - ^ // no
02:32:148 - // if i used your opinion, my pattern are ruined. i used shield on purpose there, so i made 1/8 LN
02:36:459 (156459|1,156631|2) - ctrl+H // no, consistency 131 then 424
02:38:183 (158183|2) - move to column 2 // no
02:48:183 (168183|2,168355|2) - move to column 4 and move this 02:48:269 (168269|0) - to column 3 // absolutely no
02:48:959 - // trill is just addition. i'm focused on these 02:49:045 (169045|2,169045|3,169217|3,169217|2,169390|0,169390|2,169562|0,169562|2) -
02:49:907 (169907|2) - move to column 2 // no
02:57:148 (177148|2,177235|1,177321|0,177407|2) - Ctrl+H // no
02:59:476 (179476|2) - move to 4 // no
03:03:700 (183700|3,183786|2) - hmm maybe ctrl+G? // noo
03:04:907 (184907|1,184993|2,185080|1,185166|2) - ctrl+H // no
03:08:355 (188355|1) - idk what to think about it but move to 1 maybe or 3 ooor... move LN to 3 // no
03:14:045 (194045|2) - to 4 // no
03:17:493 (197493|0,197580|2) - move to 3 4 // no
03:37:148 (217148|1) - move to 3 // no
03:39:476 (219476|3) - ^ // no
03:43:700 (223700|0,223786|2) - move to 3 4 // no
03:52:752 - idk why you do this but add note 03:52:752 - 03:54:045 -// please hear again. Precisely hear it again
I powodzenia w ewentualnym ranku mapy o/
Most of your suggestion are rejected, you need to learn mapping a map similiar like this. Such as: This or This
Topic Starter
Updated all diffs
Hi janko! :)

In fact, your map feels very well done, but here leave a tiny mod.

columns: |1|2|3|4|

This section is not bad, but it is a bit uncomfortable 00:57:881 (57881|3,57924|2,57967|1,58011|0,58011|3,58011|2) -
If you think you could try this, 00:57:795 (57795|1,57838|0,57967|1,58011|0) - Ctrl+G and delete this 00:58:011 (58011|2) - and move 00:58:183 (58183|1,58355|2) - one column to the right
01:16:976 (76976|2) - try move this to col 1
01:17:321 (77321|2) - same ^

00:07:666 (7666|3,7752|2,7838|1) - you can use Ctrl+G here, feel more like

try whit Ctrl+G here 00:08:786 (8786|2,8830|3) -

check the sound on this parts 00:09:735 (9735|3,9735|2,9821|1,9821|0) -
feel more like of this form 00:09:821 (9821|0,9821|1,9907|3,9907|2,9993|0,9993|1,10080|0,10080|3,10080|2,10209|1,10252|2) - Ctrl+H and test

I think it's missing notes here 00:11:157 -
for example, down one line this note 00:11:200 (11200|1) - and add other note here 00:11:200 - col 1
and move this 00:11:286 (11286|0) - to col 2 or delete note

you can add note here 01:07:493 - col 4

you can transform this notes 01:17:666 (77666|0,77838|3) - to LNs in 1/4

01:19:045 (79045|2) - move to col 1

you can move this 01:19:907 (79907|3) - to col 2 and this 01:20:252 (80252|1) - to col 2 same

01:30:338 - you can add another note here in column 2

try move this 01:39:390 (99390|0) - to this point 01:39:476 -
after press Ctrl+G on this notes 01:39:562 (99562|2,99605|3,99735|2,99778|3) -
01:39:993 (99993|1,100036|0) - same here

Seeing this 02:29:045 - then why not put triples here? 02:29:217 - 02:29:390 -

03:01:286 (181286|2,181286|3,181459|3,181459|2,181631|2,181631|3,181804|2,181804|3,181976|2,181976|3) - the same ^
you can convert this doubles on triples due the sound.

pd: i liked the mapping.

Good luck! :D
Topic Starter

BloowXv2 wrote:

Hi janko! :)

In fact, your map feels very well done, but here leave a tiny mod.

columns: |1|2|3|4|

This section is not bad, but it is a bit uncomfortable 00:57:881 (57881|3,57924|2,57967|1,58011|0,58011|3,58011|2) -
If you think you could try this, 00:57:795 (57795|1,57838|0,57967|1,58011|0) - Ctrl+G and delete this 00:58:011 (58011|2) - and move 00:58:183 (58183|1,58355|2) - one column to the right Hmm... Nice idea.
01:16:976 (76976|2) - try move this to col 1 I could but this note looks better in column 3
01:17:321 (77321|2) - same ^ And samee

00:07:666 (7666|3,7752|2,7838|1) - you can use Ctrl+G here, feel more like I changed triple before this part specially for this xD Ofc accepted.

try whit Ctrl+G here 00:08:786 (8786|2,8830|3) - Nope. He wants to keep here continuity

check the sound on this parts 00:09:735 (9735|3,9735|2,9821|1,9821|0) -
feel more like of this form 00:09:821 (9821|0,9821|1,9907|3,9907|2,9993|0,9993|1,10080|0,10080|3,10080|2,10209|1,10252|2) - Ctrl+H and test Something doesn't fit here. Leave it as it is

I think it's missing notes here 00:11:157 -
for example, down one line this note 00:11:200 (11200|1) - and add other note here 00:11:200 - col 1
and move this 00:11:286 (11286|0) - to col 2 or delete note I'm not sure. I'll think about that

you can add note here 01:07:493 - col 4 I can

you can transform this notes 01:17:666 (77666|0,77838|3) - to LNs in 1/4 I'll leve it

01:19:045 (79045|2) - move to col 1 For balance I'd rather not

you can move this 01:19:907 (79907|3) - to col 2 and this 01:20:252 (80252|1) - to col 2 same I modified your idea

01:30:338 - you can add another note here in column 2 Theoretically fits because you hear sound but... for flow(?) I prefer leave it

try move this 01:39:390 (99390|0) - to this point 01:39:476 - Nope
after press Ctrl+G on this notes 01:39:562 (99562|2,99605|3,99735|2,99778|3) - Ok but only last two notes
01:39:993 (99993|1,100036|0) - same here Nope

Seeing this 02:29:045 - then why not put triples here? 02:29:217 - 02:29:390 - Ok added

03:01:286 (181286|2,181286|3,181459|3,181459|2,181631|2,181631|3,181804|2,181804|3,181976|2,181976|3) - the same ^
you can convert this doubles on triples due the sound.Nope because this part will be too hard and because here 03:01:114 - is additional sound in the song

pd: i liked the mapping.

Good luck! :D

Thanks for mod! It was helpful


03:51:804 - time the ending part correctly, there's BPM changes there, currently unrankable (have fun timing that though because it fluctuates xd)

00:10:338 (10338|0) - note but no sound
if that's addressed move 00:10:424 (10424|2) - to 1 so then it matches the above 3 note chord since they're the same sounds

00:10:855 (10855|3) - I can hear this sound slightly clearer but again it's still very quiet, debatable if you wanna remove that one

00:12:321 (12321|2,12321|0,12407|3,12407|1,12493|0,12493|2,12493|3) - why not have this as a one handed jack into a hand like this:

00:13:614 (13614|2) - 00:14:131 (14131|0) - note but no sound

00:14:045 (14045|3,14217|3,14390|3,14562|3,14735|3,14907|3,15080|3,15252|3,15424|3,15597|3,15769|3) - tfw anchor

00:28:873 (28873|2) - not even a 1/6 vocal roll here smh (don't actually do this tho)

00:44:735 (44735|2,44907|2,45080|2,45252|2,45424|2) - more anchors

00:48:614 (48614|0,48700|0) - unnecessary minijack?

00:48:873 (48873|2,48873|0,48959|1,49045|0,49045|2,49131|1,49217|2,49217|0,49304|1,49390|0,49390|2,49476|1,49562|0,49562|2,49648|1,49735|2,49735|0) - go with [12]3 instead, that looks amazingly uncomfortable to hit atm with the LN

01:13:528 (73528|3,73614|3,74476|3,74562|3) - wow two minijacks on the same column ouch

01:17:666 (77666|3,77838|3,78011|3,78183|3,78355|3,78528|3,78700|3) - more anchors

01:37:148 (97148|2,97192|1,97235|0,97278|3,97321|1,97321|2,97407|3,97407|0,97493|2,97493|1,97580|3,97580|0,97666|1,97752|3,97752|2,97838|1,97838|0,97924|3,97924|2,98011|3,98011|1,98011|0,98097|1,98097|2,98183|3,98183|0,98269|2,98269|1,98355|2,98355|3,98355|0,98442|0,98442|1,98528|3,98528|2,98614|1,98614|0,98700|1,98700|3,98700|2,98786|2,98786|0,98873|3,98873|1,98959|2,98959|0,99045|3,99045|2,99045|1,99131|0,99131|1,99217|3,99217|2,99304|0,99304|1,99390|2,99390|0,99390|3) - oh god all the jacks in this section wew

01:41:717 (101717|2) - is that note necessary

01:43:011 (103011|0,103011|3,103097|1) - isn't that a 1/8 sound?

01:53:269 (113269|2) - note but no sound

01:54:562 (114562|2,114562|0,114648|0,114648|3,114648|1,114735|2,114735|3,114735|1,114821|2,114821|0,114907|3,114907|1,114907|0) - think that might be overdoing it with density there, same 02:11:459 (131459|0,131459|2,131459|1,131545|2,131545|3,131545|0,131631|1,131631|2,131631|3,131717|1,131717|3,131717|0) - it's just a lot of notes to hit in such a small amount of time compared to the density around these notes

02:34:476 (154476|2) - note but no sound

02:45:855 (165855|0,166028|0,166157|0,166330|0,166502|0,166631|0,166804|0,166976|0,167148|0,167321|0,167493|0) - anchor city

03:19:735 - why no LNs here for vocals?

03:35:597 (215597|3,215597|0,215597|2,215654|1,215712|2,215769|3,215769|0) - 1/6 here but no 1/6 at 03:36:286 (216286|0,216286|1,216286|3,216459|2) - or here 03:36:804 (216804|2,216804|3,216976|1,216976|0) - etc???

03:43:700 - 1/8 sounds start here

Lie's Insane
00:10:252 (10252|1,10769|3,11114|2) - would recommend having these as 1/4 LNs to suit the sound they represent

00:11:459 (11459|3) - move to 3 to avoid 00:11:459 (11459|3,11545|3) -

00:12:580 (12580|1,12666|3) - because of how insignificant the sound is here, I'd recommend making it 4|1 or 4|3 as to relive pressure off the second column

00:24:217 (24217|1,24390|1,24519|1,24648|1) - that's nasty

00:44:821 - 00:45:080 - 00:45:338 - could afford to add an extra note here

00:47:666 (47666|3,47666|2,47838|1,47838|0,48011|2,48011|3,48183|1,48183|0,48355|3,48355|2) - maybe spice up this patterning a bit?

00:52:666 (52666|2) - shouldn't this be a double?

01:00:252 (60252|0) - in fact this entire section feels like it's missing a load of doubles, you might want to go through it again

01:07:235 (67235|2,67278|3,67321|2,67407|3,67493|2,67580|3) - that's nasty part 2

01:08:700 (68700|2,68743|0,68786|2,68830|0) - gl getting that past bns/qats

01:55:769 (115769|2) - fancy but I can't see the reason for this LN

02:11:229 (131229|3) - I'd place that on 2 because rip right hand

02:16:028 - sound but no note?

02:17:493 (137493|0,137666|0,137838|0) - mini-anchor xd (not actually an issue)

02:47:321 (167321|3,167407|1,167493|3,167580|1) - the sounds here aren't trill worthy, same 02:55:597 (175597|0,175683|2,175769|0,175855|2) -

02:57:493 (177493|0,177580|3) - sure about 2 notes here?

03:10:424 - how to destroy a player's dreams of FCing 101

03:51:804 - hopefully janko fixes the bpm timing for the ending here, you just might want to make sure all your notes are in the right place after he's done that
supp , as requested...
i bring some hitsounds sample , that i think will fit with the song
you can choose it , because im lazy to do it...
if you need specific hitsounds, poke me again in-game , i will give confirmation am i be able to find specific hitsounds that you want to..

good luck
Double breakcore in tag
00:01:631 - add 1 more note. as you did 00:03:700 (3700|0,3700|3) -

00:08:442 (8442|1) - Ghost note. pls delete

00:48:873 (48873|2,48873|0,48959|1,49045|0,49045|2,49131|1,49217|2,49217|0,49304|1,49390|0,49390|2,49476|1,49562|0,49562|2,49648|1,49735|2,49735|0) - recommend to change [12] [3]

00:58:011 - make 3notes because of symbol sound.

01:06:373 (66373|0,66416|1) - Ghost notes. delete

01:38:011 (98011|3,98355|0,98700|1) - I don't recommend these notes

01:39:045 (99045|2) - same

01:54:648 (114648|0,114648|3,114648|1) - what for 3notes? 2notes pls

02:11:459 (131459|1,131459|2,131459|0,131545|2,131545|0,131545|3,131631|3,131631|1,131631|2,131717|0,131717|1,131717|3) - I don't recommned this p pattern. change 3notes - 2notes - 3notes -2note

03:10:467 (190467|2,190511|3,190554|0) - Ghost too I guess

03:51:804 - add col 3 for drum sound
Topic Starter

Hydria wrote:


03:51:804 - time the ending part correctly, there's BPM changes there, currently unrankable (have fun timing that though because it fluctuates xd) Wooot Holy shit ;-; I'll see what I can do. I'll fix it somehow... WAAAAIT What? Why? After all, the sounds are well matched... irregularly but still good. I will ask a few more people about it

00:10:338 (10338|0) - note but no sound
if that's addressed move 00:10:424 (10424|2) - to 1 so then it matches the above 3 note chord since they're the same sounds I hear sound but... you have good idea so I remove this note and I'll do what you have advised

00:10:855 (10855|3) - I can hear this sound slightly clearer but again it's still very quiet, debatable if you wanna remove that one Ok

00:12:321 (12321|2,12321|0,12407|3,12407|1,12493|0,12493|2,12493|3) - why not have this as a one handed jack into a hand like this: Hmm... I'm not sure this pattern but ok. Changed

00:13:614 (13614|2) - 00:14:131 (14131|0) - note but no sound I hear sound and I think that this notes are fit

00:14:045 (14045|3,14217|3,14390|3,14562|3,14735|3,14907|3,15080|3,15252|3,15424|3,15597|3,15769|3) - tfw anchor fuck xd I didn't notice it. I will try to reduce this anchor

00:28:873 (28873|2) - not even a 1/6 vocal roll here smh (don't actually do this tho)

00:44:735 (44735|2,44907|2,45080|2,45252|2,45424|2) - more anchors I didn't remove the anchor but now it's hmm ... more justified

00:48:614 (48614|0,48700|0) - unnecessary minijack? ok fixed

00:48:873 (48873|2,48873|0,48959|1,49045|0,49045|2,49131|1,49217|2,49217|0,49304|1,49390|0,49390|2,49476|1,49562|0,49562|2,49648|1,49735|2,49735|0) - go with [12]3 instead, that looks amazingly uncomfortable to hit atm with the LN Changed

01:13:528 (73528|3,73614|3,74476|3,74562|3) - wow two minijacks on the same column ouch Yep I know. I think on this scale it does not make a big problem (although at first it hurt me xd)

01:17:666 (77666|3,77838|3,78011|3,78183|3,78355|3,78528|3,78700|3) - more anchors I reduced it

01:37:148 (97148|2,97192|1,97235|0,97278|3,97321|1,97321|2,97407|3,97407|0,97493|2,97493|1,97580|3,97580|0,97666|1,97752|3,97752|2,97838|1,97838|0,97924|3,97924|2,98011|3,98011|1,98011|0,98097|1,98097|2,98183|3,98183|0,98269|2,98269|1,98355|2,98355|3,98355|0,98442|0,98442|1,98528|3,98528|2,98614|1,98614|0,98700|1,98700|3,98700|2,98786|2,98786|0,98873|3,98873|1,98959|2,98959|0,99045|3,99045|2,99045|1,99131|0,99131|1,99217|3,99217|2,99304|0,99304|1,99390|2,99390|0,99390|3) - oh god all the jacks in this section wew I simplified it. Rip 5* :/

01:41:717 (101717|2) - is that note necessary Probably you're right

01:43:011 (103011|0,103011|3,103097|1) - isn't that a 1/8 sound? I don't think so :thinking:

01:53:269 (113269|2) - note but no sound I hear sound

01:54:562 (114562|2,114562|0,114648|0,114648|3,114648|1,114735|2,114735|3,114735|1,114821|2,114821|0,114907|3,114907|1,114907|0) - think that might be overdoing it with density there, same 02:11:459 (131459|0,131459|2,131459|1,131545|2,131545|3,131545|0,131631|1,131631|2,131631|3,131717|1,131717|3,131717|0) - it's just a lot of notes to hit in such a small amount of time compared to the density around these notes I changed a little but not necessarily simplifying

02:34:476 (154476|2) - note but no sound Yep

02:45:855 (165855|0,166028|0,166157|0,166330|0,166502|0,166631|0,166804|0,166976|0,167148|0,167321|0,167493|0) - anchor city Anchor city omg xddd I reduced a little

03:19:735 - why no LNs here for vocals? I did LNs for sing... In this part is scream mainly

03:35:597 (215597|3,215597|0,215597|2,215654|1,215712|2,215769|3,215769|0) - 1/6 here but no 1/6 at 03:36:286 (216286|0,216286|1,216286|3,216459|2) - or here 03:36:804 (216804|2,216804|3,216976|1,216976|0) - etc??? but... in your examples isn't additional sounds under which could put a notes

03:43:700 - 1/8 sounds start here hmm but in 1/4 sounds are stronger and I think that this is a good transition from 1/4 to 1/8
Topic Starter

Wonki wrote:

Double breakcore in tag o.O Fixed!
00:01:631 - add 1 more note. as you did 00:03:700 (3700|0,3700|3) - OK

00:08:442 (8442|1) - Ghost note. pls delete OK

00:48:873 (48873|2,48873|0,48959|1,49045|0,49045|2,49131|1,49217|2,49217|0,49304|1,49390|0,49390|2,49476|1,49562|0,49562|2,49648|1,49735|2,49735|0) - recommend to change [12] [3] changed (Hydria was first ;p)

00:58:011 - make 3notes because of symbol sound. You're right but It would be uncomfortable

01:06:373 (66373|0,66416|1) - Ghost notes. delete Nope. In this moment starts 1/8

01:38:011 (98011|3,98355|0,98700|1) - I don't recommend these notes Changed in earlier mod

01:39:045 (99045|2) - same Changed in earlier mod

01:54:648 (114648|0,114648|3,114648|1) - what for 3notes? 2notes pls Oki

02:11:459 (131459|1,131459|2,131459|0,131545|2,131545|0,131545|3,131631|3,131631|1,131631|2,131717|0,131717|1,131717|3) - I don't recommned this p pattern. change 3notes - 2notes - 3notes -2note I modified this a little

03:10:467 (190467|2,190511|3,190554|0) - Ghost too I guess Fixed

03:51:804 - add col 3 for drum sound
Topic Starter

Alsty- wrote:

supp , as requested...
i bring some hitsounds sample , that i think will fit with the song
you can choose it , because im lazy to do it...
if you need specific hitsounds, poke me again in-game , i will give confirmation am i be able to find specific hitsounds that you want to..

good luck
I will definitely use it. Thanks
Another Lie

Hydria wrote:


03:51:804 - time the ending part correctly, there's BPM changes there, currently unrankable (have fun timing that though because it fluctuates xd)
I let janko handle the timing on my diff later :D

Lie's Insane
00:10:252 (10252|1,10769|3,11114|2) - would recommend having these as 1/4 LNs to suit the sound they represent Re-arranged

00:11:459 (11459|3) - move to 3 to avoid 00:11:459 (11459|3,11545|3) - Ok

00:12:580 (12580|1,12666|3) - because of how insignificant the sound is here, I'd recommend making it 4|1 or 4|3 as to relive pressure off the second column Nah, re-arranged with better notes

00:24:217 (24217|1,24390|1,24519|1,24648|1) - that's nasty Moved some

00:44:821 - 00:45:080 - 00:45:338 - could afford to add an extra note here Done

00:47:666 (47666|3,47666|2,47838|1,47838|0,48011|2,48011|3,48183|1,48183|0,48355|3,48355|2) - maybe spice up this patterning a bit? Moved 2 notes as jack

00:52:666 (52666|2) - shouldn't this be a double? Done

01:00:252 (60252|0) - in fact this entire section feels like it's missing a load of doubles, you might want to go through it again I already re-check, and lack of doubles :D sorry for that :D [tbh i was in hurry]

01:07:235 (67235|2,67278|3,67321|2,67407|3,67493|2,67580|3) - that's nasty part 2 Moved some

01:08:700 (68700|2,68743|0,68786|2,68830|0) - gl getting that past bns/qats Sorry, how clumsy i am :D

01:55:769 (115769|2) - fancy but I can't see the reason for this LN i don't remember putting LN on that place -_- but fixed

02:11:229 (131229|3) - I'd place that on 2 because rip right hand Aye aye captain

02:16:028 - sound but no note? :/ i missed so many notes

02:17:493 (137493|0,137666|0,137838|0) - mini-anchor xd (not actually an issue) i actually used 02:16:976 (136976|3,137148|1,137321|3,137493|1) - for basic pattern, then reversed to 1 3 1 3 for 02:17:838 (137838|0,138011|2,138183|0,138355|2) -

02:47:321 (167321|3,167407|1,167493|3,167580|1) - the sounds here aren't trill worthy, Deleted 2 notes same 02:55:597 (175597|0,175683|2,175769|0,175855|2) - same

02:57:493 (177493|0,177580|3) - sure about 2 notes here? Moved some

03:10:424 - how to destroy a player's dreams of FCing 101 Deleted some, but i'll make Monosugoi dump pattern for it :D

03:51:804 - hopefully janko fixes the bpm timing for the ending here, you just might want to make sure all your notes are in the right place after he's done that hahahaha :lol:
Pretty cool mods Hydria. Love you <3
Topic Starter
hey hey~~

OWJI"S Normal

00:24:045 - maybe 1 more notes here since its snare sound
00:27:148 - 1 more note to here since 00:22:838 - you make it 2
00:28:528 - 1 more note too here for snare sound
00:34:735 - ^
00:45:080 - ^
00:45:424 (45424|1) - delete
01:05:424 - til 01:06:114 - can be 2 notes since snare sound way too dominant
01:11:976 - 1 more notes here
01:44:045 (104045|3) - move it to 1 better i think
01:56:804 - 1 note here
01:57:493 - ^
01:59:390 (119390|2) - delete 1
01:59:562 - make it 2 here instead


00:16:631 - i think better the 3 button note here instead of 00:16:459 -
00:51:459 - i think this part onward can be a bit jacky if you follow the gitar sound like move 00:51:631 (51631|2) - to 2 and so on til 01:05:252 - since next part is stairy parts
01:39:390 (99390|2) - maybe delete it since i dunno what it represent even if it represent vocal voice its still need to be longer
01:48:011 (108011|3) - change the ln to normal or make it into 3 notes instead
02:54:045 - this part it think you change become stairy like part 02:50:080 - or chang that part insted with ln to represent that spammy sound
03:09:390 (189390|2,189390|3,189476|0,189562|3,189648|1,189735|3,189821|0,189907|3,189993|1,190080|3,190166|0) - way to hard on right side, balance it a bit might be good
03:50:942 (230942|3,231114|3,231286|3,231459|3,231631|3,231804|3) - way too heavy in the right again
and for the last part using ln probably better from 03:51:804 (231804|3) -

Good luck :D
Janko is too satanic ;w; (janko, if you catch me online and give me a kiss 7u7, i'll mod your satanic creation, See you~)

Jesus and his lolis Destroying the faking 3D world

2D is love 2D is life xdddddddddddd

L A U R A wrote:

hey hey~~

OWJI"S Normal

00:24:045 - maybe 1 more notes here since its snare sound Accepted
00:27:148 - 1 more note to here since 00:22:838 - you make it 2 Accepted
00:28:528 - 1 more note too here for snare sound Accepted
00:34:735 - ^ Accepted
00:45:080 - ^ Accepted
00:45:424 (45424|1) - delete v
01:05:424 - til 01:06:114 - can be 2 notes since snare sound way too dominant Accepted
01:11:976 - 1 more notes here Accepted
01:44:045 (104045|3) - move it to 1 better i think Accepted
01:56:804 - 1 note here Accepted
01:57:493 - ^ Accepted
01:59:390 (119390|2) - delete 1 Accepted
01:59:562 - make it 2 here instead Accepted

Good luck :D
Thanks for mod ;3
@Janko Diff
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