
Doubutsu Biscuits x PPP - Youkoso JAPARI PARK e (TV size ver

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btw use this for the bg to raise the quality of the pic

cuz i did too

alternatively u can have my version of the bg Lol

High Quality Background Picture
たーのしー! \(^O^)/

send me a pm if u need a mod when u finish

Call of the Wild
passing by to say i like alacat's map
Topic Starter
you are mapping well friends!
Topic Starter

Nakagawa-Kanon wrote:

you are mapping well friends!
<3 Thank you star~ :oops:
00:13:494 (1) - すらいだーほんたいにのーまるほいっするつけるー!?
00:14:553 (2) - あかいとこからうしろぜんぶにほいすっるつけたーい!ぴあのにあうー!
00:21:523 - ここのうたにあわせておととりたーい!にれんだとさんれんだどっちもいけるー!
00:25:847 (1) - かねのおとにあわせてほいっするー!?
00:31:670 - ここのぱあと、つかうひっとさうんどがまえのぱあととちがうのに、きょくのおんりょうがあんまりかわらないからごじゅうぐらいがいいー!
00:38:494 (3) - うしろのほうがおとがたかいからほいっするつけてもいいかもー!
00:52:317 (6) - そふとほいっするー?
01:02:906 (1) - ここもからだにのーまるほいっするー!?あと00:13:494 (1) - とくらべておとがつよくないからふぃにっしゅがちょっとうるさいー!
01:26:906 (1,2) - そふとさんぷるにしてどらむのひっとさうんどもすきー!
00:14:200 (2) - ぷれいするときは、いまのままのがやりやすい><けど、もういっこりばーすほしー!
00:23:376 (1) - ここと、00:22:670 (2,3,4) - ここできょくちょうがちがうからそふとふぃにっしゅつけてもいいー!
00:53:994 (5) - むずかしー!さーくるをすらいだーのかわりにしろいせんにおくといいかんじだよ!
00:54:435 (1,2,3) - さんかくもたーのしー!
01:03:611 (2) - 00:14:200 (2) - ここといっしょー!
01:18:259 - さーくるほしー!
01:28:847 (5) - おとがさがってるー!?からしたにえいむするともっとたーのしー!
00:04:670 (4,1) - 00:03:964 (2,3) - こことおなじきょりがいいー!
01:15:259 (4) - 01:14:906 (3) - のましたぐらいにおくともーっとかっこいー!
00:21:259 (2,3) - こっちのほうがいいー!
00:28:670 - くらっぷー?
00:52:141 (4,5,1,2,3,4) - ここだけどらむのおととりだからむずかしー!
01:00:788 (2) - うたにあわせてあかいせんまでのばしたーい!あと01:01:494 (1) - はーどといっしょのすぴんだったらうれーしー!
00:07:847 (3) - いっかいだけうえにあげるときれいー!
00:51:611 - おとがちいさいからすこしあげるー!?

B e N i
Topic Starter
IRC log
2017-03-06 05:01 alacat: なんかDTでやめて欲しい配置ある?
2017-03-06 05:02 B e N i: 指がきついだけだから特に気になってない
2017-03-06 05:03 alacat: AIMいい
2017-03-06 05:04 B e N i: 00:21:259 (5,6) -
2017-03-06 05:04 B e N i: ここ
2017-03-06 05:04 B e N i: 気になる
2017-03-06 05:04 alacat: どんな感じにしたらいいかな?
2017-03-06 05:06 B e N i:
2017-03-06 05:06 B e N i: こっちのほうが自然じゃね
2017-03-06 05:06 B e N i: 配置は別
2017-03-06 05:06 B e N i: おとね
2017-03-06 05:07 alacat: ボーカルが青線になるのかここ
2017-03-06 05:07 B e N i: そのほうがいいんじゃね
2017-03-06 05:07 B e N i: 00:38:494 (3) -
2017-03-06 05:08 B e N i: これもチリンってのにあわせてるのはわかるけど
2017-03-06 05:08 B e N i: やってて変な感じはしたけど
2017-03-06 05:08 B e N i: まあこのままでも問題な指そう
2017-03-06 05:08 alacat: これだと叩きにくいかな
2017-03-06 05:08 alacat: 00:21:259 (5,6) -
2017-03-06 05:09 alacat: 00:38:494 (3) - ここはMod次第で決めるかな 正直どっちもあり
2017-03-06 05:10 B e N i: 00:21:259 (5,6) -
2017-03-06 05:10 B e N i: たたきにくくはないけど
2017-03-06 05:10 alacat: 00:21:435 - ここにも音あるし悩みどころ
2017-03-06 05:10 B e N i: スライダーのおしりの音あると違和感アル
2017-03-06 05:10 B e N i: そうでもなかったわw
2017-03-06 05:11 alacat: ww
2017-03-06 05:11 B e N i: 個人で気には元のよりこっちのほうがいい
2017-03-06 05:12 B e N i: まあ
2017-03-06 05:12 alacat: これもありかなぁ~
2017-03-06 05:13 B e N i: 蟻
2017-03-06 05:14 alacat:
2017-03-06 05:14 alacat: こうなった
2017-03-06 05:15 B e N i: 向き逆のほうが流れいい
2017-03-06 05:15 B e N i: と思うけど
2017-03-06 05:15 B e N i: まあたたけるでしょ
2017-03-06 05:16 B e N i: あと
2017-03-06 05:16 B e N i: 01:17:023 (1) -
2017-03-06 05:16 B e N i: ここも
2017-03-06 05:16 B e N i: 気になった
2017-03-06 05:16 alacat: 逆にしたほうがやりやすかった
2017-03-06 05:17 B e N i: w
2017-03-06 05:18 alacat:
2017-03-06 05:18 alacat: まあここはいいか
2017-03-06 05:18 alacat: 01:17:023 (1) -
2017-03-06 05:18 B e N i: そんな感じでいいんじゃね
2017-03-06 05:18 alacat: ここは前のジャンプからの流れが変?
2017-03-06 05:18 B e N i: いや
2017-03-06 05:18 B e N i: 赤線でとめたほうがいいと思う
2017-03-06 05:19 B e N i: 01:22:670 (1) -
2017-03-06 05:19 B e N i: こっちはいいんだけど
2017-03-06 05:19 B e N i: 01:17:023 (1) -
2017-03-06 05:19 B e N i: これは気になった
2017-03-06 05:19 B e N i: ってだけ
2017-03-06 05:19 alacat: あ、ほんとだ音あるw
2017-03-06 05:20 B e N i: 音は聞いてねえけど単純に違和感あったw
2017-03-06 05:21 B e N i: 00:44:553 (1) -
2017-03-06 05:21 B e N i: そんなもんかな~
2017-03-06 05:21 B e N i: これもう少し下にしたほうがAIMしやすそうかな~ってのはある
2017-03-06 05:21 alacat: だいぶいい感じ
2017-03-06 05:23 B e N i: いいね
2017-03-06 05:23 alacat: ちょうどいい場所あった
2017-03-06 05:24 B e N i: それならそのままでいいか
2017-03-06 05:24 alacat: 00:44:553 (1) - ここ?
2017-03-06 05:24 B e N i: w
2017-03-06 05:24 B e N i: そこ
2017-03-06 05:25 alacat: 00:44:553 (1,2,3) - ここで三角形にしてたけど
2017-03-06 05:25 alacat: ちょっとSD低いしジャンプ作るわ
2017-03-06 05:25 B e N i: まあそれはわかってるけど
2017-03-06 05:25 B e N i: ちょっとAIMしにくい感はあったからってだけで
2017-03-06 05:25 B e N i: そこまで気になってない
2017-03-06 05:26 alacat: なんか三角形ダサく見えてきたw
2017-03-06 05:28 B e N i:
2017-03-06 05:28 B e N i: これは
2017-03-06 05:28 B e N i: みにくいか
2017-03-06 05:29 B e N i: その後おかしくなるし
2017-03-06 05:29 B e N i: あれだな
2017-03-06 05:29 alacat: まあここは00:44:553 (1) - をさげて他の人にも意見聞いてみる
2017-03-06 05:30 B e N i: それがいい

Thank you Benisan ;)
でりすさんありがとう~ :D
  1. 00:35:553 - i think slider end should be here cuz vocal ending, also dont forget hitsound
  2. 01:23:376 (5) - move right a bit? better flow

  1. 00:51:082 (2) - ctrl+J? the flow is anti now
  2. 01:16:317 (3,4,5) - i dont think this is proper in normal, the pattern is kinda too hard. Consider vocal for 01:16:317 (3,4,5) - are the same i suggest you use 2 1/2 sliders.
  3. 01:20:553 (5,6,7) - same
  4. 01:23:376 (6,7,8) - same,all refer to 01:21:964 (2,3) -

  1. 00:24:082 (4,5) - kinda weird to use 3/4 slider here cuz you can hear a beat 00:24:259 - plus 00:24:347 - is very loud downbeat. I suggest change to 1/2 slider+circle.
  2. 00:28:317 (3) - same, slider+circle is better in terms of following rhythm
  3. 00:46:847 (4,5) - should be combine to a reverse slider cuz 00:46:935 - shouldnt ignore
  4. 00:47:729 (2,4) - weird overlapping..also 00:47:376 (1,2,3,4,1) - ds is too big compared to other similar parts, as you can see 00:48:788 (1,2,3) - has small spacing but music isnt different at all
  5. 00:49:847 (5,1,2,3) - turn on stacking and this is bad stack :(
  6. 00:59:376 (3,4) - why suddenly big spacing compared to 00:58:670 (1,2,3) - ?music isnt more intense
  7. 01:09:435 (4,5,6,7) - auto stackkkk
  8. 01:20:729 (6,7,1) - reduce spacing.

  1. 00:21:259 (4,5,1) - this is too hard. From spacing it is extremely easy to be recognised as 1/2 rather than 1/4 duration. Take a look at 00:24:788 (1,2,3) - where you used much smaller spacing for 1/4s
  2. 00:30:259 (1,2) - 00:30:964 (3,4) - there are very strong downbeats so idk why you choose to stack?
  3. 00:31:317 (4,1) - downbeat on 1 so increase spacing, refer to 00:32:906 (5,1) -
  4. 00:47:376 (9,1) - swap NC?
  5. 01:17:023 (1) - break to slider+circle cuz 01:17:200 - strong beat
  6. 01:18:259 - why ignore
  7. 00:07:141 (3,4) - 00:06:435 (1,2) - spacing isnt consistent...all 1/4 but such big difference.
  8. 00:50:023 (7) - put to ~178|103...current spacing isnt reasonable cuz 00:49:847 (6,7) - should have bigger ds
    Can polish a bit more.

  1. 00:14:817 - slider end here? 1/8 gap too hard
  2. 01:03:964 (2) - same
  3. 01:11:906 (4) - isnt proper cuz 01:12:082 - downbeat on this white line. You should break it into a circle and a 1/2 slider from white line

Find 2-3 mods on insane please, i think it can be polished a bit more.
Kamio Misuzu
as your request:3

  1. 00:06:082 (5,6) - スライダーのほうがもっとふさわしいと思うんだけど
  2. 00:14:200 (1) - remove whistle
  3. 00:20:729 (2,3,4) - もうちょい近づいて?今の間隔じゃ1/4連打に思われる可能性があるかもしれませんね
  4. 00:35:023 - Auto-clap?
  1. 00:53:906 (4,5) - 1/2スライダーに変えるのはいかがですか?1/4はちょっとやりづらいと思います
  2. 01:01:759 (2) - remove the note?
  3. 01:13:494 (3,4) - 01:08:200 (4) - みたいに3/4sliderにすれば?
  1. 00:24:082 (4) - 1/2でどうですか? 
  2. 01:17:023 (1) - ^
[Normal & Easy]
nothing to say

good luck :)
Topic Starter

Delis wrote:

なんいどのいちばんさいしょのもじもこもじのほうがふれんずっぽいー! :arrow: かいがいのふれんずがうるさそう Q.Q
00:13:494 (1) - すらいだーほんたいにのーまるほいっするつけるー!?
00:14:553 (2) - あかいとこからうしろぜんぶにほいすっるつけたーい!ぴあのにあうー!
00:21:523 - ここのうたにあわせておととりたーい!にれんだとさんれんだどっちもいけるー!
00:25:847 (1) - かねのおとにあわせてほいっするー!?
00:31:670 - ここのぱあと、つかうひっとさうんどがまえのぱあととちがうのに、きょくのおんりょうがあんまりかわらないからごじゅうぐらいがいいー!
00:38:494 (3) - うしろのほうがおとがたかいからほいっするつけてもいいかもー! :arrow: さいしょがいいー!
00:52:317 (6) - そふとほいっするー?
01:02:906 (1) - ここもからだにのーまるほいっするー!?あと00:13:494 (1) - とくらべておとがつよくないからふぃにっしゅがちょっとうるさいー!
01:26:906 (1,2) - そふとさんぷるにしてどらむのひっとさうんどもすきー!

00:04:670 (4,1) - 00:03:964 (2,3) - こことおなじきょりがいいー! :arrow: いいのおもいつかない!
01:15:259 (4) - 01:14:906 (3) - のましたぐらいにおくともーっとかっこいー!
00:21:259 (2,3) - こっちのほうがいいー! :arrow: あかいせんのおととりたいー!
00:28:670 - くらっぷー?
00:52:141 (4,5,1,2,3,4) - ここだけどらむのおととりだからむずかしー! :arrow: ぼーかるのおとふくざつー!!
01:00:788 (2) - うたにあわせてあかいせんまでのばしたーい!あと01:01:494 (1) - はーどといっしょのすぴんだったらうれーしー!
00:07:847 (3) - いっかいだけうえにあげるときれいー!
00:51:611 - おとがちいさいからすこしあげるー!?

軽く 8-)

  1. 00:09:523 - 00:09:876 - わざとだと思うけどやっぱ拾ってないと違和感あるかな~と思ったから一応書いとく~
  2. 00:37:847 (1) - 提案。ボーカルで1 2 3って言ってるし単発3つ置いた方が合うんじゃないかなと!
  3. 00:53:023 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - 音取りの提案、こんな感じはどう? 00:54:347 - は拾いたいかも
  4. 01:08:729 (5) - NC抜け?
  5. 01:29:023 (6) - finishつけて気持ちよさ出したい

  1. 00:12:259 (2,4) - 00:09:259 (1,2,3,4), 00:10:670 (1,2,3)と同じような音なのに赤線を始点とするのスライダーが急に出てくるの個人的にすごく違和感を感じる。個人的には前に倣った音取りのほうがいいと思う。
  2. 00:22:141 (3) - (3)は1/4のスライダーにして 00:22:494 (4,1,2) で3連を作ったほうがボーカルにあってると思う。
  3. 00:25:141 (2,3) - ここ両方とも始点 soft finishのほうが合うと個人的には思う。
  4. 00:33:259 (1) - finishほしいー。個人的にはsoft finishがおすすめー。
  5. 00:34:670 (1) - ^
  6. 00:44:376 (4) - (4)のスペーシングが極端に狭いのは不自然。00:43:847 (1,2,3,4) - はだんだん音が大きくなっているので(4)一番ジャンプすべき場所だと思う。 気持ち的には、00:43:317 (2) と同じ座標に (4)を置くぐらいがスペーシングが欲しい。(形は崩れてしまうが・・・)
  7. 00:53:023 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - ここの音取りが中途半端に感じる。後ろの音を重視するなら00:53:376 (x) の音を落としているし、ボーカルに合わせるなら、00:53:729 (X) が言葉の始めなのにスライダーの終点になっているので好ましくない。 後ろの音でとるなら少し強引だけどこんな音取りでどう? ボーカルでとるならこんな音取りはどう?
  8. 00:58:670 (5) - soft finishほしいー
  9. 01:01:494 (1) - finishほしいー
  10. 01:15:611 (1) - ^
  11. 01:18:259 (X) - 最後は盛り上がり部分なので止まらないで叩き続けたい。ここにもnoteを置きたい。
  12. 01:28:141 (3) - finishほしいー
  13. 01:21:259 (1) - ^

My Angel Azusa wrote:

  1. 00:21:259 (4,5,1) - this is too hard. From spacing it is extremely easy to be recognised as 1/2 rather than 1/4 duration. Take a look at 00:24:788 (1,2,3) - where you used much smaller spacing for 1/4s ok~ fixed
  2. 00:30:259 (1,2) - 00:30:964 (3,4) - there are very strong downbeats so idk why you choose to stack? It's my mistake >< fixed!
  3. 00:31:317 (4,1) - downbeat on 1 so increase spacing, refer to 00:32:906 (5,1) - nice!
  4. 00:47:376 (9,1) - swap NC? ok~
  5. 01:17:023 (1) - break to slider+circle cuz 01:17:200 - strong beat fixed
  6. 01:18:259 - why ignore fixed!
  7. 00:07:141 (3,4) - 00:06:435 (1,2) - spacing isnt consistent...all 1/4 but such big difference. keep it! sorry!
  8. 00:50:023 (7) - put to ~178|103...current spacing isnt reasonable cuz 00:49:847 (6,7) - should have bigger ds
    Can polish a bit more. i like this spacing...
that was really helpful. thanks a lot :D


Kamio Misuzu wrote:

as your request:3

  1. 00:53:906 (4,5) - 1/2スライダーに変えるのはいかがですか?1/4はちょっとやりづらいと思います Megのmodを適用しました!
  2. 01:01:759 (2) - remove the note?このままで :(
  3. 01:13:494 (3,4) - 01:08:200 (4) - みたいに3/4sliderにすれば?3/4sliderの方を修正しました!
modありがとうございます :)


Meg wrote:

軽く 8-)

  1. 00:09:523 - 00:09:876 - わざとだと思うけどやっぱ拾ってないと違和感あるかな~と思ったから一応書いとく~ fixed!
  2. 00:37:847 (1) - 提案。ボーカルで1 2 3って言ってるし単発3つ置いた方が合うんじゃないかなと!ok!
  3. 00:53:023 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - 音取りの提案、こんな感じはどう? 00:54:347 - は拾いたいかも 採用 ;)
  4. 01:08:729 (5) - NC抜け?ほんまや :lol:
  5. 01:29:023 (6) - finishつけて気持ちよさ出したい ok!


rui wrote:


  1. 00:12:259 (2,4) - 00:09:259 (1,2,3,4), 00:10:670 (1,2,3)と同じような音なのに赤線を始点とするのスライダーが急に出てくるの個人的にすごく違和感を感じる。個人的には前に倣った音取りのほうがいいと思う。 いまげとるいさんの意見を参考に音取り変えてみました!
  2. 00:22:141 (3) - (3)は1/4のスライダーにして 00:22:494 (4,1,2) で3連を作ったほうがボーカルにあってると思う。ここは今のままで行かせてください :(
  3. 00:25:141 (2,3) - ここ両方とも始点 soft finishのほうが合うと個人的には思う。fixed!
  4. 00:33:259 (1) - finishほしいー。個人的にはsoft finishがおすすめー。いいですね :idea:
  5. 00:34:670 (1) - ^ fixed!
  6. 00:44:376 (4) - (4)のスペーシングが極端に狭いのは不自然。00:43:847 (1,2,3,4) - はだんだん音が大きくなっているので(4)一番ジャンプすべき場所だと思う。 気持ち的には、00:43:317 (2) と同じ座標に (4)を置くぐらいがスペーシングが欲しい。(形は崩れてしまうが・・・)
    手前とスペーシングは一緒ですがジャンプさせました :D
  7. 00:53:023 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - ここの音取りが中途半端に感じる。後ろの音を重視するなら00:53:376 (x) の音を落としているし、ボーカルに合わせるなら、00:53:729 (X) が言葉の始めなのにスライダーの終点になっているので好ましくない。 後ろの音でとるなら少し強引だけどこんな音取りでどう? ボーカルでとるならこんな音取りはどう?
    いまげの案を採用しました、丁寧に2パターンも用意してもらったのにすみません :o
  8. 00:58:670 (5) - soft finishほしいー fixed!
  9. 01:01:494 (1) - finishほしいー ^
  10. 01:15:611 (1) - ^ ^
  11. 01:18:259 (X) - 最後は盛り上がり部分なので止まらないで叩き続けたい。ここにもnoteを置きたい。置きました!
  12. 01:28:141 (3) - finishほしいー fixed!
  13. 01:21:259 (1) - ^ ^
るいさんmod感謝です :)

thanks modders! とても良くなりました :)
Topic Starter

My Angel Azusa wrote:

  1. 00:14:817 - slider end here? 1/8 gap too hard :arrow: i prefer to use this pattern, then reduce spacing betwenn objects
  2. 01:03:964 (2) - same :arrow: ^
  3. 01:11:906 (4) - isnt proper cuz 01:12:082 - downbeat on this white line. You should break it into a circle and a 1/2 slider from white line :arrow: took the vocal sound
fixed all points on Easy,Normal,Hard difficulty.

@Kamio Misuzu
00:14:200 (1) - whistleを削除してfinishを追加しました!後は修正しました~

Thank you :)
call me after My Angel Azusa recheck :oops:
Topic Starter
Thank you Natsu :3 waiting for recheck now :)
Topic Starter
Thanks :D
Abe Nana

Topic Starter
泡付いてるので今のままでいいです :)
cuti map
Topic Starter
Thank you Natsu!!!!!
Just wondering some stuff here:

[Easy :]
  1. 01:21:259 - Why making this section more dense when you could have started from 01:15:611 - ? The only point was to do a symmetric pattern with 01:15:611 (1,2,3) - ? Since this section is more dense du to drums, why only emphase it with half of it ? Would be nice to be more coherent on what you planned to map here.
[Normal :]
  1. I think somehow spacing is too low for that SV. You can feel direcly than slider are quite fast here, and you create a sort of break of the player's movement. It would also coherent than Normal have a higher spacing than Easy even if SV is different. It would work so much better with a 1x spacing or a different SV / spacing mix.
  2. 00:20:906 - That break feels super akward after you used so much 1/1 and followed vocal with instruments before, and since it's the start of a more dense section it makes even less sense.
  3. 00:36:435 (5,6,7) - The rhythm here don't reflect nicely the music on that point, since only 00:37:141 (7) - works as intended. To fit more song here, you could follow the back and forth instrument here and do two reverse sliders like this .
[Hard :]
  • Some of your jumps doesn't make sense at all imo. Trying to emphasis the song at some point like 00:04:670 (4,1) - / 00:39:259 (2,3) - / 00:39:964 (4,1) - works, but then why skip 00:05:376 (2,3) - / 00:08:906 (4,1) - / 00:40:670 (2,3) - / 00:46:317 (2,3) - / etc... who are the most strongest beat of all of these section and don't refelct in any way the tension of the song here. Your point was to emphase these beats with a jump, so do it with coherence all along and not only you want to aesthetic.
  1. 00:08:200 (2,3) - A jump for a symmetric pattern is not worth in any case and kill the representation of the song. You can feel the song goes progressively stronger, do a pattern who reflec that.
  2. 00:41:729 (1,2,3,4) - This is the opposite, you did something with a progressive spacing when the music have strong spots at 00:42:082 - and 00:42:788 - . It somehow works for the second one, but the beat on 00:42:082 (2) - is definitly stronger than the other one.
  3. 00:49:759 - Don't put a clap here, the sound on music should be more like a finish drum here.
  4. 01:17:023 (1) - What is that sudden extended slider ? You never did that on that section before or after, and since I think you tend to follow more vocal, it should end on red it. And if you insist to keep it, then do the same for 01:22:670 (1) - then.
[iyasine's Insane-! :]
  1. 00:14:200 (2) - and 01:03:611 (2) - even if this set don't have to follow new rules/guidelines, it would be nice to let some recover after the reverse by removing one arrow (one 1/8) on both of them.
[Extra :]
  1. 00:14:553 (2) - / 01:03:964 (2) - Same as Insane.
  2. Some of your spacing don't make sense on two specific sections Let me explain :
    00:40:670 (2,3) - This don't reflec the song as intended, when you did it right for 00:05:376 (2,3) - who is the same sort of musical section, just more intense. So this jump should reflec more the intensity here and be more spaced than 00:39:259 (3,4,5,1) - (who are right now too huge since last one is smaller).
    00:43:847 (1,2,3,4) - The music did a pic of stress with vocal at 00:43:847 - but restart this gradual increase in intensity too with the instrument. So to fit correctly and emphasis in the good way the music, the spacing should goes down after 00:43:847 (1) - and goes up progressively again.
    Also would be nice if you could keep a sort of coherence in your spacing for patterns like 00:44:553 (1,2,3,4) - who goes wild when 00:38:906 (1,2,3,4) - was much more calm to play, and this when music have the same intensity.
    00:58:670 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - You should separate them into two disctinc patterns with two different and constant spacing here. You clearly show that point with your hitsound volume here, so something constant in two parts would works better than a progressive spacing pattern.
  3. I just wonder why you choose to skip beats at 00:46:935 - and 00:47:111 - who could do a stream since they're quite obvious to hear, and also more obvious since you decided to do a triplet from 00:41:200 (4,5,6) - .

Don't kill me pls ;w;
Topic Starter

Nozhomi wrote:

Just wondering some stuff here:

[Easy :]
  1. 01:21:259 - Why making this section more dense when you could have started from 01:15:611 - ? The only point was to do a symmetric pattern with 01:15:611 (1,2,3) - ? Since this section is more dense du to drums, why only emphase it with half of it ? Would be nice to be more coherent on what you planned to map here. :arrow: I made some 1/1 rhythms for climax.
[Normal :]
  1. I think somehow spacing is too low for that SV. You can feel direcly than slider are quite fast here, and you create a sort of break of the player's movement. It would also coherent than Normal have a higher spacing than Easy even if SV is different. It would work so much better with a 1x spacing or a different SV / spacing mix. :arrow: I don't think so, that's fine for this difficulty level.
  2. 00:20:906 - That break feels super akward after you used so much 1/1 and followed vocal with instruments before, and since it's the start of a more dense section it makes even less sense. :arrow: I made same pattern like 00:14:906 (1,2,3) -
  3. 00:36:435 (5,6,7) - The rhythm here don't reflect nicely the music on that point, since only 00:37:141 (7) - works as intended. To fit more song here, you could follow the back and forth instrument here and do two reverse sliders like this . :arrow: It's better to use my pattern for taking background sound
[Hard :]
  • Some of your jumps doesn't make sense at all imo. Trying to emphasis the song at some point like 00:04:670 (4,1) - / 00:39:259 (2,3) - / 00:39:964 (4,1) - works, but then why skip 00:05:376 (2,3) - / 00:08:906 (4,1) - / 00:40:670 (2,3) - / 00:46:317 (2,3) - / etc... who are the most strongest beat of all of these section and don't refelct in any way the tension of the song here. Your point was to emphase these beats with a jump, so do it with coherence all along and not only you want to aesthetic. :arrow: made jumps on strong sound.
  1. 00:08:200 (2,3) - A jump for a symmetric pattern is not worth in any case and kill the representation of the song. You can feel the song goes progressively stronger, do a pattern who reflec that. :arrow: what? Is this not fine ? I prefer to use this pattern.
  2. 00:41:729 (1,2,3,4) - This is the opposite, you did something with a progressive spacing when the music have strong spots at 00:42:082 - and 00:42:788 - . It somehow works for the second one, but the beat on 00:42:082 (2) - is definitly stronger than the other one. :arrow: I don't think so
  3. 00:49:759 - Don't put a clap here, the sound on music should be more like a finish drum here. :arrow: try to listen the music again
  4. 01:17:023 (1) - What is that sudden extended slider ? You never did that on that section before or after, and since I think you tend to follow more vocal, it should end on red it. And if you insist to keep it, then do the same for 01:22:670 (1) - then. :arrow: took the sound from 01:17:023 - to 01:17:288 -
[iyasine's Insane-! :]
  1. 00:14:200 (2) - and 01:03:611 (2) - even if this set don't have to follow new rules/guidelines, it would be nice to let some recover after the reverse by removing one arrow (one 1/8) on both of them. :arrow: No, that's fine for taking sound and playing.
[Extra :]
  1. 00:14:553 (2) - / 01:03:964 (2) - Same as Insane. :arrow: same as Insane diff.
  2. Some of your spacing don't make sense on two specific sections Let me explain :
    00:40:670 (2,3) - This don't reflec the song as intended, when you did it right for 00:05:376 (2,3) - who is the same sort of musical section, just more intense. So this jump should reflec more the intensity here and be more spaced than 00:39:259 (3,4,5,1) - (who are right now too huge since last one is smaller). :arrow: Because it's kiai time and it's not too huge in my opinion.
    00:43:847 (1,2,3,4) - The music did a pic of stress with vocal at 00:43:847 - but restart this gradual increase in intensity too with the instrument. So to fit correctly and emphasis in the good way the music, the spacing should goes down after 00:43:847 (1) - and goes up progressively again.
    Also would be nice if you could keep a sort of coherence in your spacing for patterns like 00:44:553 (1,2,3,4) - who goes wild when 00:38:906 (1,2,3,4) - was much more calm to play, and this when music have the same intensity. :arrow: ^ same
    00:58:670 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - You should separate them into two disctinc patterns with two different and constant spacing here. You clearly show that point with your hitsound volume here, so something constant in two parts would works better than a progressive spacing pattern. :arrow: used spacing around x2.00 at first part, and x2.50 at second part.
  3. I just wonder why you choose to skip beats at 00:46:935 - and 00:47:111 - who could do a stream since they're quite obvious to hear, and also more obvious since you decided to do a triplet from 00:41:200 (4,5,6) - . :arrow: took the vocal sound on here

Don't kill me pls ;w; :arrow: (「・ω・)「
I don't think to improve my map by your modding and all points are not big problem for playing and mapping. But That was really helpful. Thanks a lot! I will be trying to this experience into something positive. Thank you for checking!
Ibuki Suika
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