
Edgar_Figaro Introduction

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Hey I am Edgar_Figaro and I've been playing Osu for about 2 years (why is he just now introducing himself?)

My username and avatar is from my favorite game from my childhood Final Fantasy VI

I consider myself as an all-modes player as I do enjoy playing all the modes

With that being said while I may "play" all the modes the only ones I have any skill in are Taiko & Mania.
I can mash a keyboard apparently to a beat but not aim a cursor or catcher on the screen <shrug>

Anyways just figured I'd say hello here and how much I've loved being a member of this community the last two years and how I hope to continue playing and being active in the community for the foreseeable future. If you ever have any gameplay and ranking based question feel free to ask me in game or private message. I love looking into how everything works and sharing my knowledge with others :)
Sandy Hoey
You definitely are not new here, but glad to see a formal introduction! 8-)
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Yeah I know, I just honestly have never gone to this part of the forums before. Spend most of my time posting in G & R or Feature Reqyests
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