
My life is potato

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(I had no idea how to call my own introduction thread , don't judge me q_q)

Hey Everybody !

My name is Nyarky , i've been playing osu! for 3 years now , but i started talking on the forum a week ago because i needed some help (And i got it , really fast :D)

I'm mainly a CTB player , i also want to tryhard osu!Mania but i'm still a noob at it z_z .

I discovered osu! thanks to a random video on Youtube , i was looking for Matryoshka by Lon , and i found a guy playing osu in CTB mode , so i decided to try and i never stopped :3.

/I used to have a really weird way of playing osu during these 3 years , i mean , what i did was : FULL TRYHARD MODE GEHSJZITOJH0IEOHQHYQHGH41G51E865G86 for 1~2 weeks , and then , not playing at all for 5~6 months , and then , going back to step 1 , etc...
Now , i SERIOUSLY started to play again , i've been playing everyday for almost 2 months now and i really want to keep going ^-^.

That's pretty much it , i just hope nobody will read all of this x_x
Too late, I (unfortunately?) did read everything. Every Mode has a "try-hard" side ( ' ')

Have a welcome and this drink ( '-')7U
Sandy Hoey
Welcome to the forums. Hope you enjoy your stay
ayyylmao, I read everything too >:D

Welcome to the forums! ^^
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