from boatkrab's q
all set is easy and well-done, so only some nazi things and missing hitsounds xd
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00:02:587 - whistle
00:08:587 (1) - whistle
00:11:158 (3,1) - better use the DS here, caz stacking notes in the easiest diff isnt really a good idea, caz it may confuse the new players
00:16:301 (2) - whistle on the head
also about all missing whistles. since the song is really quiet, u can just put a whistle on the every white tick. that will work better than random whistles, i swear
00:25:730 - since u are totally ignoring this sound, try to put a 40% volume on this tickpoint. caz sound here is much louder than, for example, here 00:22:301 -
00:35:158 - finish
00:45:444 (1) - whistle + finish on the head. also try normal-sampleset (but keep the soft additions!)
00:59:158 (3) - x=248 y=43 for a better flow. also its strange that u dont have any hs on the head. sound there is really strong and it just doesnt make sence lol. using normal-sampleset on such thing will do the work i think.
01:33:444 (3) - will work better on x=334 y=331 (flow improvements)
01:33:444 (3,1) - and again, pls dont stack notes like this, it may be unrankable
01:47:572 (1) - these rhytm changes can be too hard to play for the new players. instead of these circles i suggest u a spinner from 01:47:572 - to 01:50:791 - and dont map the last spinner
check my HS suggestion above
00:12:444 (2,3) - smth like this wortks better
http://cs630527.vk.me/v630527809/1b46c/zFdPN01e74I.jpg00:15:444 (3) - balnket here could be mor ambient imo
00:20:587 (6,1) - this way of stacking is unreadbale for normal. also it breaks the spacing u have between 00:19:730 (5,6) - these notes
00:24:872 (1,3) - overlaps are bad for the new players, they reduce reability
01:16:301 (8,1) - swap ncs to fit your nc patterns. also stacking here doesnt really workm caz in this part u stacked 1/4 notes, could be a problem for the new players
01:33:444 (1) - move to x=389 y=233 for a better flow
01:42:872 (6,1) - and again i dont suggest u to stack notes in normal
hardwhat is your nc pattern? why do u put ncs on the blue ticks instead of big white with the strong beats? kinda strange
also i think that this random spacing isnt a good idea, in hard it should be mostly consistent imo. suggesting an advanced diff or smth like that
00:27:444 (7,1) - this spacing looks strange and very big comparing to the other that u have here
00:36:872 (4) - move to x=436 y=108 for the better flow
00:42:015 (3,4) - this blanket can be improved a bit
00:48:015 (8) - feels better if it ends on the blue tick, not yellow
00:54:015 (5,6) - why did u used antijump here?
00:58:730 (6,1) - some flow suggestions
http://cs630527.vk.me/v630527809/1b47e/Bsw9JVmp1y8.jpg01:19:194 (8) - sound here isnt really strong, it doesnt deserve a note
01:42:015 (5,6,7,8) - why spacing here is so low? also this overlaps doesnt work really
01:50:791 (1) - no nc imo