
Halozy - Heart of Night

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2017年1月13日 at 20:57:51

Artist: Halozy
Title: Heart of Night
Source: 東方花映塚 ~ Phantasmagoria of Flower View.
Tags: ShallICompareThee SICT Hollow Wings HW Cosmic Armonica flowering night sakuya izayoi touhou MiYAMO まめみ Mamemi
BPM: 128
Filesize: 12577kb
Play Time: 05:26
Difficulties Available:
  1. Life of Loneliness (4.17 stars, 1628 notes)
Download: Halozy - Heart of Night
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

Dedicated to Hollow Wings

「 荒れ果てた大地に 咲いてしまった花は
枯れ行くのを待つだけの 孤独の生命
やがて夜が明けて 光が射す前に
あなたの矢イ刃で 私を突き動かして 」

Life of Loneliness by me
Storyboard by ShallICompareThee and Hollow Wings
Background by Hollow Wings

[ Drop ]

09kami wrote:

M4M map :

[Life of Loneliness]

00:59:309 (1,2,3) - 这个地方我感觉你不用刻意去体现3那里的拉长音效果 直接按照00:58:372 (1,2,1,2) - 的模式扩展开滑条怎么样? 或者这里如果要跟的话 我建议00:59:543 (3,1,2) - 这三个地方最好保持一个弧度延生下去 比如下图这样

01:02:122 (1,2,3) - 这里貌似有可以展开的空间 试试这样的三角区域 (最后回来看了下 这条貌似可有可无

01:24:153 (3) - 这里貌似拉到4的红线部分听着感觉会好点 尝试下

01:30:247 (1,2,3) - 这个地方有点卡手 感觉不是很好读的样子

01:54:622 (1) - 02:24:622 (1) - 卧槽 这段Kiai好帅 服服服 没得挑

02:32:122 (1) - 这里ctrl+j后尾巴叠在02:31:653 (3) - 的尾巴上

02:54:153 (1,2,3,4,1) - 这个地方的连打放个扩大间距?这样连接到最后那个重音时违和感会少一点

03:17:122 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - 这里有点距离突如就比前面跳的大了 和同样的这个地方比起来03:13:372 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - 区别很明显

04:13:372 (1,2,3) - 这里的排列感觉放在稍微卡手的地方

05:25:559 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - 卧槽...这个结尾杀会遭一堆1分的吧
Hi for the M4M :v


IMO this bg is too plain for a song as disco dancey as this one. I searched for a bit and found a few BGs that maybe you might like. Ofc there are thousands and thousands of sakuya wallpapers so there's more than just these options available but something a bit more colorful or with a lively background would be nice.

BTW highly consider boosting the volumes of every timing point by 10%. A bit too quiet for my taste. Or 5% at least so the kiais are 75% xd

[Heart and Beat]

00:00:247 (1,2) - This first sequence to start off the map feels pretty uncomfortable to play. Even if it's the first note and can easily be retried, the rhythm just feels pretty weak to start it off. What I would suggest is a triple into a 1/4 slider like this since the rhythm at 00:00:481 - is pretty strong and feels kinda lame to just leave it as a slider body and start with a doubles rhythm.

00:01:184 (1,2,3,4,5) - tbh I testplayed the map twice just to be sure and the only thing that I had better expectations for was the intro. For example in this part, the strong beats are at 00:01:301 (2,3,4) - so a cool thing that I was hoping for was a pattern like this which would introduce the hanzer like doubles early and to the strong beats in the music. There's a few other options but I think this works best especially if you change the first point.

00:02:825 (4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - A bit tricky to explain but basically if you listen to the rhythm in the song the strong sound is actually with the high hat on the blue ticks such as 00:02:942 - 00:03:176 - 00:03:411 - and on this red tick 00:03:762 - So when I listen to this while playing the intro again that rhythm isn't emphasized through the tapping patterns and that makes me upset ;-; However I know what rhythm you're trying to follow here. To avoid confusion with that I would suggest changing this 00:03:762 (6,7) - to a 1/4 slider because the two rhythms in the song kinda throw each other off the way it's mapped currently.

00:05:403 (4,5) - Also if you changed the first point mentioned I'd suggest changing these to a 1/4 slider then two notes at 00:05:637 - and 00:05:754 - like this or even two hanzer doubles like this

00:06:809 (1,2,3,4,5) - See like this one for example is very nice to play (just leading to my point at 00:02:825)

01:43:137 (5) - Missing claps on slider head/end

01:48:762 (6,7) - Same for these two notes

01:50:637 (4,5,1) - And for these add clap on (4) and (5) and remove from (1). Technically you can leave it on (1) if you want but definitely add the two claps on 4-5. And if you do leave the clap on (1) then add one at 01:51:809 (1) -

01:52:278 (4,5) - Also add clap on (4) slider head only and on (5) slider head and end like you did with 01:51:340 (4,5,6) - .

01:55:090 (2) - This is a suggestion here but I would highly suggest adding claps at notes like this one, 01:56:965 (2) - 01:58:840 (2) - etc so its a boom clap boom clap kind of rhythm every 2nd and 4th beat instead of just the 4th beat. A lot better for this kinda music trust me. This applies to this whole kiai btw.

02:52:278 (4,5,6,7) - here tbh I would keep the triple into 1/4 slider rhythm like the first two 02:51:340 (3,4,5,1,2,3) - but if you really want this quad rhythm I'd suggest maybe doing the hanzer doubles pattern so the jump to 02:52:747 (1) - is clearer

03:10:442 (5) - Remove clap. Didn't have it here 03:12:200 (4) - (slider end) or here 03:14:075 (5) - (also slider end)

03:30:012 (5,6) - Claps

03:35:637 (6) - Same here ;) and 03:37:512 (4,5) - here too lol

03:37:747 (1) - Also same as the last pre-kiai section you can remove this clap as well or leave it but add one at 03:38:684 (1) -

03:39:153 (4,5) - Also claps on (4) slider head and (5) slider head and end like in the other part.

03:41:965 (2) - Also same suggestion as in the first kiai regarding claps on the 2nd and 4th beats instead of just the 4th beats for the whole kiai. If you haven't already, trust me ;)

03:46:770 (4,5) - Personally I'd keep this as a 1/4 slider with a repeat arrow but I see why you did this.

03:49:465 (3) - Also see why you did this here but I kinda like the 1/4 rhythm better so I'd make this a 1/4 slider and add a note at 03:49:700 - offstacked over 03:49:817 (4) -

04:11:028 (1) - Add a clap on this and soft addition so you can keep the drum hitnormal sound. Same for 02:24:153 (1) - (forgot to mention it lol)

04:26:965 (2) - Oh yeah and again same clap suggestion for the 2nd and 4th beats ;) (plz do this)

04:56:028 (1) - And same as 04:11:028 (1) - Add clap and soft addition

04:57:317 (4) - Remove clap. Didn't have one at 05:01:067 (4,1) - etc.

Yeah as I started in the beginning overall the map is fun the rhythm is straighforward and follows the music but the intro part before 00:15:247 - is a bit sketchy. I'd say take time to revise that rhythm to be something more intuitive and that better emphasizes the hi hats and snares and the maps pretty cool.

Hope this helps. Good luck! :)
Yoshikawa Hoshi
m4m from q (id like to take a ticket)

00:28:372 (1,1) - didnt want to be nazi, but these two could be blanketed better :o

01:43:137 (5) - u lost some claps on the head and on the end of this slider

01:52:747 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - what about a better wave? like this

01:54:153 - u didnt map these lyrics, but u did it here 03:41:028 -.. looks kinda inconsistent imo

02:00:715 (2,3) - i think this 1/2 jump is kinda huge, comparing, for example to this one 02:05:403 (3,4) -. id suggest u to reduce spacing a bit

02:52:629 (7,1) - i think this spacing is a bit huge for such moment, because sound isnt that strong to emphasize it so hard. its even lower than here 02:54:504 (4,1) - where is the beat is pretty strong

03:30:012 (5,6) - u forgot some claps

04:00:598 - ye, i know, that u are not mapping on the vocals, but imo adding a note here will sound good and will diversifies the rhytm a bit

04:39:387 (4,5) - better unstack these from this note 04:39:622 (1) - because its the downbeat and pretty strong

05:25:559 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - imo spacing here is kinda huge and i think its not cool to play this in the end of the map xo

cool map, nothing to say :c

best of luck
M4M from q

  1. add flowering night, sakuya izayoi, touhou phantasmagoria of flower view in tags
  2. 01:06:575 (4,5) - I'd suggest a jump here since those two notes are quite accentuated, maybe like this with (5) on top on (1) to make an anti-jump:
  3. 04:10:559 (6) - NC
  4. Not much more to say really, I think the previous mods have more than covered the rest, it's a really good map, the only thing I could say is that I would have preferred some more spacing and jumps, while the map is good it feels a bit plain especially for 5 minutes.
    Also the rhythm is quite inconsistent, but it doesn't play bad even if it could be better, and helps making the map less boring.
    The map looks nice, NCs are consistent, though I agree with the previous mods that the hitsounds need more volume.

I'll give more feedback after you apply all the mods because everything's been pretty much said.
If you need a testplayer or any help feel free to ring me up, I feel like a cheap fuck after such a short mod lol

here's my map to mod back
Hi, M4M from your q.
這樣的mapping style好難打_(:з」∠)_

雖然前面短到無法倒數,但還是disable count down?

00:01:301 (2,3) 覺得這些聲音都比(1)明顯,擺成短距離連打有點可惜。會建議把(2,3)跟(1)分開,後面幾個也是(圖片單純示意,我擺得不好看)
00:16:770 (3) 這個note沒有聲音卻有大跳很怪,從00:16:418改成三連,最後一個note用slider來帶過00:16:770- 打起來比較順
00:29:192 (2,3,4) 斷開的三連很不好打,改成這樣放會不會打起來比較順? 00:43:840 (3,4,5) 這一段跟其他段比較不一樣,00:43:840和00:43:957都是某一種音的重音,swap (3) 和 (4) 的物件然後把圓圈疊在滑條上面感覺比較符合節奏?01:34:700 (5,6) 這兩個圓圈因為是橫的,打起來有些卡手,覺得改成像是01:33:997 (1,2) - 那樣上下的連打會順很多
03:21:306 (2,3) - 這一段的(1,2,3,4,5)應該是同樣的節奏,可是這裡突然跳這麼大不知道是什麼原因,連(4,5)的滑條跳也都只有2.5x左右而已
03:48:997 (1) 抱歉,對這個有些怨念,由於是和背景都是白色的所以打起來常常會看不清楚這裡是三連,希望能看的到或是換個顏色 pls
05:10:325 (4,5,1) 覺得這裡的flow有點彆扭,反向跳之後卻突然要往外拐去接(1),希望能換一下擺放,或至少讓(1)是由內往外不是由外往內
05:25:559 (1,2,3,1,2,3) 感覺這裡比較適合跳的只有 05:26:262 - 其他的部分和一般節奏沒有不同,感覺跳得有些大

In fact, there are lots of notes, but they put in a very close way with each other, addition the rhythm is a bit similarity, it makes me feel tight, and have stress to play it.

Good luck C:
Topic Starter

09kami wrote:

M4M map :

[Life of Loneliness]

00:59:309 (1,2,3) - 这个地方我感觉你不用刻意去体现3那里的拉长音效果 直接按照00:58:372 (1,2,1,2) - 的模式扩展开滑条怎么样? 或者这里如果要跟的话 我建议00:59:543 (3,1,2) - 这三个地方最好保持一个弧度延生下去 比如下图这样 主要是覺得疊上會比較好看

01:02:122 (1,2,3) - 这里貌似有可以展开的空间 试试这样的三角区域 (最后回来看了下 这条貌似可有可无 我不會這樣放的啊;; 整張圖也沒有

01:24:153 (3) - 这里貌似拉到4的红线部分听着感觉会好点 尝试下 跟vocal

01:30:247 (1,2,3) - 这个地方有点卡手 感觉不是很好读的样子

01:54:622 (1) - 02:24:622 (1) - 卧槽 这段Kiai好帅 服服服 没得挑 ww

02:32:122 (1) - 这里ctrl+j后尾巴叠在02:31:653 (3) - 的尾巴上 我喜歡這樣一直彎下去的flow

02:54:153 (1,2,3,4,1) - 这个地方的连打放个扩大间距?这样连接到最后那个重音时违和感会少一点 就是要有個跳啊

03:17:122 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - 这里有点距离突如就比前面跳的大了 和同样的这个地方比起来03:13:372 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - 区别很明显 ok

04:13:372 (1,2,3) - 这里的排列感觉放在稍微卡手的地方

05:25:559 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - 卧槽...这个结尾杀会遭一堆1分的吧 還好吧...:v
will continue to reply........
Topic Starter
holy two months...

Side wrote:

Hi for the M4M :v


IMO this bg is too plain for a song as disco dancey as this one. I searched for a bit and found a few BGs that maybe you might like. Ofc there are thousands and thousands of sakuya wallpapers so there's more than just these options available but something a bit more colorful or with a lively background would be nice. as explained xd

BTW highly consider boosting the volumes of every timing point by 10%. A bit too quiet for my taste. Or 5% at least so the kiais are 75% xd

[Heart and Beat]

00:00:247 (1,2) - This first sequence to start off the map feels pretty uncomfortable to play. Even if it's the first note and can easily be retried, the rhythm just feels pretty weak to start it off. What I would suggest is a triple into a 1/4 slider like this since the rhythm at 00:00:481 - is pretty strong and feels kinda lame to just leave it as a slider body and start with a doubles rhythm. because I think sound at 00:00:364 - is stronger than on red tick

00:01:184 (1,2,3,4,5) - tbh I testplayed the map twice just to be sure and the only thing that I had better expectations for was the intro. For example in this part, the strong beats are at 00:01:301 (2,3,4) - so a cool thing that I was hoping for was a pattern like this which would introduce the hanzer like doubles early and to the strong beats in the music. There's a few other options but I think this works best especially if you change the first point. yes remapped some of them

00:02:825 (4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - A bit tricky to explain but basically if you listen to the rhythm in the song the strong sound is actually with the high hat on the blue ticks such as 00:02:942 - 00:03:176 - 00:03:411 - and on this red tick 00:03:762 - So when I listen to this while playing the intro again that rhythm isn't emphasized through the tapping patterns and that makes me upset ;-; However I know what rhythm you're trying to follow here. To avoid confusion with that I would suggest changing this 00:03:762 (6,7) - to a 1/4 slider because the two rhythms in the song kinda throw each other off the way it's mapped currently. ok

00:05:403 (4,5) - Also if you changed the first point mentioned I'd suggest changing these to a 1/4 slider then two notes at 00:05:637 - and 00:05:754 - like this or even two hanzer doubles like this urhhh i want some variation xD

00:06:809 (1,2,3,4,5) - See like this one for example is very nice to play (just leading to my point at 00:02:825)

01:43:137 (5) - Missing claps on slider head/end ok

01:48:762 (6,7) - Same for these two notes the rhythm is prettry dense (with streams) here so i think the current one is more comfortable to play

01:50:637 (4,5,1) - And for these add clap on (4) and (5) and remove from (1). Technically you can leave it on (1) if you want but definitely add the two claps on 4-5. And if you do leave the clap on (1) then add one at 01:51:809 (1) - ok

01:52:278 (4,5) - Also add clap on (4) slider head only and on (5) slider head and end like you did with 01:51:340 (4,5,6) - . ok

01:55:090 (2) - This is a suggestion here but I would highly suggest adding claps at notes like this one, 01:56:965 (2) - 01:58:840 (2) - etc so its a boom clap boom clap kind of rhythm every 2nd and 4th beat instead of just the 4th beat. A lot better for this kinda music trust me. This applies to this whole kiai btw. ok

02:52:278 (4,5,6,7) - here tbh I would keep the triple into 1/4 slider rhythm like the first two 02:51:340 (3,4,5,1,2,3) - but if you really want this quad rhythm I'd suggest maybe doing the hanzer doubles pattern so the jump to 02:52:747 (1) - is clearer i am only emphasizing 02:52:747 (1)

03:10:442 (5) - Remove clap. Didn't have it here 03:12:200 (4) - (slider end) or here 03:14:075 (5) - (also slider end) ok

03:30:012 (5,6) - Claps ok

03:35:637 (6) - Same here ;) and 03:37:512 (4,5) - here too lol ok

03:37:747 (1) - Also same as the last pre-kiai section you can remove this clap as well or leave it but add one at 03:38:684 (1) - i guess i will keep this

03:39:153 (4,5) - Also claps on (4) slider head and (5) slider head and end like in the other part. ok

03:41:965 (2) - Also same suggestion as in the first kiai regarding claps on the 2nd and 4th beats instead of just the 4th beats for the whole kiai. If you haven't already, trust me ;) ok

03:46:770 (4,5) - Personally I'd keep this as a 1/4 slider with a repeat arrow but I see why you did this. should be fine : p

03:49:465 (3) - Also see why you did this here but I kinda like the 1/4 rhythm better so I'd make this a 1/4 slider and add a note at 03:49:700 - offstacked over 03:49:817 (4) - follow vocal more here

04:11:028 (1) - Add a clap on this and soft addition so you can keep the drum hitnormal sound. Same for 02:24:153 (1) - (forgot to mention it lol) ok

04:26:965 (2) - Oh yeah and again same clap suggestion for the 2nd and 4th beats ;) (plz do this) okokok

04:56:028 (1) - And same as 04:11:028 (1) - Add clap and soft addition

04:57:317 (4) - Remove clap. Didn't have one at 05:01:067 (4,1) - etc.

Yeah as I started in the beginning overall the map is fun the rhythm is straighforward and follows the music but the intro part before 00:15:247 - is a bit sketchy. I'd say take time to revise that rhythm to be something more intuitive and that better emphasizes the hi hats and snares and the maps pretty cool.

Hope this helps. Good luck! :)

Yoshikawa Hoshi wrote:

m4m from q (id like to take a ticket)

00:28:372 (1,1) - didnt want to be nazi, but these two could be blanketed better :o ok

01:43:137 (5) - u lost some claps on the head and on the end of this slider ok

01:52:747 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - what about a better wave? like this prefer more curve xd

01:54:153 - u didnt map these lyrics, but u did it here 03:41:028 -.. looks kinda inconsistent imo they are and expressed in correct way o_O (sceond one sounds more smooth)

02:00:715 (2,3) - i think this 1/2 jump is kinda huge, comparing, for example to this one 02:05:403 (3,4) -. id suggest u to reduce spacing a bit ok

02:52:629 (7,1) - i think this spacing is a bit huge for such moment, because sound isnt that strong to emphasize it so hard. its even lower than here 02:54:504 (4,1) - where is the beat is pretty strong ok

03:30:012 (5,6) - u forgot some claps added

04:00:598 - ye, i know, that u are not mapping on the vocals, but imo adding a note here will sound good and will diversifies the rhytm a bit but theres no sound D:

04:39:387 (4,5) - better unstack these from this note 04:39:622 (1) - because its the downbeat and pretty strong hmm not really necesssary, i stacked some of then in other kiai

05:25:559 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - imo spacing here is kinda huge and i think its not cool to play this in the end of the map xo i think it plays well with alternate xD

cool map, nothing to say :c

best of luck

Alheak wrote:

M4M from q

  1. add flowering night, sakuya izayoi, touhou phantasmagoria of flower view in tags yeaa added thanks
  2. 01:06:575 (4,5) - I'd suggest a jump here since those two notes are quite accentuated, maybe like this with (5) on top on (1) to make an anti-jump: added
  3. 04:10:559 (6) - NC
  4. Not much more to say really, I think the previous mods have more than covered the rest, it's a really good map, the only thing I could say is that I would have preferred some more spacing and jumps, while the map is good it feels a bit plain especially for 5 minutes.
    Also the rhythm is quite inconsistent, but it doesn't play bad even if it could be better, and helps making the map less boring.
    The map looks nice, NCs are consistent, though I agree with the previous mods that the hitsounds need more volume. thanks xd

I'll give more feedback after you apply all the mods because everything's been pretty much said.
If you need a testplayer or any help feel free to ring me up, I feel like a cheap fuck after such a short mod lol

here's my map to mod back

smallbeans wrote:

Hi, M4M from your q.
這樣的mapping style好難打_(:з」∠)_

雖然前面短到無法倒數,但還是disable count down?

00:01:301 (2,3) 覺得這些聲音都比(1)明顯,擺成短距離連打有點可惜。會建議把(2,3)跟(1)分開,後面幾個也是(圖片單純示意,我擺得不好看) ok

00:16:770 (3) 這個note沒有聲音卻有大跳很怪,從00:16:418改成三連,最後一個note用slider來帶過00:16:770- 打起來比較順 ok
00:29:192 (2,3,4) 斷開的三連很不好打,改成這樣放會不會打起來比較順? 要突顯00:29:778 (1) - 的音
00:43:840 (3,4,5) 這一段跟其他段比較不一樣,00:43:840和00:43:957都是某一種音的重音,swap (3) 和 (4) 的物件然後把圓圈疊在滑條上面感覺比較符合節奏? 因為00:44:192 (5) - 比較重啊
01:34:700 (5,6) 這兩個圓圈因為是橫的,打起來有些卡手,覺得改成像是01:33:997 (1,2) - 那樣上下的連打會順很多 不會全部上下吧...而且跟01:34:934 (1,2) - 平衡
03:21:306 (2,3) - 這一段的(1,2,3,4,5)應該是同樣的節奏,可是這裡突然跳這麼大不知道是什麼原因,連(4,5)的滑條跳也都只有2.5x左右而已 ok
03:48:997 (1) 抱歉,對這個有些怨念,由於是和背景都是白色的所以打起來常常會看不清楚這裡是三連,希望能看的到或是換個顏色 pls ok
05:10:325 (4,5,1) 覺得這裡的flow有點彆扭,反向跳之後卻突然要往外拐去接(1),希望能換一下擺放,或至少讓(1)是由內往外不是由外往內 這個倒覺得沒問題..
05:25:559 (1,2,3,1,2,3) 感覺這裡比較適合跳的只有 05:26:262 - 其他的部分和一般節奏沒有不同,感覺跳得有些大 不大吧....

In fact, there are lots of notes, but they put in a very close way with each other, addition the rhythm is a bit similarity, it makes me feel tight, and have stress to play it.

Good luck C:
#1 irc modded with chaos ▼
Topic Starter
  1. Changed the source
  2. Did minor fix in the map
2016-10-22 01:01 Len: is meta fine
2016-10-22 01:01 Chaoslitz: hmm let me check
2016-10-22 01:02 Len: 東方Project
2016-10-22 01:02 Chaoslitz: you mean source?
2016-10-22 01:02 Len: i saw recently
2016-10-22 01:02 Len: ya
2016-10-22 01:02 Len: it was touhou project
2016-10-22 01:02 Len: but now changed
2016-10-22 01:02 Len: so im wondering
2016-10-22 01:02 Chaoslitz: searching xd
2016-10-22 01:04 Len: 00:16:653 - add 1/4 slider or note is better imo
2016-10-22 01:05 Chaoslitz: ok
2016-10-22 01:06 Len: 00:28:137 (5,1) - this flow a bit awkward to play
2016-10-22 01:06 Len: straight
2016-10-22 01:06 Chaoslitz: ok
2016-10-22 01:07 Chaoslitz: <- should be fine
2016-10-22 01:07 Len: change like this is better but im not sure about overlap with 00:28:840 (1) - ol
2016-10-22 01:07 Chaoslitz: ?
2016-10-22 01:07 Chaoslitz: yea i was worrying about the overlaps so i only move it a bit to the right o.o
2016-10-22 01:08 Len: 東方花映塚 ~ Phantasmagoria of Flower View ?
2016-10-22 01:09 Len: 01:06:575 (4,5,1) - move a bit for emphasize here?
2016-10-22 01:10 Chaoslitz: 東方花映塚 ~ Phantasmagoria of Flower View.
2016-10-22 01:10 Len: ya
2016-10-22 01:10 Len: change to
2016-10-22 01:10 Len: phantas blahblah
2016-10-22 01:10 Chaoslitz: ok done
2016-10-22 01:12 Len: song is too long
2016-10-22 01:12 Chaoslitz: ;w;
2016-10-22 01:12 Chaoslitz: just one diff ;w;
2016-10-22 01:15 Len: 01:54:153 (1,2) -
2016-10-22 01:16 Len: ??????????
2016-10-22 01:16 Chaoslitz: :D
2016-10-22 01:16 Len: ok
2016-10-22 01:17 Len: thats all
2016-10-22 01:17 Len: too long
2016-10-22 01:17 Len: no touch others
2016-10-22 01:18 Chaoslitz: o.o ok
2016-10-22 01:18 Chaoslitz: can i upload owo
2016-10-22 01:18 Len: no
2016-10-22 01:18 Chaoslitz: D:
2016-10-22 01:18 Len: 05:25:325 (4,5,1) - is it fine
2016-10-22 01:18 Chaoslitz: the map is tended to play with alternate and it works well xd
2016-10-22 01:19 Len: try this timeline for easy to catch
2016-10-22 01:19 Len: or
2016-10-22 01:20 Len: increase 05:25:559 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - a little
2016-10-22 01:20 Chaoslitz: can i just place 05:25:559 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - closer :<
2016-10-22 01:20 Len:
2016-10-22 01:20 Len: d
2016-10-22 01:21 Chaoslitz:
2016-10-22 01:21 Chaoslitz: :< ?
2016-10-22 01:21 Len: good
2016-10-22 01:21 Chaoslitz: :D ok
remove "phantasmagoria of flower view" from tags, you already put it in the source
could also tag the arranger "MiYAMO" and vocalist "まめみ" ("Mamemi")

after playing this, I think a bit lower ar would work really well (~8.7) the song is really slow and the patterns aren't very complex
00:28:372 (1) - clap? still has kick sound you put other claps on
01:03:059 (1,2) - some spacing here would make more sense with the patterning of this part. maybe rotate the stream a bit to get something like
01:07:043 (1,1) - this didn't really make sense to me, the musical thing the repeat is mapped to starts on 01:07:278 - already, so the slider should start there too and the sound on 01:07:043 (1) - is not held for very long anyways. why not or maybe even 1/8 gap works totally fine with such low bpm
01:11:848 (2,3) - suddenly having this stacked on sliderend doesn't seem very fitting for this part, some spacing into it would work better // 01:15:598 (2,3) -
01:26:497 (1,2) - really easy to mistake as 1/2, spacing is so similar to 01:24:622 (1,2) -. could be reduced a bit
01:52:747 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - 03:39:622 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - these really felt like they lacked emphasis, higher spacing would work so much better as right now it's very similar to the 1/4 patterns a bit before, despite the song being much more intense
02:11:497 (1,2,3) - only time in this chorus you stack 1/4 with sliderend and for the same reasons as above, I don't think it works very well
02:58:372 (1,2,3) - 03:48:528 (3,4,1) - 04:01:653 (3,4,1) - 04:09:153 (3,4,1) - 04:29:778 (3,4,1) - etc, obviously change these too if you did so for the others

Felt like I was playing the same thing for 5 minutes as the parts of the song all seemed extremly similar and rhythm/pattern choices were a bit underwhelming, except some 1/4 jump patterns like 01:33:997 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2) - or 05:25:559 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - which were really fun to play.
Sure the parts use different SV settings and the kiais using this pattern 01:56:379 (5,1) - but that's about it
Intro probably made me expect too much :c
though I guess you can probably blame the song on that so whatever
Topic Starter
:0 thanks for the mod!

I will reply it when I have time, currently busy with other stuffs =w=/

Lasse wrote:

remove "phantasmagoria of flower view" from tags, you already put it in the source
could also tag the arranger "MiYAMO" and vocalist "まめみ" ("Mamemi") ok

after playing this, I think a bit lower ar would work really well (~8.7) the song is really slow and the patterns aren't very complex ok
00:28:372 (1) - clap? still has kick sound you put other claps on ok
01:03:059 (1,2) - some spacing here would make more sense with the patterning of this part. maybe rotate the stream a bit to get something like ok
01:07:043 (1,1) - this didn't really make sense to me, the musical thing the repeat is mapped to starts on 01:07:278 - already, so the slider should start there too and the sound on 01:07:043 (1) - is not held for very long anyways. why not or maybe even 1/8 gap works totally fine with such low bpm fixed, but i keep this reverse slider as I want 01:07:395 to be clickable, I shorten the slider and added a note on 01:07:278
01:11:848 (2,3) - suddenly having this stacked on sliderend doesn't seem very fitting for this part, some spacing into it would work better // 01:15:598 (2,3) - I stacked notes when I found the spacing not always fit for patterns like this, I can't really explain well but i think i did my best to keep in consistent, it plays well imo
01:26:497 (1,2) - really easy to mistake as 1/2, spacing is so similar to 01:24:622 (1,2) -. could be reduced a bit ok
01:52:747 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - 03:39:622 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - these really felt like they lacked emphasis, higher spacing would work so much better as right now it's very similar to the 1/4 patterns a bit before, despite the song being much more intense increased ds for notes 5-9
02:11:497 (1,2,3) - only time in this chorus you stack 1/4 with sliderend and for the same reasons as above, I don't think it works very well yea same as above
02:58:372 (1,2,3) - 03:48:528 (3,4,1) - 04:01:653 (3,4,1) - 04:09:153 (3,4,1) - 04:29:778 (3,4,1) - etc, obviously change these too if you did so for the others ^

Felt like I was playing the same thing for 5 minutes as the parts of the song all seemed extremly similar and rhythm/pattern choices were a bit underwhelming, except some 1/4 jump patterns like 01:33:997 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2) - or 05:25:559 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - which were really fun to play.
Sure the parts use different SV settings and the kiais using this pattern 01:56:379 (5,1) - but that's about it
Intro probably made me expect too much :c
though I guess you can probably blame the song on that so whatever

xD I try to keep patterns in the map consistent and try to use less technical patterns, may be thats why
looks fine now
and nice sb

talked with chaoslitz and we decided to start from #1 again cause the sb was added and all

for anyone wondering: ShallICompareThee and Hollow Wings are in tags because of the storyboard (it's not added to the description yet)
Topic Starter

Lasse wrote:

looks fine now
and nice sb

talked with chaoslitz and we decided to start from #1 again cause the sb was added and all

for anyone wondering: ShallICompareThee and Hollow Wings are in tags because of the storyboard (it's not added to the description yet)
看了一下图没什么问题,但是我觉得可以跟源流怀古一样分一下combo color, kiai可以用深蓝、红色什么的,别的地方浅蓝和白色,对应sb,你觉得好就好,不好我就直接泡了

edit: mapper changed combo colors, #2 (15:30 UTC)
Topic Starter
Thanks! <3
gratz o/
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